[Mod Request] A simple mod that I can insert sprites into for art sculptures.

Started by Harry_Dicks, January 02, 2018, 08:51:13 PM

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I was wondering if there could be a simple mod that would allow me to insert .png sprites into it to use for pawn's art sculptures. It would be fine if they could all be made of any wood or metal or stone, vanilla like. Just like vanilla statues, small, large, grand, and they would be thrown into the pool of the vanilla statues for a random selection when the statue is made. So everything, even resource cost, is exactly like in vanilla.

Or, if anyone knows of an art sculpture mod that does just like I have envisioned, but uses it's own assets, I could use that. Hypothetically if said mod exists, wouldn't I be able to just paste over the sprites that came with it, with my own, as long as they have the same file name?

Any help anyone could give me, will be greatly appreciated. I hope everyone is getting off to a great new year. Thanks! ;D



Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Quote from: SpaceDorf on January 03, 2018, 10:06:52 AM
You allready  found "additional art ressources" ?

Bwahahah, am I that obvious?! ;D Only took a few minutes. Now if only I could find the one that let's you switch statues from one model to another. Although, I'm not sure if I want to lose the randomness.


Quote from: Harry_Dicks on January 03, 2018, 04:34:40 PM
Quote from: SpaceDorf on January 03, 2018, 10:06:52 AM
You allready  found "additional art ressources" ?

Bwahahah, am I that obvious?! ;D Only took a few minutes. Now if only I could find the one that let's you switch statues from one model to another. Although, I'm not sure if I want to lose the randomness.

Not sure if you are sarcastic about this, here the workshop for the mod for anyone who's interested http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1216531896


Quote from: BrokenValkyrie on January 04, 2018, 06:37:24 AM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on January 03, 2018, 04:34:40 PM
Quote from: SpaceDorf on January 03, 2018, 10:06:52 AM
You allready  found "additional art ressources" ?

Bwahahah, am I that obvious?! ;D Only took a few minutes. Now if only I could find the one that let's you switch statues from one model to another. Although, I'm not sure if I want to lose the randomness.

Not sure if you are sarcastic about this, here the workshop for the mod for anyone who's interested http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1216531896

I meant non-Steam.


Quote from: Harry_Dicks on January 03, 2018, 04:34:40 PM

Bwahahah, am I that obvious?! ;D Only took a few minutes. Now if only I could find the one that let's you switch statues from one model to another. Although, I'm not sure if I want to lose the randomness.

It was the  only mod I remember being able to do that, and since it was Versionless so far .. it was just a lucky guess  ;D
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Think about it. Think around it. Perhaps you'll get some new good idea even if it would be completely different from my words.


Quote from: wwWraith on January 07, 2018, 05:53:52 AM
There is also MasterDihtung's Sculptures Mod. Just look on it and you'll have no problems adding your own sprites ;)

Thank you wwWraith, I actually had downloaded that and checked out the textures. Honestly, I wasn't too fond of them. That sphere grand sculpture he had was just way too detailed, and I didn't like how it didn't seem to fit well with the art style of everything else I'm using. The Additional Art Objects or whatever it is adds something like 30 new pieces per size of sculpture, and they are all top notch quality, so it will be waaaay more than enough for me. The only problem I have now is, I really wish I had the mod that let's you change what a sculpture looks like after it's complete. I'm starting my whole new run and one of the things I'm freaking stoked about is the Rim of Madness set with cults. I want to be able to make specific statues of whatever it is I end up choosing to worship. I did get the Taxidermy mod and that is going to be really great too.

Last night I caught the second half of Conan the Barbarian, because I had my phone playing the cable TV app while I was doing one of my dozens of dozens of RimWorld reloads that take like 7-8 minutes each, testing mod load orders. But holy crap did that get me excited to start my cult! Seeing all the cultists that James Earl Jones commanded was cool, and then I started looking at the cultist outfits from RoM and they are really, really great looking. I've also got Animal Hoods and Animal Ears (antlers, goat horns) so I think I'm going to have some fucking awesome outfits going on. With Change Dresser it's going to be very nice. Cultist outfits for cult stuff, construction vests, mining hats, pick axes, hammers and tool belts for worker stuff. Modular and Hellfire/Goliath Power Armors for fighting/security. Hmm now that I think about it, I might just combine those textures! I'm not sure what monsters or gods you can worship yet, but in Conan I thought it was really cool how they had the giant snake. It reminded me of Megafauna, and I thought it would be awesome to have one of those in my cultist dungeon, maybe have a whole snake theme going on. Either way I'm sure with all of the apparel I've got going on, that all of my bases will be covered with whatever I choose. I've mentioned before but the combo of a darkness mod, Real FoW, and ED Enhanced Options (to turn off raid warnings) is going to make it really cool when a raid finally comes and I manage to spot them. Rikiki's spotlight turrets will like my perimeter and outposts, gates, etc. along with the cameras from Real FoW. Rikiki's alert sirens will also be posted up throughout my mountain base, along with T's misc stuff. So when the sentries or spotlights or whoever actually spot a raid coming, with no warnings or anything, then the whole base should turn red and the alert sirens start wailing, everyone swaps into combat armor and weapons (Change Dresser and Weapon Storage woohoo!) I think that just sounds so freaking awesome, a perfect synergy of mods.

Sorry for the rambling, but I'm getting really excited to start my new game and check out all of this awesome content. I really have put in way too many hours just checking out mods and installing them, building my mod list and order, and eliminating tons and tons of freaking errors from improper mod load order. More hours over the past few weeks than I would be willing to admit. But now I've gotten everything good so far it seems from my error log and a little test run. 290ish mods running, and I have another 154 benched. Most of this is all from over the past 3-4 weeks. It can be a lot of work starting from 0 mods, and having to check out each mod individually to make sure it's something you will be happy with, make sure it doesn't clash with what you already have going on. Everything keeps getting updated too, having to check for updates every so often can take up a bit of time with so many mods. Then making everything work well together, and not have any formal knowledge on this stuff. But it's okay, it has been a great learning experience. I've had fun checking out the xml's of mods and changing some values. Swapping around art assets for my own personal stuff. It's really great how easy most of it seems so far of just the xml stuff. Assemblies and .dlls are something I couldn't even begin to understand though.

Hope you guys are having as much fun in the rim as I am! ;D


I just meant that looking on that mod's files structure it's easy to understand how to add your own sprites, as was your first question.
Think about it. Think around it. Perhaps you'll get some new good idea even if it would be completely different from my words.


Quote from: wwWraith on January 07, 2018, 10:53:36 AM
I just meant that looking on that mod's files structure it's easy to understand how to add your own sprites, as was your first question.

Ahh I gotcha. I had figured it out by looking at the other one mentioned, though. Apparently it's really easy for art stuff! Thanks either way though! :D


Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
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