Why I love the new injury system

Started by caba111, August 16, 2014, 04:53:22 AM

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Lost Cause

Quote from: James009 on August 17, 2014, 07:07:43 AMAlso, a muffalo took one of my hunters legs during a bad hunt :(

Count yourself lucky. I forgot to turn off hunting on some new recruits when I gave the order to clear some boom rats out of my base...
One of the recruits had a mini gun.
1 dead, 1 missing leg and 1 lost a hand.
The boom rat survived.
It doesn't matter how many arms a colonist has as long as one of them is a Minigun!


A similar thing happened to me. I tried to order a colonist with a minigun to "capture" an incapacitated enemy. Instead, I had him force fire through my entire group of colonists.

Lost Cause

Quote from: caba111 on August 17, 2014, 02:01:36 PM
A similar thing happened to me. I tried to order a colonist with a minigun to "capture" an incapacitated enemy. Instead, I had him force fire through my entire group of colonists.
One thing you have got to try... Next time you have a tribal raid, stick 10-12 colonists at the end of a long narrow tunnel that is the only way into your base. protect them with stone walls and sand bags.
Arm them all with miniguns.
It's a new carpet.... a carpet of human flesh and shattered bone.
That'll teach those dicks for eating all my fine meals!
It doesn't matter how many arms a colonist has as long as one of them is a Minigun!


Quote from: Splinterbee on August 17, 2014, 11:06:14 AM
Rimworld: where your leg can be torn off by a pebble yet you can survive an arrow in the face... Lol I LOVE IT  :D
Ha, i know.
I have a colonist that has a freaking old minigun shot wound in her freakin brain!
She's nearly blind and deaf, has the consciceness of a rat and is practilly crawling through the colony, but she's still working her shift in the mines. That's a determined worker, if there ever was one.


I'm probably going to stick with Alpha 5 until the prosthetics update comes out.


Speaking of prostethics, we will be getting bionics as well, right? Namely, bionic eyes perhaps? So I can find a Commisar who had his eye shot off, replace it with a bionic one and call him Commisar Yarrick. Yes. My new Rimworld-related dream has been realized!


Quote from: Cyclops on August 19, 2014, 07:21:15 PM
Speaking of prostethics, we will be getting bionics as well, right? Namely, bionic eyes perhaps? So I can find a Commisar who had his eye shot off, replace it with a bionic one and call him Commisar Yarrick. Yes. My new Rimworld-related dream has been realized!

40k Fans unite! Commisar Yarrick was the hardest I.G. unit in the game, During one game where I was playing I.G. (I play I.G. and Tau mostly) I saw him flip an Ork trukk in CC with his claw, slaughter said Orks inside trukk, then sweeping advance (This was 3rd edition) into another trukk and immobilize it, he then spent two turns killing that squad of Orks after they disembarked. He also won 1v1 against a Striking Scorpion exarch in CC in a different game, Then mopped up the remaining Striking scorpions with the help of two Sentinels. Friggin' love Yarrick. <3

Do want in RimWorld: Bionic eye that shoots lasers. Also, Powerclaws.

Also, Also, Tanks.

...And snow!
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it! http://rimworldwiki.com


Quote from: caba111 on August 16, 2014, 04:53:22 AM
This all played out on my first game in Alpha 6.


Ooh! how did I miss this one!
It's beautiful =P Another great example of the unintentional disservices of your friendly rimworldian visitors!
Gotta love them! hehe, poor engie

Edit: The warhammer 40k type of prosthetics are *required*


Me wants automail prosthetics!  ^_^


Oh man, I love this! Great job, caba111. While stuff like this does kinda suck, it adds so much realism to the game. Accidents happen, right? Hope you find more interesting events and things to illustrate from the game.
"Oh boy, I can finally have my colonists paint the outer wall with Raider blood and hang a sign by the main door that says: "Looking for Donations"
I'm sure that'll make the Raiders feel welcome. :3" ~TheXIIILightning


Quote from: ShootyFace on August 20, 2014, 09:30:22 PM
Oh man, I love this! Great job, caba111. While stuff like this does kinda suck, it adds so much realism to the game. Accidents happen, right? Hope you find more interesting events and things to illustrate from the game.

It's interesting and adds realism, but does it make the game more enjoyable?


I'd love to see colonists be able to drag themselves when injured in the right way. Or ignore wounds in the adrenaline of battle for a short time. Or be able to be immobilized (broken leg?) and still fight from sitting position.

And yeah, small creatures being able to kill colonists is just silly, small creatures should present different challenges en mass, compared to large creatures.


Quote from: milon on August 20, 2014, 03:25:02 PM
Me wants automail prosthetics!  ^_^

Are you thinking of what I am thinking of? Full Metal Alchemist?
You see this tank?

This tank is the epitome of "I'm going to destroy you"

This tank can make Chuck norris cry.

All hail the Takemikazuchi.


Quote from: murlocdummy on August 21, 2014, 02:55:07 AM
Quote from: ShootyFace on August 20, 2014, 09:30:22 PM
Oh man, I love this! Great job, caba111. While stuff like this does kinda suck, it adds so much realism to the game. Accidents happen, right? Hope you find more interesting events and things to illustrate from the game.

It's interesting and adds realism, but does it make the game more enjoyable?

hell yeah it does! These things are hilarious =P

I've had these roofs spawn around my temperate forest (like somehow supported by trees)
I expanded my base to one area with one of these roofs and ordered the trees cut down and started finding the no roof zone tool from the architect menu
And ofcourse Vaas (the farcry guy, or atleast a spitting image of him)
went directly under the roof and it collapsed from someone else dismantling a bit of the perimetre wall nearby. Vaas' neck go cut clean off

after the initial shock, losing one of my best fighters on falling "canopy" instead of glorious standoff against my enemies felt just hilarious to me =P

I only wish you could write something on the graves


Quote from: vagineer1 on August 21, 2014, 03:53:25 AM
Quote from: milon on August 20, 2014, 03:25:02 PM
Me wants automail prosthetics!  ^_^

Are you thinking of what I am thinking of? Full Metal Alchemist?

Of course!  I'm sure alchemy is not going to be an option, but an arm blade would be nice to have.  :D