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Topics - Pandora

Help / Random End Product
January 18, 2016, 01:09:56 AM
Is it possible to add random results to a workbench? E.g: Enter item A, receive either item B, C or D. With a random chance of each. 

Example mod:
Cook Food (Recipe requires raw food).
End Product: Either Poor, Okay or Good food. With a 50% chance of each product.
Help / Incidents
August 23, 2015, 11:35:49 AM
I've created a trading mod, which adds 12 new traders. However, their frequency is high. This often means that there are more custom traders than vanilla traders. Is there a way to reduce this? I've noticed that in the IncidentDef, there is <chance>, would creating a new IncidentDef and increasing the chance, mean that a) more traders arrive or b)more custom traders arrive? Also, would a new IncidentDef require a .dll?
Unfinished / AstroTec Labs Future Mods Poll
August 22, 2015, 11:59:22 PM
My mods are .xml only; as such, I won't be adding events, complex buildings, new weapons/ armour  or pawns; there are plenty of these mods available. 

AstroTec Labs focus on bringing modern day theoretical & experimental science to Rimworld. An example of this would be our Off-world Asteroid Mining, which isn't possible yet.
Help / <statFactors>
August 18, 2015, 01:48:13 PM
I want to make an item that has a negative impact on beauty. Looking at the core items, I've noticed some have:



My question is, what is the difference between <statOffsets> and <statFactors> and how does the <Beauty> in each affect the beauty of the item?

Latest Version: 5.0b
All other versions rescinded.

AstroTec Wiki:Ops Manual

This mod allows off-world asteroid mining by adding new research, workstations and items. The purpose of this new equipment is to turn meteorites, asteroids and nebula gases into usable resources.

Mod Contents:

  • 15 new Research Projects.
  • 3 new Workstations.
  • 1 new generator.
  • 7 new Items.

New Research:
AstroTec Labs have developed 15 new research fields. Each unlock either further research or equipment. The AstroTec Wiki goes into more detail about each research project, these include:

  • Astrometric Studies.
  • Interstellar Exploration.
  • Interstellar Communication.
  • Remote Asteroid Mining.
  • Interstellar Geology.
  • Subspace Networks.
  • +9 More

New Workstations:

  • AstroTec Console: Crafting.
  • AstroTec Beacon: ARC Communication
  • AstroTec Micro-Refinery: Refining precious metal and recycling apparel.

New Equipment:

  • MkII Command Module.
  • AstroChassis.
  • AstroMiner.
  • AstroCrate
  • M2-9 Canisters



  • Fixed compatibility with certain mods.

  • Updated to Alpha 15c.
  • Added required Tech level - Industrial.
  • Added required Research Bench - Hi-tech.
  • Added components to Workbench recipes.
  • Added components to Command Module recipe.
  • Added Bio Generator - similar to the Fueled Generator but offing more Watts and capacity.
  • Changed BioFuel recipe.
  • Added 2 new Research projects.
  • Added new 2 recipes.
  • Removed "Sell Biofuel" recipe.
  • Removed "Trade M2-9".

  • Added Biofuel & Biogas; both can be sold for silver.
  • Added Biofuel research.
  • Added Biofuel research.

  • Updated from Alpha 8 to Alpha 11.
  • Added/ Changed minimum skill requirements.
  • Added/ Changed skill gain.

  • Removed Demiweave/Plant.
  • Removed "Outdoor pursuits".
  • Moved Ops Manual & Appendices to Ops Manual.
  • Added ARC trading.
  • Expanded research fields to 12.
  • Altered production costs.
  • Workstations are craft-able with Metallic "Stuff".
  • Added Nebula harvesting & M2-9 Canisters.
  • Recycling Clothes now gives Cloth, Hyperweave & Synthread. (Amounts subject to future change.)

  • Recycling via Advanced Recycling research (recycle AstroMiner debris into Plasteel).
  • Craft Hyperweave & Synthread by combining cloth with Demiweave.
  • Demi Plant & Demiweave: A new plant used in the crafting of Hyperweave and Synthread.
  • Recycle Clothes: Turn shirts, pants and jackets into usable cloth.
  • Outdoor pursuits: A simple campfire & cooking pot used to cook simple stew and hearty stew.
  • Appendix 1 & 2 (included in the download) explain the changes in more detail.

The mod is designed for mid to late game. Research will take time and patience; you will need to put time and effort into obtaining the new workstations. Unlocking advanced-tech is not a quick process and the research tree reflects this.

