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Topics - Numar

Ideas / Expanding world map related features
July 20, 2017, 11:32:12 AM
Explanation: I started working on this draft right after A17 released. As it seems like I won't finish it (play time is more important!) in the near future and I don't want to waste it, I'll just post the current uncompleted draft here. Some things may not make sense without further explanations, but feel free to use whatever idea you like presented here. :)

QoL suggestions

- More direct control, right click interactions
- Launch pods: option to automatically rebuild launch pods after start on/off
- Why the artificial time limit on encounter maps after killing all the enemies? Often there are so many ressources worth to harvest, but not enough time.

Events with world map locations

- Find and destroy the machine that causes the psychic waves. Ideas may be an ancient building (war installation),  a crashed spaceship etc.
- Prevent an upcoming toxic fallout. A faction will contact and informs you that an old factory gone haywire. You have X days to go to that factory and prevent it. Repair it? Dismantle it?

Fictional Updates roadmap

[A18] Diplomacy update
- Get in touch with the various factions even more.

[A19] Fury Road update
- The roads become more lively and now you can even see it!
- Caravan and raid groups become visible on the world map. You can prepare for an upcoming raid (even go towards it and fight them sooner, for whatever reason!) or visit caravans to either trade with them (when their travel aim is elsewhere) or raid them.
- You can now try to avoid raid groups when travelling.
- Send your colonists on exploring/scouting the vicinity missions and find valuables or if you more unlucky, dangers on the way! (group will be visible on the world map and searching a certain area you chose, with random encounters.)

[A20] Industry update
- High tech items becomes more accessible!
- Some modern factions found ancient factories and successfully reactivated them. They will produce them for you, even deliver them to you for more money. But there's a chance that they will get raided. If you're not on time to help them, the raiders might be successful and escape with the items. How far are you willing to go to get your delivery?
- Great way to introduce additional high tech items that are not supposed to be craftable by the player in future patches.
Ideas / QoL suggestions and some random ones
May 19, 2017, 09:22:35 AM
Not my first suggestion thread, but to skip a long introduction, I'll start with a TL;DR about my opinion of the current state Rimworld is in:
Content wise great (though some features don't look finished or competely thought through), but the QoL is still missing a lot!

Especially if you're like me and start a lot of new colonies, certain tasks can become so repetitive that you even stop to play at all solely because of the 'task grind'. Following suggestions are based on that thought.

Global templates for stockpiles

There are some stockpiles with specific setups I use every game. Setting them up every game takes a lot of time though. I'd love to have a function that saves a certain setup as a template so I can use it in my next game to! It would makes sense to be able to access and edit them from the main menu (no idea how this'll work with mods...).
Interface-wise you can use the stuff system for stockpiles, regarding which template the stockpile should use.


Either the detail page from a bill becomes a less intrusive, more flexible and non-pausing element, or move some elements to the bill overview. Especially the ingredient radius bar can be moved to the overview. Accessing the detail page interrupts the game flow more that it should imho.

Why is copy&paste for bills from one workstation to another still not a thing?

IF/THEN system

Raids happen frequently and can become quite a repetitive task to manage, because almost every time you do the same stuff to handle raids. Having an IF/THEN system would make life so much easier. Let's take the raids for example:
If 'human enemies on map | animal enemies on map | enemies (general) on map | etc.', then 'restrict colonists to zone XY | etc.'.
With an automatic reversal when the condition is no more.
Such a system can start small and be expanded over time, like other big features in Rimworld.

