Sorry about the delays on a RBSE compatible / surgicalmod dependency free version of EHBS & DO. I told Mythos I would help as in theory I've done this before but then the "Alice's Corrupted Mods" event happened so I lost the entirety of my Friday and Saturday free times to having to clean up my game.
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Outdated / Re: [A17] Phileas' trusted mod & maintenance station (Update: 2017-07-08)
November 10, 2018, 05:13:45 PM #2
Outdated / Re: [A17] Phileas' trusted mod & maintenance station (Update: 2017-07-08)
November 07, 2018, 08:26:41 PMQuote from: NoCanDo on November 07, 2018, 02:35:51 PM
I'm using Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion 2.0, will EHBS and DO work with it=
EHBS currently uses an expanded version of the legacy EPOE body with the individual ribs which is no longer core safe after the ribcage was added in core, if that were changed it should be compatible with Rah's which appears to be use a core body by my understanding altho there will be surgical overlap.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Phileas' trusted mod & maintenance station (Update: 2017-07-08)
November 07, 2018, 07:39:06 PM
I don't know if the Ribs will come back or not now that ribcage is a thing.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Phileas' trusted mod & maintenance station (Update: 2017-07-08)
October 28, 2017, 09:48:43 PMQuote from: xRude on October 10, 2017, 03:54:48 AM
Sorry idk if this question was asked before but what's the compatability with Alien Races and their Custom EPOE
Can I use Crafted Mutants on Custom Races? Will I be able to implant their EPOE various times ( like 6 hands ) ?
The Apini race is my biggest concern, since they don't use normal parts
I tested and as far as I can tell no functionality by default as it is using quick overwriting of the definition of the basic human racial body from EPOE's style to EPOE with additional slots.
If you have any modding experience I would recommend trying to replicate the changes yourself as while I personally also want the options on other races I had stumbled onto issues with the base mods for EHBS and CraftedMutants that I wanted to test out in game and if needed sort before trying to build anything on top of those mods.
Releases / Re: [A17] GHXX's Tech Advancing (1.7.5)
October 05, 2017, 04:20:12 AMQuote from: Barik Morloc on October 04, 2017, 10:37:38 PM
Hi this mod looks intresting but I am sort of confused on what it actually does... With your tech level going higher what does that mean? Does this scale the enemies to have the same tech level as you?
In the basegame your faction's tech level effects a multiplier of how long it takes to research something based on the project's tech level, normally you just end up with high tech researches taking forever but with this mod your own tech level goes up and the penalty is removed if you have done enough research at the previous tech level.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Phileas' trusted mod & maintenance station (Update: 2017-07-08)
October 05, 2017, 04:11:56 AM
Do we know if anyone is doing upkeep on these mods at the moment? In the course of trying to write up cross-compatibility I stumbled upon a bunch of stuff that I would call in progress and wasn't sure if it would be cool to link an updated version of EHBS and CM when I'm done.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Phileas' trusted mod & maintenance station (Update: 2017-07-08)
October 02, 2017, 04:30:17 AMQuote from: Ded1 on September 04, 2017, 01:33:35 PM&
so, parts from glittertech arent able to be added as additional limbs, any way to fix this?
Quote from: Dellamorte on August 19, 2017, 05:26:16 AMI will take a look at these but I was more interested in trying to extend/apply EHBS to some of the multitude of humanoid races.
If possible I would love to see a compatibility patch to make this mod work with Cybernetic Storm, else I will just do without this mod. I probably should ask the author of Cybernetic Storm to look at this but if you both could get together it might happen quicker.
Quote from: Lennbolt7 on August 19, 2017, 10:40:01 AMI tried to look into this from the code side but couldn't see anything that would cause these mods to not work with psychology if others like EPoE still do, I'll let you know if my playtesting replicates the issue.
Is there any compatibility patch for psychology planned? I think it's causing the extended bodyparts to not show up. I know it replaces the pawns and that's the only mod that affects pawns I added before this issue occurred.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
March 29, 2016, 01:33:33 AMQuote from: Darkon84 on March 28, 2016, 09:35:02 PM
Hi folks,
I have only played Rimworld a few times before I decided to add mods. I first tried the hard-core SK pack and done my head in. I have done fairly well I think with the ModVarietyPack I just have a few little issues that I'm not sure about. I can't find sunlamps I have access to hydroponics basin, do I need to do more research?
The hydroponics basin in this pack is different from vanilla, what mods changes the hydroponics basin? I want to integrate the differences to see if they work the same. Also the hydroponics basin in this pack has a note saying you don't need sunlamps which is different from when I last used them in vanilla. If anyone has a example using the hydroponics basin from this pack I could follow that would help.
Also is there an easy way to get lots of cotton? growing it is taking awhile.
The sun lamp is under lighting unless I forgot in the last hour while I would expect the hydrobasins to be under food but I haven't unlocked them yet.
Unfortunately I am not sure which mod the basins are from as they are rolled into the MVP folder. I haven't used them in MVP but if they are the same as what I am thinking of you would either place them like walls or like carpet depending on if pawns can walk over them. I believe each pod has it's own light and will pass power to it's neighbors but that also means that each line of hydros needs to be connected to power wires.
