Wiki needs updating!

Started by HatesYourFace, August 13, 2014, 08:08:10 AM

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The wiki is pretty darn outdated sadly, with several omissions and multiple instances of being out right incorrect. For example: it says that Turrets gain cover from sandbags/rocks which we now know isn't true, it says that batteries in large blocks explode so you have to build batteries in groups of two...that's not true at all; I have a block of at least 2 or 3 dozen and I've never had a problem with them, etc... To top it all off, the images and thumbnails seem to be broken so none of the pictures work or display properly.

I'd love nothing more then to fix it myself but I know absolutely nothing about Wiki formatting code (I barely have a grasp on forum code lol) and I wouldn't know where to even begin when it comes to the images. I found an old post where Tynan apparently put two guys in charge of putting it together and taking care of it...I'm going to assume they aren't around anymore? Doesn't seem like anyone has done anything to it for a long time.

I realize the Wiki isn't exactly top priority and Tynan himself has better things to do (Like make us more stuff to build!) But, if YOU know how to fix the Image problem, or if your any kind of savvy with Wiki formatting code and such head on over there ( and fix it lol!

If you don't know anything about that stuff and it's all gibberish to you (Like it is to me) then you can still be helpful by pointing out any errors you find here so that someone can fix it!

Thanks in advance for your help/time/response/clothes/boots/motorcycle.

UPDATE: This list is pretty much abandoned now as we have multiple people working and it's too much to keep up with, but I've decided to leave it for posterity. If you want to help/contribute you can ask in this thread or just dive right in! The To-Do list is now being kept on the Wiki to make updating it easier:

Needs to be done list: (Feel free to do these if you know how!) Minor, Major, Critical, New, Fixed
Update and finish Research page: Table is incomplete/incorrect. DamienHart has vanquished the foul beasts of incompleteness/incorrectness that dwelt within these pages! Verily, he is mighty.
Overview section: Missing pages. Updated Overview section with basic World, History, and Statistics pages/info.
Royal Bed entry: "Mod" tag should be removed, part of core game now. Fixed.
Drop Beacon entry (Furniture section): Needs to be changed to Orbital Trade Beacon, as well as have description updated. Fixed.
Main Page: Sandbags should be moved from Structures to Security, Links to Mortar pages need to be added once they are created as well. Done.
Events page: Needs updating/more descriptions.
AI storyteller: Outdated/incorrect. Started fixing AI storyteller section to reflect Alpha 6 changes.
Animals: Needs updating, missing new animals. Fixed by Fernbhoy, and when Fernbhoy fixes something, it stays fixed!
Main page: Organization of page flow, establishing a set style/theme. General improvements to wiki structure/ease of use. Reorganized the page flow to match the in game menus, added all pages that were missing (Very basic, just in game text they still need info boxes and such.), still need Production, Misc, and Decoration parent pages. Added basic pages with links to related objects. Some tables still point to wrong links, will fix soon. All link tables now look the same and contain the correct links. They could be prettier though.
Broken Tables: Lot's of tables have broken formatting/not displaying correctly.
Security Page: Still has link for outdated Auto-turret, needs to be changed to Improvised. Also, has link to Blasting charge which is a mod now and not part of the core game. Fixed as best I could, Table still wonky and still needs Mortars added, Mortar/Incendiary Mortar both need a page. Made placeholder Mortar pages with basic info.
Weapons: Handful of Stones, Pila, Charge Lance, Heavy Charge Blaster, and Inferno Cannon all need pages/descriptions. DarkGhost is working on it, good as done in my book. Done, so very done.
Architect: Production, Misc, Decoration all missing pages/descriptions. Basic pages added.
Structure: Log Wall, and Wood Wall missing pages/descriptions. Basic pages added.
Production: Machining Table, and Slag Refinery missing pages/descriptions. Basic pages added.
Version history: Needs fixing/updating. Thanks Fernbhoy!
Gibbet Cage entry: Should be removed? No longer in game. Description has been changed to reflect that it's not currently in the game.
Traits: Lots of Traits were cut and others have an effect now, so the Trait section needs to be completely overhauled. Damien Hart and Delta V updated the Traits list, That's mother 'effing teamwork!
Launch Pad entry (Buildings section): Should be removed? No longer in game.
Weapons: All weapon descriptions/info boxes need to be re done with new accuracy/stats system. All hail DarkGhost, Lord and Master of the arcane and mysterious infobox! Heap much praise upon him for our shiny new Weapon Tables! This guy wins 2 internets!
Broken Images: Pictures not displaying/links broken?
Structure page: NOT in English. Needs to be redone or translated. Redirected both front page links to Structure/en page as temporary workaround.
Ship: No Ship page, All ship structures missing, need pages/descriptions. Made some basic Ship pages, added placeholder descriptions with in game text, required metal to build, hit points, and some other important info. Still needs infoboxes and pictures etc...
Gear/Apparel: Missing entirely. Clothes, Armor, and Hats need to be added with tables for stats. Added basic pages/info but need an apparel table. Also, need stats for Hats. ZestyLemons to the rescue! The Gear page never knew what hit it!
Alpha 6 Updates: Pretty much everything that was added in Alpha 6 needs to be added to the Wiki. Added Basic info/Pages about world gen/Biomes
Health system: New Alpha 6 system for handling health/injuries needs to be added with info. ZestyLemon has done a terrific job documenting the new health system for the wiki! It was no small task! (The single biggest addition to the wiki so far by such a large margin that you'd have to divide the next biggest article by 4 to get half of it's size.) Kudos!

