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Messages - raydarken

I'm running in to a bit of power creep in my game from all the various mods I'm using, and while I strive to play as close to vanilla balance as possible sometimes adding more negatives can help balance things out. I was thinking about adding more negative effects to the infusion list, however before I got started editing the XML files I realized that skilled crafters would end up with a higher chance to create 'bad infusions' because the mod does not distinguish between 'good' and 'bad' infusions. Would it be possible to add a list of 'negative' infusions that are more likely to appear when a weapon/apparel is made by a low skill crafter? I understand the existing quality system kind of covers this already, however with the recent change of HP having no effect on ranged weapons effectiveness, I thought this would be a good way to have more 'low quality' weapons appear in the game. Think of it like 'cursed' items in a lot of RPG's. :)

I understand a lot of folks would balk at the idea of introducing the possibility of finding even crappier weapons, however everyone enjoys the game differently and I thought I'd bring this up to see how feasible it could be. Ideally it would be an option setting that could be enabled.


EDIT: Here's a different approach to the idea I just thought of that could achieve what I'm imagining- Have the effect of the infusion scale with the weapon quality, including going negative. To keep things simple it might be best to set a flat chance for an item to be infused (rather than the chance increasing based on the quality of the item), since the quality of the item already impacts its strength in vanilla by quite a bit. Also, if the effect became negative due to the weapon quality, the infusion name could be changed to match. Light<>Heavy, Long<>Short, Careful<>Imprecise, Clean<>Dirty etc.

Weapon infusion quality based on weapon quality table:
Awful: -100% infusion effect
Poor: -50% infusion effect
Normal: 50% infusion effect
Good: 100% infusion effect
Excellent: 150% infusion effect
Masterwork: 200% infusion effect
Legendary: 300% infusion effect

Example of Bolt-action rifle with the 'CarefulRange' (uncommon ranged) infusion (normally +3% accuracy):

Awful: -3% accuracy penalty
Poor: -1.5% accuracy penalty
Normal: 1.5% accuracy bonus
Good: 3% accuracy bonus
Excellent: 4.5% accuracy bonus
Masterwork: 6% accuracy bonus
Legendary: 12% accuracy bonus
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] Persistent RimWorlds
October 10, 2018, 02:20:40 PM
Brilliant idea. Holy cow, I'm really excited for this!  :D :D Thank you for your work on this mod, I will be following your progress closely!
Help / Re: Mod sort issues, and conflict issues
October 10, 2018, 02:12:13 PM
Ran your log file through a text analyzing tool here ( and it looks like there's a good chance one of your biggest problems relates to a turret mod. The word 'turretextensions' appears 97 times in your log file.

Hope this information helps!
Help / Re: Reading Log file
October 10, 2018, 02:00:34 PM
I ran your log file through a word counting tool (here: and the biggest issue seems to be relating to a vampire mod. The phrase 'post vampire' is listed 164 times in your log. 'trygivejob post' shows up 108 times. 'named propershotguns' and 'class= propershotguns' show up around 75 times.

If you're still working on this, I'd recommend looking more closely at the messages in the log regarding those top words I listed.

Hope this helps!
Releases / Re: [B19] (v1.2.2) Rambo Weapons Pack
October 10, 2018, 10:42:43 AM
Quote from: dvegit0 on October 09, 2018, 07:24:45 PM
i need some way to organize the weapons,
Dub's Mint Menus is what you need friend!

You can also search items which is amazing.
Releases / Re: [B19] (v1.2.2) Rambo Weapons Pack
October 09, 2018, 12:44:22 PM
By far my favorite weapons pack and the one which I feel is the most balance. Thank you for taking the time to work on this for us! ;D
Releases / Re: [B19] Rainbeau's Mods
October 08, 2018, 05:46:41 PM
Hey dburgdorf, thank you for your hard work on all your mods! I have been tinkering with your 'Tribal Names' mod and took the time to combine a list of Medieval names from

QuoteThe Medieval Name List is comprised of names taken from the European area during the Middle Ages and Renaissance era. The bulk of the names aim to be from the 10th-15th centuries but many names from earlier and later periods are included as well.

There are ~4200 female first names and ~6200 male first names. There's definitely nothing wrong with the names you have provided, however I feel variety is the spice of the Rim and I enjoy the style of these names as well. Also, I'm hopeful that at some point in the future we'll be able to have different 'name groups' for different faction types, or maybe even different factions!

