What do you want in alpha 9/10?

Started by Quasarrgames, December 19, 2014, 04:35:42 PM

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G34R B0X

i want the Ability to capture Scythers.... maybe not use them as full functioning members of the colony, but more like a dumb pet. Scythers should only be able to Haul, clean, chop wood and mine. There hauling should be higher than a humans as well.

You will need a Reeducation Uplink to convert them to useful members of your socitey. They should be non Combat units, and you can only have 2 per Scyther Uplink ( name? ) which needs a A.I. Core to build.


Goals for raiders. Some raids would try to steal your food, some would try to disrupt your power lines, etc.


Do we know when the next update will be coming out?

I like the sounds of what's happening in the changelog with having brewing and beer. Aside from that I definitely want priorities to change- like if they are starving then to eat straight away or if they are cold and there are spare clothes in the stockpile to take it themselves.


I want badass xenohuman warriors!:D,you might be thinking Wtf......,but don't worry I'm not insane or anything but what I would really like is if they added xenohumans.Tynan stated that he wanted to add xenohumans and I thought it would be super kewl if he added different ones that had different traits,some might be great at somethings.and others might be born and breed for war(They would have the a healing factor sorta it wouldn't be to op but it would allow them overtime to regenerate limbs and heal pretty physical damage).They would also have enhanced physical stats and there standard combat traits would be higher then normal.That's just an idea but I hope you take it into consideration!:P


If a character is about to craft an item, s/he will first look for an "unfinished" item of the same type to finish before taking new materials.

Minable sand, and sandbags made from sand + cloth.

Minable Iron and Coal, and Steel made from combining them.

Oil, and the ability to extract and refine it into fuel, food or plastics.


On second thought, no, not tribbles.

Mechanoid Hivemind

Quote from: GlassDeviant on January 28, 2015, 09:59:29 PM
If a character is about to craft an item, s/he will first look for an "unfinished" item of the same type to finish before taking new materials.

Minable sand, and sandbags made from sand + cloth.

Minable Iron and Coal, and Steel made from combining them.

Oil, and the ability to extract and refine it into fuel, food or plastics.


On second thought, no, not tribbles.
Agreed i would like to see the water play a role in this somewhere, like add a waterwheel for power or rivers that cut up the map and you can build bridges to make travel faster and you would need the water to like cool the steel first or something. Maybe a well is placed then they get water, coal, iron and add it to the electric smelter
The individual is obsolete. When you and your kind are extinct, we will cleanse our collective memory of the stain of your existence.


Don't get me wrong, I am not looking to recreate the Earth's history of long periods with very little advancement, after all at least one of your characters if not all of them likely came from a pretty advanced civilization and can help your colony step quickly from nothing to electric power and silicon ICs, but at least a few more steps would feel a bit more Bob Denver (Gilligan's Island) / Tom Hanks (Castaway). Heavily leaning towards the former.


Yes another god damn youtuber.



A type of mechanoid raid where their goal is to steal metal and plaststeel.



Quote from: Hayhorse on February 03, 2015, 08:28:50 PM
Quote from: Feirfec on January 29, 2015, 08:00:03 PM
Quote from: GlassDeviant on January 28, 2015, 09:59:29 PM

Minable sand, and sandbags made from sand + cloth.

Its being added in the change log.

Can you tell me what day? I haven't seen that and a search for sand yields no results.
Hi, my name is Matthias and I am a Rimworld Addict. It has been five seconds since my last fix...


I haven't seen sand+bag=sandbags in the change log either, but I'd LOVE to!

Also, does it seem weird to anyone else that any research-enabled colonist can research ANYTHING?  I think certain back-stories should enable/disable various specific research things.  And maybe even former faction should play a role. For example, if I capture & recruit a Tribal, it really doesn't make sense that I can immediately put him/her to work researching Ship Building.  More nuances in Research please!

tldr = Deeper/varied research tree, depending on your colonists


Oh sorry got confused between the change log and cheap ideas list.


to be able to visit,raid,besiege other colonels would be good it annoying always being the one thats attacked i know it would be hard to have lots of bases but you could have basic ones then more complex one depending on how many colonist go on the raid or even it could be like an online feature where you attack someone else's base or download them of the internet and then if you take the base you leave some people there and you can switch between bases like expansion of you colony (or just raids for silver food ect )


My No. 1:
- I'd like to be able to give clothes to prisoners!
- A bug maybe? I can't designate things for hauling that I can haul via the "prioritize" (right-click) option - like silver or wood, for example.

- more decorations
- small single-person table, like a desk

And I'd like too upvote these that some people already suggested:

- Rescue option for friendly NPC
- Food priorities so you can actually store rations and meals for later
- friendships between colonists
- Fog of war, but things dropping from the sky should have an approximate location though, so you are still able to find them without exploring too much.