Food poisoning

Started by Ukas, June 18, 2020, 10:31:11 AM

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Since food poisoning is pretty much the hardest and I guess the most common sickness in the game, especially in the early game, could it be possible to order pawns with food poisoning to stay in medical bed until healed? Currently food poisoning means a lot of microing.


It would be better to prevent than to cure, use the nutrient paste dispenser as long as your cook does not have 8 skills. Morale is less important at the start of the game.
If you have a raw food supplement, you can make survival rations to feed your settlers.


I don't mean there should be a cure, just an option that the player could order the sick pawn to stay in bed until he's fully healed again, like you can do when your pawn is injured or when he has some other disease.

A food poisoning means a hefty temporary drop in health, as you know even when the pawn is recovering he is quite incapable to do his jobs properly. I'm fully okay with the food poisoning event, but just yesterday I had three pawns puking around even though my level 12 cook with bionic arm had prepared the meals in a kitchen, which stays very clean most of the time. So, I had to manually remove them from their work priorities, and next day I had to try to remember what their work priorities were in the first place. If they had a plague or unhealed wound, I could have just clicked the medical bed and order them to stay put until they got well.


So far i know, the pawn don't recover faster from a food poisoning at a bed, that prolly the main reason why the pawn don't seek a medical bed.
Normaly it don't cause any trouble for me, when a pawn got that, except he want to haul something from the opposite map border.
Only when a pawn got bad traits or another illness the food poisoning would cause some extra trouble.

You can order some surgery on that pawn, but forbid the medicin, so the surgery couldn't get started but the pawn should wait at the medical bed.

A mod Medical IV's
Quotean anesthetic drip which keeps a pawn in a medically induced coma
would let the pawn sleep for awhile. Didn't test it myself.


The Medical IV mod looks good but perhaps it's a bit too deep for me. If there was a mod which would do this one thing I'd subscribe it of course. Usually I don't play very long games, instead I start new ones relatively often. And I always start with a low skilled single pawn, which is great fun but means that some advances like detoxifier stomach bionics will be only available after several in-game years, and at that point there will be so many skilled cooks that only the few pawns who go out on caravans a lot will perhaps need the detox stomach bionic. I realize this is not the most popular playstyle, which is why I'm not asking for a major overhaul here, just suggesting an idea for a minor QoL update.


When you allways start with a single pawn, you prolly should know the tech to build the Nutripaste dispencer (NPD).
You should build that until you have a good cook, because no food poisoning with a NPD.
Beside that a clean kitchen room is important too. So a small room with metalic/steel tile (which give cleaness) is a good investment at first.


Quote from: Canute on June 18, 2020, 03:36:47 PM
When you allways start with a single pawn, you prolly should know the tech to build the Nutripaste dispencer (NPD).
You should build that until you have a good cook, because no food poisoning with a NPD.
Beside that a clean kitchen room is important too. So a small room with metalic/steel tile (which give cleaness) is a good investment at first.

All true, dispenser is very time efficient too, but after some nasty experiences I'm thinking the nutrient paste mood debuff makes it also a bit risky for single pawn starts, haven't built them for some time. Kept them mainly for prisoner use only.

I'm watching old screenshots and trying to recall an event, which caused one game to end early because of nutrient paste I got from a cargo pod.


Yep, you got bad mood from awful meal, but that isn't that worse then food poisoning.
You should plant smokeleaf for joints early, to have something if the pawn got real low mood.

Basicly i don't find single pawn that worse, it is just time consuming since he need to do anything.
The storyteller will throw in some event's that add pawn's pretty soon.
But if you like that start you should try out the Dragonian Race, new dragonian wander in a wild man you need to tame ! :-)

When you start as tribe on extreme biome's the food is much more difficult or the temperature.


Well I forgot to mention there's always a husky too, so not completely alone :D Although it won't negate your point, sometimes training takes two seasons, and until the dog is ready he's mainly a time consumer. I swear there must be some hidden intelligence factor! Some dogs are easy, some really dumb.

Perhaps strangely I haven't experienced many mental breaks because of food poisoning. The bigger threat with it are perhaps raid when colonists are poisoned. They move slow and fall easy. Also why I cook meals rather than use dispenser is the fact that at least at some point there will be one guy who can actually cook fine meals etc.

I usually like to play in boreal, swamp or tundra biomes. Recently added Seeds Please mod, because I started a boreal game, but that biome is very easy, so the mod adds nicely to the challenge. I dont generally build a greenhouse so farming has to be done in summer time.