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Topics - BatCon14

Stories / [Security log] 173-892
October 25, 2019, 05:16:00 PM
Darkness, the room is in darkness. This colony has been long abandoned. You try to walk around, this room is very small. You find yourself tripping over wires and hitting into things... you hear things moving, you don't know where they are. You feel something climbing on your face you attempt to swat it off and in the process press some kind of button. You hear and soft hum and screens across the room begin to glow and come to life. In the new light roaches, spiders, and rats begins to scatter. You look over to the screen and see a single file that is not deleted the file reads "logs." You navigate to the file and click on it. Several audio files flood the screen and you select the first one, the screen goes black and the recording begins...

Log 1
14th Aprimay 2077
You can hear people talking in the background, when a man begins to speak JOHN I GOT THE TERMINAL WORKING... is this thing on? Ok, good. Hello, my name is Eric Cook. My current location is unknown, I don't know where the fuck we are... last time
I checked we were only a few quadrants away from the Calypso system... look at where we are now. Something broke out of one of the containment crates, one of those nasty motherfucking science experiments. Tore half the crew to shreds, luckily I was on the engineering deck... near the escape pods... when it started tearing up the warp drive and the ship core. It could be on planet with us, I have no fucking clue. We landed in a heavy forest, pretty densely wooded. There are 6 of us including myself.a scream is heard in the background, the man pauses WHATS GOING ON, fuck STORCH GET THE FUCKING GUN. End of log.

The words repeat themselves in your head, you look at the corpse on the ground. "Was that him?" You have so many questions, you click the next log and continue.

Log 2
10th Jugust 2077
You can hear the man sigh, he is obviously stressed I don't know what the fuck to say, turns out that thing is on planet. We managed to kill it, but not before it ripped Storch apart. We've got very few supplies and a meager shelter. I've still got to find a way to get this fucking thing out of the wreckage. We've had a few people come to our camp, looks like some others have crashed here too. None are willing to help or point us in a safe direction. The weather is getting colder, we're gonna have to find a way to make some warm fucking clothes, other than our charred rags. The man sighs again I miss home, I miss my kids, my wife. All this shit is getting too much to handle, I never should've taken this job, now they think I'm dead. End of log.

You lean back in the chair, and look at the ceiling. It's covered in cobwebs. You feel sorrow, you wonder if that man ever made it home. Or if that's him on the floor. You click on the next file and delve even deeper into their story.

Log 3
3rd Septober
You hear the man sit down on the chair and take a long sip of a liquid, most likely coffee. He sighs and begins to talk. It's been...he pauses and you can hear him scratching his beard Well I don't know how long it is. This place is hell, monsters come during the night. Spiders the size of dogs, massive lizards, flesh eating diseases. It's fucking crazy. Last night we heard gunfire in the distance, we locked the door and held our weapons to it, the gunfire didn't stop. I decided to go scout,
I climbed up a rather large hill and in the distance saw smoke, tracers, fire. The gunfire eventually died down, something massive was over there. I don't know what it was, but it was large enough to quench massive fires with a single step. Let's hope it doesn't come this way... End of log.

You click immediately on the next file, you're to intrigued to stop.

Log 4
6th Aprimay 2078
It's been... a while since my last log. Our power went out for a month or so. We don't know what severed the connection, but we couldn't fix the heavy duty cable for quite some time. Winter is long gone, it wasn't easy though... I'm the only original member left, the rest are made up of immigrants from other destroyed colonies. We now have moved into the mountain, our colony is protected by two massive blast doors. Hopefully keeping us safe from the terrors outside. Keep word hope...

A rat begins to sniff at your foot, you kick it away and it scampers off. You continue even further into the logs.

Log 5
? Decembary
None of us know what day it is, the satellite was knocked out 2 days ago, we have no contact with any more trade ships or other colonies. There was an infestation as well, bugs out of the ground. Got a few of us, a few others injured. They used the biomass from the dead ones to multiply. There are too fucking many now. We've wasted almost all of our ammo spraying into their hoard, we had to block off the entire eastern corridor... along with our medical bay. We left a lot of good men can hear him begin to sob I'm done with this shit, how do I turn this fucking thing off.

You stare at the screen and click the next log, you're too interested to stop.

