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Messages - Zalzany

Depends on the guns actually. Old school guns wood worked they were not very amazing pen of weapons and some of use improvised weapons for el cheapo versions of guns to even it out. Granted that with CE makes the two barrel pipe shotgun insanely lethal when your tribal and got bows and some one runs up close and fires both barrels its really bad for you colony, so I am half tempted to turn that off... But thoese guns have reduced stats on purpose.

But yeah it would be more for stone but who doesn't use a stone table in long haul? I hate wood it burns, plus stone is prettier in my dinning haul even granite the best hp material you can get for stone is prettier so I tend to just pick a high granite map and do everything in that, takes longer but makes it easier to seal a room and molativ it when you get infestations, and helps in those early days when they breach your building as you find your self using them for cover.
Ideas / Re: Crops with >100% Fertility Sensitivty
October 04, 2017, 02:48:35 PM
Quote from: SpaceDorf on October 04, 2017, 06:25:01 AM
Actually you are wrong :

Caveworld Flora & Biome

To be fair I am steam owner and I use the workshop never ever heard that mod till now. Thanks for the link, but I never seen a mod like that on the workshop
Ideas / Re: A suggestion for forum mdoeration
October 04, 2017, 02:46:33 PM
Problem is people are using search function now, and there is no steam mods. I mean there is guy there with 282 hours who is bored all he does is troll when he show up and tell new players how he is bored, and leaves out the whole he took over 280 hours to get bored of the game. Which for 30 bucks 282 hours till you are bored is crazy awesome deal in my book, but meh not for him.

But we also have stuff get hijacked I mean we had a guy admit he pirated the game using a GOG copy then liked it so much he was buying it on steam that started like 22 pages of off topic rants on pros and cons of piracy...
Ideas / Re: Crops with >100% Fertility Sensitivty
October 04, 2017, 06:10:14 AM
Quote from: Bolgfred on October 04, 2017, 05:52:40 AM
Quote from: Zalzany on October 04, 2017, 05:42:50 AM
Surprised no one has tried to mode that in, would be difficult to do but interesting to see...

The lack of a z axis seems to be a weak spot in Rimworld, but I think its one of its biggest strength, as it protects the simplicity of the game.

No I meant shrooms I don't care about Z axis a palnt I have to grow in the dark. We got mods that let me pout soil in cave floors but not one to grow an ucky tasting healthy shroom as a food source that needs no light. I mean draw back could be slow growth, and it tastes horrible if uncooked. Making it more of a novelty then an OP new crop...
Luciferium is the answer to your problems. It  will heal your scares and everything but missing limbs you can get prosthetics for most of that. but Luciferium is the miracle drug that will fix your pawns chewed up face, and if you survived as long as you said you can afford to buy it, just be ready to detox them in a prison cell rehab program when your done unless you get a mod to cure addiction. I have detoxed 2 so far it sucks but it takes a while but so does Luciferium healing all their scars and what not...

I mean as far as I know its old solution from a16 or is it even older then that? its the miracle cure its the solution and the balance is the drug addiction that comes with it...
Ideas / Re: Food Policy
October 04, 2017, 05:56:34 AM
You can toggle off gets food for prisonors like some one said they eat out of stockpiles in the room, you strip them naked and make stock piles for say tribal clothes they put them on that is your new prison uniform now just have it set to craft till you got x amount and then make that priority drop for them, and make it tiny so it only holds one whatever amount of beds you got in that cell.

