Unstable build feedback thread

Started by Tynan, June 16, 2018, 11:10:34 PM

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Quote- Wild animals dying to toxic fallout immediately rot. Annoying but makes sense I guess (I wouldn't want to eat a heavily poisoned animal either)

I noticed this in my play through last night as well. I was trying to collect enough food to hunker down as the fallout had just started (maybe only a couple minutes in). Animals were still alive (and right outside my base door), hunted, and then immediately rotten. There should be a bit of delay i think personally.


Im almost sure there used to be an option to take a corpse to a cryosleep pod. Did you remove it or was it never there?


I honestly don't like how I get toxic fallout and volcanic winter every play-through, but the new event "wild man wanders in" never happened to me.

Don't get me wrong, getting fallout/winter at all is rather a good thing, it really adds something, however I personally think volcanic winter is by far not harsh enough. Usually it doesn't affect how I play at all, I ignore it completely.

Personally I would like if volcanic winter actually was more like cold snap, but started slower, so you really had time to prepare when it hits - but then it also lasts longer.
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That d just make for a very long winter and thats it. And now its almost the same, just milder. People who play on maps with actual winters won't really notice it.


Ah, volcanic winters. Play a winter map? Don't notice cuz its always been cold. Play on a hot map? It doesn't make a dent. I played on a tropical forest map and my crops didn't even slow down through the fall/winter time (its permanent summer but theres 60f summer and 100f summer). Volc winters only really matter on temperate map types, of which theres like... 2?


Few games this weekend.  Here are my highlights.

Naked Madness, Randy Hard, Random Locations, Choose one of the 8 Pawns Rolled (not total blind... but no re-rolls):

1.  temp flat - played it 3 years in.  hit 200k wealth.  stopped being fun when I lost 6 out of 10 colonists.  the last raid was 29 pirates with snipers and the ancient danger area popped about 10 hives while the fight was still on, which set off the incendiary IED and beds i put in there just in case.... which did the hives well enough but the forty or so bugs rushing into the back of my base ....  - and while my openish base was set to deal with a lot of scenarios (and had), that wasn't one of them.  frankly, wealth is the enemy.  get enough of it, RNG and repetition finds the flaw in your defenses.
2.  arid river - no heal root.  ended with a fever from a rabbit wound.
3.  temp small hills - first pawn to join (wanderer) was a ranch owner (2 passions, animals 11 and social 1) who immediately started a rejection spiral with my starter (her dad showed up in a drop pod later, and I see where her issues with men came from...).  Figured losing him was not a large risk, so I send him to tame all the muffalo on the map (4).  He managed that.  So, I stuck him on mostly research (he started at 0 with no passion, 6 as of now) because it was annoying me to see him wandering so much.  Massed Muffalo violence is incredible.  Everything has gone down to the Herd.  Took the Herd out to do missions.  Popped 3 outposts so far.  2 Shortbows, 1 Poor Revolver in a closet.  Wooden clubs for all cause bad guns just shoot the Herd.  5 colonists 2 prisoners 8 Muffs (3 prisoners from "Herding" the outposts and 2 from raids what got "Herded"), 19k wealth, and 2 research done.



So I had a downed pawn that was cut off from the rest of the colony, he was on fire and I couldn't rescue him without going through a bunch of mechanoids first, so I thought, maybe I could use those firefoam shells for at least put the fire out, hahaha no (see image). I only had 3 shells but I bet there is some forced miss radius kicking in so even If I had hundreds I couldn't have hit him. In the end I had to go through the mechanoids.

Also a rant about pathfinding. I had a raid, and when the fight is about to start I lose power thus also my turrets. Turns out my batteries ran out of power, so I pick one of my less fight-wise capable pawns for turn on the battery backup. The path that he chooses (see image) involves going through 5 doors instead of none (5 doors because he wasn't inside the storeroom when I gave the command). ARGGH!

Quote from: Ser Kitteh on July 16, 2018, 07:27:51 AM
I think a big part of the problem is that, despite having 3 additional EMP weapons, only 1 is viable: the grenades.

You can't build too closely a ship because it spawns the mechanoids. So EMP IEDs are useless.
I feel the EMP IED would be good to place inside your base, for those mechanoids drop pods.

I still don't know what the firefoam IED is for.

