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Messages - Skaliri

General Discussion / Re: Researching Skill Eh?
August 20, 2016, 09:15:31 PM
Quote from: ShadowTani on August 20, 2016, 07:52:13 PM
Still have to say it's a shame the research skill is only useful for one pawn and then becomes useless in the end-game when everything is researched. I'm hoping Tynan will eventually consider adding more "sustainable" and broader uses for it in a later patch. For example a teaching/apprentice system to have your more experienced pawns teach your less skilled pawns (which gets limited by the research/intellect skill), or maybe some repeatable research projects? Something like that.

Well, it feels different on Tribe, but that's also because I got the extended prosthetics and other things (forgot exact name) modpacks which adds a whooping total of over 50000 points of research as tribe at least. I am employing at least 2 researchers at the same time if possible.

On normal crashlanded it does start to become useless quite quickly though, and I never needed more than 1 researcher...
Would be nice to see some lategame optimizing / buffing repeatables with deminishing returns... I wouldn't mind getting some efficienty boosts on my batteries for example :p
ooh, that actually looks pretty neat. Might give it a try as well.

Some further testing: Animal skill level of the character has nothing to do with it. It seems purely chance based. It can happen both during treatment and while feeding them.

You might get lucky and it happens within the first 10 seconds you are near it, it might take ages and downing him over and over. Both of the cases happened to me today (the one from the cryptosleep pod took a LOT of effort, but just now 2 more walked in, 1 got killed, the other one downed, clicked on rescue, some random guy that just joined with animal 3 pulls out a meal, feeds it, instabonded xD ) Still more reliable than actually trying to tame them (and also less dangerous, half the time the reason the thrumbo gets downed again is because it gets enraged from a taming attempt and I have to lure it into my fortifications)
I believe high damage guns work better (relatively less wounds to patch up and to get infected) and as soon as those are half way patched up, order an euthenasation on them, focus that but interrupt it: they should get anesthatics, letting you heal them up for another few hours, after which you should be able to melee them back into shock. Rince and repeat :p
Welp, I am the person who managed to tame one while healing them. I tried it some more, it is really luck dependant. I think it's either because the animal has to nuzzle you, which is completely random, or it has to do with just the low base chance of taming it (I have no idea how the mechanics work while healing, but lets say 1 roll for every time you heal a wound with 0.5% chance is still pretty shitty and purely luckdependant.

Still, I seemed to have been able to sort of replicate it a buncha times, but it's fickle and really hard to figure out how it works. Luck has it though, that just this save I still have 1 thrumbo locked in a cryptopod, so I might just crack it open and do some experimenting. I'll keep you informed of anything I found. 

PS: My very first thrumbo was actually manually tamed afaik. Exact story:

first thrumbo event: one single thrumbo. Incapped it, nursed it back to health, nothing happened, but it stayed around and my main animal handler (lvl 16-17 at that time) tamed it after a looong time by pure luck.
Second thrumbo event: got 2 thrumbo's, tried to capture them, but was too late, both escaped.
third thrumbo event: got 3 thrumbo's, managed to incap them all. 2 of them bonded while I healed them up with my main healer (healing 16-17, animals 10). One of them died in an infection shortly after unfortunately.
Fourth Thrumbo event: got another 3 thrumbo's, incapped 2 of them, converted one of them while healing, other one died of infection while wandering off after being halfway healed.
Fifth thrumbo event: 3 of em, killed 2, incapped one, stored it in the cryptopod.

I am currently also trying to continually melee them so they keep being incapped. I'll keep you up to date.

PS: Baby Thrumbo's are cute as fuck, but all Thrumbo's look so saaaad =(

Also, last thing:
Quote from: Vegtamr on August 15, 2016, 05:01:23 PM
i have 2 "auto tamed" thrumbos XD pretty useless tho

Thrumbo's (or The MEGASLOTHS for that matter) are indeed almost impossible to properly train (So far, none of my thrumbo's has anything except follow). But, you can give them manual zones in your poorly protected flanks during raids: the raiders will get distracted by them and engage them. If you can get them to melee your thrumbo even better. It might be a bit dense, but usually after a buncha hits it will start retaliating, and ooh boy did that save my ass once during a sapper event once... I had an entirely enclosed base, except for a small 2 thick wall pregenned building part. Put my thrumbo in there, sappers walked into the ruins, threw a grenade at my thrumbo which proceeded to chop of the legs of 3 of the fuckers.
Bugs / Re: Trading decreases social skill
August 15, 2016, 08:24:10 PM
I'll have a look myself in a bit, I just kind of gave the most logical explanation, but it doesn't seem that hard to replicate the circumstances with dev mode, so I'll give it a try in a few min. I'll edit / post as soon as I tried it.