This mod doesn't overwrite any core files and should play nice with other mods.



Future Updates:
This mod will be updated as and when the main Alpha version is updated. I may release optional add-ons in-between updates.

Permission must be gained before adding this mod to modpacks or forum posts. You may edit the .xml files for personal use. All rights reserved.
Help / Crafting: workAmount
January 03, 2015, 05:58:41 AM
If, for example I made crafting an item: <workAmount>60000</workAmount> (which is how long it take to make abstract sculpture). Would my colonist be able to stop and continue a task on a worktable? I found that in Alpha 7, a colonist would stay until the task was complete, often starving or tired.
Help / ThoughtDef
January 03, 2015, 05:33:55 AM
A two-part question:

I'd like to add thought defs to my mod. Basically;

Add bill to worktable, colonist completes bill; colonist gets thought. I want to create a shower worktable where colonists use soap in a recipe and gain a "Clean" thought. This would be a time limit thought, possibly stack-able.

1. Can I do this without .dll?
2. Would I add the thought code to the Soap or the Worktable?

And (on an unrelated note). Can I create an Orbital trade beacon, similar to the vanilla Orbital trade beacon, without a .dll?
Help / Custom Events
October 27, 2014, 05:06:48 AM
I want to create some text-only events, would I still need a .dll?

Latest Version: 2.0

AstroTec Labs is proud to release V2.0. This mod allows off-world asteroid mining by adding new research, workstations and items. The purpose of this new equipment is to turn meteorites, asteroids and nebula gases into usable materials.

Mod Contents:

  • 12 new Research Projects.
  • 3 new Workstations.
  • 5 new Items.

New Research:
AstroTec Labs have developed 12 new research fields. Each unlock either further research or equipment. The AstroTec Wiki goes into more detail about each research project, these include:

  • Astrometric Studies.
  • Interstellar Exploration.
  • Interstellar Communication.
  • Remote Asteroid Mining.
  • Interstellar Geology.
  • Subspace Networks.
  • +6 More

New Workstations:

  • AstroTec Console: Crafting.
  • AstroTec Beacon: ARC Communication
  • AstroTec Micro-Refinery: Refining precious metal and recycling apparel.

New Equipment:

  • MkI Command Module.
  • AstroChassis.
  • AstroMiner.
  • AstroCrate
  • M2-9 Canisters


  • Removed Demiweave/Plant.
  • Removed "Outdoor pursuits".
  • Moved Ops Manual & Appendices to Wiki
  • Added ARC trading.
  • Expanded research fields to 12.
  • Altered production costs.
  • Workstations are craft-able with Metallic "Stuff".
  • Added Nebula harvesting & M2-9 Canisters.
  • Recycling Clothes now gives Cloth, Hyperweave & Synthread. (Amounts subject to future change.)

  • Recycling via Advanced Recycling research (recycle AstroMiner debris into Plasteel).
  • Craft Hyperweave & Synthread by combining cloth with Demiweave.
  • Demi Plant & Demiweave: A new plant used in the crafting of Hyperweave and Synthread.
  • Recycle Clothes: Turn shirts, pants and jackets into usable cloth.
  • Outdoor pursuits: A simple campfire & cooking pot used to cook simple stew and hearty stew.
  • Appendix 1 & 2 (included in the download) explain the changes in more detail.

This mod doesn't overwrite any core files and should play nice with other mods.

SendSpace v2.0
Nexus Mods v2.0
Extract to Rimworld/Mods

Permission must be gained before adding this mod to modpacks or forum posts. All rights reserved.
Help / Custom Trader
October 17, 2014, 06:41:17 PM
Is it possible to add a custom trader without overwriting the core traders and without needed a .dll. I assume i'd need a TraderKindDefs and that BaseTraderKinds would indeed over right core traders. Also, "<tradersCarry>true</tradersCarry>" is the only line I need in my itemdef to make traders carry it (along with adding the item to a TraderDef?
General Discussion / Tailoring
October 11, 2014, 02:56:53 AM
So I can make shirts, pants and hat. How about dusters? I saw a raider wearing one and wondered how I could make more complex clothing.
General Discussion / Steam Keys
March 21, 2014, 01:20:54 PM
When RimWorld is released on Steam (this year in theory) will those of us who already have it and have supported it in Alpha get Steam Keys? I don't like the idea of buying it a second time on Steam.