my game keeps autopausing

Started by avrixel, August 19, 2018, 10:42:27 AM

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Hello there
I have a few mods installed and in past it worked normally but now at a some part of the gamethe game just starts pausing the time like crazy and im unable to play even if I spam the play button
Is there a way to tell the game to never touch the time?


is there a way to tell gamer never touch mods? :-)
When Rimworld pauses that much, then prolly a mod generate a critical error to force the pause.
Sure you can tell Rimworld not to pause on error.
Enable developer mode at the options, then some icons appear on top of your screen.
One of these icon you need to rightclick to disable it, read the tooltips to see which one.

But basicly you should identify the mod which cause trouble, get an update or play without it.



Very useful! I thought I messed something up.