List Of Mod Ideas (All In One Place) Or Update Ideas!

Started by Jathomas, June 30, 2014, 08:28:35 AM

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Figured it would be easier if people had a list of ideas here instead of crawling through the depths of the forums- leave a reply if I made a mistake or something or if you're going to make one and ill cross it off with your name and link to the page if you make it! Cheers, I hope people find this useful... Oh and tell me any ideas you have or something in the making ;)
Want me to rate your mod and review it? Sure thing! Either leave me a reply or a PM with the link and I'll give it a test for you... don't worry, I'm thourough when I look for bugs or faults ;) I'll even post it here for you.

Post your mods in a reply and ill write about it (aslong as it works for the latest version)


Automised colony mode
- Something you could activate which makes the colony auto-rescue and imprison ( Auto Save:, run into preset defense positions and activate switches (Switches mod or just turning on/off power to appliances and defenses allowing the player to be away for a moment... to make this less stressful perhaps add more auto saves during this period asin not deleting them.

- More frequent attacks (could be linked with taunting?)
- Fighting stances/positions (formations)
- Ability to shoot while moving with reduced accuracy and reload speed
- RELATED TO AUTO COLONISTS - ability to place down a ghost building so whenever a building or wall or something (examples including sandbags or turrets) they are automaticly rebuilt.
- Weapon stats (Or info) availible outside of a shop. Perhaps research to come up with these?
- Give enemines the ability to mine through walls or rock.

Line laser/Instant Hitting Gun or Turret
- These could be turrets or guns or both... I read somewhere this needs to be a 'dll' mod? basiclly, a gun thats bullets could be so fast that they become next to undodgeable or a line laser so something that could sweep or otherwise be unmissable.

Boxes/Crates/Other storage module
- Allowing larger stacks of things still accessable by colonists

Ability to change game difficulty mid game or when loading
- Self explanatory, when a powerful base is built having the ability to test it would be cool

More Terrain Features
- Water
- Multiple levels and digging/building up tools. Speaking of which, someone please find a way to more tightly pack things.. wether its stairs to a second floor (a huge feature probably more suited to an update..) or a 'bridge' that builds over things allowing access over things like turrets? I'm not really sure, if you're up to the challenge of figuring this out or know a way tell me! EDIT: I had an idea.. maybe add more walls which are thinner and dont actually take up any space but create buildings, act as supports, allow cables and keep out intruders?
- The ability to remove a mountain. So, here's a scenario, I want to make a huge building... but there's a giant mountain. i could use supports to stop it falling down but i don't want the inconvenience or perhaps its a small one and it just want a big flashy base.. ability to mine out the entire mountain. But then where do the rocks go? add the concequence of a load of debris that you have to deal with after.. 

Floor Mats
- Self explanatory, cleans colonists feet preventing the need for cleaners.

Pathing tool

- Ability to zone or otherwise tell colonists prefered routes or areas not to enter, could be useful for people making gardens they don't want colonists to dirty up or to avoid graveyards etc

Colonist Entertainment
- Just an extra feature- making a rota or something for colonists to get days off where they can use seats, games etc to reduce exhaustion or something? also when idle, can also add fatigue
- Social events (like the parties below) for 'social chats'
- Have Entertainment places where colonists can work or not which your colonists and visitors to the colony can visit. Ideas like a bar, theatre, games area, TV showings, shooting range etc where they will give money (silver) to the colony. This will keep them from Idling or perhaps from fighting if youre careful.. Colonists and visitors could have the 'alchoholic' trait whereby they will spend extra money or just get poisoned on drink and go on a rampage.
- When other colonies visit, they will visit places of entertainment, talk to colonists, eat food and offer trade or gifts.

- A simple thing, if you can do art... then do art! make cartoony, pixely, high deffy or just differant I mean just do whatever you want really I don't even know why I'm putting this one here... IF YOU WANNA DO IT YOU WOULD HAVE DONE IT INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT THISSSS
- If you can add textures or mod them actually, let people know and they might be more likely to make our eyes melt with awesomeness. Just sayin'

Babies/Recolonisation/Genetics/Test Tubes etc
- A large post about this one, its a clear thing. the ability to either naturally birth babies or grow them to get more powerful and advanced colonists... with consequenses and risks perhaps?
- Likely hood changes based on happiness and loyalty of child is effected permanantly by loyalty of parents.