Quote from: Jumper on July 16, 2018, 09:10:10 AM
6) on that note i always find it strange you can see raider / visitor (any non colonist really) social and character details, when i see someone in the street i don't instantly know they are good with ranged combat or can cook like master chef. Having this stuff hidden would make choices of who to capture / kill a lot more challenging and less "gamey". Can we have an option in settings to hide non colonist details ?
I feel the same should be true for colonists, I mean, who introduces themselves with "oh btw, I like to set random stuff on fire"?, some traits should be hidden until the mental break happens, passions shouldn't be known until some time working in that skill, chronic health conditions shouldn't be known until checked by a doctor. Basically, you shouldn't get to know everything about your pawns instantly. I feel that stuff like that would help to get the internal drama Rimworld is supposed to be about.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Quote from: m44v on July 16, 2018, 04:51:34 PM
I still don't know what the firefoam IED is for.

Firefoam actually slows people down a bit and also pops shields immediately when it blows up, so the only use i see for firefoam IEDs is to counter shielded melee raids. It leaves them naked to get screwed by gunfire. Unless thats changed in 1.0


Quote from: Ser Kitteh on July 16, 2018, 07:27:51 AM
It was a lot easier than just standing back to shoot. Charging with spearmen seems the superior way with shooters as backup. I think a big part of the problem is that, despite having 3 additional EMP weapons, only 1 is viable: the grenades.

You can't build too closely a ship because it spawns the mechanoids. So EMP IEDs are useless. You can't use EMP mortars because mortars are very inaccurate. So what's the reason of giving us two additional EMP weapons but only one works? I guess I could rely on those fancy autocannons ... if they were close enough to the base.

EMP IEDs can be used to protect you from the now terrifying Scythers, and the occasional shield raid. Just because you can't make mechs spawn on top of them anymore doesn't make them useless. In fact you can build close enough to them that their generous range clips the far side of the ship.


Quote from: Madman666 on July 16, 2018, 04:12:15 PM
That d just make for a very long winter and thats it.
Yes, what would be wrong with that? It makes perfect sense and would strain food resources etc.; currently I agree that volcanic winter is a bit too mild. I would also like it to start mild and then worsen.


Just a smattering of notes from me at the moment - Haven't had as much spare time to play.
In no particular order:

It'd be really nice to know what the current faction relations are in the trade/gift interface - Specifically the gift interface. As it stands you have to close the trade window and open up factions to check.

Trade requests for "X items of normal quality or higher" are a bit of a pain interface wise. Especially when the item in question can be made of multiple materials or is something your colonists are likely to automatically equip. On several occasions I've accidentally turned up to a trade request 1 item short because I've miscounted in haste while scrolling down the enormous list of every item my colony has when sending out the caravan.
If you've somehow got say.. 13 normal jackets all made of the same material then that's fine - but if you have 3 normal, 6 good, and 4 excellent, made out of 6 different materials you're in for quite the fiddly mess.

I've purchased every single Social Neurotrainer that I've ever seen for sale - just thought I'd throw that one out there. They pay for themselves really quickly.

Techprofs are considerably more useful now - Yay!

I'd definitely like to second the notion that some sort of Bedroll warning would be a good idea for caravans - It's easy to forget to add bedrolls to a caravan and it would be useful to remind players that they are useful in caravans.

Hay not counting as a food for caravan animals is still really weird. It's by no means a game breaker but it does feel like I should be able to take hay with me on caravan runs for animals.

Carvans should probably display their arrival as standard letters rather than top-left lines of text - It's very easy to send a caravan out and not realize that they've arrived at their destination if it doesn't automatically generate a map.

Deadfall traps should probably default to auto-rearm. I can't personally think of a time where I've placed a trap that I only intended to be used once.. and even if I have I'd still deconstruct them.

Manhunting animals that bump into colony owned animals attack them which is.. a bit frustrating and inconsistent. You can circumnavigate it being an issue by taking all your animals inside ( hardly ideal ) or sending them reasonably far away from your base if you're waiting manhunters out. Some sort of visual cue that animals are currently Manhunting would be nice too - It's not uncommon when waiting out manhunter packs to be forced to check constantly to see if you can let your colonists go outside.

A piece of visual interface on the world map for towns that have active trade requests would be nice. As it stands your options for seeing which towns have active trade requests are - Clicking on each one individually, or scrolling through your message history neither of which is ideal.

The Forage Per Day interface shows you the quantity of items foraged per day instead of the nutrition per day  unless you mouse over it.. I don't know why you'd want to know the physical number of berries you're foraging instead of the nutrition those berries contain.
On the same subject - the Days of Food should probably show you the amount of nutrition consumed per day.