Log 6
? 2081
It's be a long fucking time, too fucking long. We never recovered from those god damn bugs. We don't have enough men or resources to continue to upkeep this place. A lot of people just got up and left, tired of starvation and sorrow. A few came back and tried to raid us. They got through the primary defenses but couldn't push due to our gunfire. They closed the secondary doors and cut the power. We cant get out...we can't get out...we can't get out....he continues to mumble on until the log eventually ends End of log.

You pause for a moment, you stand up for a moment and look around. On the far side is a bulletin board. Wads of paper are still stapled on it, most are torn off. Some still have small printed letters on them, others are stained with blood, or coffee. You can't tell. The next log begins.

Log 7
? 20?
We lost track of the year... we lost track of everything. Nothing is worth it anymore. The siege is still going on, we can hear them ramming the door down, our time is fucking running out. We're out of food, we're out of ammunition. Once they get in we're fucked, I expect this to be my last log...

Several files are deleted here, several logs are either corrupted or deleted. You move on a few files and find logs that are not corrupted.

Log 26
you hear panicked breathing and loud metal clangs in the background WE CANT GET OUT, WE CANT GET OUT, WE CANT GET OUT... the man continues to hyperventilate but eventually calms down we've held out for as long as humanly possible, there's only 3 of us left. Those who didn't die of starvation succumbed to the bugs or their own mind. The ones who went insane were locked in their rooms... we still hear their screams. All the food is long gone... we had to eat dead bugs can hear the man vomit...people. We're done, finished. The only thing we ever hear are their drills. Slowly burrowing into the security doors. We live in darkness, there is nothing between us and death. We attempted to tunnel out but the roof hear a door clang to the ground and footsteps running through the halls, the man pauses and holds his breath. He begins to whisper I've locked myself in the communications room, they'll have to kill me before I surrender. You hear the raiders yelling and begin to drill into the door End of Log

You stand up from the chair and stare blankly at the screen, your eyes wander to the corpse on the floor. He is dead. They're all dead. You get up from the chair and force the door back open. You walk through the silent hallways, you look at the stained walls, covered in cob webs. You think of what used to be, what the people here went through... what a fucking world... universe even. You never thought you would be here, yet here you are. You continue through the halls and out the main blast door, walking into the unknown, whatever it may bring.
Disclaimer: if you have not read part one I highly recommend you read it before this so that it makes sense. It has the same title except for the Victors part. As of right now it is on the third page. Enjoy!

As Guts, Grim, and Sam traveled through the rough jungle terrain it gave them all time to think. This mission was very dangerous and if a single one of them was injured or died the mission would take even longer and be even harder. The colony had carried out component excavation missions before, as there were no more at their home. But every single one of these missions had resulted in loss of life in some way shape or form. As soon as Guts finished smoking his cigar he realized they were at the camp site.

Immediately upon arrival they set up their gear. All the tents were erected, each with their own individual purpose. One for cooking, one for storage, and one for each colonist; according to their colony blueprints for an ideal camp. Except for this mission they only needed two private tents as Guts and Sam were a happily married couple. By the end of the day the tents were erected around a small rice field, the tents were made out up this was so that the colonists could put sandbags in between them and have a well fortified square. They all went to sleep content with the possibility that this mission would be a success based on their situation. They were half right.

In the morning Guts laid out the plan, the area they were in had only one mountain. It wasn't a giant one but it was bigger than the ones at home. Using their satellite images and knowledge from stories traveler had told. They started the excavation at the north most point of the mountain and immediately they struck compacted machinery. Since they were all very skilled miners for the next 20 days they were able to completely dig through the mountain. To top that off they recovered 234 components and even a bit of uranium and plasteel. Their food supplies were dwindling so that night Guts called for supplies from the main colony via drop pod. It was too risky to send the supplies at night as it was a great risk that the supplies would be stolen under the cover of night. Guts was very content as he went to sleep because one: the mission was a success two: they wouldn't have to walk back home as the main colony was going to send supplies so that they could go home via drop pod and three: it would only take one more week until the materials were ready for the drop pod transport.