More Random Events

- Wether its a larger scale version of events that already exist or scaled down ones, more things in general like empty pods or another colony/faction or an assasin or weapon drops or meteor showers or hail that prevents colonists getting outside?
- Geyser openings (explosion and new geyser) or geyser closing
- Land dying or decaying or growing. Super fertile land around geysers or water meaning you have to make a choice of rapid growth crops or electricity
- Mysteries :0!
- Burnt food or stealing
- Spies (random unknown colonists enter colony with no warning and its a test to see if you notice - prison and execute. they steal and will go on a rampage.. like Assassins below)
- More benefits like super crop event, burst of knowledge on job, burst of happiness, loyalty or fear and the opposite.
- Gifts from other colonies, like resources or slaves.
- Sand storms, making everything outside or not protected with walls and doors sandy. also damages walls, doors, anything outside.

Assassin Attacks
- I quite liked the thought of this and so decided to make its own header as people would probably want this seperate.
- Features could could include an enemy that either joins in any already existing way or secretly, without notifying the player (making it much more difficult in larger colonies as you get an owning base), they could steal your resources and weapons, kill colonists with the message 'Poopscrubber was found mysteriously murdered' or something, will try to free prisoners, may begin a rampage and may call for help from their factions.
- They can be spotted and turned into a target by drafted colonists or guards (see below) or by other factions that visit your base (they start to kill eachother if they are enemies)
- They may also plant small explosives or fires or cut wires.

- These would act like a drafted colonist- they will get tired if you keep them as guards for too long but will kill all animals (make that an option) and will find spies/assassins (see above). guards will also train shooting and melee by patroling on set routes and more so by firing at wildlife.
- You could set it so only certain numbers of colonists can do it at a time, allowing for easier rotations to prevent exhaustion.

Colonist Friendship
- Can be linked with natural birthing, colonists may become friends with people they talk to or work with or otherwise become enemies and more so with Randy mode. they fight or help out in fights.

More colonist Models
- Lean, Fat, Tall, Short, just I don't know more depth into the game
- Clothing, useful for naked slaves or just I always play Rimworld and say 'That shirt with those trousers? no way.'
- Working Clothes like chefs whites, gardeners onesie or crafters hard wearing stuff etc., for easy recognition.

Changing Colonist Names
- So either at anytime or when they are recruited, the player can give a name to the colonist to make it more personal or for the same surname or whatever your purpose may be.
- A mod like this exists here (unfinished);boardseen#new

- Organised events or random items, triggered fireworks and bonfires, burning man etc for colonist happiness and fatigue
- Ability to invite other factions

- Naming chefs dishes, more looks
- barbeques, prep tables, cook tables, ovens, soups, curing/smoking, ingredients like fish or herbs and stock (required for more complex dishes)
- I know a mod like this exists already but it doesn't include many of the features i explain (
- Vacuum packing, freezing, fridging or curing to extend lifetime of food (useful as an overflow system)
- Cooks with a low level can sometimes give out a low level of food poisoning. Very rare and can be prevented if another thing like a sink is provided.
- Colonists will only eat raw meat if they are starving and can gain food poisoning from it.

Placing orders for trade ships
- Asking for specific ships to come by (makes more expensive)
- less/more deals/'VAT'
- Indoor trade beacon? like a teleporter pad? (individual blocks for shaping perhaps)
- Automatic purchase
- Ability to go in debt - you will get raided if its not repaid. or attacked with orbital weapons

- Perhaps season? basiclly colonists get cold at night and hot in the day depending on other things. fans and heaters must be provided to prevent feinting or discomfort.
- Bubbles, enclosed spaces, suits and recharging? holes in walls or underplanned excavation or building can have huge consequences...

Healing beds
- Sometimes we don't have time for the sick or there's a bug whereby they just sit there incapacitated like in a coma? You can make a Medical Bed which is automatic for hauling rescued colonists to- increasing likely hood of random event 'Mysterious healing!' and also heals over time and feeds.

More Prisoner Options
- Ability to take them for walks, give them a job helping fight
- Prisoners may try to flee or fight back or go on a random rampage!
- Choosing what meals to give prisoners (or raw food you evil bastard), or to escort them off of the map - a way of getting rid of them without the consequences of executing them.