I wish I had some pictures but my setups were all very plain rows of hydros as the mod I was using the hydros were behaving like walls at the time.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
March 22, 2016, 11:03:27 AMQuote from: Galleg on March 22, 2016, 10:39:49 AM
Hey guys
I cant start the mod, shall I unzip de files inside the Mods folder or inside the general game?
Because I don't find the new shortcut.
There are steps if you are like me and just want to manually put everything in it's place and don't care about the ability to quickly start the game with no mods or having saves seperated.
To use the autoinstaller I am pretty sure you want to start with a fresh install of rimworld so that only the unmodified core is left in the mods directory. Then extract the modpack to the main game folder so that the new mods folder is merged into the existing mods folder but the savedata folder is just in the main game folder. There is then a script that will create the new shortcut.
Quote from: maniacal1 on March 21, 2016, 11:03:09 PMWe answered the food thing just a few days ago, you have to till the land before you can set a grow zone, it is in the food category.
This time it worked fine, loaded into it, saves work...but now I can't set grow zones.
Oh, and I STILL get combat realism errors every now and again when I load in. I've been using the CR mod in hardcore for weeks, but something in this pack just does not want it to work.
Strange, I've been playing for a few hours and haven't noticed any errors, is it bringing up the debug screen? Any other behaviour I should be on the look out for.
Quote from: nuschler22 on March 21, 2016, 05:19:31 PMBearded women? I can't say I've seen that happen yet but I'll try to replicate it myself. Has it actually occurred to you with game generated colonists or only in prepare carefully?
Is there a way to disable the facial hair? I'm not interested in seeing a bunch of bearded women, especially when I'm using the EdB prepare carefully to choose who I want to start the colony. Nor do I want women coming into the colony after I start with beards.
I saw some talk about facial hair when I searched, but I couldn't find a resolution. Perhaps because there might not be one.
Thanks for the help.
Unfortunately there is not a mod that just adds beards and such as it is mixed in with the MVP files, I think I saw instructions on how to remove that content but it was from a few versions back. Edit: the instructions were not intended to do specifically that and I am not keen on saying just delete this file as for all I know that will just cause the game to crash every time it tries to display a mod face.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
March 17, 2016, 12:59:53 AM
Darn, I am at a bit of a loss if they were humans.
If they had been Norbals I figured it was just recipes not extended to them.
I'll have to keep my eyes open for other cases like that.
If they had been Norbals I figured it was just recipes not extended to them.
I'll have to keep my eyes open for other cases like that.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
March 16, 2016, 06:22:09 PMQuote from: Encrtia on March 16, 2016, 05:41:16 PM
Second, Medicine.
I have colonists with missing noses, lungs, tibias, ARMS even! - you name it. But I have no option (after Medicine III & having built the respective organ + housing Medicine) to "Install Lung" or "Install Nose" or "Install Arm". I can go bionic, but I'm needing organic here.
Could you check which race they are?
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
December 19, 2015, 09:37:01 PMQuote from: roushguy on December 19, 2015, 09:22:00 PM
I have someone who is set only to clean, who is considered 'idle', and yet there is a ton of blood/dirt on the floor of my home area. (I finally got the mod to work.) Why won't he clean, and how do I force him to clean up?
I think you have to designate the cleaning zone in the zones menu.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
December 16, 2015, 02:54:24 AMQuote from: Kitsune on December 16, 2015, 01:13:00 AM
And if the zombie mod will revive all corpses would that not destroy the entire meat-produktion? o.o Or only human-like corpses?
Sorry, I wasn't very clear.
As far as I know only human race (and if you mod it in then also other humanoid races like the norbals) are effected. I don't think the zombie virus can spread to animals even in the airborne stage.
Initially the infection is transfered from zombies that show up in a raid and will attack your colonists, any other faction on the map and possibly also animals. When they bite a human the injured body part gets infected and you have to cut it off before they die.
This part I enjoyed.
Later on an event starts where any pawn of suitable race that is killed will rise again as a zombie and I believe also all buried pawns of those races will also rise up. This event never ends which I think is too intrusive for the modpack and I am not certain but I think it is meant to be the end of the colony.
I think there is some interesting ideas if we could tune things or find a similar mod to have the zombie/rabid colonist behaviour without having the zombie survival endgame 'gamemode' forced on people.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
December 15, 2015, 08:12:00 PM
If this is the zombie mod they are talking about:
then I am a little wary as from my experience it will only take a little effort to extend zombification to the other races (norbals) but I have never played long enough to reach the apocalypse stage where all corpses reanimate and I have no clue what the changes to combat would do on top of that.
then I am a little wary as from my experience it will only take a little effort to extend zombification to the other races (norbals) but I have never played long enough to reach the apocalypse stage where all corpses reanimate and I have no clue what the changes to combat would do on top of that.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
November 29, 2015, 12:58:57 AM
Looks very interesting, there is so much contained in the MVP section of the mods that I have no idea what to suggest. Hopefully I will be able to play this soon and then I will try to help on the github.
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