As far as animals make a barn like structure, put stock pile in mark what food you want for it, make animal zone for it, send animals there bamn they only eat hay and kibble or corpses what ever you put in there for them. I do corpse storage behind my barn in the animal zone so carnivores will eat that, and then a stockpile of hay for the rest.  As far as normal pawns are concerned they eat the nice stuff first not last so permciem or however you spell it is almost dead last UNLESS its got human meat in it and you got cannibals then they will eat that before a lavish meal every time as far as I know. There is really no way to force them to eat your trash first, but you can force them to serve prisoners paste, or their friends meat in meal form if you want be mean. But they will eat raw rice over survival meals which yet again is nice since latter those for convoys not every day use so I like that they let those sit for when I need to leave the base.
Ideas / Re: Countermeasures for snowball effect
October 04, 2017, 05:46:44 AM
Quote from: Bolgfred on October 04, 2017, 05:40:26 AM
Quote from: Zalzany on October 04, 2017, 05:30:03 AM
And all raiding parties are there for loot, if you leave nice things out they will take them and run.

If you tell the truth sir, I will stop building walls, but lay out a layout of block stockiles, so everybody can take a part of my wall back home, instead of fighting me.
I only noticed enemies looting when they were about to flee. And most of the time they looted my colonists. Come back, you filthy scumbags! Yarr!

Well only seen it  a couple times, and it was high value stuff like a raider stole my starter components before I mad my first freezer that was annoying start, and another time they took a pile of silver I left out from a trader I ran out side the base to meet in a hurry to sell to since I really wanted to buy more meds, and sell him a crap ton of joints for silver for my hospital floor. They still fought me but took damn silver, and the took it ran off, rest followed his heals after I killed a couple... But if you forget things outside of real value they will steal them and run in my experience...

And its always always something that is hard to replace like silver or components.
Ideas / Re: Crops with >100% Fertility Sensitivty
October 04, 2017, 05:42:50 AM
Problem with smoke leaf is its not that delicate, modern super strains are but it based on hemp which grown in hydroponic set ups ever.  You could grow it pretty much in the world to some lighter success, and we did. Stuff we got is not your premo stuff its the skunkleaf stuff :P

But yeah a fungus would be interesting would remind me of Gnomorea there is a fungus in that you can grow it needs darkness and wet soil. That game has a Z axis though so I just punch holes over the man made cave in a weird pattern doesn't let enough light in to hurt them, but lets the rain make the soil inside just muddy enough I can plant shrooms as another more easy to defend food source as its underground in my base. Could easily do it in side a cave or a roofed out spot in this game with just no lights in the room.

Surprised no one has tried to mode that in, would be difficult to do but interesting to see...
Ideas / Re: Countermeasures for snowball effect
October 04, 2017, 05:30:03 AM
Oh and plant rice its horrible mood debuff to eat raw, but grows the fastest do that till you get a stock pile of raw food then swap it out to something nicer like strawberries or corn that grow much slower. As far as fire it sucks build a fire line if your in a more green year round set up, use stone floors sucks you got have stone cutting tech or break walls on the map and hope there is no ancient menace behind it. Needs to be two spaces wide fire can't cross it, and toggle them to number priority mode ASAP make firefighting number one for any one who can do it.

OH and you can change story teller and difficulty in game after you start I never done it but I read it all the time you can do it in options or something to make it easier that first season then up as you feel you are ready.

And all raiding parties are there for loot, if you leave nice things out they will take them and run. I have had my starter 30 pack of components stolen before by a tribal raider I was sitting waiting for him to attack he saw the components took them and ran off the map with them. Their goal is not to kill you, but raid you they want valuables and if you get in the way they attack if you fall down and don't die they will kidnap your pawn to sell to a slaver or whatever they do with them, and flee the map. Its not zombie hoard out for blood they want valuables and your pawns are normally closer to them then the stockpile is. I seen them ignore my defensive spot more then once to break into my barracks with grenade thrower, and starting the place up looking for things to steal using that grenadier to bust open walls for them...
Ideas / Re: Countermeasures for snowball effect
October 04, 2017, 05:11:16 AM
The big issue is this is just basic learning curve stuff and you can already pick a nicer story teller, and lower the difculty. You not meant to have ever single colony last the ages if you have made 8 colonies before you got good at it, you not playing it right. Early raids are crazy weak as they are based on your wealth so unless you got statues all over the place before you made your first pillbox out of wooden walls and sandbags you can survive quite well. Especially since your first raids are almost always guys with one melee weapon and if you move you first 2 pawns with the pistol and rifle you can take them down quite easily using terrain to slow them down or make it just plain easy to hit them.

