Managing prisoner gear

Started by Prologue, October 17, 2020, 09:02:39 AM

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Is there any good way of managing the equipped and/ or carried items of prisoners? By default they simply keep what they have on them including protective gear like body armour. Is there any easy way to provide prisoner clothing if they end up without any clothing? Not having control over these things ends up in a lot of non ideal situations.


Normaly i strip the prisoner.
And then a stockpile or shelf with tribalwear or wool parka inside the prison for them to equip.
But be careful with strip the prisoner too early, when they can't move they won't wear the stuff and depend on the development of your colony and biome they maybe cold or too hot.
A mod let you made Straitjackets, that prevent the pawn from being berserk and on a prison break they can't fight well.


They will wear clothes if they are naked and there are any in their cell, so much like Canute, what I usually do is have a storage tile or shelf for tribalwear in the prison. If the cell is heated I just strip them when they lie wounded, so as soon when they heal they get up and wear the tribalwear  provided. If you strip them when they are walking they immediately try to put back on the clothes you just stripped from them.

Tribalwear is pretty ideal prisoner clothing, as it's one piece, but removes the naked moodlet, and offers very little cover against weather or violence. You mostly want your prisoners vulnerable due to possible aggressive mental breaks or prison break attempts.

But it gets complicated in winter if you want to caravan them out to be sold. They won't survive without parkas, so you need to set storage space in the cell to accept parkas only, wait so that parkas get there, then strip them and hastily haul out whatever they were wearing, because the prisoners need to be naked first to wear parkas. If they are wearing tribalwear already they won't wear anything else. But with just parkas on they get negative moodlet because they still consider themselves naked. so after they are wearing parkas you need to set storage in the cell to accept tribalwear only, and when tribalwear gets there the prisoners will now wear it to cover their nudity. You really need this to back and forth play to have them wear both parkas and tribalwear.

I seldom complain about the ui or the mechanics, as the game works well, but managing what prisoners wear is a lot of work, so if your prisoner just wears some crappy outerwear + tribalwear/pants+shirt combo, just leave them on if you don't plan to keep him longer eg to recruit the guy.