(I'd greatly appreciate you posting here if you fix something so I can cross it off the list! Thanks in advance.)
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


I very much agree that the wiki could use some work. I've been hoping someone will take the reins of it. I had to do a code cleanup and rework some of the code and plugins not long ago because they were just full of junk plugins (installed by a guy I ill-advisedly let manage the wiki without any supervision). So it definitely needs some cleanup. However, I promise it will be a more stable platform from here on out.

Even if you're not good at formatting, you can certainly just go into edit mode, replace incorrect text, and save the changes!

Also, since Alpha 6 is out, much of the wiki is now obsolete.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Tynan on August 13, 2014, 10:47:42 AM
I very much agree that the wiki could use some work. I've been hoping someone will take the reins of it. I had to do a code cleanup and rework some of the code and plugins not long ago because they were just full of junk plugins (installed by a guy I ill-advisedly let manage the wiki without any supervision). So it definitely needs some cleanup. However, I promise it will be a more stable platform from here on out.

Even if you're not good at formatting, you can certainly just go into edit mode, replace incorrect text, and save the changes!

Also, since Alpha 6 is out, much of the wiki is now obsolete.

I suppose I was a little gun shy about just mucking up the wiki, but then again that's what wiki's are about right? Anyone can edit them lol. Once I play more of the Alpha 6 build I'll do my best to update some of the info and make corrections. Hopefully we can all pitch in and get it up to date and looking nice again!
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


I will help updating information.


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


HYF's Wiki change log:
(Making some very basic text corrections since I haven't played a ton of alpha 6 yet)

- "original"
> "changed to" (Reason for change/details.)

Improvised Turret:
-The turret is a 3-round burst weapon with a moderate warm-up time, able to stun, incapacitate, or even kill hostiles within seconds. The fatality rate of a turret can be further progressed through '''[[Research|researching Gun Turret Cooling]]''' at a '''[[Research bench]]'''.
>The turret is a 3-round burst weapon with a moderate warm-up time, able to stun, incapacitate, or even kill hostiles within seconds. This can be upgraded to a 4-round burst through '''[[Research|researching Gun Turret Cooling]]''' at a '''[[Research bench]]''' (Clarified effect of upgrade)
-One should also protect turrets with '''[[Sandbags]]''' placed directly in front of the desired turret to prevent such catastrophes.
> Turrets do not benefit from cover. (This entry was incorrect and misleading, So I fixed it)

-When connected to a power grid which produces more power than is consumed, the batteries will start charging up.Batteries need a connected power line to charge or power equipment.
>When connected to a power grid which produces more power than is consumed, the batteries will start charging up. Batteries charge at 50% efficiency, which means that only half of the available surplus energy counts towards charging them. Batteries need a connected power line to charge or power equipment. (Added more information about battery efficiency)
-If build in larger blocks, there is a good chance that a wall connected to batteries will explode. A block with 10 batteries got shortcuted on 3th day, build them in smaller blocks of 2 batteries.
> (Cut this completely, I've never seen it, and can't find any credible source to back the claim up)

-Sandbags can be placed to cover your structures, turrets, and colonists from gunfire. Raiders, colonists, squirrels, and every other unit can use these as cover, so place them in a way so enemy units cannot take advantage of your sandbags.
>Sandbags can be placed to cover your colonists from gunfire. Raiders, colonists, squirrels, and every other unit can use these as cover, so place them in a way so enemy units cannot take advantage of your sandbags. (Removed part about buildings/turrets.)
-Bullets meeting sandbags have a chance to hit the bag, and a chance to cross over it.
>(Haven't changed yet, not sure if this is true or not...anyone know?)
-{{v|{{:Version}}}} Sandbags are destroyed completely in the event of a turret explosion. Using metallic debris in place of sand bags is a much better (and free) solution, and is recycling formerly useless material to have a purpose in game. Placement of this debris can be controlled by dumping area designations. Items marked for dumping will generally be dumped at the nearest available dumping area in the nearest available open spot. Knowing this it is possible to manipulate the position of debris to have it (eventually) placed in the  desired location.
The easiest way to do it is to designate a '''[[dumping area|dumping area]]''' and fill it with '''[[Rubble|rubble]]''', then sell the dumping area and haul the middle 4 rocks to another dumping area, and build the turret inside the square or rocks.
>Sandbags are destroyed completely in the event of a turret explosion.(Removed pretty much this entire entry, It's poorly written, confusing, and somewhat outdated.)