- Locking them! Reinforcing them! Trapping them!
- Pillars
- Lit doors, half doors (faster, no electricity, cheap) Reinforced doors (slow, no electricity)

- Animal traps, trip wired doors, explosives, poisons or fire, scaring, alarms, freezing etc

- Ability to get enemies to attack on a managable scale including mechanoids! Very useful for getting mech parts, new colonists or guns or just for fun/testing. Risk of assassin (see above) or full scale invasion?

- Making a class or work object that increases the rate of learning without production and if anything uses materials. Faster learning and less spam than crafting or on the job.

- I know this exists already but would be useful as its own mod if you don't wanna bother with the other bits
- Wind turbines, water mills, manual generation, fusion/fission, body/debris powered furnaces and the risks of all of these or maintenence (meaning accessible farms)
- Power cables you can put things on top of and protect from lightning/fire, terrorists and electrical explosions (releases)

- I know transport droids exist and the mechatronic reverse engineering exists but i would want to see more effort into these. Such as:
- Battle droids, upgradable in health, knowledge, movement and guns, constructing, growing, cooking, hauling

Big Mods Like Pokemon, Other Friendly or Tamable Mobs Or Magic?
- Tamable Dogs Mod
- Make me some more!
- Perhaps personal pets or war hungry beasts...
- With magic, make weapons that require a magic skill. You can make healers, explosives, fire or just bullets ('spells'). These are powerful as they require high levels and can be very rare unless made by hand, in which case they require high levels and can be expensive (add a new generatable ore)

Crafting Of Weapons
- Reasearch weapon crafting, make a table and build away!
- Waiting for a god gun... funny how like every other game like minecraft and things had people modding to be OP and boringly god moded yet Rimworld has no such thing :P perhaps to entertain the few you could write up an over powered gun you can buy for say 8-10k or craft or something.. risks including an enemy or mechanoid having one or the carrier going on a rampage? you could keep it on a rack and only get it out when being invaded that would be cool :P Perhaps have different types like a single shot, long range scatter gun or repeater or a blast radius gun? I would love to see the outcome of this!

Vehicles or Transport
- Something like this exists already but as pointless models. I believe the creator is doing something with them, but I don't see much progress or range..
- Levels of highly expensive vehicles perhaps including guns or ability to shoot from them. could be used for a set course like a bus or  for colonists to take with them for  distant projects, maintenence or fighting... perhaps upgrades to speed of colonists like giving them rocket shoes etc? go cray cray.
- OR... teleporter pads for the colonists. must be out of the rain and reduce happiness but fast travel if you have a large world or for steam generator maintenence.
- Perhaps a conveyor belt that moves colonists (I could have a lot of fun with traps for this which may make it cheaty)

- Say a juke box or something thats editable by the player for easier music management that changes volume depending on the sounds in the game also changing moods and actions?

- An easy mod, add a resource like sheep for wool and meat, cows for leather, milk and meat or sand for ...sand. you could also have dirt refined for clay, then add things for them to be used for - sand would make glass which i think is a great idea.. dirt for clay for stone or bricks rather, leather and metal for armour or beds or something, wool for beds and meats for cooking say. there's is alot you can do by adding new materials, and there is alot of market with adding more complex gaming to an alpha game. just look outside, i have an apple tree perhaps add an orchard option or i'm drinking tea add that or ... I don't know, post it notes?

- If you have ever played prison architect, think of something like that. no building required like the floor sleeping spaces and ghosty or something so when you start a new game you can map out what you want to do when you get the resources and not have to rebuild anything.

Game modes
- I'm thinking more variety, one with nothing or one with everything but no attackers, rare minerals, lots of them, more map generation and perhaps more colonists to start or less, sandbox mode too (LINKED WITH SWITCHING MODE MID-GAME- ABOVE)

- There is a mod for a massive outdoor light but I want like lamp posts or floor lights or garden lights or tea lights! or managed fires like bbqs or campfires

BIG MOD! - Something to happen if you lose.
- The first time I failed to survive I sat here for ages in fastfoward waiting for something to happen in my abandoned base and as the time went by I realised it was a waste. Something i would love is the ability to open a saved game, wether you lost or not but asif it was a new game so like you can visit your old colony, in the form of an abandoned would have to add an effect whereby all the old materials will have dissapeared
- After you loose, a new colony will visit and take over or crash and you can operate them. they are randomly generated to make it easier for the modder but basiclly allowing your colony to live on! the problem with this would be that if you were distant into the game it would be very difficult given you will be facing very difficult enemies.
- When you start a game, give the ability to have abandoned structures. like a farm, a small base, housing, something like that so a player doesnt have to start from the very begining if they don't want to.