Grim was standing guard on the second to last night till their departure when he saw it. Flashilights out in the dark, several of them. By Grim's best guess he guesses about 13 people out there, and he didn't even know if they were friendlies or not. That question was answered relatively quickly as a grenade detonated off to his left. Completely shredding the supplies tent and setting off all the chemfuel inside. The explosion was the biggest he had ever seen, metal debris flew everywhere and judging by the screams of pain some of them had hit people. That was when he realized, Sam and Guts's tent was right next to that. Their tent was already in fire and as he rushed in he saw it. Guts was holding the body of Sam; his beloved wife. Her right leg and arm were gone, and her chest and head had so many holes you could barely tell who it was her. Guts held her and cried softly, her body had protected him  from the fragments. He slowly got up and took the hand grenades from beside their sleeping bag and charged out of the tent. The bandits were almost upon their camp and if they got inside the square formation it was all over. Guts threw grenade after grenade with one arm, and rained hell on the bandits with his ak-47 while Grim provided great marksmanship with his m4a1. After 30 minutes of intense fighting 12 of the bandits lay dead, and one lay injured. He had 3 bullets in his stomach and his left arm was gone. Guts walked up to the man and put his gun to the man's head. He pleaded for mercy, weeping like a child. Guts only said one sentence "What bandit crew are you a part of?" The man answered feebly "The Victors, please have mercy I have a wife and it was all my boss's idea as well; kill him not me please!" Guts said "I used to have a wife, but you took her from me." Grim was at the base seeing if anything else had been damaged when he heard a single gunshot. He looked over to Guts and saw him walking back from where the man was, his magazine was missing one bullet.

Two days later the supplies arrived and all the components, the two men, and the remnants of Sam's body rocketed off out the that hellhole. When they arrived they were greeted with happiness from the components excavation missions success. Both men wore faces of sadness. They opened the last pod and Sam's body fell out, some recognized it was her and others didn't. She was buried a day later and condolences were given to Guts. After everyone had left the grave Guts took a handful of the dirt that was to be placed over her coffin, he put the dirt into his pocket. He let a single tear fall into the coffin, Grim buried the coffin and Guts knelt down on the fresh soil that day he made himself a promise, a promise that would be never be broken. I will have my revenge on the Victors, they will perish as my wife has, there will be no mercy, they will get what they have coming.

Thank you for reading the story, this was a bitch to write so if there are any mistakes I humbly ask you to notify me. Anyway this story is entirely true, but storytelling was added in some parts to give it more depth and emotion. Thanks for reading, also sorry for the depressing ending but don't worry the next part will be out soon.

Sincerely, Bat.

