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Messages - Nopkar

sampling the vanilla gameplay for A12 but excited about getting my REAL combat on. Ma Deuce's all day erey day
Ideas / Re: Colonists losing skills
February 19, 2015, 02:39:11 AM
I don't care for the loss of an entire level myself, although I understand why its there, makes sense. I'd rather us have access to this option in the game so we can tweak it to our liking. I'd like it to cap at a level lost and sometimes turned off altogether
Quote from: Epyk on February 18, 2015, 06:53:46 PM
Quote from: slicedtoad on February 18, 2015, 06:45:27 PM
Dammit, this modpack has ruined vanilla for me. I tried playing the new alpha but without a bunch of mods it feels empty.

wonderful. i enjoy playing the base game for awhile but having all these mods is just too much fun. It's really nice when they're all in a pack ready to go. Thank you so much for your had work, as well as the work that the modders have done already

Fear not!
Epyk Pack will be getting an Alpha 9 release.

All the wonderful mods will be back and they're bringing beer!
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
January 21, 2015, 02:51:33 PM
Quote from: milon on January 21, 2015, 12:53:40 PM
Or a Legendary Plasteel Shiv engraved with a Pirate's future!   ;D

What I want to know is when we will get Artifact quality weapons/etc that are Named!

we need artifact-ception! An image of the artifact on the artifact!
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
January 20, 2015, 06:31:27 PM
From the changelog: Melee weapons can now have

Melee weapons can now have what!?!?!? WHAT!?!?!? *mental breakdown*

Mods / Re: To create a Space Marine
December 22, 2014, 04:25:14 PM
I feel that undercutting space marines would do them an injustice. They are Steel clad terminators of the Imperium. Only one million astartes can exist at any one time amongst countless Trillions.

Is there any way to link a trait to bionics? Something like 'Gene-seeded', meaning they are from the original gene seed line. not just anyone can become an Astartes and making the flag rare would be a decent balance to their uber-ness. Also, could you increase the time a pawn is incapacitated after a surgery? specifically certain surgeries? my idea would be that the astartes implants incapacitate for much longer, making the pawn useless for long periods of time. an Astartes is a time and resource investment and should be treated as a long-term goal, not an 'I win' button for early game.
Mods / Re: [Request] Meals per day
December 14, 2014, 12:56:57 AM
cuts into the realm of micromanagement. If I understand correctly you're proposing a way to tell your colonists when to eat and how many times. So twice a day in this example.

The cook goes and makes two meals per person and then goes about their business, until the next day where they repeat.

That's micromanaging quite a bit and I don't think it adds anything to the base game. sorry :/
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Wall Vents
December 14, 2014, 12:45:26 AM
What if the 'Vent' wall acted as if it were a room the size of 3x3 or so? effectively dissipating heat to a non-existent 3x3 room, lowering the temp?

Toggle an option to open/close it so you could hotbox a room and then open the vents to dissipate the heat and get the lootz.
Mods / [Mod Request/Help] Armor Rework
November 14, 2014, 12:28:42 AM
I want to rework the current armor/clothing system and replace Damage Deflection with Damage Absorption (in most cases. Thick, powerful armor like Power Armor may deflect incoming shots, but not a T-shirt)

Currently if your armor/clothes (I'll just say armor from now own) protect against something, there's a chance you won't be damaged. I may be picturing this wrong in my head but I see a pawn wearing a T-shirt and taking a rifle round to the chest but the round just bouncing off, of course this happens extremely rarely but still it can happen with this system.

My theory is that when a bullet connects the armor reduces the incoming damage by a certain amount based on the material used and the default item being contacted.

Example time!: We have two T-shirts, one made of Cotton and one made of Hyperweave.

The Cotton has no real protection from damage, just from cold/heat so projectiles and melee weapons would do full damage on contact.

Hyperweave is significantly more protective, more like a futuristic kevlar that can provide above average protection for its size, reducing incoming damage by 2 or 3 points.

