How to set up for mountain base?

Started by tymur999, April 16, 2018, 08:52:52 PM

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Having a bit of trouble setting up my mountain base as it takes a lot of time to dig, but I have a huge mountainous wall which blocks the other side of the map from raiders. I set up a little camp for the time being so I can set it up and finally settle in there. What should I focus on? I've never done full mountain bases before, and I have infestations disabled, so don't tell me about any infestation tips.

Call me Arty

 Here, try my set-up (modified assuming you don't use my same mods. . . mostly).

I messed-up a bit, but it has everything you'd need. Bedrooms that's make your pawns happy, easy ways to do all your jobs without having to travel long distances, room to add your own stuff, all the bells and whistles! Save for hunting and the hydroponics I forgot to include, your pawns would never have to leave the cave to do everything they'd need.

A pro-tip for all structures is minimizing travel time. Pawns can die pretty fast, so the hospital's close to the entrance (and so should a small medicine room). The kitchen is also close. If you've got a lot of crafters, they're a door away from what they need to craft things. Overall, though, plenty of spacious or pretty things to enjoy.
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!


Thanks, I also like mountain bases but have never been able to set them up well. Mine usually end up a confused maze that the pawns can barely navigate.


I design my mountain base same like my outdoor bases.
25x25 entry work/diner/recreation room, behind 25x25 farm room.
Left 15x15 walking freezer, below that 30x15 storage room.
Other side sleeping rooms, below hospital/prison, mashine room for power,hygine,..

Sure a mountain base is alot of mining, so you should have at last one pawn with passion in mining. Maybe use Minion's mod, these yellow help can clean,haul,plant cut and mining after you trained them.


This was on of my boreal forest mountain bases:

Top left: Outdoor farms, later converted to indoor farms (possible without mods)
Bottom left/right: Indoor farms (only with mods to place soil somewhere)
Top: Kitchen with freezer (double walls)
Right next to it: Prison (so your wardens don't have to walk far - I have a mod that make them use the nutrient paste dispenser tho)
Under the kitchen: Dining room right and rec room left
Right (under prison): Hospital - your prisoners should be close so they can be treated easily as well
Middle right: Workshop - pretty tiny room but worked for me
Middle left: Bedrooms
Middle bottom: stockpiles
Bottom: More bedrooms as I got more colonists

Bedrooms can be far away because colonists will go there only once a day. Workshop, prison, dining room and hospital should all be close together, because these are the rooms they work in a lot. Workshop should always be next to stockpiles. Prison should always be next to hospital and freezer. Hospital should also be always next to freezer - this is because you need to feed the sick, injured and imprisoned.

And yes that are 7 tamed thrumbos. That colony was... pretty lategame. I think 500k-1mio wealth.

This is my other boreal forest mountain base. This time I started as tribe.

Top left/right: fields
Top: Freezer
Below that kitchen and dining room, left of that hospital which is surrounded by prison cells on the left and bottom (the black carpet rooms). Below that are the bedrooms (the colorful rooms). On the right are the research room (sterile tiles!) and workshop. Right of that the stockpiles. At the bottom are the indoor fields. They extend far into the mountain, but that isn't worth showing.
For mod support visit the steam pages of my mods, Github or if necessary, write me a PM on Discord. Usually you will find the best help in #troubleshooting in the RimWorld discord.


It's not always the best choice, but consider a large central corridor that connects to everything. It's a dangerous solution if your base is breached, but it's much easier not to build yourself into a corner if you use a central corridor. Just make sure it's wide (3-5 spaces at least) and has a few doorways here and there to stop fires spreading.