[1.3.3287] The application does not start

Started by Lex°, April 29, 2022, 09:39:14 PM

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I can't tell if this is a bug or a Unity limitation. When I launch the application a small white window opens with a star circled in the middle and a red exclamation point above it.
Above we read:

RimWord by Ludeon Studios - Unity 2019.4.30f1_e8c891080a1f

A green bar at the bottom loads something but nothing happens afterwards.
From what I have been able to see, my notebook meets the system requirements, but who knows.
CPU: Intel Core i7-2630QM 2GHz
Ram: 8GB
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6800M series (updated to the latest possible drivers)
DirectX 12



please read "How to report a bug" special the part about logfiles.
Even when it don't start correct, a logfile should be created.
Maybe that logfile show some useful information.

But mosttimes when Rimworld don't start, it is the fault of the videocard.
Too old or don't satisfiy some requirements of unity.
Since there are no clear requirements about the unity engines, it is hard to say what is missing.

You can try to add " -force-d3d9" at the launch command to use Directx9 instead 12, maybe that change anything.
Or when you use the steam version, try to install 1.2 or 1.1 which use older unity engines, when these work it is definitiv an unity problem with your current videocard and you should refound the game or play on a different mashine.