It would be useful to know at what temperature plants start to die of cold in their statistics. We know their lifespan, yield, health, light requirements, fertility sensitivity, minimum fertility required, growing time, and even their mass.. But not how warm we need to keep them.

Animal wool is.. currently in a very bad state balance wise. It's quite valuable as a trade good but it's pretty freaking useless as a material for clothing. It's only marginally better than regular cloth in terms of insulation and heat armor. And it's a LOT worse than light leather. It's very nearly a trap for unobservant players.

Buying neutroamine an selling it as Wake Up is currently quite profitable. It doesn't take particularly long to make it and literally any idiot can do it even if they're severely brain damaged with no skills.
Neutroamine is always(?) available from bulk goods traders and those same traders will buy wake-up.
Additionally the neutroamine itself is quite useful itself for medicine and other drugs. Failure to buy it basically every chance you get is currently a mistake.
You don't even need anyone socially skilled to make the trade - at 5.5% negotiator bonus (And no penalties from difficulty) you can still buy Neutro at $8.50 and sell wake-up for $18.47. Each Neutro is effectively worth ~0.75 silver at the cost of 15 no-skill labor. And that's with a garbage negotiator.
And wake-up is one of the more useful drugs in my personal opinion - on top of everything else.

Flak Jackets vs Dusters - They're in a bit of a weird place. Flak jackets aren't much better than high quality leathers or devilstrand at being armor, especially because they don't cover the legs. Particularly in the Heat department. Anyone in a flak jacket might as well be doused in petrol compared to the asbestos-like qualities of devilstrand :P
Additionally flak jackets are truly garbage at insulation and slow you down slightly.
Strictly speaking flak jackets are made of more commonly available materials and are cheaper to make but.. their performance isn't in line with their cost when compared to Heavy/Elephant/Rhino/Bear/Devilstrand in my experience. Also some people would argue that steel is the most valuable material in the game (Not me personally).
Admittedly I'd move heaven itself to be able to grow devilstrand on any given map so I'm very biased.
While on the subject of apparel - I still don't know what regular Jackets are for, they really do look like a trap for people that don't know Dusters cover legs and are still reasonable in the cold.

I still need to get around to playing with the re-balanced launchers, recruitment, and weirdly Cocoa trees. I'll get there eventually though!
On a related note I'd really like to thank Tynan and Ison for their receptiveness towards feedback and their truly mind-melting amount of patience and effort that they put in. I couldn't possibly read through the feedback of myself and others without going ballistic.
My friend and I joke often that you're robo-developers as the pace and quality is so impressive. We wish you could be cloned to work on other games that we like :P

A prison yard is certainly a slightly more elegant solution to Cabin Fever than mine...

I just chop their legs off... legless prisoners don't suffer cabin fever

Yoshida Keiji

This is something that has always happened and it's not exclusive to v1.0. I hate it when my colony decides to throw a party right after we finished battling a crashed ship part and my base needs to repair the City Walls and many other defenses...but no...let's just have fun and leave the entire colony defenseless... This is so stupid and nonsensical...

Players need a way to control when there's gonna be a Party...or at least "Cancel" it if inappropriate timing. But technically speaking, it shouldn't trigger right after a combat when all my pawns just got patched up and need to recover.


Quote from: Yoshida Keiji on July 16, 2018, 08:40:10 PM
This is something that has always happened and it's not exclusive to v1.0. I hate it when my colony decides to throw a party right after we finished battling a crashed ship part and my base needs to repair the City Walls and many other defenses...but no...let's just have fun and leave the entire colony defenseless... This is so stupid and nonsensical...

Players need a way to control when there's gonna be a Party...or at least "Cancel" it if inappropriate timing. But technically speaking, it shouldn't trigger right after a combat when all my pawns just got patched up and need to recover.

Amusingly I love it when they throw a party right after a big battle. It's exactly what I'd do and it makes me think of the ends of episodes of TV shows or something where everybody's patched up sitting around BSing and then someone explains a bit too plainly what the gist of the episode was.
Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.


First message regarding the new prisoner system

"Prisoner Kats resistance has been broken by Cruxious, recruitment can now begin."

Thats great, except Cruxious is the prisoner and Kat is a warden...

Yoshida Keiji


Just started my dual colony life. As of now, we get all notification letters and warnings grouped together which makes it difficult to distinguish which message belongs to which colony. Ideally, we should get the corresponding notifications in the related colony, but if "game mechanics" are too hard to split, can we at least separate the notifications in two lists of different background color? Basically, each corresponding table will have a different background color and group the notifications to colony1 and colony2 respectively.