Stories / [STORY] I gave him what he deserved
August 07, 2018, 08:40:08 PM
I once had a colony that was westward expansion themed. I'm talking cowboy hats, desert biome, seperate buildings for everything so it looked like a town, cattle, and only using tech that was in that time period(only fueled generators, no guns other than lever actions and revolvers, no hydroponics, pretty much everything past the year 1900 was not allowed). So when I first started the colony I had a pawn that had the pyromaniac trait. The reason he had this trait was because when I was picking my colonists I was too tired to care and didn't double check. So two out of my 7 pawns were in the bar and were having a drink. Just another normal day, drinking beer to escape all your problems. When my pyromaniac went insane and started a fire in the completely wood built and furnished bar. The place went up in flames and I didn't even notice because it was 4 in the morning and I had stayed up all night playing. So I was pretty tired and went to go get coffee, when I came back only then did I realize that the bar was on fire. But at that point it was too late I watched as my two pawns tried to put out the fire. They eventually perished and their bodies were incinerated in the blazing inferno. Naturally I was pretty pissed off at myself and at the pawn. So what did I do? Well first I arrested the pawn and removed both his eyes. Than I found a cave in a mountain that had an infestation. So I constructed a small room that was connected to the infested cave and put a prisoner bed inside it. Before I sent the pawn to his demise I beat him bloody and let the wife of one of the pawns who had died in the fire shoot him once. Than I opened the doors and watched as the man bloodied and bleeding was slowly overrun by the insects, his limbs were torn off, his body was mangled, and he was left there to be consumed by the insects. 
Stories / Poor unfortunate prisoners
July 18, 2018, 12:10:15 PM
It was pretty late game in my colony "Cooks Ridge" everything was going great I had plenty of food, resources, animals, people, and anything else that a player could dream of. My base was gigantic carved out of a mountain, defenses lined the outer wall and at choke points through the winding corridors of my base, but because of all the riches I had secure in my base it led to a lot of very large raids. The prisoner issue from all of the raids became a real issue as I was running out of space to put them. Now you're probably wondering why didn't I just not accept anymore prisoners, well I use the prison labor, door locks, and quarry mod. So I had 40+ prisoners all working in mines, growing me food, or laboring away in a quarry, and of course like any other human I got greedy so I started getting more and more prisoners so they could make me more and more profit. Well my prison became so overcrowded that there were  bodies all over the floor and people getting sick became a real issue, so I decided to build a compound. Not anything fancy but it got the job done. It had outer walls all guarded with turrets to prevent anyone getting in or out, inside the walls it had the prisoner's quarters, a control room to activate all the turrets (this control room was constantly manned with at least two people so they could turn on the turrets at a moments notice also the control room had a weapons closet with power armor and high tier weapons), the compound also had three growing fields, one quarry and 6 hungry pet wolves ready to devour any people that died there eliminating the extra effort of either burying or cremating the corpses. But one very unfortunate day a siege happened, I usually just left all my turrets off until they got tired of shelling me and decided to attack as their shells could not penetrate my mountain base. Well this was before I built the compound that was outside and in the wide open. I didn't realize this factor until it was too late, the raiders fired an incendiary shell right into the inner walls of the compound and the fire spread so fast that the door was engulfed in flames before anyone could get out. I had my colonists in the control room break through the wall and get out but since my prisoners couldn't get there because of the plasteel door in their way, I was gonna send a colonist in to open the door so my prisoners could get out, but the entire control room burst into flames as another shell hit. It was hopeless, the fire kept spreading through all the flammable raw materials I had left on the ground (I didn't have a hauler available to bring them to stockpiles) the prisoners were slowly cornered by the flames and eventually all 42 prisoners, 6 wolves, and 1 colonist were killed. The site of the old compound is still there as I haven't cleaned it up but all that's left is a single corner of the outer wall, 13 beds and part of the wall of the prisoner quarters, and the quarry where I dumped the corpses that hadn't been burned up. As I tell this story I will be filling in the quarry and the 23 corpses that weren't burned up will be buried in a sort of mass grave. Poor unfortunate prisoners.
Just curious, I've done some pretty messed up things in rimworld. Wondering is anyone else has done the same, responses are encouraged. If you've done something super messed up, tell me I want to know and I'm sure many other people do too.
It was an extremely cold winter day and as Guts stepped out into the frigid air, he shivered. He took a long draw of his cigar and looked into the distance, he had gotten wind of this tribal attack and as the leader of the colony had put defenses up as a precautionary measure. He saw them sitting around their campfires the outlines of their savage people against the horizon. He promised himself that day they would all perish. He pulled his fur cap farther down over his ears and walked towards the prison compound, tightly gripping the handle of his ak-47.

As he walked into the small compound death was all around him, the colonists did not respect tribals so therefore they were forced into slavery. Also the colonists never picked up the dead, they didn't think the tribals worthless bodies were worth the extra effort so they left them to rot in the compound, they deserved it; right? Guts walked into the small control room and turned on the auto turrets, suddenly they all came to life whirring about and watching out for any enemies that dare cross their path. Guts sat down in the muffalo wool chair, reached into his pocket, grabbed a cigar, and lit it. Now he played the waiting game; he knew the tribals would attack soon and he knew they would attack here first. After a few minutes of waiting he heard pounding on the door, the hinges rattled and the wood splintered; dozens of tribals poured through but were cut down by the barrage of despair and death. Guts got up and watched the carnage with consent, knowing he had done well. A tribal charged him but was cut down by his trusty ak-47 (fun fact that ak-47 has been passed down through my colony for 3 years) the last of the tribals were trapped and gunned down with no remorse. Now that the attack was over it was back on the daily routine, pick up the bodies, capture the wounded, feed any who tried to run to the dogs. They were simple tasks, but quite enjoyable. After the cleanup was done Guts walked back to the colony, the colony he had built by himself, the colony that had survived for 10 years, the colony that had been through 27 raids, and killed over 200 people, the bringer of death, the fortress of fortitude, the colony of Cooks Ridge. Guts walked through the back entrance and passed Wallis as he walked towards the launch pods. He turned the corner and passed the workshop sparks flying everywhere as the resident colony mechanic Chinchilla worked on a new lever action rifle. Guts pushed open the steel door and into the rec room, it was an enjoyable place with its own TV, poker table, and pool table. Also with a beer fridge and cigar closet. He sat down on the muffalo wool couch and opened his cold beer. Things had been going great lately and because of the new slaves they had "employed" there would be an influx of resources from their quarry. He let his head fall back as his dog Europa came and laid down at his feet.