-Rubble, in combination with a dumping area, can easily give a turret some extra protection for free!<br/>
(New Alpha version)
* First place the turret blueprint
* Then drag a dumping zone around the turret
* Designate the desired amount of rubble to be hauled
* Wait for the rubble be hauled
* (optional, leave a 1x1 empty space next to the turret where a colonist can repair it while still being in cover)
>Rubble, in combination with a dumping area, can provide a free alternative to sandbag emplacements in the early game when Metal is scarce.<br/>
* Create a Dumping zone in the desired shape. (Typically a 1 square thick wall)
* Designate the desired amount of rubble to be hauled
* Wait for the rubble be hauled
* Place Colonists behind Rock wall for cover during a Firefight.(Removed all references to Turrets gaining or benefiting from cover.)
-(Old version, what version number?)<br/>
First designate a dumping area where you want your turret to be, then mark 16 rocks to be hauled to the area, when it is filed sell the dumping area and mark the middle 4 rocks to be hauled again but to another dumping area (designate a new area somewhere if you must), then build a turret inside the resulting square of rocks.
>(Removed, superfluous)

EDIT* I gave up on the detailed change log, the time could be better spent actually fixing/updating the wiki I've decided. The to do list has been moved to the OP and is the only thing I'll be updating.
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


@HatesYourFace, could you keep an updated "Needs to be done list" in your OP?  It'll be tough to keep track of the to-do's if they're scattered all over the thread.  And I'll pitch in when I have time.  I'm familiar enough with wiki formatting to be at least somewhat helpful.


Quote from: milon on August 13, 2014, 01:24:23 PM
@HatesYourFace, could you keep an updated "Needs to be done list" in your OP?  It'll be tough to keep track of the to-do's if they're scattered all over the thread.  And I'll pitch in when I have time.  I'm familiar enough with wiki formatting to be at least somewhat helpful.

Good idea, thanks for the help man!
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


It would be ideal to put the 'needs to be done list' on a separate wiki page, so that other people can access it as well and tick off the things they do themselves.


Quote from: Rahjital on August 13, 2014, 01:39:39 PM
It would be ideal to put the 'needs to be done list' on a separate wiki page, so that other people can access it as well and tick off the things they do themselves.

I can't edit the Main page so...I'm not really sure where to put it on the Wiki, But that is a good idea.
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


Ideally it would be a page that would be only linked to in your OP, since it's only related to wiki-editing and not the game itself.


As a current lead wiki moderator for another company using mediawiki too, I'll be helping on this one as much as I can (which is ... Pretty much anything).

I'll also create some templates pages and explanations on how to use them to make the pages look better and easier to edit/add/remove.


Quote from: Rahjital on August 13, 2014, 02:00:14 PM
Ideally it would be a page that would be only linked to in your OP, since it's only related to wiki-editing and not the game itself.

You mean like make a new wiki page? I don't really know how to do that The past hour or so has literally been my first experience with editing a wiki, I usually just read them!
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


Quote from: DarkGhost on August 13, 2014, 02:10:47 PM
As a current lead wiki moderator for another company using mediawiki too, I'll be helping on this one as much as I can (which is ... Pretty much anything).

I'll also create some templates pages and explanations on how to use them to make the pages look better and easier to edit/add/remove.

The wiki also really needs new info boxes for the weapons if that's something you know how to do? As the current ones use the old stat system for the guns. I tried messing with them but I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted. Whenever I changed a value or a Stat name it just disappeared? Awesome of you to help!
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


Quote from: HatesYourFace on August 13, 2014, 02:16:34 PM
Quote from: DarkGhost on August 13, 2014, 02:10:47 PM
As a current lead wiki moderator for another company using mediawiki too, I'll be helping on this one as much as I can (which is ... Pretty much anything).

I'll also create some templates pages and explanations on how to use them to make the pages look better and easier to edit/add/remove.

The wiki also really needs new info boxes for the weapons if that's something you know how to do, as the current ones use the old stat system for the guns. I tried messing with them but I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted. Whenever I changed a value or a Stat name it just disappeared? Thanks a ton for the help!

Infoboxes are, in fact, templates themselves called infobox and included as a default template. :P

I'll either try to fix the current infobox template, either create my own and use it, depending on which looks better.

Edit :

Guess you want them to look like this ?

For the thumbnail failure, I'll check what's wrong and either fix or PM Tynan on how to fix it.