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Messages - porcupine

Quote from: NoImageAvailable on June 04, 2017, 09:35:40 PM
We've already discussed that mod internally, actually. The problem with simply integrating an existing mod is that a lot of the time they're going to have their own systems in place to handle things which may overlap or conflict with our own existing solutions. So you end up having to adapt a lot of the code and by the end you spent more time trying to get an existing mod integrated than it would have taken you to just create your own functionality designed to work with your existing framework.

Hey NIA, gotta ask:  Have you looked at/discussed the ideas around the Real Fog of War mod?  I'd love to see FOW integrated into CR/CE, though I know it's a stretch...
I'm a little disappointed I didn't get an automated email of this release (sendowl/ludeon/what have you).  Only saw that A17 came out, because of a thread I had subscribed to (which was long dead) seeing revival....

Something wrong with Sendowl???
Hey skyarkhangel,

Are you going to add the Real Fog of War mod into this pack for future releases?  Seems like if we're going for hardcore play, FOW should definitely be included! :D
Quote from: nccvoyager on March 01, 2017, 06:30:10 PM
IIRC, this should be fixed for A17 according to Tynan.

I must have missed the news, is A17 out, or a release date announced?!
General Discussion / Re: Sea Ice Community Challenge
February 24, 2017, 01:51:09 AM
I haven't read every post... but after a few miserable starts (stupid pawn kept walking outside to get frostbite, then dying of infection), I finally had a "visitor" who had a decent enough Parka not to freeze in the winter...

I stripped 'em bare, then packed up as much food as I could carry, and went for a hike somewhere *marginally* more hospitable :p.  Seemed like a pretty obvious choice :D
Quote from: NoImageAvailable on February 13, 2017, 02:27:47 PM
So a couple days ago I dropped by this thread and some people asked me to pick up development of this mod again. Long story short I press-ganged asked a couple people for help and we've been working on something of a reboot of CR and it has progressed to the point where I feel confident enough to announce it here.

Let me be the first to say, I'm thrilled to hear this!  Welcome back NIA, only good things can come of this! :)
Quote from: Jan2607 on February 12, 2017, 04:37:31 PM
I got the message "Can't do taming job because of full inventory".
Do I need to drop some ammo every time my tamer wants so tame an animal?  :o
Or is there any way to tell my colonists, how much ammo they are allowed to carry?

EDIT: Well, I found the loadout restriction... But... You need to explain that to me. My sniper (who is also tamer) actually carries
1 helmet
1 vest
1 t-shirt
1 pants
1 sniper rifle
and 76 ammo.
With this few stuff in inventory Bulk is 20/20.

So, is it just possible to arm my colonists OR let them do their job, but not both?

The clothing portion comes under assignment/apparel (that includes armor/helmets/shields/etc., I made the mistake of including those in the loadout section, to which they were carrying 'em, but not wearing 'em).  The default apparel is "anything goes" basically, you may want to scratch some of those off (IE: my current play is tropical, I've disabled parka's to prevent pawns from grabbing 'em (because technically they can go outside in slightly hotter temperatures with the extra insulation)).

You may need to craft some backpacks so they can carry more bulk, or drop some of the items, etc.

IIRC, this will also impact how much colonists can haul.

Asid ef
Quote from: AlexCrimson on February 11, 2017, 09:44:43 AM

That did it, thanks. Some of the features in this mod really do lack an explanation, unless i just missed the right-click thing somewhere.

Right click *everywhere* :D
So this is pretty strange, but it's exactly what it sounds like.

Running Rimworld1393Win, on a UHD monitor, just Vanilla + CR (though I don't think CR has much to do with this, since it's the actual game resolution/CR doesn't touch that to begin with).

I've got font scaling set to 1.25x in the game, and every time RW starts up, it starts with a lower resolution then the setpoint (3840 x 2160).

Having said that, loading a saved game (from within the game) also swaps back the resolution.  It's repeatedly trying to use 3072 x 1728 upon load, but it's also tried to force 2560 x 1440 (perhaps when I had a different scaling value??).  You can see the exact moment it happens when loading a game, as the loading dialogue box in the background very visibly changes size while you wait.
Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on February 08, 2017, 09:01:02 AM
Quote from: porcupine on February 08, 2017, 02:46:56 AM
Hrm, I think I must be missing something here...

I can't get personal shield bubbles to form on my colonists.  Drafted, with personal shield in loadout/inventory, no weapons at all...  Do I need a weapon equipped for the personal shields to work, or what did I miss here?

Just vanilla + CR.

Seeing as shields are clothing, wouldn't you need to make them part of your clothing assignment? Seems putting it in a loadout would just have them carry it around rather than wear it.

*derp*, yeah that'd make sense.  I knew I must be missing something obvious :D
Hrm, I think I must be missing something here...

I can't get personal shield bubbles to form on my colonists.  Drafted, with personal shield in loadout/inventory, no weapons at all...  Do I need a weapon equipped for the personal shields to work, or what did I miss here?

Just vanilla + CR.
Quote from: ElvenMusic on February 01, 2017, 02:55:14 PM
Is there a loadout system? I keep hearing about it from older versions of this, but i cant find it, im tired of my colonists all carrying 800 clips of pistol ammo

Yes.  It should be the same setup as the clothing tab/etc. (I haven't installed on this version, but have been following).
Quote from: minakurafto on January 23, 2017, 10:56:44 AM
to make molotov works, delete this line <thingClass>Combat_Realism.Projectile_FireTrail</thingClass> in weapons_grenades.xml
i found it by comparing it with molotov from hardcore_SK

Ironic, given they're both developed by the same developer and whatnot :).
Quote from: Sinosauropteryx on January 20, 2017, 03:39:39 PM
- Embrasures are op af. A simple perimeter wall with recessed entrances protected by embrasures makes raids trivially easy. Enemies will lock onto attacking a door, stack up in the hallway, and can be mowed down point-blank without retaliation. Manhunters and thrumbos are even more of a joke, they will run around aimlessly, unable to acquire a target. This is less a problem with the mod and more a problem with the poor AI, which is not trained to handle embrasures. I suppose it's the same problem as killboxes in vanilla.

Seconded.  I didn't use them last play through, because it was effectively cheating. 

We all know if they're pulled somebody will complain of course, and I'm not sure how you'd really address 'em in a reasonable manner.