Its all learning curve as long as your not on ice shelf you can heal basic diseases in your make shift barrack beds you should make on day one, as yet again unless your on max story teller is not got curve ball you that hard. Every thing else you can get over rather easy minus toxic fallout on week one. That is hard you need to stay in shelter for most the day, but you can build roofed walk ways to move from one building to another and you get a decent amount of time to expose your pawn to it to get food. You gonna end up eating raw meat for a couple days they won't like it but you can do it if you send hunters out fast to kill the animials before they get sick and rot as corpses. Just like you should harvest every berry or agave bush you can find asap when those hit, and have them haul it in, you get minor build up of toxins you can sit in the base for like 12 hours it goes away then go again when they wake up in the morning.

Imedialty when you get fallout pause and make a new area for people and animials call it FALLOUT, make it only allow roofed area access got do this your self clicking and dragging it out. Now flip them all to it, as needed flip on unrestricted to force them to hunt and gather food as fast as you can before its ruined. You may end up with a little malntrition but you can eat raw meat till you get your freezer up if you did the crashed start. A freezer after you make the barracks should be priorty one doens't have to work well use solar and wind with no batteries if you got to having it on most the day alone will double the length of your food till you sort out how to build proper battery storage.

Now if tribal pick everythign you can kill some critters butcher and make permcian that stuff lasts like 2 years with out a fridge they eat fast, but you need one plant food, one meat source for each batch. Think its 10 of each and it makes like 20 I don't recall exacts. But this is your bread and butter till you get electricity, if you choose to do it. Like I said it will last years if its got roof over it that is all it needs to not get ruined.

Blights are easier just hunt eat raw meat, get that freezer going if you not tribal, pick berries and agave to make permciam till you get your first crop then hunt like crazy and have your cooks soul priorty one 1 job be cook. With a little bit of practice you won't over hunt and have meat rotting away and learn to hunt as needed. These are biggest dangers though, blight and toxic fall out as no food will kill you faster then raiders will ever kill your colony.

you need to know how to mange that once you do even in tundra where you got a 15-20 day grow period you can bounce back if blight or cold snap ruins your crops in time to screw you so nothing gets to harvest. In those biomes like Tundrea and Boreal it looks like all is lost but in fall and winter it gets freezing out you can kill as much as you want and don't even need a working freezer. I put a air vent in mine in fact in those biomes so I can shut the power off in snow season, the turn them back on and shut the vent in the spring/summer warm period.

This stuff you learn by watching your colonies die and going "ok what did I do wrong, what can I do next time." But if you follow those learning helpers in the upper right corner they tell you how to make barracks your first freezer, and even how to make your first defensive position.

And learn to draft you pawns into minute man mode as I call it lets you directly order them. In harsh early game situations you may find your self hunting herds, this is crazy stupid dangours early on. Its a dice roll I group them up and make htem fire on them myself, this way if one or whole herd freaks out, they are in combat mode so will not run but fire o nthem then melee them. At this point if its a decent size herd I ignore it unless desprate for meat, I draft every one who can fight entire colony if need be, set the melees up near the ranged, and then click them off using shift click to make or take them out of my custom group.