Random suggestions, not QoL related:

  • Stockpiles: We have two bars, one for percentage, one for quality. Now if I'd like to set up a stockpile for burning clothes, I'd like to burn ALL clothes from awful to normal, but from good to legendary only those clothes with <50%. Currently I have to set up two bills or two stockpiles, but for the sake of overview, I'd like to be able to do that with only one stockpile and one bill (ingredient radius limited). May we have a checkbox next to each bar that emphasizes the chosen bar? E.g. when I mark the quality bar, every chosen quality will be handled, regardless which percentage. Every non chosen quality will be handled with percentage in mind. Apply to above mentioned clothing example.
  • It's annoying that mechanoids don't die 'naturally' after being downed. I'm sure to operate they need some form of liquids too, so if we damage them heavily and they get downed, can't they simply bleed out after awhile, pretty please?
  • "Smooth stone wall" should be vanilla and not a mod. After all, cave bases are a huge game element.
  • Stockpile option that forbids every item that lands on this specific stockpile. Useful for e.g. piling up survival meals for the next caravan.
  • Slightly different build up for caravans: mark a spot where the caravan will gather and collect the stuff they'll take with them -> set up caravan. You can choose more items than you have, but will have to wait for them to be produced. Useful for food. -> after every item is gathered and on the caravan spot, you'll get the option to either start or either cancel the caravan.

Thanks for reading.
For a long time I've considered making a thread about sense and nonsense of the world map. Till now, it didn't have much gameplay value and sometimes it's a real hassle to find a tile with your preferred parameters. It did make sense to me to simply get rid of the world map and just choose your preferred parameters, like "biome: temperate forest", "Mountainous", which type of stones etc.

That was till now. Thankfully, the world map seems to get a huge increase in gameplay value. But the problem remains: finding a tile with your preferred parameters.

May we have a highlight system which will highlight tiles on the map with certain parameters please? :) That would speed up colony start by a lot. I imagine some drop down menus on the left side with the typical parameters.
Imagine the tailoring workbench. You want to make several pants, t-shirts etc but you want your colonists to use the clothes, not the freaking expensive thrumbo fur. For now, you have to disable thrumbo fur for every single bill.

It would be nice if we're able to set the allowed ingredients for every bill within a certain workbench - let's call it 'globally'. If you change the allowed ingredients in a certain bill, it will override the global value for only for this bill, others being unaffected.
There are wild and roaming animals in Rimworld. From time to time under certain circumstances they attack colonists and pets as well.

It can happen out of nowhere. Suddenly you get the warning that a grizzly is attacking one of your colonists/pets and most of the time, it's lethal. Especially if no other colonist or defensive structure is nearby or the victim isn't your super melee fighter or even Son Goku.
Of course you can have a watch over your colony and kill wild animals, but you never know if you missed one or when a wild animal wanders into your colony area (again). Mods with auto hunting help a little bit, but let's be honest, a colonist with a pistol alone against a grizzly is no certain win.

Solution #1 (easy and fast):
Expand the danger and flee behaviour of your pawns to wild animals in general. You don't want to ignore that grizzly right next to you, do you?
Additional: warning message if a wild animal wanders into your home zone.

Solution #2 (more complicated):
From a real world perspective, most wild animals avoid humans. So why not give wild animals each their own territory in which they roam to find food. If there is no food, the territory gets wider. If there is enough space on the map, the territory of wild animals won't be near the colony and wild animals try to avoid colonists (the danger and flee behaviour can be used for it). If, however, humans wander regularly into the wild animal territory, it increases the chances for an attack.
You could even prepare food for the wild animals if their prey becomes spare (e.g. during winter) and you don't want them to come near your colony because of that.

Solution #1 and #2 combined would be the most plausible scenario.
I'm leaving out all the thanks for this great game - it's a given - and (almost) come straight to the point:
Now with the upcoming release of Rimworld on Steam, it might be a good time for focusing on polishing Rimworld. Not only bugfixes, but mainly for the user experience. And not for mods, but for vanilla.

The big thing

  • User interface - I'll stay vague here. Not necessarily make things more beautiful, but more usable/smooth. Some points of the small things below may apply.

