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Messages - Klitri

The internet is so frickin annoying do you read what you type people ... ?

I particularly enjoyed the Alpha 18 release, I thought it was exactly the direction Rimworld should have taken and I have no doubt that it will hype the community here for awhile.

I'm going to go enjoy playing it now while the community mumbles and cries with useless questions and meandering concerns about things that were added such as slaughtering mental breaks and other very good yet hardly appreciated features.
Hi I'm a fan I just wanted to report a little bugs I noticed while playing because I've had time to play around with it and I'm not sure if these things have happened because of incompatible mods but heres my tiny list.

-World map: When you construct a road and you get "interrupted" by events or anything that halts the road, it leaves a GUI bar that never disappears. If you create the road again it will make a new GUI bar and then work as normal, leaving the old GUI bar there forever. I have pictures if needed.

- When I saved after deconstructing a world road, it came back after I loaded. Could have been me but I'm confident I destroyed the road as I would notice.. lol.

A little advice to everyone else about highway building? Take advantage of drop pods and settling more than one settlement.
I've got maybe 30 muffalo and we can carry upwards to around 1530 kg. Which is about 3-4 highway segments worth. Coupled with my construction team (Average skill: 10) of four people it takes maybe two days total to build those 3-4 highway segments. As for muffalo taming, tame a whole lot, just let your pawn handlers go crazy, then just let them breed and wander the second map, and then have your real base on the first map. Settle close to the second map so you have easy access. :)
Quote from: Wishmaster on October 19, 2017, 10:51:10 AM
Quote from: Canute on October 19, 2017, 09:53:15 AM
Ok, that explain why i don't saw any repair button.
But currently pointless for me, when i don't find an "easy" way to refuel outside.
Maybe i need to create a semi-temp. fuelcamp.
But then an option not to unload the pod would be useful, hmm maybe the
[A17]AntiAutoUnload-Keeps your inventory!
mod works with the pods.

Then i could jump from the home to the fuelcamp, unload pawn,fuel and repair the pods and jump futher to the tradeoutpost.

At first I wanted to make a feature to refuel front inventory on world map. But I felt like it would be to OP.

You could purchase fuel from faction bases and bunny hop to anywhere quite easily.
But well a there is a obviously a workaround for this.

That's for the next update.

It's cool you wanted to balance the game or whatever but now if you land pods they can't refuel at all so thanks. A lot.
Mind your own damn business that's what ...
Artistic Perspective - Alpha MOD
WARNING: By using this mod you acknowledge that there may be bugs and that this is an ALPHA release of the mod. Just a heads up! It won't break your game, but some stuff may not work right. Despite all that I think it's fine! Please lemme know as it pops up and I'll be sure to get on it! Thanks.
Artistic Perspective adds new art forms to the vanilla style game while maintaining the atmosphere the base game sets out to achieve. This mod is mostly fluff for the simple art system currently in place, however I felt I should share it since I haven't seen any other mods that toy with the subject in a simple way.

Sub Topic
This mod currently adds books to the game which can be crafted for 70 leathery stuff and is an item that can be traded or kept. I plan to add more arts but hey, I figured I'd get it on the web and see what others think of it. It is my first mod after all.

-- Crafting of "artistic" books that tell tales! Done at the sculpting table.
-- More to come!

Author/Mod Team
Klitri - ME


How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

Can modpack makers include your mod in their modpack? - Ask me please! :)
Can other modders make derivative mods based on yours? - Obviously! :)

Thank You! Happy that I can share this with the community!
"Charlie the friendly AI from the past " potentially could be, say, Cassandra's long lost AI storyteller brother. Explains why he lands on the planet to rescue you because he would be his own storyteller AI capable of manipulating the story, right ? right ?
General Discussion / Impressive Mod Community
September 28, 2017, 07:54:54 AM
I just have to say it's super impressive that the mod community filled in the holes in Tynan's development plan by making mods to do things that Tynan said would never be in the vanilla version of the game... --

On that list of "NO"s I have seen Alpha 17 mods that achieve the purposes. Multiplayer, Alien races, landable ships, bionic and organ extraction after death + expanded, containers for stacks, fog of war, guards + patrols... All achieved with mods. I think making them that way (Having to download a mod to use them) was a good idea because the vanilla game captures Tynan's vision which is awesome, and the mods can be used to maximize the fun-percentile of the game to 1000!

A year ago or so I seen that list and I agreed and said "Yeah, stick it, whiners" but now thru the power of the code-xsphere, we no longer need that list.... Cool shit : )

QuickEDIT: Oh I just stumbled on more stuff the modding community achieved that was on that list may as well say it for dramatic effect.

- Children breeding and procreation - Exists
- Basic needs like toilets showers - Exists
-Robotics like Roomba - Exists
- Slaves Prisoner workforce - I'm pretty sure it exists ?
-Water as a resource with fishing - Confident that it exists
-Backpacks with extra weapon slots - I seen a sidearm mod last night not sure about backpacks
-Nonlethal weaponry - Exists! That mod that adds rubber bullets
-Rideable animals of all sorts - I seen a mount mod before, right?
-Prisoner Ransom - Well I think vanilla added it already ..

Pretty neat, I have to wonder if the modders seen this list and took a challenge.
Okay I understand the politics behind it but is it unreasonable to suggest that maybe mods be excluded from deletion like this because the GitHub repository links tend to lead to 404s and I have to use a mirror like the attachment which sucks the mod in particular being the one that adds chemfuel generators to the game I would really really like that but uh, the attachment is down and -- there is a steam link -- I missed that there's a steam link but I have seen ones without any links so for those mods my original statement holds question ("can we have those links back"?) I understand the politics and the risk behind it with small obscure mods with no shots and misspelled titles, but I'll be honest about it, with screenshots and a history mods like chemfuel should have their attachment link still.
General Discussion / Re: Traps
July 24, 2016, 11:46:54 AM
Yes, the chance of the trap being set off is based on the size of the pawn on top of it.
Well, opposites attract, eh?
I think it's based on the colonists character. I assume backstories, skills, and traits and such all influence the compatability and attraction. Compatability is needed for the friendship / relationship to work out, but I am sure it can be low and still work out. Attraction is obviously how attracted they are to eachother, it needs to be high for relationships to form deeply.

Stories / Re: Ricky
June 05, 2016, 02:34:55 PM
Great story! I actually kind of felt a connection to the characters, hahaha!
ACTUALLY, visitors grab injured visitors if they can't move next time they visit, and take them home.
Ideas / Re: Powered Hatches
May 12, 2016, 06:38:57 AM
As a simple programmer, I can easily say that the work the AI needs is beyond any "simple" code. You would need to spend time on something like this, and it adds more fixes than it does solutions, so no, your idea isn't a good idea. I'm sorry.

And for the record, computers run on true and false as previously stated. This means a true and false needs to be given for every situation an AI runs into. EVERY situation. It's not simple.
General Discussion / Re: Zero Meat
May 12, 2016, 06:11:50 AM
Sounds like a bug indeed, nothing to do but begin the slaughter. :)