This is of course in relation to a T-shirt, when you go up to layers or actual protection like combat vests. A combat vest made of cotton is protective, reducing melee damage but not very effective against bullets or piercing whereas the hyperweave variant is better in most if not all respects. Where this gets interesting is with minimum damage values. Imagine a suited up power-armor powerhouse...she's got almost perfect immunity to small-caliber rounds piercing her shell but those impacts take a toll on the body regardless in the form of blunt force trauma that's translated through the armor, eventually knocking her unconscious or killing under heavy sustained fire.

Basically I feel this would make a significantly more robust combat system that can be coupled with huge weapon mods like Project Armory and awesome clothing mods like Apparello

This seems like a scatter-brained rant of a mod request or even help so that I could possibly do it myself but in all honesty this is an idea that would take thousands of words to explain and flesh out with the values involved and how they correlate in the game. I'm already working on a damage related mod based on the PA framework (Evul, you're amazing). If you need more information or more clarity as to what i'm actually asking just PM me or prepare for a wall of text on my next post :P
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 7) Project Armory (v.2.15)
November 13, 2014, 11:50:36 PM
so many guns :( This would normally be a good thing but when you're trying to balance them it kinda sucks! Correcting some continuity errors (12.7x99 (.50BMG) with the Barrett's doing 42 damage but the M2 Browning which uses the same round doing only 15 or a sniper rifle doing more damage than another regular assault rifle using the same caliber.)

I want to go further and change the accuracy of the weapons in correlation with their length/function/recoil and the skill of the pawns. I want to put a heavy emphasis on skill, more so than it already is and the guns play a 'slightly' smaller role in the accuracy unless there is an aid (sniper rifles with scopes).

I will also be changing fire rates for certain weapons based on roles and their intended fire specs will correlate into changed accuracy values. Most of this work has been done but i'm tweaking it and testing for more intense fights.

Question: Do damage values of halves work or are they rounded? like 7.5 damage instead of 7 or 8?
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 7) Project Armory (v.2.15)
November 13, 2014, 12:20:50 PM
Posting for clarity-

This is what TTM downloads, fresh download only a few minutes go, proof with timestamps

This is what I did to fix it:P

So far its working in game and everything. again, just wanting to be clear on what I was saying...if you download TTM and want to modify what guns are included in-game with Project Armory and TTM, you can make it easy with that kit switcher which is found within the actual project armory download
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 7) Project Armory (v.2.15)
November 13, 2014, 07:11:12 AM
found the disconnect between us asking for a way to remove guns and this 'kit switcher' you guys keep talking about.

TTM does not provide this in the download ^.^ Easy enough to solve, just download this PA and copy the kit switcher to the TTM-Project Armory folder and boom, you have the ability to remove any weapon you want from the game. :P
Mods / Re: 'Make until you have (range)'
November 11, 2014, 03:46:21 AM
it's becoming complicated. of course, shouldn't have expected it to be simple in the first place. This is a quality of life feature and not something more important so waiting's not an issue :P
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 7) Project Armory (v.2.15)
November 10, 2014, 08:42:05 PM
Quote from: Cat123 on November 10, 2014, 04:36:09 PM

I don't think 'stupid' was the right word...but I agree with some points. I don't care for the scifi tributes in particular. But from Evul's point of view its easier to add it and be safe than have everyone clamoring for that *one* gun they want. Modifying what weapons are in is easy enough, just find the file with all the guns in it and delete the ones you don't want.

I imagine an install launcher with a few setup options wouldn't be too superfluous, or maybe a select few content packs like 'World War Pack' 'Modern Firearms' 'Weapons of the Future' etc etc, and you pick and choose what to download?

Meh, it all puts more work on Evul and the people working with him.
Mods / Re: [Mod request] Execution made useful
November 10, 2014, 08:33:53 PM
Quote from: skullywag on November 10, 2014, 12:50:59 PM
If its a violent join the chance of them bring picked for the "spy" incident should be increased and so should their morale break meter. Not by much just enough so that when it does happen it adds to the story that is your current colony, not that every colonist you beat is gonna go mental at somepoint.

why not add a 'beaten' modifier to their mood that stays for 3-5 days or more, 'threatened with execution' would be the more severe variant and last a bit longer? so you're trading time for potential mental breaks