The small things

  • Copy and Paste for everything that have bills/recipes - I remodel my base over time and setting up new bills is a huge hassle which could be easily avoided
  • Moving / relocate option - as mentioned above, base layouts change. One of my biggest wish is the ability to move an already existing production table to a new place with all bills in place. Think of "abolish the stonecutter and build it up again over there".
  • Generic stone wall - I want to build a simple stone wall. I don't care what stone exactly it is build of. So I want that wall to be build of whatever stone is available.
  • Priority marker - Need a specific task to be done asap? Mark it with priority! Be it steel to haul because right now, you f... need some steel or you need that turret build up now to greet the upcoming raid accordingly. No need for sleep, dear colonists (althouhg I don't care if someone gets to sleep and another one is taking over instantly).
  • Shelves / Racks - ...which would allow bigger stacks? I'm looking at you kitchen with all the meat on the floor.
Ideas / Save bill set up
September 16, 2014, 10:10:02 AM
It would be strange if not already requested, but please let us save set ups for bills. If you have to relocate a production facility or just build more of them, it's always a pain to set up the new bills. Set one production facility, save the bills with a name and let us paste them into a new facility. Thanks :)
Game version: 0.6.532

Colonist Paul (in the dining area, big building, or simply check out the mental break soon indicator) have a survivor packaged meal in his hands, but always grabs a new meal. This is a loop, he doesn't eat anything. At some time, he will die, becomes red, but still walks around (in a lying position), making strange sounds. He seems to be invincible this time.

I had this bug before with someone else and somehow managed to kill her. Don't remember how, though, sorry :/

Savegame link (too large for attachment):
It doesn't take Paul too long to die in this savegame.
Ideas / Numars Feedback Thread
August 15, 2014, 12:47:29 PM
Nice things go first: I really love Alpha 6! I skipped Alpha 5 so I can replay Rimworld with even more new features and A6 really impress me so far. Base building got nicer, but especially the combats got a lot better. Had my most intense experience yesterday with two huge human factions fighting against each other, then suddenly the appearance of mechanoids which I tried to weaken with mortars before the killed the warring enemies. Took me only three loading screens to get out of that hell mostly alive!

So, regarding the feedback, here it is.

- I would love to see fire extuingishers
- I think it's awkward that some wall types have conduits, others don't. Can't they all have conduits and let single walls standing around connect to lines like e.g. turrets and lamps? Would make things better regarding user experience without oversimplifing imho.
- Ok, now limbs can be destroyed. How about advanced medical techs that can produce artificial limbs? I hate to execute long time residents that cannot move around anymore.
- An advanced hover board that carries colonists fast from point A to point B. For balance reasons can't hover above walls, more like for straight lines.
- Windows for daylight exposure within rooms?
- Cooling chamber for the food.

AI, micro managament, UI and zones:
- There doesn't seem to be a way to see all colonist stats in one window, isn't there? I would like to have one like the Overview Window but with numbers and even sortable, so I can quickly search for one colonist with high shooting skills and select him etc.
- Colonists running into battle zones to complete their tasks: annoying. What about an option that let undrafted colonists run away when they see danger? Or recalculate their task that is in a safer area? Or setting a Danger Zone colonists will not enter when enemies are there (mosh pits anyone? :D )?
- New Zone that rebuilds everthing automatically within that zone.
- Indicator that shows you if you mine or deconstruct that specific tile, better wear a helmet! Because roof.
- I would like to have a window where all event messages are displayed for re-reading. And maybe a window specific for trading that shows which trader are available and for how long.
- I would love to be able to give colonists orders directly by clicking on them. There are situations that you select a colonist, but the target object for interacting is miles away! E.g.: 1) right click on colonist -> contact Trader/Faction XY. 2) right click on colonist -> equip weapon XY (if available somewhere or optional: equip best weapon/armor available)
-- In addition to the feature above: a queue system for each colonist. E.g.: equip weapon XY, then equip  armor XY etc.
- If colonists are having a mental break down soon, the possibility to order them to relax. Most often they to tasks in a dark and ugly environment (with corpses around as worst case) while almost having a mental break down. Go eat something delicious and relax, man!
- Global setting for some tasks, like setting hauling to an higher importance for all when you need materials that are just laying around in the field. Or for harvesting food when everyone is almost starving, but prefers to do mining!

Hm, longer than expected, hope it helps!