Mod Compatability (Core modding)
- More info in this post here
- A way of organising mods like a dictionary and allowing all modders to be in sync and not conflict with each other or base game things making modding easier.

- I know its not very fun of me, but I think everyone should know about 'MrAntiFun' and his (their?) trainers including the one for Rimworld. they are all free and flawless! but of course if someone could make an integrated cheat method?
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Hey man, I have this idea...

So, about the colony entertainment.  Let's give it some depth.

We have visitors from other colonies, factions, whatever, right? Sometimes they come visit, sometimes they're just coming through, but whichever it is, when they do come they're doing nothing. That's a problem. Let's give them something to do! That's where entertianment should come. Ok, let's say for example a stripper bar(and let's keep at that, for simplicity's sake). You have 5 blokes from Craig's Village coming through, and when they come about your bar, they'll be in awe with the superb vatgrown sex slave you have working the poles -- so much that in fact they'll be dropping quite a bit of silver in that bar.
Now you can argue they're giving it to her, or they're spending it in drinks, but as far as game mechanics go, the money should be of the colony. It's just an example, this way you have social-focused characters with more job variety, something for your visitors to spend money in. You could if you're so inclined consider brothels, or just plain bars. 
And that's the tip really, I mean a guy could spiral in all kinds of features possible, using prisoners as sex slaves, being able to make your own craft beer, coffee-like-substance, heck, even drugs; the influence that the kind of entertainment you have could set on faction-relationships; fatigue features as mentioned that would make people frequent these social places(or social need, or if for example they'd have an alcoholic trait would make them frequent these accordingly) -- but i'm just proving a point here, as to how giving depth to a social enviromnent can ripple throughout the whole of the game. but anyway I'm sure i'm getting ahead of myself here.


Quote from: Steps on June 30, 2014, 12:54:30 PM
that's the tip

'If you'll pardon the pun'
But in all seriousness now... thats a cool idea, so keeping it real you will have them able to eat food for free or visit places of entertainment for a cost so they arent idle. this may also be a way for more exciting show downs between rival colonies that you are friends with or keeping them apart. I will add that to the list- Bars, gaming, Tv showings or theatre.. methods of earning currency or trade with other factions. This will also up your friendliness with them, Perhaps not strippers or sex slaves (keeping the game safe) more casual entertainment. I could also be sexist and say the males will go to the bar or entertainment whilst the women help with jobs like growing or cooking etc... but thanks for the input, i didnt think of that ;)
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No problem, i feel this is a topic that could go on forever, and I'd hate to hijack this for one topic alone, just hope someone picks up on these concepts so we can all have fun with them! 


Yeah would be cool... im constantly adding ideas so be sure to re read every so often if youre interested guys! links show up bright yellow unless youre colour blind so if youre only looking for a mod i believe is awesome then you can easilly scan through the list for those to check them out. This is basiclly a list for any modders, coders or artists to get help with ideas based on what people would like to see as a mod to make sure its popular! then toask me to review it and put it up on here for some extra love and attention. Rimworld is definately a very maddable game and being in alpha has a lot of oppourtunities to help the creators come up with more ideas through made mods like they did with minecraft or for the communitry to add by their own choice.
I hope this list inspires creativity to all who read it! And any who are looking for a cool mod to check back every so often to see what i have to say about them ;)

Please note that i wont just go through and review all the mods i have downloaded or just any mods on the forums because i really just eugh i cant be asked.. so if you notice that im doing this and want me to, hit me up and i certainly will! I can be very thourough and good for ideas, compliments aswell as critisism and improvements. I have a slight knowledge of mods and coding through my previous life on minecraft servers and modding haha im too busy nowadays. anyways, have a good day lads and happy gaming!
Check out my mod ideas list HERE! (

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About the war and pets idea i would really love to see them, but i would really love an combined mod for this two , like an giant armored or dronic Muffalo which you  can tame , or build (with some events made for it like, turn off when his batterys are empty, exploding with an change of 0.05-0.01 which can increase in fight and when his 'life' drops down to 10-20 , with an interanl generator so it wont turn off every 5 minutes). The idea is having more ''thing'' to interact with and introducing more action in the game would heavily increase the gameplay experience :)