He woke up in the morning still on the couch and got up, he still had responsibilities and had to get to work. He walked into the conference room with a hot cup of coffee and waited for all the colonists to arrive, eventually all 11 of the other colonists filed in and Guts briefed them on what the deal was."Alright guys listen up," he said "We're running extremely low on components so we will have to send out an expedition to go to another area and excavate all the components there ." Guts looked around and saw the distaste in the colonists eyes, the last time they went on an expedition 3 people were stranded without any food far away from home and ended up killing and eating each other. Guts spoke again saying "The people that I have selected for this mission are as follows; Sam, Grim, and myself." Everyone gasped as they did not expect Guts to go along with them on this dangerous but rewarding mission. Guts quieted down the room and spoke one more time "This is a high risk mission, bring 7 tents, as much pemmican to last us one month, a personal cooker, all the muffalos, the dogs, and extra supplies like cigars and beer." They all knew the plan and packed up for the journey that awaited them, Guts dawned his pantherskin duster and placed his fur cap atop his head. He loaded his ak and put a single cigar in his pocket. The caravan stopped outside the perimeter wall of the colony and looked back, they all waved goodbye, and with Guts on point. They ventured off into the unknown.

Hello there traveler, I see you have read the whole story and would like to applaud you. Please keep in mind everything in this story actually has happened to me, everything that you may find unbelievable was accomplished by using mods. If demand is high enough I will include a list of all the mods I used and you may judge yourself. Now I must be off fair sir (tips hat).

Sincerely, Bat

P.S the whole slave thing was accomplished by using the locks and prison labor mod
Stories / The life of a laborer
February 24, 2018, 07:38:32 PM
As I re-strung my bow and looked into the distance there was a pit in my stomach, the colony we were about to attack had been killing our people and making them into slaves for a decade. I was part of the force that would end them. This colony looked heavily fortified, but our leader Mitsuya had a plan; on the south side of the mountain base there was a small compound in which they seemed to hold their slaves, we would attack there first and free our people. Once that was done we would assault the base through the mountain corridors in which they had mined out in order for expansion. The only thing I worried about was their "boomsticks" as most people in my tribe called them, they were a type of device the colonists had access too that could rip through organs and crush bones, take off limbs, and shoot as far as the eye could see. Our leader told us that we would overwhelm them in sheer numbers, I was not confident in this strategy. We sat around the campfire for a while longer discussing the plan and preparing for the battle to come, men and women alike strung bows, sharpened swords and arrow tips, put on war paint, and practiced throwing spears. Once it was time for the assault our people were ready, we all chanted our ancient war cry "Veni, vidi, veci (I came, i saw, I conquered). As we ran towards the base we started to rear to the right towards the small compound and with the speed of a hungry velociraptor. As soon as we reached the door we all crowded around it and beat it down we all rushed into the compound and expected to see our friends, all we saw were boomsticks mounted on tripods moving themselves. They sprayed metal ball after metal ball into our ranks and chaos reigned. Our front rows were decimated and the carnage was horrifying. I saw a boy presumably under the age of 18 get his arm blown off and writhe on the ground in pain while my comrades stepped on him trying to run away. It was pointless and several other people with boomsticks had blocked our exit. Most of us were dead within a minute, through the carnage I saw one man. This man was wearing a fur cap and had a long black coat on, he was smoking a cigar and smiling while watching our people get slaughtered. In anger I charged him, but his boomstick outmatched my bow. With two cracks of it I was on the ground close to death. I saw my enemies rifling through the bodies stealing personal belongings and taking people who were incapacitated too a small wood room, the person went inside with an incapacitated person and left with nothing. Finally I was picked up, they carried me to the building and I shut my eyes. Waiting for the cruel death that awaited me. I woke up around 4 hours later and saw in horror where I was. I was held in a small building with at least 24 other people, blood and other bodily fluids covered the floor. Bodies were everywhere and some people did not even have any access to beds. While I was looking around the door in front of me opened a short, but well built man wielding a metal stick walked in. He ordered everyone to get up. One man who was too sick to get up was beaten until you could see his skull. We were herded outside into the cold and I saw for the first time what the compound looked like. There was a small quarry in the middle and fields all around. Men and women alike were either mining, growing, eating, or dead. Bodies littered the outside area and the grass was turned red with blood. He demanded us all to start working and anyone who didn't was beaten into submission. The same man who was responsible for my capture walked in and I heard the short man say his name, I believe it was "Guts" but I cannot be sure. One prisoners lashed out at this "Guts" man but he was quick to react. Guts hit the man in the face with the butt of his boomstick and as the man was on the ground Guts took the end of his burning cigar and pushed it into the man's eye. Guts told the short man to leave him whether he die or beg for mercy. No one was to touch him, that man died two days later of starvation. Once the colder months arrived the place was even more hellish than originally, the colonists refused to provide us with some sort of heat and many people lost limbs to frostbite. The summer came once again and I feared I could not take this place much longer. I feel cold and I can no longer digest food, I eat and I throw it back up. I am starting to think that the colonists have gotten wind that I am extremely sick. Whenever someone is sick they are either left to die or hauled off to some unknown place, I don't know what to think or say and will try my best to remain a hard worker. I have just heard from my friend that I will be taken tomorrow morning. I fear this will be the end of my life. Send help...