I've attached the text files to this post however I'm not sure on what type of considerations should be made regarding permission to use this name list and I can take it down if requested.

Enjoy!  ;D

[attachment deleted due to age]
Mods / Re: [Mod request] Better choices for corpses
October 07, 2018, 09:28:49 PM
If I understand your request correctly, this can be done in vanilla using two stockpiles and the ingredient radius filter in the recipe edit screen.

Set the ingredient radius to include only your two corpse stockpiles and no other corpse stockpiles, then set up the stockpile filters as you described, one human and one animal. Boom, done. :)

Hope that helps and I can clarify if needed.
Releases / Re: [B18] SeedsPlease!
October 05, 2018, 10:51:09 AM
Any plans to keep this updated moving forward? I for one am looking forward to an update!  :)
Thanks again for the reply Canute. I do see that there are a lot of errors and have looked over some of them. Some seem like they can be safely ignored however I don't have the time to completely understand them all of course.

I am going to try a few things such as using dev mode to delete all the corn on the map in the hopes that maybe a single stack of corn is bugged or something and see where that gets me. I'd like to avoid abandoning this colony however I think you're right, it may be best to go through my mods again and do what I need to ensure there are less errors on startup.

Edit: The debug log has a lot of 'errors' when I first load the game also, but they mostly look harmless.

EDIT2: Deleting the pawn 'Rhino' and clearing the area with the corn/rice and stoves seems to almost fix it (simply deleting the stoves didn't fix it). With this new information I think I can narrow it down once I'm sitting at my PC again. Also, the pawns who get this error are trying to haul things to a particular cell with a table and chair in the dining room. However when I deleted the chair and dining room table in god mode they still had the same error trying to haul to that exact cell.

EDIT3: I'm just editing this post because there's no reason to keep making new replies. Anyway, I just realized I have 3(!) different mods installed and active which change the way pawns eat food (look for a table even if it's at a large distance). I'm removing all of those and trying again, I think I may be on to something finally.

EDIT4: Well, the error is still there with the 3 food/meal/table mods disabled. Continuing to investigate but will probably take a break for a bit.

FINAL EDIT: It's fixed! The issue was with pawns trying to refill a hopper that I had set to only be refilled if the remaining quantity of the food was below a certain percentage. For some reason this caused the issue and when I set it back to 100% the issue was resolved. I'll have to check which mod adds that feature and submit feedback to the author. Thanks again.
Thanks for the reply Canute! I will review that topic and post additional information asap.

I was able to load the game (chrome remote desktop) and upload the log using the share option in the debug menu here: This log is from directly after the save was loaded before time is started.

Here are the additional lines in the log after trying to run the game at normal speed for a couple of ticks:
1718. Beaver threw exception in WorkGiver Mine: System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
1719. at System.Linq.Enumerable.Iterate<single, single> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<single>,single,System.Func`3<single, single, single>) <0x00168>
1720. at System.Linq.Enumerable.Max (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<single>) <0x000bc>
1721. at Mining_Priority.WorkGiver_Miner_Potential_Patch.Prefix (Verse.AI.Job&,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,bool) <0x001b7>
1722. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.WorkGiver_Miner.JobOnThing_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,bool) <0x00091>
1723. at RimWorld.WorkGiver_Scanner.HasJobOnThing (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,bool) <0x00031>
1724. at RimWorld.JobGiver_Work/<TryIssueJobPackage>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 (Verse.Thing) <0x0005e>
1725. at Verse.GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global_Reachable (Verse.IntVec3,Verse.Map,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Thing>,Verse.AI.PathEndMode,Verse.TraverseParms,single,System.Predicate`1<Verse.Thing>,System.Func`2<Verse.Thing, single>) <0x002d8>
1726. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) <0x00e4d>
1729. Rhino started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=HaulToCell (Job_5460238) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153) jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work jobList=(HaulToCell (Job_5460208) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460211) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460214) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460217) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460220) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460223) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460226) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460229) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460232) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460235) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153)) (HaulToCell (Job_5460238) A=Thing_RawCorn1322364 B=(148, 0, 153))  lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work

'Rhino' is the Pawn who is stuck 'standing', trying to cook, and it definitely looks like it's related to hauling corn.

