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Messages - Merry76

General Discussion / Re: Alpha Seven
September 03, 2014, 11:53:17 AM
Quote from: EscapeZeppelin on September 03, 2014, 10:22:52 AM
Based on what Tynan has said will be included in the next update I don't think we'll see anything until at least October.

General Discussion / Re: will she wake up again?
September 03, 2014, 11:51:57 AM
Quote from: Reaper on September 02, 2014, 11:29:37 PM

Thanks for the whole church thing

But how much silver are 30 shekels? The bible also doesnt tell if you get less if the slave-to-be has an old gunshot wound in the brain. Probably wasnt as common back then  ;D

Seriously though, its a wonder they even take cripples as slaves. Maybe the slavers already have alpha 7, and can fix them up for a better selling price? Or they use a non-canon mod. The possibilities are endless  8)
General Discussion / Re: Love the new combat system
August 30, 2014, 12:51:24 PM
Quote from: bwebster on August 16, 2014, 06:46:47 PM
OP here, this topic blew up a lot more than I expected. I just want to clarify, it's more accurate to say that I love the stories that come out of the new combat system, rather than the system itself. I think it's a huge step in the right direction, but as many of you pointed out it also has parts that need to be fixed. I certainly wouldn't call it a major flaw. Some of the occurrences seem unrealistic, but in my opinion its a vast improvement over the colonists and raiders soaking up bullets like it wasn't a big deal back in previous versions.

Its not bad that topics blow up. It means it touches a nerve or something.

I guess if the damages get regulated a bit (the bit about the squirrel and the broken jaw... that was my first "injury" at all in this version so I used it as example. The stone throw taking off a leg was not my experience, it was a mate of mine who got it), and the prostetics are in... The game might be alright again.

That, and the RNG taken down a notch. Currently, it seems to do a random to see if the target is hit, and then a random to see where it hit. So a incompetent weaver could score a headshot just as likely as a grizzled vat grown soldier. This can of course work, but is a bit RNG heavy as I wrote before.

In real gun-combat, scoring a "center mass" shot isnt as difficult as scoring a headshot. Its still awesomely difficult, if there is return fire (something Rimworld doesnt give a damn about). It would follow that badly skilled shooters would "aim" to hit center mass, and good gunmen shoot for the vitals/head (given the right weapon of course... you are not very likely to go headshotting with a minigun). This means a "5 cm" off shot for a good shooter that aimed for the head might get him a grazing wound and stunning the opponent, while a center mass shot of a bad shooter that goes "5 cm off" would still hit the bigger target, but wouldnt have nearly the same effect as the grazing shot to the head. Also, a layman shooter would more often shoot more than 5 cm off target. Skill comes into play two ways that way :)
Ideas / Re: Multiplayer
August 30, 2014, 12:21:18 PM
Quote from: Jaszczur on August 27, 2014, 03:05:13 AM
Maybe a multiplayer like in new SimCity game?

That turned out to be such a good game, right?

No it didnt. And it had more programmers to code it. And it needs servers to be playable.
Not yet. You may trade with them later on, but factions are very simplistic at the moment.

Btw, if they help you fight, take care that they do not run into your "spray and pray" salvos. Even if you hit them by accident, they think you did it on purpose.
General Discussion / Re: Alpha 6
August 14, 2014, 02:46:29 PM
Quote from: DeltaV on August 14, 2014, 01:11:12 PM
As for it being too 'realistic' for a game like this, realism is always better for this type of game (see: Dwarf Fortress).

I dont like the new system. Its too unforgiving (bullet to the head? thats one less colonist) and not a tiny bit realistic. Stones can shoot off your legs and squirrels crack your jaw.

All in all, RNG reigns supreme. Not a good thing in my book - unless you like loosing, or save scumming (both results in the same: not a really good game experience).
General Discussion / Re: Help: Leg cut off
August 14, 2014, 02:36:13 PM
Quote from: rsdworker on August 14, 2014, 12:48:02 PM
i suggested a wheelchair for legless colonists who can't move around that would be idea if wooden peg isn't researched yet

A wheelchair is way more sophisticated than a peg leg or even a crutch. Also, neither of this items should have to be researched - a society that can build solar collectors, batteries and gethermal powerplants out of scrap metal shouldnt have problems whatsoever with creating crutches/peg legs. This stuff is hundreds of year old technology.

Replacement limbs and steel skullcaps however... those probably need research.
General Discussion / Re: Love the new combat system
August 14, 2014, 02:02:27 PM
I hate it with a passion. Its just turning up the RNG to a ridiculous degree - the same combat can go either way with a few lucky shots... Colonists surviving the fight but in a complete "useless" state because of crippling effects, or even dying because they cant be treated sufficiently. For me, this alpha version is by far the worst. Its not beyond salvage, but it lacks the stuff that makes it fun to play.

I have a colonist that is in perpetual pain because he hurt/scared his left thumb somehow in the landing (he was in the original 3) and either I didnt treat him well enough or too late (new system and all that). It basically means he has 3% permanent HP loss, and is a cripple when it comes to working. Because of a thumb that will never heal.

And dont come at me with "its more realistic this way" - it isnt. I had a guy getting a cracked jaw from a Science-damned squirrel. A squirrel cracking a jaw? Come on! Also, even if its more realistic when it comes to gunshots: realistic isnt always more fun.

