32 bits?

Started by ReiCoringa, January 17, 2015, 09:27:41 PM

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First:Sorry my english i am brazillian.
Is impossible put more than 1gb on game?and is possible the game use more than a core? for more speed?
Because my pc can hold so much games but rimworld i have about 15 fps.Of course i using mod.
My setup:
processor: i3 dual core 3.07ghz
windows 7 64 bits
sapphire r7 260x


Quote from: ReiCoringa on January 17, 2015, 09:27:41 PM
First:Sorry my english i am brazillian.
Is impossible put more than 1gb on game?and is possible the game use more than a core? for more speed?
Because my pc can hold so much games but rimworld i have about 15 fps.Of course i using mod.
My setup:
processor: i3 dual core 3.07ghz
windows 7 64 bits
sapphire r7 260x

...I would suspect it is the mod you are using. Otherwise rimworld works very well.

Could you say what mod or mods you are using with the game?


Your PC should be running rimworld fine, most likely the mods you have running or other programs in the background.

Moderator on discord.gg/rimworld come join us! We don't bite


If you have Graphics set to Great, try Good instead. Not sure what the difference between them is to be honest, but map scrolling seems slower with Great


i am using now the  Epyk Pack
and my Graphics are on normal
nw iam playing on a small size map but when i put on a normal size it still 60 when i have on max 6 people, and on big size i have about 30 fps on start


Look, now the rimworld are using 1.2gb of memory! i am running in 8fps!


RimWorld isn't yet optimized to use more than one core. It will most likely be done in a later stage of development, but not soon. Also RimWorld is using the CPU nearly exclusively. It isn't using much of the GPU.
And memory. Most people have an abundance of memory. So, why should you watch out for the memory usage at 1gb? :)


Rimworld seems to top out at a little over a gig or memory usage, he (and I) want to know if there is a way to allocate more memory to be used by rimworld, so that it could use more than a gig and change. Yes I use mods. so is there a command line tweak or something like that to tell rimworld to use more ram?


Using more RAM isn't going to help anything other than offloading a HDD bottleneck, and there shouldn't be one there.

If you have a constant FPS problem, it's because of CPU speed or running too many heavy mods.

I have a Phenom x4 820 2.8gHz OCed to 3.3gHz, 8gb DDR1600 RAM (OCed), and a 2gb Radeon 7850.
Constant 60fps on standard size world and map.

r7 260x is only slightly slower than mine.
CPU is ~25% slower (2600 score vs 3400), but that's not counting the OC.
RAM speed is negligible probably.

Just started a max size map to test and it starts with 60, but I haven't played it for more than a few seconds.

Anyways, the larger maps are experimental and not optimized and probably not even tested.

Your problem is probably mods and CPU or the fact your are trying to use untested/unsupported larger maps.


Quote from: Grynnreaper on February 23, 2015, 09:04:42 PM
Rimworld seems to top out at a little over a gig or memory usage, he (and I) want to know if there is a way to allocate more memory to be used by rimworld, so that it could use more than a gig and change. Yes I use mods. so is there a command line tweak or something like that to tell rimworld to use more ram?

The game has no use for any more memory, so more memory doesn't help. Nor do more cores yet; writing a code base to use multiple cores is a huge undertaking that just isn't necessary here. There is still lots of straightforward optimization that could be done.

You guys may be seeing slowdowns because of a bug; if you posted your output_log from the _Data folder it might help.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog