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Messages - Chicken Plucker

Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
July 31, 2024, 08:06:04 PM
Cordis Die progress:
"Martyr me, for Cordis Die." - Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3

Description: Cordis Die is returning and so far they have the biggest roster in terms of drones. I thought it captures the classic Black Ops series really well, many weapons returning, some are not. Hope those who were around for the original mod enjoys the return when it's finally coded.

The following are new textures with the corresponding artists responsible for them above.

TMC (Weapons)







DSR 50

Artemiish (Apparel)

Combat Uniform "Mercs"

CQB Loadout:

Assault Loadout:

Headgear (Work in progress, not final)

Heavy Loadout:

Sniper Loadout:

Times New Roman (Drones)

Reaper Infantry Drones:

- Uses infantry weapons Cordis Die Mercs are issued with
- Medium resistance against sharp and blunt damage
- Medium speed

Dragonfire drone

- 5.56x45mm machinegun
- Low hp
- Fast

AGR (Autonomous Ground Robot)

- 7.62x51mm NATO machinegun
- Rocket launcher
- Medium hp
- Slow

CLAW (Cognitive Land Assault Weapon)

- 7.62x51mm NATO minigun
- 40mm Grenade launcher
- Extremely slow

Hey all, been away as many of you are aware. I am due to release Bad Company and the Deadpool mod. I do apologise but no dates for release since my course is only getting busier as its nearing the end. XOF has had zero progress during my time being away (still on course but the major project is over), though the good news is Cordis Die is about 90% done on textures, we just need headgear.

Cordis Die is set to be the next mod after Bad Company and such, and then all hands on deck for Helldivers.

Hope all of you are well, it's been an eventful month, sadly lost a beloved family member. I don't say this to have a pity party here, just please know that if you're struggling and are having a rough time, you aren't alone and I trully wish you well.

Quote from: ZomDoc on June 17, 2024, 10:04:38 AMI haven't really seen people give the SEAF some love, so that will be interesting to see what you can come up with them. I hope your studies are going well.

Thanks bro, it's going well. Improved massively when I focused more on it. I did spend some time on the side video gaming like I couldn't do before when I'm all hands on deck with modding, but it's time to get back in and get more stuff out before 2024 ends.

Update from myself 08/12/24

Hello folks, Ludeon Forums has been frozen with no news or likelihood of being unfrozen. I noticed I can still edit.

I have been out of action due to irl things that bombarded me during my absence on top of an engineering course, but man is back and I hope to see some of you in Discord. Bad Company is coming out soon, hopefully within December 2024. Sorry for being late, good to see all of you!

Yes I've been well, thank you williamb1995, Skynert and ZomDoc. See you guys on a Steam release
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
June 16, 2024, 06:20:54 AM
Hello all. Just updating you guys on what's happening on my end.

I'm doing some final project planning assessment and building a small house at the same time. It's been occupying a lot of time I have, and free time is spent relaxing playing some games. I'm on a break with modding right now because its a job in its own right, I will get back to coding Bad Company faction in 2 weeks time, I am sorry for the delay and thank you all for being so patient. Unfortunately I'm in a military engineering school and stuff needs to get done.

The final project stuff is a pain in the butt because I have to stand before some higher ranks and get drilled and humiliated till I run out of answers by some construction big bossman, so it's been playing on my mind and has stopped me from feeling "it" with the modding, cause I feel like I need full attention to make Bad Company, which I don't have when I'm worrying about that construction project.

XOF Progress:

Art by: TMC
EVA will be a unique pawn for the XOF faction mod, alongside Quiet.

I've also made plans for a Helldivers 2 faction "SEAF" to be released in October, having Super Earth Armed Forces soldiers, Helldivers and all those shenanegans. May just do the Helldivers, but we'll see what happens. Jango'DSoul is on the armors again, BM420 and Artemiish want to be a part of it too.

When I'm finished with this school, I'll be back with a more relaxed schedule so I hope we can get at least 4 more mods out before December. The 4 mods being Bad Company, XOF, Cordis Die and Helldivers. Of course having more mods would be nice, but at this rate having 4 would be the BARE minimum.

Nelson arts who is in charge of the "Ghosts" faction apparel has been delayed, no comms from him. I assume he's out unless he gets back to me, so I'll deal with that when we get back to it. I haven't forgotten that we have ready made textures for Umbra Company, Star Wars factions and Halo still needing some work, but I am just prioritizing what I think will be fun to have sooner than later because it gives me a surge to make things happen faster.

Quote from: williamb1995 on June 06, 2024, 05:14:55 AMI can't wait to see the new faction, take your time, quality with quantity will make you triumph

Mlie's team (Continued/reuploaded mods) on the discord give me the RH Rimmunation mod, [RH] Faction: the ghost and [RH] Faction: umbra in version 1.5 (by Zaljerem)

ah me no more weapons and faction, your work is not forgotten

Cheers bro, apologies its taking long, I know you're very excited about it. Unfortunately due to reasons stated above
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
June 02, 2024, 07:30:55 PM
Progress Report: Bad Company

SAG Operator

First look at how SAG will look in-game. I may begin sorting out the eyewear and render them under helmets.

Actual SAG in-game may use the colorable armor and belt so they have different configurations, and will use random backpacks, that or I give them a new one and will have a random helmet (Variant A or B). Courtesy of Lolkenator3k, Artemiish and BM420 for their combined apparel textures, I like Art's UBAC over mine and I will definitely use it for a US Military Kit update.

Kiowa Assault Mech

Description: Rare spawn mech for Bad Company, has a big autocannon on it's arm, and some cluster bombs on its shoulders. (May just use small missiles, haven't decided this thing's power scale yet.)

It may be a superior mech against what Gruppa Krovi has, but Gruppa Krovi has a mass produced, cheaper walker and the Kiowa will likely spawn in twos at max, while those ones can spawn up from 6-8 (iirc). Ultimately this is meant to be a counter for large creatures, but they've already got so much of the American defense budget all over the place that it's just a little gimmicky thing that may not see mass production in the same scale as fighter jets, which are likely to be more effective in taking out even mechs like this.

Again special thanks to BM420 for this texture, and credits to migo1942 for creating the original 3D model in Sketchfab called "Marine mech"

Planned Bad Company Pawnkind Roster:

Low tier:
- Contractor

Mid tier:
- Elite Contractor
- HEAT Operator

High tier:
- SAG Operator
- Hunter Force (Decided this is ultimately a cooler name than Headhunters.)
- Director (Will be dressed in normal contractor wear, but with suit shirt onskin underneath)

Mechanical Support:
- G.I. Drone
- Guardian G.I. Drone (May spawn with shielding, haven't decided yet. Thoughts?)
- Kiowa Assault Mech (If Guardian G.I. spawns with shielding, may also spawn with some.)

- UCIA Handler (Trader)

Progress on mod's release:
I have begun organizing the finished textures, sadly all I've accomplished. I am yet to finish the headgear on my end:

- Eye protection
- Balaclava
- Shemagh scarf

We're waiting on two new backpacks:
- 5.11 COVRT
- PCM Mk 1 shield pack (Projectile Counter Measure, will be worn by Hunter Force randomly)

I aim to get this mod released within the next 2 weeks. Apologies it's not out yet, I have not been doing well in terms of sanity and I'm constantly busy with my day-to-day course in a military engineering school.

I'll see you folks for more news in a bit.

Quote from: williamb1995 on May 31, 2024, 09:09:26 AMlike the ghosts, I loved picking up their dark colored equipment with their AR type weapons with silencers, they were a bit like my supplier

but nice job, each devblog is a treat of flavor

Thanks bro, glad you like them as always! Sadly Ghosts is delayed cause the artist I've commissioned has gotten busy. The person meant to be doing the guns disappeared so I'll give it to someone else.

Should be a considerably smaller mod than Bad Company so I don't see it being too much of a problem when the textures are done. (Unless I end up adding more stuff)

Quote from: ZomDoc on June 02, 2024, 09:34:39 AMThe Cordis Die armor looks sick and intimidating. I'll have to do a campaign where I attempt to locate Menendez and turn him into 141. Have a blessed week and weekend bro.

Hah hey bro. Black Ops III has played aroung with transferring consciousness using the Rebirth project (their battle royale) so even if you catch Menendez, there'll be another clone.

It's my excuse to have duplicates of him, convenient to use cloning to have significant characters showing up, but I don't wanna overdo it and have it for a lot of factions who may not really need it
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 30, 2024, 08:01:32 AM
Progress Report: Bad Company

Giggle Hat by TMC

All hazards 29L and T.H.E. Pack EDC by Lolkenator3k

Progress Report: Cordis Die

AGR and CLAW by Times New Roman

Cordis Die will have more variety in armor this time around, like source material. Will try to replicate their onskin like before. Arteemish is now in charge of all the apparel for Cordis Die.

Meanwhile Times New Roman has 3 more mechanoids/robots to do for Cordis Die.
  • EWR-115 - OEM
  • EWR-115 - Graphic (black one)
  • MQ-27 Dragonfire drone

The EWR-115 is a call back to BO3 with the Reaper robot, they're supposed to be sentient infantry robots that are "good guys" but just for the sake of a Black Ops mod, it's going to be with Cordis Die (shooting at us capitalists).

After Arteemish greenlights the proposed apparel I may give them Menendez' apparel as well since he will be leading his faction.

Quote from: williamb1995 on May 29, 2024, 01:43:08 PMtake the time you need, in the end we will be there anyway and happy to see your mod.

for the moment no mod has disappointed me and from the moment I have modern gear with enemies to kill, it makes me happy hihi

don't get tired, it's a marathon not a sprint, try to keep your pleasure with a good coffee

Cheers brother, hopefully more factions this year. Glad nothing has gone below standard (..yet)

And thanks again for the ko-fi bro  8)  8)  8)
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 27, 2024, 06:09:19 AM
Progress Report - Bad Company

Description: Rocko Prince's office based in Langley, Virginia UCA.

The mod is waiting for the final pieces:

Chicken Plucker (besides all the .xml)
- Shemagh scarf
- Eye protection
- Balaclava
- Some tacticool dad shades

- Flamethrower coding

TMC: x2 Headgear

- Tactical Cap
- Giggle Hat

Lolkenator3k: x2 Backpacks

- All Hazards Prime Backpack 29L

- T.H.E. Pack E.D.C.

BlackMarket420: x1 Mech

- Kiowa Assault Mech (May or may not be added to the final mod)
Description: Haven't decided on a final name for this thing yet, it's meant to be a rare spawn for Bad Company. For now I'm calling it the "Kiowa".

It was meant to be cut but we've gone all out on Bad Company.


Tactical Hazmat set with the gas tank backpack accessory

Description: Before you guys ask why there's an oxygen tank on the mandem and the flamethrower, the apparatus on the HEAT guys (and gals) are for breathing, not for burning.

X5 Flamethrower
Description: A flamethrower made in the UCA designed to not require the user to wear an oxygen tank attachment. There's not much flamethrowers out there outside of the M2, so we made an original one based on Far Cry designs. TMC did all the hard work while I moaned about revisions as always, he did pretty great. Your thoughts guys?

Bad Company Elite Contractors:

Description: There will be elite contractors besides SAG (Cause Special Activities guys are technically UCIA)
The pawntype is based off the contractors in Michael Bay's 13 Hours, so the entire set is colorable. It lets me have a variety of colours for the pawns and we won't have to make different versions.

Comes with:
- Plate carrier
- Battle belt
- Maxpedition Versipak sling bag

(Equipment to be named)

Arteemish did a great job here, really loving the stuff.

Bad Company's finalized lore:
Bad Company is a United Commonwealth backed Private Military Company. It operates closely with the UCIA (United Commonwealth Intelligence Agency). While the UC Military funding has gone on a decline to the point of their troops still using midworld-techlevel equipment, all funding has gone over to Bad Company with experimental weapons, drones and mechs.

With the company's existence, the UC Government is able to participate in perpetual proxy wars against terrorism, communism and all other forms of boogeymen that the administration will tell the American people, are after their freedom.

Final notes:
Been highly stressed at work since we've moved over to the boring computer phase guys. Have been spending time resting, I am aware Bad Company has been delayed as heck but at least I know when it comes out it'll be good.

After Bad Co is done, we'll wait on XOF coding and all art for pawntypes to be done, then it's up next. I ended up hiring TMC for the hats instead of doing it myself, we cut out the watch cap in favour of yet another version of a Boonie Hat.

Quote from: ZomDoc on May 21, 2024, 11:46:04 PMThose HEAT guys be looking pretty hot! Can't wait to see them in action.

Yeah they are quite hot, those suits are very restricting and it gets very sweaty inside  :'(

Quote from: williamb1995 on May 22, 2024, 07:58:25 AMsexy weapons, I will be able to do spec-ops in my colony.

not bad the flat carrier of Artemiish, full of bitterness and equipment make me happy

Told Art that you liked their work, many thanks for your donation my friend! I hope you enjoy the mod when its out
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 21, 2024, 06:14:10 PM
Progress report: Bad Company

Combat Hazmat set

SIG MCX "Rattler"
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 19, 2024, 06:53:04 PM
Progress report: Bad Company

"Bring in the HEAT."

Description: HEAT (Hazardous Environment Activities Team) is a containment task force sent to clean up UCIA, or other Bad Company clients' mess. Originally established to deal with CBRN and making crime scenes disappear, HEAT has become a fully fledged department within Bad Company specialized in dealing with anomalous entities. The HEAT boys (and gals) are typically seen carrying a flamethrower or an SBR (Short Barreled Rifle).

TMC is going to make the SBR, I chose the "SIG MCX Rattler". I favoured it over giving HEAT sub-machine guns. I thought if they're gonna have a tool, it may as well be a multi-purpose weapon. I wanted to avoid having to give Bad Company more weapons, so rather than giving HEAT shotguns and multiple SMGs, I decided to give them something new and punchy enough to not have them need other weapon systems. The Flamethrower will be a fictional one (Namely the one in Far Cry) because a real military issue flamethrower we would have used is now reserved for XOF, which you will see below. The Flamethrower HEAT will use will have its own oxygen tank, so it's perfectly fine to let HEAT breathe in fresh air in toxic environments while they go burn some things.

Art for HEAT's in-game apparel is in progress, being done by BlackMarket420. It's another unit I wanted to add last minute for Bad Company that has caused it some delay. It will be a shell outfit layer, with the respirator and hood included, and an oxygen tank in the pack.

Bad Company helmet variants:

EXFIL LTP "Bad Co" (Note: Final piece does not include the patch in the back)

EXFIL Ballistic "Bad Co"

Art by: BlackMarket420

Another plate carrier:

Art by: Artemiish

Description: So we had the old Blackwater style tactical vest + body armor combo but I wanted a new body armor for the more intermediate contractors in there so they look more like the guys in the film "13 Hours". This armor will come with a belt, both colorable.

UCIA Agent Suits:

Art by: Artemiish

Description: Tie, pants and jacket are colorable. We ended up deciding to keep the tie and the suit together because the tie being a headgear can be unpredictable when it comes to where the game will place it in the outfit for other body types.

Progress Report: XOF

Art by: Fiendakko

Fiendakko has been soloing XOF cause he's cool

He has finished all apparel that will be used by the pawns in the mod, but we're still waiting to finish Bad Company so BlackMarket420 can create Metal Gear Sahelanthropus and SKULL Parasite Units.

Some items, I felt need revisions so I'm waiting for Fiendakko to sort that out too.

This is not the complete roster of their weapons. I think he has done a great job on everything so far.

Quiet's Outfit

Art by: TMC
Description: Quiet will appear as a special Pawntype in the mod that will either be rescued (if I can get the guys I commission to code to make me more stuff, but they're always busy) or just chased like the other pawns in the Metal Gear mods. May also include Reeves from Metal Gear: Survive as a pawntype you gain, but I don't know how people will feel about including a character from what many consider as a non-cannon Metal Gear game.

Final note: Quiet's outfit is masked and colourable.

Progress Report: HALO
Serina approached me cause he wants HALO to progress. We're missing UNSC Space Marine armor, and maybe the Air Assault (though it's set to use Mk Vb from Halo Reach). There's also room for more armors, but we've got most of the fan favourites. Anyway, he's compelled me to hire him for a discounted price to begin the weapons.

This is what's currently finished, there is a pool of mods with finished textures that need some finishing touches but I am trying to keep things focused so I don't burn out and utterly lose motivation, cause I'm already getting a lot of stuff to do with the irl job.

See you guys hopefully next week with significant progress for Bad Company, if not a release.

Quote from: Skynert on May 12, 2024, 01:22:20 PMI like that pulse M4.

Cheers bro, I do too  8)

We're thinking of a modification of the M82A1 in charge configuration but there may be no time, just wanna release Bad Co at this point cause what we have is already rich.

Quote from: williamb1995 on May 12, 2024, 01:54:50 PMAR-15s are my passion with your mods, there were so many in RH 1 that I spent hours choosing like a child in a store and then I built them all hihi =)
but the m27 IAR and M27 IAR SD were my favorites for my little colonist soldiers

Thank you for your work on AR style that I share with you in your devblog.

and also I didn't find where I could make a donation (too hidden)

Thanks bro, and I do have a Ko-Fi page on the steam mods! I won't post it here, not that desparate for donations at the moment anyway, so don't worry about it bro. Glad you like the M4 and the updates bro, I do still have US Military stuff planned and maybe they'll even come out as NATCO one day.

Hope you like this new post too, seeing all the new stuff. Goodnight mate
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 11, 2024, 10:00:41 PM
Progress report: Bad Company

Hunter Reactive

Art by: BlackMarket420
Description: Completed, included a counterweight on back of helmet. Side note that the backpack is a separate item.

Art by: BlackMarket420
Description: Experimental, prototype charge modification of the M4. It is known as M4 PCR (Pulse Charge Rifle). Fun fact, was gonna call it "Liberator" but Helldivers 2 already has the default rifle using that name, so I had to go and pick something else.

Thinking about a separate manpack shield system for the Bad Company Headhunters, which will spawn on some of them in rare instances, but I'm unsure.

Tactical polo shirt

Art by: Artemiish
Description: For Bad Company contractors, it even has arm pockets!


Art by: Artemiish
Description: Asked Artemiish to remake the UBAC, may start using this for the future US Military update and whatnot for RH2. I prefer it over my own.

Agency Suit Set:

Art by: Artemiish
Description: TMC had to opt out for the suit so Artemiish is doing this again. We have decided to make the necktie a separate item. Pants, jacket and necktie will be colorable, shirt will stay white.

EDIT: Just realized necktie on other bodies will look off cause of head placement. Have to rethink that part.

Deleted scenes, progression of the M4 PCR:

BlackMarket420 and I had to talk about this all day, we went for as much detail in functionality as possible while making it a charged weapon, but obviously he did all the hard work drawing the thing while I just kept telling him to change this and change that the entire time. Above are the early versions of the weapon progressing downwards, and obviously the final piece is on top of this post.

- Polo Shirt
- Charge weapon

- Khaki Trousers
- Suit (WIP)
- Balaclava (Potentially one type, and a skull one)
- Eye pros
- Goggle eye pros
- Tactical Cap
- Watch Cap (May not make it)
- Shemagh Scarf
- EXFIL Ballistic (Contractor)
- Python 2 vest (Being revised, its too thin)
- All .xml coding

Progress is slow guys but everyones so busy. TMC had to let me know he couldnt make the suit, cause of his education. Its also quiet on weekdays when everyone has other things, especially for me.

Quote from: Skynert on May 06, 2024, 02:46:49 PMMmm Baclava. Yummy.

Hunter Reactive helmet gives me Mandalorian vibe

Yeah bro it is based on the Galac-tec helmet, which was based off Boba Fett's helmet.

Quote from: ZomDoc on May 09, 2024, 12:59:08 AMThat Helmet is sick. Awesome work bro.

Thanks bro, though BlackMarket420 made it so I can't hog all the glory
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 06, 2024, 01:22:04 PM
Progress report: Bad Company

Art by: Yours trully

Hunter Reactive

Art by: BlackMarket420
Description: Reminder that this will be colorable for those of you who want customization. Backpack will be separate

Comtac 2

Art by: Lolkenator4k

Softshell jacket

Art by: Artemiish


Art by: BlackMarket420

Pushed everything back to next weekend before I begin coding, things are looking good so far. The Headhunters are gonna be a real menace.

We still need a polo shirt and tactical caps, waiting for another helmet and I am yet to do some balaclavas and eye pros. When its all done its time to code and release this bad boy

- Polo Shirt
- Khaki Trousers
- Balaclava (Potentially one type, and a skull one)
- Eye pros
- Goggle eye pros
- Tactical Cap
- Watch Cap (May not make it)
- Shemagh Scarf
- EXFIL Ballistic (Contractor)
- Another body armor? (Optional)
- Python 2 vest (Being revised, its too thin)
- All .xml coding
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 05, 2024, 02:01:03 PM
Progress report: Bad Company

This is the new art I'll feature for the preview in the steam description, currently unfinished. The "Headhunter", using the Patriot Mk II serum and Hunter Reactive, they are the super soldiers from the Patriot Project embedded by the UCIA in Bad Company.

Hunter Reactive Armor:

Description: Second generation prototype power armor made in the UCA, used by super soldiers in The Patriot Project. Colorable.

BM420 has done a good job doing this armor, he also did Deathstroke's armor, Juggernaut Mk 2 armor and the PS Reinforced Armor for RH2. He's very good with these.

This is the MDR 7.62, will be used by the Headhunters. May give them the standard LA-M4 of Bad Company alongside this DMR. TMC did this gun, I wanted our Headhunters to use 7.62 weapons, but I may give them the M4 in the event they raid buildings. A large weapon like this with a 20 round capacity may be impractical for that kind of situation.

This is the EXFIL LTP used by SAG, in real life it is not ballistic, in-game it will be explained away to be ballistic.

ComTac 2 headset done by Lolkenator for Bad Company. We just need caps and shemaghs now, don't know if I wanna do more headgear besides these

We have a lot of artists currently busy, likely to start actually coding Bad Company next weekend and I hope that this is the last week in production so we can move on and release.

Quote from: ZomDoc on May 03, 2024, 12:27:00 AMI really like your homemade lore and factions, so I'm all for the head-hunters. As for any series you start to make, I will always have a special place in my heart for your super serious dead frontier movie, plus the Void games script was well written and charming. It would be funny to see Rocko prince as sort of a mercenary version of President Ackerman from the red alert games.

Initially my idea for the long term was that Bad Company gets taken down by a character who is part of the original Patriot Program during the Vietnam War, one of the few surviving human beings with the original serum. He gets on the wrong end of the UCIA's stick and they pretty much try to erase him. Bad Company suffers a ton of losses and public backlash, and the UCIA and American government is left with no choice but use the company and Rocko as a scapegoat.

I'm not so sure now because Bad Company went from a simple Blackwater parody to a more complex faction with deeper lore, so I may just make them have their own story later, think it'll be more fun placing this PMC in tactical horror shenanigans involving anomalies and such with their own series than having them be nameless bad guy minions, though I can always have both later when I begin animations.

Quote from: Skynert on May 03, 2024, 04:06:16 AMAmmo? I dont use CE. Keep name Hunter for armor

Yeah not changing it bro, was for the pawntype
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 02, 2024, 06:54:20 PM
Progress Report: Bad Company

This is Rocko Prince, the man who started Bad Company. I've based him off a certain someone you guys may recognize. I've amalgamated both the founder of Blackwater and Jocko and made a rather stoic, pragmatic and ultimately morally dubious individual who does this (Whatever Bad Company does) all in the name of Democracy, Liberty and Uncle Sam's cash.

Been wanting to do an animated series for RimWorld for a long time, you guys may know, so I've actually been planning a lot of lore and characters for RH2, excluding franchise related factions and characters (While those guys have their own story on why everything is meant to be connected) so I can avoid copyright stuff.

Not a lot of progress again today, had to hand over EXFIL LTP helmet to BM420 and he's begun on it.

We've decided to add UCIA's secret soldier program in Bad Company since it's not gonna make it in NATCO.

Hunter Reactive will return as a power armor, this time it will be colorable and fully tacticool looking, done by BM420. Asked him to finish it by Monday, hopefully Bad Company will be ready next week.

Bad Company pawntype concept: Hunter
UCIA's secret weapon. While the Soviets have their own "Juggernaut" super soldier program that uses a much safer genetic engineering system to create physically enhanced men and women, back in the UCA, The "Patriot Project" begun development during WWII. Initially meant for UC Troops, it never quite kicked off and was officially closed down during the Vietnam War when the first generation of serums killed more people than it successfully enhanced. When the second Cold War kicked off, the project was re-opened, but ultimately discarded in favour of mechanized drones in the support role, which is cheaper in the long run.

Bad Company Hunters are sent in to deal with jobs that nobody in their right mind would want to do, because dead bodies of the last guys who tried, suggest that perhaps it's time to call it quits. They will be equipped with experimental power armor, move with animal-like speed and shoot with high precision.

Also I don't know if we're keeping the name "Hunter". I'd call them "Raider" but that kinda belongs to the UCMC Raiders, so we'll stick to Hunter for now. Thinking maybe "Headhunter"? may sound cooler

Armor: Hunter Reactive armor set
An experimental power armor produced in the United Commonwealth of America.

Was intended for Marine Raiders in the UCMC, but was ultimately rejected in favour of allocating the military budget on drones. The argument was that human infantry are rapidly becoming obsolete as drone technology advances further and further. While soldiers get ill, injured or deal with psychological stresses, drones that can carry even higher firepower do not. Thus, the Hunter Reactive became one of the many products of Uncle Sam that got shelved.

Laws regarding the interstellar importing and exporting of American made armors are highly restricted, especially during the recent administration, causing the Hunter Reactive to become a collector's item, almost even a myth that many thought did not "really" exist.

Features include toxic resistance, high sharp and blunt protection, enhanced movespeed, more carrying capacity when worn, has HUD in the helmet assisting with aim
(If SOS2 is enabled, works in space)

These will be colorable, worn with wolf grey fatigues. So our Bad Company Headhunters (Yeah I may just use that instead) will wear them in light grey, while the leader may wear it in full black. The fatigues will stay the same colour throughout.

Implant: Patriot Mk II Serum
The Patriot Mk II serum is the second generation of its top secret predecessor that allows the user beyond peak human capabilities. Heightened senses, heightened immunity, heightened speed and reflexes and most of all, a body that is more resistant to damage.

The reason for it never seeing the light of day among UC troops is due to the government favouring drone production over investing more on infantry that may leave the service after their contract expires. The serum's predecessor was also secret due to the high mortality rate it had, recorded to have only worked on less than 10 soldiers since during the Vietnam War.

The Mk II is a less potent and powerful version of the Patriot Serum, but it is less likely to fail and kill the person it's being implanted on.

XOF Progress:

TMX is finishing up skullface's attire, asked for the coat to be colorable. I also requested for a reskin of Skullface's onskin so we can give it to the UCIA agents in Bad Company.

XOF helmet is looking better, this is the GZ version. The TPP version will be in all black.

As always guys, feedback would be great, would appreciate some but no pressure
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
May 01, 2024, 05:13:36 PM
Progress Report: Bad Company

Touched up the shading and other things for the preview. Didn't feel right leaving it as it was.
(Forgot about the patches on the helmet as of this post, big oof, will sort later. May either add blood type or "SAG")

Worked on some new custom UI for this faction of course:

Mission UI

Guard Duty UI

Salary UI

Fortunately saved a ton of time re-using some old UI stuff, makes perfect sense for me to do so anyway.

Guardian GI textures:

Thoughts on giving these guys energy shielding? So troops can hide behind them in combat. It won't be much, just enough to stop the one RPG projectile or some other explosive. It will likely have the same amount of health as the soviet made Stalnoy Drones in Gruppa Krovi, while the G.I. Drones will be significantly quicker but have less HP than these heavy hitters



Re-used the template for the G2. Asking for a recolor with belts and the armor, had to ask BM420 to do the helmet because Fiendakko's computer bricked. Hopefully his PC is fine, besides the fact that it has unfinished XOF stuff in there. He did say he has the files saved but you never know if he accidentally sends his PC to some wonky tech support guy that ends up sending it in a worse state than last time

- All .xml coding (Everything needs doing)
- Helmets (May have A and B, one for the SAG pawns and one for the regulars)
- Headgear textures, i.e. watch cap, baseball cap, headset, shemagh scarf, balaclavas, eye protection (x3) etc.
- Onskins: polo shirt, khakis
- Middle/shell: Suit

I also plan on getting started on Deadpool while we wait for XOF mod straight after Bad Company's release. I'm guessing XOF will be ready sometime by the end of the month, but if more stuff goes wrong like fiendakko's computer or some physical accident on myself, then we don't know when it can come out.

Quote from: Skynert on May 01, 2024, 04:24:15 AMRaider vehicles are sooner than later So I would like to see more M2 Carl Gustav like things. More guns mean more safety

Cheers bro, good to hear. No other comments about it not using ammo?
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
April 30, 2024, 06:54:42 PM
Progress Report: Bad Company

Finally finished the preview. Was dreading it won't look good or up to par with other previews, as I usually do.. Then I finished and thought it looked a bit overkill. Someone made a joke about it being AI generated. Glad to see I still got it on these previews  8)

G.I. Drone
Done by BlackMarket420, he did a great job. Again, 7ft tall robots with heavy equipment so the boys don't have to carry it, that way they can carry more Snackers n' Beer

Weapon of choice for the G.I. Drones. There will be no machine gunners for Bad Company, the job will be for drones. Done by TMC, did a great job as he always does.

Guardian G.I. Drone
Currently unfinished but BM420 did a great job on these. I love its appearance, it looks like a robot gym rat

M2HB Machine Gun, Mk19 Launcher, XM214
Carried by Guardian G.I. Drones as they are on the heavy support role. The faction is lacking on anti-tank but I think it's perfect for their more specialized role compared to Gruppa Krovi. They are better when it comes to small scale, covert sneaky beaky operations while Gruppa Krovi is just a pretend PMC that acts as an army for the Soviet Federation. Ultimately in the battlefield, it's likely Bad Company would lose a head-to-head contact if GK had their tank walkers.

Bolt action AMR to be given to Bad Company marksmen alongside the G3 DMR. Thought it was necessary. It's also an old rifle from Rimmu-Nation - Weapons back in RH1, so welcome back to an old friend I suppose

XOF Progress

Not a lot progress on XOF, Fiendakko has shouldered all apparel as he has for 98% of RH2 Metal Gear mods so far. I've had a lot of revision requests to get colours and shapes right, it turns out there's a Ground Zeroes variant of an XOF unit, and a TPP variant. Two slightly unique looks apart from the games, which we will have.

TMC is doing Skull Face's attire, I asked for him to separate the shell and the onskin so this will take a little longer. It's unknown if he'll be able to do Quiet's outfit cause he's busy. He also did Paz' uniform on the MSF mod so I was hoping he'd have all the unique character stuff, if we can't then we'll have to compromise.

"20 years in the can, I wanted manicotte, instead I ate grilled cheese of the radiator." - Uncle Phil

When Bad Company is done I will give BM420 room to finish Skull parasite pawntypes and Sahelantrophus, which XOF will have.

[RH2] Rimmu-Nation 2 - Security plans

M2 Carl Gustav
Just an idea guys, a mannable M2 Carl Gustav turret? I won't overcomplicate it, and like the BGM-71 TOW it will fire a high armor penetration, long range explosive shell which will require no ammo crafting.

Would people like more additions like these? Give me your thoughts please. Don't know what else to add at the moment that won't require C#, besides another turret but I'm on the fence about a CIWS. Mainly due to its top down perspective.

Quote from: williamb1995 on April 29, 2024, 06:30:34 AM"Then we'll finish it all off and have good old Umbra Company and War Mongrels back like the old days"

so good, I'm so excited

Well these things take time bro, don't get too excited in case something happens and we get derailed  :'(
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
April 28, 2024, 06:35:07 PM
1.5 Updates: Google Drive Link

Mod updates:

Rimmu-Nation 2 - Weapons
- Launchers rebalanced, damages and armor penetration nerfed across all launchers
NOTE: All nerfs are for the 1.5 version only

Credits: Samael Gray

Rimmu-Nation 2 Security
- BGM-71 TOW damage nerf from 300 to 150. Armor pen nerf from 4 to 2
- SAM turret damage nerf from 175 to 125
NOTE: All nerfs are for the 1.5 version only

Faction - Utilitarian
- Deleted Task Force 141 MREs recipe patch since it doesn't belong to this mod

Faction - Gruppa Krovi
- Nerfed armor penetration of Tesla Drone and Plasma Drone
- KV-2 cooldown for Kroha launcher and DShK increased
- Reduced armor pen for howitzer shell
- Nerfed RPG-7V2 damage from 100 to 90

Faction - Militaires Sans Frontieres
- ZEKE Railgun damage nerfed from 350 to 200. Armor pen nerfed from 4 to 2.
- Peace launcher and Zeke's launcher damage and armor pen nerfed for their respective missiles
- Cooldown increased for peace clusters, frag clusters and Zeke railgun
- Explosion delay slightly increased for peace clusters and frag clusters
- MSF Railgun damage and armor pen nerf
NOTE: All nerfs are for the 1.5 version only
- MSF Rations patch fixes so they can be cookable

Storyteller: Paz Peaceful
- Rounded off Paz' cheek texture on her left since it was too angular. All previews and images re-exported to reflect changes

Plans for [RH2] Faction - Bounty Hunters

Hunter Pistol (DOOM 3 Pistol) (WIP)

Super Shotgun V3 (DOOM 3 Super Shotgun)

Planning on nerfing the faction by letting the low tier bounty hunter pawns spawn with these weapons. I get complaints all the time about these guys raiding tribals and naked start players so I'll increase combat power and add these guns. I'll also make the low tier pawns not spawn with a shield.

Will likely push the update sometime next week, it will break CE Compatibility however.

So far this Sunday, no other progress for factions are out, but the good news is I found the original Praetor Suit files so I can make the Mk2 version when I return to DOOM. I gave up on the old UAC stuff I was doing since the armors were very complex and I'm busier than I used to, so I'm outsourcing their textures as well. As for the guns? I'll redo the vectorized ones later because I don't like the quality of those now, and I'll finish the DOOM mod once we've completed a few factions from the old RH1 collection.

Then we'll finish it all off and have good old Umbra Company and War Mongrels back like the old days, add more stuff to VOID and then think about new projects and move on from the old completely.

Quote from: ZomDoc on April 27, 2024, 09:50:44 PMMore red horse knick knacks is always a treat to me.

Good to hear bro, thanks. Snackers are here to stay

Quote from: Skynert on April 28, 2024, 03:31:00 AMMore snacks = more democracy per hour. Of course we like them. And G.I Drones.

Yeah aiming to get Bad Company next week but progress has been slow for everyone. I think the team is still burned out from rushing Gruppa Krovi and all the work we did with MSF. I'm hoping by Wednesday all commissioned textures are ready, and then the rest is down to me

1.5 Updates: Google Drive Link

Mod updates:

Faction - Militaires Sans Frontieres
- MSF Railgun no longer overhead (Basically the rail charge won't disappear in mountains and ignore drop shields now)
- MSF battle dress added to traderkinds in base

Notes: forgot to fix this one, my bad.
Unfinished / Re: [1.4-1.5] (WIP) Red Horse ²
April 27, 2024, 09:15:01 PM
1.5 Updates: Google Drive Link

Mod updates:
[RH2] Militaires Sans Frontieres
- Maxi Cola can no longer cause an overdose

Bad Company Progress:


G.I. Drone
Description: Ground Infantry Drone, will be carrying M60-E6. The Guardian GI Drone variant will be heavily armored, look bulkier and have a different head. Approximately 7ft tall so slightly taller than the pawns. BM420 did a kitbash of a few refs for an original model


FRK360 Body Armor and SAG War belt
Description: Part of SAG uniform. Yet to do their helmet, handed it over to Fiendakko, didn't realize I lost my original EXFIL files which is a pain in the butt


Glock 19
Description: The UCIA service pistol, will be carried by agents in caravans.

M2HB, Mk19, XM214 Microgun
Description: To be carried by Guardian GI Drones


Description: Re-purposed from Spec Ops The Line WIP mod, will just keep the old "US Army" MREs separate to our new United Commonwealth/NATCO MREs for when their respective faction comes later.

Description: Nut and caramel filled chocolate bar. Carried by some of the Bad Company troops. Will give a mood buff. I was on the fence about adding this, because I have prepped a few knick knacks for the faction, but we'll see how you guys respond if you wanna give your thoughts on having more knick knacks.


Beer. Can't have an all-American dad faction without it.

Westboro Cigarettes
Description: Smokeleaf based cigarettes, same as the others. Couldn't think of a better parody name for "Marlboro" so here we are.

Bad Company to-do:
Tactical Cap
(Helmet TBD)
Shemagh Scarf
Polo Shirt
SAG Uniform
XM214 Microgun retexture
Guardian G.I. Drone Textures
G.I. Drone Textures
all .xml coding

XOF To-do
- All apparel textures
- All weapon textures
- Sahelantrophus textures
- Skull unit textures
- Skull unit coding
- Quiet's abilities coding (same as skulls)

- Quest bug still pending fixes when factions dont exist

Deadpool To-do
- To be released before Deadpool 3 movie release
- Domino outfit (tbd)
- Psylocke set (tbd)
- Elektra set (tbd)
- Silver Sable pistol
- All .xml coding