TBH, the wounding system desperately needs help. Most severe wounds should heal out (albeit very slowly) over time, or there should be a replacement for limbs (cybertronics/augmetics/transplants).
Pain should go away after a fight and not persist if a body part is scarred up. The reason is that scar tissue isnt really able to feel pain. It should just be called "permanent damage" - because thats what it is.
There also should be a limit on what certains weapons can do: squirrels that crack your jaw or stones that shoot off your legs are neither fun nor realistic - just plain dumb. If a squirrel downs a man (however that should happen), he should die of gangrene later on or a savaged jugular (maybe after he went unconscious?).

Getting someone permanently injured really isnt helping the game. Most players will just give them a oneway trip to the slave trader, and replace it with a fresh slave from the very same trader (its what many DF and Gnomoria players do - cull the injured, get new recruits).
General Discussion / Re: Instadeath problem
June 24, 2014, 02:34:03 PM
You could also play Randy Random...

This storyteller doesnt exactly spiral towards certain doom, he just dishes certain doom whenever he wants.

But because he is so random, this could be on day 10, or day 200. Or not at all, because he actually lets you have more than 10 colonists (this means you can actually fight back some of the more ridiculous waves of pirates and mechanoids).

My Randy is currently stuck on "I send you friendly people over to visit" - at least once every two day. I sometimes have two groups of visiors at the same time. I think its a slight bug. Or the calm before the storm.
Quote from: Dr. Z on April 16, 2014, 10:00:49 AM
Just to clarify:
An eclipse is when the moon is between the planet and the sun.
A solar flare is when a particle storm from the sun hits the planet.
So how can a solar flare hit the planet during an eclipse?

My take: While sunlight and solar flare are not the same (basically the flare consists of sunlight, different kinds of other radiation and charged particles in more or less this order), the components of the flare would also have to fly in a straight line, in which any kind of moon would present a perfect radiation shielding device. Now while a solar eclipse is rather local and usually doesnt cover the whole planet (when caused by a moon... in Rimworlds case we probably live on a moon of a gas giant, which may itself have a few moons of its own... INCEPTION!), the flare may hit the unprotected part of the ionosphere, and cause a global (lunar? or do we still call it global if we live on a gas giant moon with moons of its own?) magnetic magnetic storm. That however wouldnt short out electricity. Magnetic storms may irritate delicate equipment and fool a compass, but in no way shut down a geothermal power plant. If they could, we would feel them here on earth on a regular basis, as solar flares are common, but our ionosphere pwns most of them and makes them harmless. Sure the large ones are quite devastading, but we get loads of them on Rimworld - that can only mean we get regular ones we cant really deal with because the ionosphere of our little ball of rock is really, really weak.

I am no astrophysicist, but like any geek with an interest in space (which means almost every one of us) I read some of it a few years back. This might be a bit jumbled up, but leads to

TL;DR: It cannot, and must be an oversight. One that happens way too often IMO, because the AI Storyteller runs out of things to throw at you at some point, and these tend to overlap because they take a lot of time to pass.
General Discussion / Re: My anti-multiplayer request
March 25, 2014, 10:51:24 AM
Remember how much fun Stronghold multiplayer was?

No? That may be because it played like ASS. It is what happens if you take an enjoyable single player game (I thought Stronghold to be rather enjoyable... at least the first two iterations) and slap on multiplayer onto it.

The base building genre somehow doesnt translate well to multiplayer, imo. Co-Op would probably work, but that would just make the game a bit easier (because you can help eachother out) and add fun things like lag and waiting until your co-op player companion unpauses the game. Did I say fun? My bad, that are absolute awful things  ::)
Try giving everyone a 6x7 (more or less that size) bedroom. This prevents them from getting a "had to sleep outside" and "shared bedroom" modificator. Also, while they are sleeping (which is a dang long time every day) they get the "spacious interior room" happiness boost while they are in there.

Also do not build tight corridors, build big ones. I currently have 5 wide corridors, that are laid out with carpets and more flower pots than your average flower shop has. My colonists dont even flinch at raider attacks anymore  ;D
General Discussion / Re: Mental Breaks Seriously?
March 20, 2014, 06:25:41 AM
A Morgue is basically a cooling storage that doesnt allow a body to decompose. Most Morgue corpses are also "cleaned" and did not die in gunfire/grenades or trampled to death by a muffalo. We go through great lenghts to make people look like they are just sleeping when we bury them.

Take a look at some pictures from syria hospitals (with people who are quite mauled) and imagine them lying around for a few days in the sun/rain.

That will be unsettling enough for most people - to the degree that anyone not being unsettled by it must have a perk that signifies this ("cold blooded killer", or "emotionless"). Of course the game currently treats all corpses the same.

But the only way you get a mental breakdown nowadays is seriously mistreating your colonists before they observe the corpse - not feeding them, letting them sleep outside in the rain and letting them work in really claustrophobic conditions. If you mistreat someone like that and then show them a corpse, expect them to snap (entirely reasonable for me).
General Discussion / Re: Question related to friends
January 27, 2014, 03:30:59 PM
You could think of this as "piracy light" or "aggressive promotion", depending on your viewpoint. I personally think it would be fine to give out a older version to fix them with the RimWorld bug despite being horribly anti-piracy. I simply think they could not resist getting it themselves.

Also discussed here:
Honest confession of a pirate.
Can colonist path through hoppers (without getting turned into nutrient paste) if the paste dispenser is on fire?

Could be important  ;D