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Messages - Kluge

Mods / Re: Problem on how to "load" mod order
April 17, 2016, 10:53:43 AM
Load Misc_Patch_-_EdBPrepareCarefully last.
GlitterTech. There's a workaround related to relabeling something, but I can't find it...

ETA: Here we go!

Quote from: blackdove on September 25, 2015, 04:24:35 PM
Edit2: looks like Glittertech when defining the replicators overwrites leg defs for quadrupeds causing the low leg HP and 4 front left legs.  If you go into GT and modify the bodydefs, bodypartdefs, and bodypartgroupdefs and change the name of the legs it should fix the bug and hopefully not break GT

Quote from: Shabazza on April 17, 2016, 10:07:53 AM
Today I say a weird thing happening.
I had harvested some strawberries from my fields, but my guy was busy with other stuff, so he could not haul it to thr freezer.
The berries lay there on the ground for 2 days or so, when the suddenly began to vanish.
I paused and checked their state.
It showed "Spoils in 4 days" or something near that, but the 'HP' or 'durability' bars of them were almost empty,
causing some of them to already disappear.

Is this a bug or intended?
I thought the stated time for them to spoil is the only thing that matters. Why do they have a durability bar then?
What does this bar mean for food?
Both matter. Strawberries have a very fast deterioration rate, so it's significantly better to have them under a roof, even if it's not refrigerated. If you do this, then they will only vanish once they spoil (assuming they don't catch on fire or something).
Quote from: Aarkreinsil on April 17, 2016, 09:09:37 AM
Quote from: Kluge on April 17, 2016, 09:05:06 AM
Would probably be more believable and intuitive if the social debuff were scaled way back and it becomes a significant mood issue for the affected colonist. I was kind of surprised ugly people don't seem to have any self-esteem issues even though everyone explicitly dislikes them for being so damn ugly.

Father +20
Ugly -30

Nuff said xD
lol - this might be a good time for some satire mods. Maybe raiders maintain an 10-tile distance from ugly people so they don't have to see them as clearly, and shooting accuracy is significantly reduced against ugly people due to the inability to look at them for too long. Re-word the events so they seem to be the result of ugly colonists... cause plants to die around the ugly colonist.... Oh! Paper bag surgery mod -- they actually get a bag grafted onto their face!

I was amused when I had a beautiful male land whale... He'd just walk around naked every day and get all the ladies. I was getting jealous, so we ate him. :o
Would probably be more believable and intuitive if the social debuff were scaled way back and it becomes a significant mood issue for the affected colonist. I was kind of surprised ugly people don't seem to have any self-esteem issues even though everyone explicitly dislikes them for being so damn ugly.
Biome determines rate of infection events. They're more common warm, wet areas, less common in dry environments (whether hot or cold).

I don't really bother with medicine until I'm ready to start swapping out bunches of organs... Just keeping people in bed with a good doctor on-hand (incl. a night-shift doctor) seems to be enough for plagues and infections and whatnot.
Ideas / Re: Why pawns need such huge rooms?
April 16, 2016, 06:04:17 PM
Most of the issue is the odd way space is calculated for colonists, I think. Moving the bed into the center of the room (not against any walls) will make the space requirement seem less extreme...
General Discussion / Re: Component assembly irony
April 16, 2016, 05:44:06 PM
Quote from: erdrik on April 16, 2016, 05:27:51 PM
Quote from: makapse on April 16, 2016, 10:43:52 AM
thats strip mining.Its used to find ore deposits inside mountains. If you have ever played dwarf fortress or minecraft you will understand whats the best way to do it.

Yes I know what it is I asked if it was common.
I ask because Ive never felt the need to strip mine, and that hasn't changed in A13 so far...
It's certainly not a rare practice. VeinMine (MineVein? VeinMiner?) mod has a very handy tool for mass-stripping so you aren't dragging tons of lines, which looks like a pain.
Bugs / Re: [A13] [Crash] with a few mods
April 16, 2016, 04:54:13 PM
You hit the 2GB RAM limit. Assuming you have more RAM, I suppose you could try using a tool or guide to enable Large Address Aware on Rimworld if it isn't by default so it maybe doesn't crash as frequently.

One of the mods appears to have a memory leak. Are you using the EdB colonist bar?
Quote from: Khall on April 16, 2016, 04:45:34 PM
I'm pretty sure if you look in the details for a bill, there's an option to choose whether to take to a stockpile or drop on the floor.
You are a wonderful human being. Thank you. ;D
Support / Re: Purchasing RimWorld
April 16, 2016, 04:44:36 PM
Quote from: Nautika927 on April 16, 2016, 04:29:46 PM
I've been combing through the forums looking for the answer to my question and haven't been able to find what I'm looking for.

My question: Is RimWorld a one time purchase?
Ex. "Bob" buys Alpha 13, a month later, Alpha 14 is released. Will he simply get the update link or will he need to purchase 14 in order to play it?
Updates are FREE and emailed to you. Once it's released on Steam, either a key will be emailed to you, or if this cannot be done, updates will continue to be emailed out.

(you must work in IT or operations? Corporate folk always assume software's not a one-off :) )
Was hoping disabling haul job would do it, but no luck. Unsure if there's a way to enable this in vanilla or if mod exists...

Irritating when I have a crafting bench a significant distance from the stockpile the finished bench goes to, and my prized crafter is spending 75% of his work time moving his product to the stockpile and running back. A lot of less useful colonists only kept around for hauling will be eaten if this is not resolved. :(

Actually, they'll be eaten either way... I have a lot of animals trained in hauling nowadays... (uhhhh, or I could eat the animals, but they passively produce stuff!)

ETA: I can probably just restrict where they move to prevent the stockpile from being accessible?
Outdated / Re: [A13] Soylent Green by JuliaEllie
April 16, 2016, 02:02:29 PM
Use winRAR or 7zip to extract the files from the .rar archive.
General Discussion / Re: Can't make money reliably.
April 16, 2016, 01:42:18 PM
Elephant horns and beer are my go-tos.

Well, maybe you'll get lucky.