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Messages - Maeyanie

Releases / Re: [1.0] A RimWorld of Magic
March 26, 2019, 12:20:33 AM
Quote from: Cyperangel on March 24, 2019, 05:22:01 AM
H9i there. I am getting an annoying bug where my pawns no longer eat any food, and die from starvation. Despite them having a full fridge / freezer, and access to it via allowed zones.
The debug log gives the following error:

And as far as I can read it, the only mod that is mentioned in this, is the minion meat from the magic mod. So, help please?

Yeah, I just posted about that one too. In my case, it was any food item made from LOTR's Lembas flour which was causing it to happen, but there are likely other modded ingredients which cause it too. Don't be fooled by the "MinionMeat" in the name, it's not minion meat itself which causes the problem, but rather the check-for-minion-meat-eating handler crashing when checking other mods' items.

Destroying all existing food with it as an ingredient and unchecking it from being used to make future meals worked around the problem, at least for me.
Releases / Re: [1.0] A RimWorld of Magic
March 24, 2019, 02:33:55 AM
Quote from: LegendZero88 on March 22, 2019, 02:26:05 PM
yeah but i want more than that. if someone can tell me which files i have to search, i willl be able to edit it :D


Unfortunately this mod is closed-source, so it's not possible to edit a lot of things.

Edit: Well... not easily, at least.
Releases / Re: [1.0] A RimWorld of Magic
March 20, 2019, 09:54:04 PM
Quote from: DubiousPhoenix on March 20, 2019, 12:57:27 AM
Got the same issue for the first time over multiple playthroughs. I don't have a mod that uses Lembas flour though. Was that really the issue for you? Did getting rid of the mod adding Lembas flour fix it?

Edit 1 - So I found this post recently on the steam forums for this mod by MiracleAce  who got it working by deleting food with Lem Flour. Mine says minion meat (maybe from the invasion event? Maybe those are the minions it's talking about??) so I deleted all my food. Like the entire fridge. And any meals that could have ever been made with the results of the fire elemental event (idk if they even drop meat but I'm desperate lol), everything from VGP Garden and it's extensions to drinks, soda, honey from the bees mod, literally everything. Then I force ate the food my pawns had in their inventory. I spawned in some oranges to test. When my pawns got hungry they give out the same error message.

I've had Lembas meals earlier in this playthrough and they were working fine then, it only stopped working like 2 or 3 days ago. It's possible an update suddenly broke things.

The function errors is the one which adds a debuff when people eat minion meat, but it does run for every ingredient on everything everyone eats ever just to check if that thing happens to contain minion meat, so it's not necessarily related to that, it could be any ingredient causing it.

As part of testing, I did try a number of things, and established that if I delete any food containing Lembas flour it started working, then if I allowed something to be made with it, it started giving the error again. But, it's entirely possible there are other ingredients in other mods out there with similar brokenness, that's just the one I happened to find.

Forbidding it from being used in food seems to have avoided repeating the problem for now, and as Canute mentioned it was 0 nutrition (though setting it to 0.1 nutrition in the def didn't change anything) so using it in meals was a waste anyhow.
Releases / Re: [1.0] A RimWorld of Magic
March 17, 2019, 06:33:20 PM
I'm getting colonists refusing to eat and this exception filling my log:

Exception in Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter TryIssueJobPackage: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at TorannMagic.HarmonyPatches/FoodUtility_MinionMeat_ThoughtFromEatingIngredient_Patch.Postfix (Verse.ThingDef,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<RimWorld.ThoughtDef>&) <0x00019>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.AddIngestThoughtsFromIngredient_Patch1 (Verse.ThingDef,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<RimWorld.ThoughtDef>) <0x0014b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FoodUtility.ThoughtsFromIngesting_Patch2 (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,Verse.ThingDef) <0x00280>
at RimWorld.FoodUtility.FoodOptimality (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,Verse.ThingDef,single,bool) <0x00229>
at RimWorld.FoodUtility.SpawnedFoodSearchInnerScan (Verse.Pawn,Verse.IntVec3,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Thing>,Verse.AI.PathEndMode,Verse.TraverseParms,single,System.Predicate`1<Verse.Thing>) <0x001c7>
at RimWorld.FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,bool,Verse.ThingDef&,RimWorld.FoodPreferability,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool) <0x0060e>
at RimWorld.FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,bool,Verse.Thing&,Verse.ThingDef&,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool) <0x002d3>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.JobGiver_GetFood.TryGiveJob_Patch2 (object,Verse.Pawn) <0x00223>
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) <0x00039>
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) <0x0056b>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Tagger:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Subtree:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Conditional:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:DetermineNextJob_Patch5(Object, ThinkTreeDef&)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob_Patch1(Object, JobCondition, Boolean)

I'm not sure why, taking a look at the decompiled code there does seem to be fairly good null checking on that function. Unless some other mod I have is creating ingredients without even setting "ingredient.ingestible" to anything, or it's getting passed a null argument somehow.

Yeah, looked like I had a stack of food which had become "damaged" in some way and would throw exceptions when it was eaten or considered to be eaten. Not sure how it got that way... everything else seems fine. Will look into it further.

Edit 2:
I'm not 100% sure about this since there's a lot of variables, but it seems to happen after certain items from other mods (elven bread from the LOTR stuff and possibly jerked meat from Medieval Times) are stored inside a RimFridge fridge.