You get lucky can kill like 3 elk with out pissing off the heard, that is plenty flick them off draft mode, and make them manually haul the dead elk to the animal storage spot you should toggled on near your make shift or permanent kitchen. If they are still alive make them for hunt grab hunter and order them to hunt it, they will finish it off and haul it to a spot if you toggled one for animal corpses. Always have a spot for them even if its not in a fridge that way your butcher isn't walking half way across the map, they auto haul even if they don't like to haul any thing they hunt if you got storage spot marked for dead animals. Do this and lower the number one risk I have of year death, death by stampeding elk/caribou heard when i am in the snow biomes and I need that meat at the risk of death. Other wise hunt down every emu, squirrel, rabbit etc that is not a pack animal for you meat, its less meat then the elk, and caribou but much safer till you start looting or making things like assault riffles or SMGs to hunt with.
Ideas / Re: Nerf Food Poisoning
August 29, 2016, 02:59:57 PM
Yes food eaten off the ground is dirty, did you parents never teach you to clean food you eat off the ground? It was literally in the dirt. And the stuff all makes sense many neglect to clean up an area early on, and if your like me you put the butcher table near the stove, because the yare right next to the freezer door. And you think is sanitary having all that blood and what not laying around the place as my cook is grilling up their meat? I worked with food trust me you got keep whole area clean for a reason. Sure you can make a sandwich on your dirty counter and not get food poisoning but are you making 20+ meals a day on that same counter? Big difference from feeding one or two off a meh clean kitchen and mass producing meals in one.

As far as the barfing goes, this is so mild its not funny, I had food poisoning once and trust me no way in hell would I even dream about working with it. I was lucky if I could pull myself away from the toilet for more then 2 minutes till my insides were completely empty. Realistically they should be throwing up and possibly shiting for 2-5 hours unable to hold anything down and do a damn thing even clean up their own mess.

Oh and food quality is possible factor If I grow too big a bunch of my food loses hp like crazy before its picked up. There is probably a few factors becuase the more I go on the less often I see it, early on though yeah its every where, by mid game when I am learning machining bench its super rare to see vomit unless a disease hit
Ideas / Re: Surgery needs a buff/rework badly
August 29, 2016, 02:52:37 PM
Real question is why are doing so much hardcore surgery? Seriously never had issues with peg legs and what not. You running mods so you can install bionic hearts and spines or what? I mean the odds are so random if you got a good set up I know pisses you off but you are probably the scum save types anyways. It is not like its x-com where it set in stone if that 99% chance to hit misses every time you reload it, it will miss. These screw ups are what keeps the game from being boring if every thing ran like your colonists were machines not people it would dull as hell. Maybe you should play sims or something else...
Quote from: Darth Fool on August 29, 2016, 02:28:11 PM
As for RAIDER ? Do you see any middle-east civilian settlement today taking the time to build defensive wall ? Not even redneck would do that.

Do a wikipedia search on Qalat

but failing that follow this link:

Yep, single family home made fortresses in modern times.  Whodathunk it?

Yeah a rimworld colony needs some kind of defense dug into the mountain cheesy hardcore is bit extreme some of them are made like Doomsday shelters where raiders pretty much have no point at all other then a be little nats.. In which case the story teller should hit you hard with more other events like diseases, infestations, solar flares, and drones hat mess with moods. But that is complicated to code in so it knows who is running a damn doomsday bunker lol
Brewing table shouldn't need a tool bench, that seems more like suggestion then feedback its a brewing table what tools are you gonna have to increase the speed? At least a tool chest near the cooking station that make sense you may need a different pan, or to sharpen you knife at the butcher table form time to time. But brewing that is what putting it in a big pot and stirring it... What we need a toolbox with spare spoons?

That is just my two sense, but rest is pretty spot on stuff.
Outdated / Re: [A14] Community Core Library v0.14.3.1
August 27, 2016, 02:06:04 AM
I got ask, hate to be that guy but any luck with A15, I am just now getting hip to mods, and finding some amazing ones, that all use this, and gotten responses from their devs saying they would love a15 updates but alas they need CCL first, and assume that is gonna be a fun undertaking. But I really can't go back to a14, it was nice but so spoiled now with the pot and what not. Plus dozen other good fixes like rapid animals at night waking up to go man hunter instead of it just being a dream they killed all humans they forgot in the morning.