Hello, my name is John the "short man" I have just found this pathetic slaves journal under his bed and decided to use this as a warning to any other tribes, I will make this extremely simple. If you attack our settlement you will be put up against the same conditions this man was out up against, and I promise you. You WILL have the same fate as he did. Being eaten alive by hungry wolves.

Alright story is over, thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed! I will be making a part two from the perspective of Guts and a few stories and other colonists. On another note I would like to thank you for reading again as I spent a lot of time on this. Be expecting a part two soon. Also I just recently went through this story and found a plethora of grammatical errors and mistakes. I believe they are all corrected but if not please tell me. Again hoped you enjoyed the story.

Sincerely, Bat
Stories / The escapee
February 04, 2018, 04:28:36 PM
It was a cold winter day in the colony of "Rice farm" and our food stocks were dwindling, due to the latest injury of my only cook Mai. We had not been able to cook and our packaged survival meals were starting to run out. We had no money, no components, and Randy was being a real asshole (constant heater breakdown/mechanoid raids). I knew my colony was going to perish soon and I believe that my colonists did too. I was pondering what to do when suddenly I got a message, "Raid." My heart sank and I tried to formulate a strategy, while this was going on out of the corner of my eye I saw something that truly was a beautiful Rimworld event. I saw my best colonist "Storch" walk outside and see the raiders setting up a mortar. He immediately walked inside grabbed a beer and all the colonists followed suit. I watched as my colonists sat down at the table and all drank a beer together for one last time. After this I drafted them and sent them out to meet their doom (I had 5 colonists against a raid of significant size, they had power armor too). My colonists took up positions and I saw the first mortar shell hit my base. It landed in the center of my defensive line and immediately killed 3 out of 5 colonists. Then the raid commenced. One of my colonists Zebo fought hard but they outclassed us in every single way. He was forced into the freezer and slowly bled out in the darkness, no one was there to comfort him. He died with the thoughts of all his friends dead and the colony burning. My last colonist "Storch" was holding out in his bedroom a single raider broke in but Storch was able to get a lucky headshot and kill him he immediately stripped him and dawned the dead mans power armor. I didn't want Storch to die as he was a great guy and did most of the work around the colony. So using the power of the Phi mod I cried out for help, I asked for a suitable owner to take in Storch and harbor him in their colony so he would not die. I got a response minutes later and sent him off, I got a message from Storch's new owner saying that sometimes Storch goes outside with some beer and looks off north while drinking his beer (the guy had an outside patio for his colonists). North was the direction the raid was coming from and where Storch stood to look at it. I like to think that Storch goes outside with the beer and does that in a sort of testament to his fallen comrades, I guess memories stay with all beings; even ones not physically with us.
Mod bugs / Colonists will not do things
February 02, 2018, 08:05:52 AM
So I was playing Rimworld and decided to increase the amount of basins I had in my hydroponics room. I built them but no one would go and put the plants in them automatically, I waited for a bit and no one came over. I had to check all the priorities and I had people on growing but no one would come do it. I thought it was a glitch that if the hydroponics are set right next to each other, but when I deconstructed them the same thing happened. Now I have to manually sit and wait on the crops so that I will be able to harvest them. I have to manually tell my colonists to go harvest the food. This is a real problem because I am sometimes preoccupied with other things therefore letting me produce less food, so now my colonists are very low on food just because of this stupid bug.