Edit 3:
It doesn't seem to require the RimFridge fridge. Had it happen without that too. Might just be the item.

Edit 4:
It's looking like it might be anything made with Lembas flour.
Outdated / Re: [B18] Advanced Animal Frameworks 1.0
January 29, 2019, 05:35:49 PM
It could be a mod interaction, but it looks like this causes an error when someone tries to feed a patient, but there isn't any food available.

Stack trace:
Exception in Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter TryIssueJobPackage: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at RimWorld.WorkGiver_WPFeedPatient.JobOnThing (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,bool) <0x001f1>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) <0x021bf>
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams) <0x0056b>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Tagger:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Subtree:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Conditional:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:DetermineNextJob_Patch5(Object, ThinkTreeDef&)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob_Patch1(Object, JobCondition, Boolean)
Quote from: Sebastian Cigar on November 15, 2018, 02:55:36 PM
godspeed mate and thanks for all your work so far
could we have an approximate release date? like, ~6 weeks from now?

It's always hard to give even rough estimates in software development, but there's been quite a number of commits in the Github repository in the last couple of days, and the commit messages are starting to look less severe. With luck, it'll be sooner than that. :)

(Disclaimer: I am nobody, and am only guessing based on what I see, and some experience in software development. Don't rely on this prediction.)
Quote from: rambo on November 02, 2018, 03:21:16 PM
Another thing with reloading is the shotgun reloading I feel like it should be individual shells going in and not treating it as a whole mag.
There has been some work towards that from XeoNovaDan, based on the Github commit log. Not sure if or when it'll be in a release, but at least someone is trying. :)
Yeah, I did take a look to see if I could do anything useful, but all the compile errors I checked required a better knowledge of Rimworld's innards than mine to fix. Lot of new fields added to classes and such.
Quote from: NoImageAvailable on October 02, 2018, 09:20:47 AM
A couple weeks ago I contracted a wrist injury that's been severely limiting the time I can spend at a keyboard.

Ouch... sorry to hear that. Thanks for letting us know, though.
Quote from: Kori on February 06, 2018, 07:08:48 AM
Now that boomalopes give chemfuel, how do I obtain FSX?
Do boomrats still give it?
Boomalopes are both "milked" for chemfuel, and "sheared" for FSX.
Boomrats do also give FSX, but less, so boomalopes are the better choice... if you can keep them from dying and burning your base down.
Quote from: minakurafto on January 26, 2018, 12:15:20 AM
when make a CE patch for race mod ,if all is okay but only Gear Tab missing bulk and mass capacity so alien pawn cant use/pick up ammo. anyone know what might be the problem?

That sounds like you're missing something like this:

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

<Operation Class="PatchOperationAdd">
<li Class="CombatExtended.CompProperties_Inventory" />

For reference, here's something I'm working on to add support for Asari, Twi'lek, and Zabrak races:

It's not fully tested and balanced regarding the equipment they spawn with in caravans and raids and such, which is why I haven't posted it anywhere else yet, but it's probably good enough to use if anyone else is looking for such a thing. You shouldn't need to have all 3 races installed, it should just ignore ones which aren't found.
Quote from: Mechanoid Hivemind on January 18, 2018, 03:30:46 PM
How about CE guns? is that updated?

Not yet. However, mods like that can usually be added to an already-running game without serious issues.
Quote from: ajaviide on January 17, 2018, 07:40:07 AM
Are these mods marked as compatible in OP , still compatible? the mods are:
Fashionrimsta,  Zombieland , simple sidearms, Rimfire and clutter hands.

Simple Sidearms sort of works. It doesn't break anything, but my colonists switch to fists in melee instead of knives. Switching manually via the icon thing in the bottom is better than having to go through their inventory though, so still worth using.

I don't use any of the others, so can only speak for that.

Edit: Apparello does work so far as I can tell, though, so there's good odds Fashionrimsta would too.
Quote from: Krontixious on January 08, 2018, 04:13:04 AM
Mechanoids aren't using their ranged weapons. Having the same problem as dude in previous page. This wasn't a problem with the previous patch, hope it isn't just me.

Nope, I got this one too... attacked by a couple of centipedes, and they decided to walk up and melee instead of using the inferno cannons they were carrying. They had the right ammo, I checked that.

Still managed to kill one of my colonists who decided the middle of a mechanoid attack was a great time to suffer a mental break, and walked out right to them... I can't say she didn't deserve it.

In case it helps any:

I'm also noticing Simple Sidearms weapon switching doesn't seem to be working properly with CE B18. When someone with a ranged weapon gets into melee, they switch to fists, instead of a knife/shiv/whatever. Not sure if this is SS's fault, CE's fault, or my fault, but figured it was worth mentioning.
Ran into an issue on RC1... a group of raiders with a sapper attacked my colony. He blew up the outer wall with grenades, went through, and promptly stepped on a trap. When he got to the next wall, he stood around picking different wall sections to want to grenade every second or so (with all his friends standing around waiting for him) until he finally fell unconscious from the blood loss a couple of days later. Then his friends realized he wasn't going to help them and attacked.

Unfortunately I didn't think at the time to check the log for any errors, so not sure about that.