More Medicine Options and "Advanced" Medicine.

Started by Barley, August 17, 2014, 03:08:04 AM

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My friend has started playing recently and his first playthough got one of his colonist's legs shot off in the first 30 minutes of playing. We were on teamspeak and it got me thinking: It seems a bit unfair for a colonist with a missing leg to become completely worthless to your colony, when we already have plenty of ways to compensate for such injuries. Here's some Item ideas that could be added to the game as a counter to injuries:

Crutch: Restores a small amount of movement speed to legless colonists. Costs wood.
Wheelchair: Restores a small amount of movement speed to legless colonists. Extra bonus on smooth/constructed ground, but far slower than the crutch on rough ground. Costs metal.
Prosthetic Leg: Restores a fair amount of movement speed to legless colonist. Requires Basic Medical Research and a decent doctor. Costs metal.
Prosthetic Arm: Restores some skill in labor and crafting to a colonist. Requires Basic Medical Research and a decent doctor.
Cybernetic Leg: Completely restores movement to the wearer. Speed Bonus if both legs are cybernetic. Requires Advanced Medical Research and a skilled doctor. Costs 1 Mechoid Corpse. Vulnerable to EMP.
Cybernetic Leg: Completely restores crafting and labor skills to wearer. Requires Advanced Medical Research and a skilled doctor. Costs 1 Mechoid Corpse. Vulnerable to EMP.
Blood Pump: Restores Circulation to a colonist with a failed/failing heart. Requires Basic Medical Research and a decent doctor. Costs metal. Vulnerable to EMP.
Glasses: Partially restores vision if at least one eye still functions. Costs metal.
Cybernetic Eye: Completely restores vision. Bonus to vision if both eyes are mechanical. Requires Advanced Medical Research and a skilled doctor. Costs one Mechiod Corpse. Vulnerable to EMP.
Circuit Implant: Repairs a very small amount of brain damage, but a fair chance of failiure. Requires Advanced Medical Research and a skilled doctor.
Cybernetic Brain AI Implant: Partially repairs brain damage, but high chance of failure. Requires 2nd Age Medical Research and a skilled doctor. Costs one Mechiod Corpse. Vulnerable to EMP.
Organ Transplant: Partially restores functions of miscellaneous organs. Requires Advanced Medical Research and a skilled doctor. Costs one fresh human corpse or Printed Organ.
*Organ Printer: Special Furniture that produces Printed Organs using the patient's DNA. Printed Organs expire a couple days after manufacturing unless surgically installed into a patient, so no Stockpiling. Confers a bonus to the success chance of the Organ Transplant Operation. Requires 2nd Age Medical Research.

Most items are "built" as a medical operation, with nonintrusive procedures such as glasses having a 100% success rate. A doctor merely brings the required material to the medical bed. Cybernetics require the machining table to make the special items first.

Basic Medical Research is for mid-game and should be scaled accordingly. It is meant to analog to our current medical technology.
Advanced Medical Research is for late-game and is analogous to near-future technology, or current procedures that are very difficult to perform i.e. Brain surgery.
2nd Are Medical Research refers to technology that is mostly speculative, but plausible.

Any other ideas? Comments? Concerns?


I love the idea! I hope someone makes a mod or Tynan sees this! Cheers on the great idea:)


Prosthetics are coming (and I believe organ transplants aswell)! but some of these are really really cool ideas! prosthetic thumbs up! boom!


Great ideas. I cannot wait to see more medical options!
Lets Crashland Here Simulator!


Actually was thinking about something along these lines myself. :3 Love that you considered the use of mechanoid corpses as a way to get cybernetic/cyborg limbs, and EMP affecting them. My main worry for the addition of artificial legs in A7 is that the limb damage will go from significant to a distraction. If it requires uncommon products to create, such as mechanoid corpses, then it won't become that. :3


Quote from: ShadowTani on August 17, 2014, 11:46:11 PM
Actually was thinking about something along these lines myself. :3 Love that you considered the use of mechanoid corpses as a way to get cybernetic/cyborg limbs, and EMP affecting them. My main worry for the addition of artificial legs in A7 is that the limb damage will go from significant to a distraction. If it requires uncommon products to create, such as mechanoid corpses, then it won't become that. :3

I think Tynan said you could literally patch them up with a wooden log
Pirates, yarr!
but as I understood it there's gna be more advanced limbs, too
I can't imagine pegleg and hook for hand will do miracles to your mobility and working skills =P


I'd like to see "cauterizing" wounds as a way to patch things up without wasting crates full of medicine. Sure the burn mark leaves an unhealable scar, but chances are you don't care about prisoners that much.


Yes, this is VERY good ideas! I really hope all this stuff to be added to alpha 7! If not, i will be very very disappoint.

Also, i really hope there is even MORE late-game organ stuff added, such as the ability to make an artificial brain out of an ai core and do a brain transplant on a colonist. They could be unable to feel emotion, and they would learn very slowly, but hey! robo-brain! Also, maybe a defibrillator that has a 5% chance of reviving very fresh dead colonists or something? not sure how it would work, but hey.
On the right path, but the wrong medication.

I like how there's a thing that displays how long you've logged in to the forums. It shows just how many hours you've spent here, never to get back...

Lost Cause

Miniguns are the best medicine for injury. I want to build a bed behind some sandbags right out in the front of my base, stick the crippled colonist in it, hand them a minigun and tell them to leave none standing!
Miniguns are the best weapons ever. Lost an arm? Minigun. Lost a foot? Minigun. Lost your eyes? Minigun... the bad guys are in that direction... No. No... other way...
No matter what the injury Minigun makes it all better except for loosing a leg... which is sad. I mean if someone with one arm can use one of these things someone with a whole bed to prop it up on should do just fine.
It doesn't matter how many arms a colonist has as long as one of them is a Minigun!


When you said "Miniguns are the best medicine for injury" I thought you meant as a means to end the suffering :D
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

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Lost Cause

Quote from: StorymasterQ on August 19, 2014, 08:10:08 PM
When you said "Miniguns are the best medicine for injury" I thought you meant as a means to end the suffering :D

Well they do end the suffering of the people that inflicted the injury ;)
It doesn't matter how many arms a colonist has as long as one of them is a Minigun!


I had that happen to my only miner Kerr now he just lies there not doing **** i want these to as much as you do

Lost Cause

You know what I want?
I want Cherry Darling from Planet Terror.

There's your advanced medicine right there.
It doesn't matter how many arms a colonist has as long as one of them is a Minigun!


I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

The dubious quotes list is now public. See it here


yes please, apply this, its sad to waste (well kill them) your colonists due to lost some body part