Have dev-moded in a buncha trade ships, have not been able to replicate it so far, only normal decay (sold and bought some things from multiple traders, no effect. No increase either) . I do run a bunch of mods though, although nothing that should affect trading
Bugs / Re: Trading decreases social skill
August 15, 2016, 07:24:10 PM
Most likely what you have noticed is the skill-degradation: All level 10+ skills will slowely degrade over time. The speed at which it does is dependant on the level of the skill (so lvl 11 or 12 will only degrade very slowely, but level 20 or 19 will degrade quite rapidly). Try it out: check some of the lvl 10+ skills of your characters and you will see them degrading.

Of course, if you don't like skill-degradation, you could add "Mad Skills", it's a mod that has 3 different releases: 1 fully stops skill degredation, 1 stops it at 1xp/X (so doesn't actually degrade levels, only the per level XP) and one slows it down by 50%.
Stories / Re: One Dedicated Hauler
August 15, 2016, 06:06:03 PM
Quote from: MeowRailroad on August 15, 2016, 11:41:40 AM
Maybe a limit should be set as to how many things can be disabled and the game could use that to pick backstories that match that limit. In some cases colonists should have a way to gain ability to do that but only sometimes. For example, it makes sense that a noble might realize that if he doesn't start working he's going to hurt the colony which will probably cause him and the others to die, but a vatgrown soldier can't learn social skills because his/her brain just isn't wired for social interaction.

You wound me sir! You think my honour would allow me to dirty my hands instead of dying with dignity? And like I care about these filthy peasants! PFFF!

Without kidding tho, it's a interesting idea, and a good way to see it work would be giving big unhappyness impacts imho. it seems about right for some baron to TRY to harvest some crops (or for a sherrif to try patch up his only buddy), but he sure as hell ain't gonna be happy about it.
Oh, one last tip, cause the amount of food usually is not quite enough to last until the first harvest for me (even with rice, which I *think* is the fastest growing of the main growing crops), but most biomes have some kind of natural food source on the map. Unfortunately, the only thing that springs to mind right now are the berry bushes in the forest biome, although I know there are more (someone else? :D)

You can manually select harvest on individual plants (if grown far enough) or go to architect tab and select harvest tool and just drag, so you can just harvest all the berries in that area.
General Discussion / Re: Succession game ?
August 15, 2016, 06:39:20 AM
I would not mind joining in either (although I am a complete scrub) But I think you need to define the exact colony a bit.

I assume no mods (or at least, nothing non-UI changing?), the normal 3 colonist start.
Other things like difficulty, are they set or free to be changed per person?
How long does someone have to play before the next person gets the save?
et cetera, et cetera...
I really would like to try it, but for me too much is unclear right now to see if it would actually be any good / viable and fun
Another problem you talk about is the lack of medicine. There are 2 vanilla ways to combat this (and mods, woo mods!  :P )

If you click on your colonists and go to health, you can select what kind of medicine your doctors will use on them. I personally always put all my civvies at the start of the game on NO medicin, and only allow medicine when they get  multiple bleeding wounds or similar heavy chance for infections. Non-bleeding wounds cannot get infected and only give pain modifiers and some temporary reduced stats as main worry (anyone had one of em beserk chains where your guys keep beserking after gettting beaten by the guy that went beserk before?)

Second, as soon as you start (or as soon as you have a colonist with farming lvl 8) plant yerself a big ol' field of healing root. Basically herbal medicine. It takes ages to grow, but with a decent sized field (I usually do 6X12 or something like that) it should give you quite a bit of medicine and should be the main medicine used imho.
(If you don't know how, when you click a growing zone, that little block that says potatoes:  that is clickable and changable)

Of course, if you already knew this, feel free to disregard it ^^ just trying to help.
Quote from: zandadoum on August 13, 2016, 02:23:33 PM
Make a layout where visitors go into an indoor room.
Lock them in by building a quick wall.

Have them die from hunger or install enough heaters with a switch to kill them from heatstroke (works marvels vs infestations too)

Unfortunately, as far as I know (and someone else has already said) they should dig themselves out in that case... At least in A14. The heatstroke / freezing idea of them might work, although I doubt you have neough time

No, the collapsed roof + arty shells seems pretty good. "My" only methode so far in killing caravans was the game having an electrical discharge DIRECTLY on top of the caravan, killing one guy instantly and burning 2 muffalo's and one more guy  <-- it was great to see :p (although they did try to evade the flames... if you want to try to burn them, maybe make a room with only 1 exit and start the fire there?). Otherwise you should probably try to either freeze or overheat them, although I have no idea how well that works.

Quote from: Mehni on August 13, 2016, 12:26:51 PM
Manhunting animals do a good job of killing the traders, but not the gear carrying muffalo. Getting those muffalos drunk off their rocker makes 'em drop all loot, same with using a shock lance.