More in depth:
An good exemple would be the muffalo from the mod 'Alpha Muffalo'
And for the dronic one something like ''Mai'' from 'Miscellanous' mod of Haplo is an good exemple, something like that but specialized only on defending with an modality to switch it from attack mode to defence mode.
:D :D :D :D ;D


Hmmm good idea, I think you would like these mods:
- This mod allows you to use mechanoid parts (gained by defeating mechanoids) along with metal to build your own mechanoid. They have high health and weapon damage and may not quite be the same as your idea but i still think this is a great later game mod. i believe they need to sleep in beds im not sure but they dont eat food and they do have names like humans AND can do certain jobs. they are crazilly fun and so useful- they will mow down your enemies and fortunately wont NEED to explode afterward :)
- My favourite part of this mod is, unless you cheat, the moment you gain your first dead mech... and scrap it for bits.. then build .. HIM thinking you will soon own something that used to kill you like a fly in a bloody zapper shop.

- Adds tamable dogs to your game. you can tame as many as you can find and are simple to do so (just click the dog and click tame after having a character with socialising be able to 'tame')
- they arent all that strong but they do also haul and hunt automaticlly and up colony happiness.
- The only annoyance i have found so far is that they will often reserve things you set as huntables meaning they will quite likely die (against muffalo), you can accidently set them as hunting targets, if they see an enimy they will run in for melee... if you have men shooting at the enemy then you will very likely kill your dogs. when they die, they wont come back either! BUT there are plenty of them in the world so its cool ;) my favourite part of this mod is that they haul stuff for you which i find SO useful. making barricades from all the rubble or just setting loads of mining points.. i love the dogs in this mod ;)
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All i do is clutter all around.


Yhea i know im already using Project K9 I really like it too but i dont find Mechatronics of my own prefference even is a nice mod :)


Well stick around then who knows someone might make an addon for a big whatever it was you said :P
And well its just really for scanning or finding something you would like to start a project on!
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Healing beds - I have a mod like this, not updated for Alpha4 (Works for alpha 4e apparently). As cool of an idea as it is, getting colonists to perfer taking injured to the beds is near impossible (code-wise). You can micromanage and get them there, but thats not good at all. Just saying.. if anyone wants to go about remaking this mod, please make sure you can tackle that issue first.

Same with Evul's Vehicle mod. What's holding that back is the immense amount of code that would need to be written to implement drivability on the vehicles, and then would probably need checked and rewritten with each update. Or we could be satisfied with decent models for now and wait until Tynan adds a game mechanic that would help.

At the current rate of development its silly to do alot of major overhaul modding which will probably get outdated quickly, and the mod-makers burnt out.
You can't rollerskate in a muffalo herd


Thanks for your feedback, its true that i didnt think of that regarding modders- however its worth the challenge! and this is also useable for game updates, Im hoping a modding core will be released soon so it becomes alot easier to make and update mods. As for the vehicles, thats true and so perhaps faster walkways or upgradable colonists would be an easier way of doing it?
Check out my mod ideas list HERE! (

Ask me to advertise your mod, rate it, review it and suggest improvements!


Hello in light of recent changes to the rimworld meaning that raids are much more likely to target doors. I thought perhaps a tech based door along the lines of a "disguised base entrance" That enemies will only notice if they are "eagle eyed" or if it opens in front of them.


Welcome to the Forums! CChameleon!

In the light of this Topic, i will give my mod Ideas...

EMP Stuns Marine Armor and Bionic Limbs
- This is something that i feel is missing, EMP is useless against human enemies unless they were using shield belts. So making EMP Stun when they are Wearing Marine Armor ( Not Helmets. ) or if they have Bionic Limbs like Arms or Legs, it adds some depth and layers in tactical elements for the game. It not only effects Raiders, but also your to your guys as well!

- I guess i have to jump into this ride as well. I mean like Cars, Trucks, ATVs, Technicals and Tanks or even Hoverbikes. There is Ancient highways in this game but never destroyed or crashed vehicles in sight. I mean there is not many mods adding Vehicles for this game?

More Events
- More events, good and bad. I mean something like space debris raining down from the sky or even a Refugee being chased by a Manhunter Pack instead is something that i want to see.

By the way most of what Jathomas said have became mods and where brought to life. ;)

One "happy family" in the rims...
Custom font made by Marnador.


Thanks :) Discovered Rimworld about 2 months ago. And I basically do nothing else when I have free time. So Addicting.