I do use the GouRIMet mod ( and the Storage Solutions mod (, however I don't believe I've built any of the custom storage containers yet.

Edit: I'm removing mods to see if I can narrow this down (keeping them removed after verifying the game still runs and the issue isn't resolved). It wasn't pick up and haul, storage solutions, feed the colonists, or 'hand me that brick lite'. Considering what to try to remove next.
I'm running a 0.19 game on year 5 or 6 and recently I noticed that the pawns I have assigned to cooking are walking to the electric stove and just 'Standing' at the spot, doing nothing. The standing behavior continues even after I delete the bills at the stoves. Initially it only affected one pawn, but over the course of a season or so it started to effect all my pawns assigned to cooking. When the 'cooking' job is removed from a pawn they no longer are stuck 'Standing'.

I understand it's better to post logs, modlist and possibly the savefile for troubleshooting, however I don't have that information available at the moment and will need to upload it later if it's needed.

Couple of observations, this bug seems like it could be related to another but I experienced not too long ago. While watching the debug log when this seems to have started I saw some errors relating to unloading a caravan I think, and the game kept pausing with an error saying something along the lines of a pawn queuing 10+ jobs at once. I fiddled with job priorities and area restrictions and that bug seemed to go away after an in game day or so. I feel like both bugs may be related to the mod Pick up and Haul ( however I really hope not because that mod is absolutely amazing and I would hate to going back to playing without it!

I don't expect a diagnosis with this limited information, however I thought I'd ask for some tips on where to look and what may be the best approach attempting to find the cause of the bug. I researched the best I could and most say it's cause by a mod conflict, possibly mod order.

Thanks for reading.
I generally don't banish or dispose of pawns which have become useless because it seems too much like min/maxing and is somewhat immersion breaking to me. My current game is set at the difficulty of Cassandra Rough with Marvin's Combat Readiness mod (highly recommended) and I recently had a pawn who gained mild blindness in both eyes on his 46th birthday (mod). By the time he was 48 he had gone profoundly blind in both eyes (same mod). He was my best shooter AND doctor at the time, but I just sucked it up and got through the setback. Last few years he's been a star animal handler. Thanks for your service Noob!

Also had a pawn who had a birthday and became frail. That one really sucks, but c'est la vie right? She's still doing all the same jobs just more slowly. We're all in this together!

That being said, I've been considering banishing a raider I converted who keeps having semi-regular breaks and tries to keep binging on the hardest drugs he can find. Shattered his nose the first time trying to  down him, but he still persists. Now that I think of it, maybe I will implement a 3 strikes you're out rule... that could be interesting an interesting way to trim the fat on unstable pawns clogging up the colony works. Then again, some seasons are bad for everyone and that sort of strict policy could leave the policy quite empty pretty quickly. But I digress, I think I'll head over to the scenario forum with a new idea.
General Discussion / Re: Deterioration change?
September 27, 2018, 01:14:23 PM
This change was news to me also, and I'm guessing the change had something to do with raid balance.

Quote from: mebe on September 27, 2018, 03:13:39 AM
Surely the easy solution is to get rid of the mechanic entirely and have damage effect the quality of the item (leave a masterwork shotgun in the rain for a week and it is no longer a masterwork). That would then automatically pick up on the quality bonus system.
This makes sense to me as a solution. To simplify the quality of raider weapons I would have them start with always 100% durability, and then have a chance at poor craftsmanship. Come to think of it, raiders may already start with 100% weapon durability, don't remember off the top of my head. I've seen both perfect weapons and some damaged on dead/downed raiders, not sure if they came in with worn out weapons or not.

Anyhow, I hope this particular mechanic can be looked at again before full release!
Releases / Re: [B19] Faction Control
September 22, 2018, 07:26:05 AM
This mod is preventing me from creating a new colony, it took a while but I narrowed the issue down to this mod in particular. When I start to create a new colony with this enabled my UI disappears after selecting the scenario type and the game hangs. I have many other mods installed and I'm not sure if it's a conflict with another mod however I wanted to report the issue. The mod itself seems to work fine when loading an existing colony with the mod enabled. I reset all mod settings to see if that resolved it, but the issue remained. I did not check having this mod as the only mod enabled to see if that helps because restarting Rimworld over and over can be time consuming. I can post my modlist if that helps.

Hope this information helps!