Now... how exactly do you make muffalo's drunk?
General Discussion / Re: Cassandra vs Randy
August 13, 2016, 04:47:52 PM
Personally a big fan of Randy, although I must say I have not got much experience :p

He does usually throws a buncha different bad things at you at the same time (and the most akward time at that), but it can also ahve hilarious results, for me the best experience with randy:
Half my people are down with flu and wounds from a previous raider attack the night before. I get a new raider attack. I fear I am completely screwed. 2 seconds later, a manhunter pack of boomalopes... I was already tearing my hair out in pure frustration, about to quit and call it a night, when I realised that the boomalopes spawned next to and are now fighting the raiders... 10/10 would watch raiders being blown up and lit on fire by suicidal boomalopes again.

Although I do have to agree with what Zandadoum said: he sometimes feels a bit lackluster. On the other hand, I now grew up to 23(!) colonists (I admit, I savescummed a few times when I did oopsies like forget to turn off mortars and kill 4 of my own guys like that). and while the raids are usually meh-ish (all hail sniper rifles and miniguns), the 18 rhino manhunter pack he threw at me was tough as nails and even with drawing them to my full defence line I suffered 2 destroyed legs (no deaths tho! :D)

In my opinion the most fun of Randy is that he gives a lot of high risk but high reward stuff: I had my first (and I'll admit, only siege so far) pretty early in the game. However, waiting for the right moment to strike with my animal army (nothing says fun like 4 tamed grizzlies after less than a month) I gained mortars, 2 fragnades and a sniper rifle very early on in the game (specially since I was playing as tribe, thus the research being ages away), allowing me to deal with the tougher stuff like poison / psychic ships a lot better.

Of course, on my very first permadeath playthrough, he has been taking revenge: within the first month I went through all my starting colonists AND the 4 I got after that (Heatwave while I was recovering from infections, my main builder died in the previous raid. finally managed to build an airconditioning, raiders attack and focus purely the airconditioning... lost 4 more colonists and 2 prisoners to heatstroke, would have been the end if it wasn't for my one heat tolerant guy who haden't collapsed yet and was able to make one just in time for my last other survivor, only to have the heatwave end about 1-2 ingame hours later><) . I now have, after only about half a year ingame time, 7 graves and only 4 people left, who are basically good at nothing.
Although I did like him helping me when I was down to 2 civvies: I first got an offer from 1 on the run for pirates, and I was like, fuck it, I got 1 pacifist and only 1 survival rifle, but I got to do this, I don't see me getting civvies in another way... And just as the raid hits, Randy spawns in a random wanderer who joins me: a boss with 14 shooting and 11 melee, who came in to save the day.
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld's Different Worlds
August 11, 2016, 06:28:02 PM
Hmm, it is indeed as the people above me have said, but was that the answer you were looking for? I personally think you want to know if there is any way to retrace that particular world, with the only information being it started with "Am", right?

(So basically, you are looking for the list which has the words that are used for the random seed generation, is what I think?)
If so, I hope someone else knows if that is a thing (I just spent 30 minutes looking for it, with no avail, but I only got the game for less than a week and have about 0% programming experience and knowledge)

So far, I haven't been able to find it at least. Hell, for all I know he randomly generates words through some site. Although I doubt that :p but you get what I mean. Does anyone know where the pre-generated words come from that the world map maker uses?

PS: If I am completely wrong and going offtopic, feel free to call me out on that, cause that is not my intention.
You can rescue any animal (or at least, the bigger ones I know for sure: Elephant, Thrumbo and Rhino.) :p it looks pretty silly with yer skinny pawns just pickin up one of em like it's nothin. Shame they don't do have that superstrength in combat.
I tried to search this, but did not find anything, so if it's already answered somewhere, apoligies in advance.
I'll get straight to the point:

Had two Thrumbo's in my area, to keep them there, I wanted to down and rescue them (it tends to let them stay in the map long enough for me to try to tame them for a while).
I engaged them while they were near my main defence area. Got them both downed, then proceeded to rescue them. During the treatment (mind you, they had about 50 wounds each, both of them bonded to my main healer. (Medicine 17, animals 4), thus, instantly taming them. I was mostly wondering what the mechanics behind this are and if anybody else had similar experiences.

Is it just because of a certain time spent with the animal and thus it bonds? For that matter (although I suck with search engines) I could not find anything about bonding mechanics either. Anyone able to satisfy my curiosity?

PS: While on the topic, is there any way to decrease the speed or chance for infections on thrumbo's? I don't mind having the chance for infections, but it is a bit annoying that because they easily get so much wounds and you cannot focus the infection. my guy spent over 14 hours treating one of them before finally moving on to the infection. I lost one of them not much later...