Problem with characters creation (Prepare Carefully) v1.1

Started by RegenMemories, April 11, 2020, 03:57:05 PM

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I actually have like 60 activated mods, including Prepare Carefully, and have a lil' problem when I want to create a character... When I open the list of Traits, the list stops in the middle (screenshot : I don't have any clue about which mode causes this, but maybe you'll get some seeing my mod list (I even put those I know they're not the problem's source) :
DE Surgeries ; Lolidrop's hairshop ; Gloomy Face/Hair/Furnitures ; A Dog Said... ; Camera Plus ; Children, School and Learning ; Dubs Bad Hygiene ; EdB Prepare Carefully (obviously) ; ED Embrasures ; Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering ; Fashion RIMsta ; Gerrymon's Winter Hats (it doesn't really work so I'll deactivate it) ; Harmony ; Hospitality ; HugsLib ; JecsTools ; Kantai Collection Hair Styles ; Kemono Friends Hair ; Locks ; Mechalit Core/Equipment + Faction ; Mending and Recycle ; Misc Training ; More Detailed Body ; Prison Labor ; ResearchPal ; Resource Pack Core ; Rim Seraph Hair ; RimFridge ; Every Rimsenal mods ; Roppoi hair ; RPG Style Inventory ; Zipangu & Sengoku Period ; Show Hair with Hats ; Simple Sidearms ; Slave Outfits ; Sparkling World Full ; SS Lovely Hair Style ; Star Wars Slave Bikini Outfit ; Tilled Soil ; Touhou Hair ; Vegetable Garden ; VOCALOID Hair ; Wall Light ; Work Tab.

I hope you'll be able to help me.


you know there are much better way's to made screenshots then to use your mobile and that a shot from the screen.

So many mod's that add a new trait arn't at your list.
Just deactivate one of them and try it again.
And don't forget you should't use mods that cause error's on rimworld startup.



Try to report the issue to the mod author.
So he maybe find a fix for it.