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Messages - Muramas

General Discussion / Re: RMC, rate my colony
March 15, 2021, 01:45:42 AM
Yeah, you are prob just wasting a lot of time mining out a mountain to make it hollow to live in. Just use wood/stone and setup a stone wall around it. If you really care about being super defended, find a large mountain to live in and have it totally covered with mountains around a pocket.
What they need to do is implement stuff from Save our ship 2 into the core game and polish the hell out of it. Add more shuttles, more ship parts, etc.
I do have to say that the lack of communication is one of the biggest disappointments to Rimworld. They have never been good at communication and the Royalty DLC has never really felt feature full (compared to say, A RimWorld of Magic mod or Save our ship 2)

On the other side of things Factorio devs (which had a similar development time) have released a communication every week (they are up to #365 update) and are quite transparent about what their future plans for the game and give us an inside look into how the devs think and feel.

I feel speeches go on wayyyyy too long and for something that takes the whole colony it is usually not worth the time and to have all my people walk to the throne room, wait the hours long speech and have all of their meters run super low. After the speech my people usually all pull out emergency food and start gorging themselves.

Why hasn't this been fixed yet?
Honestly this is what I use the debug tool for, I just tell the caravan to instantly form.
General Discussion / Why is speaches so long?
April 19, 2020, 02:36:48 AM
Am I the only one feeling that speeches are way too long? I tend to draft my Countess to stop the speech because

1. Everyone has to come, leading to lost productivity
2. It last too long, people usually have bad debuffs afterwards like hungry, sleepy etc.
3. The buff it gives is pretty weak.

Like it if lasted an hour and gave everyone a buff then it would be fine.
General Discussion / Re: Cleaning job
March 19, 2019, 12:17:36 PM
I use misc robots which has a cleaning robot. I found it the best way of dealing with cleaning.
Outdated / Re: [A16] MarsX v3.0.2 - Musky Edition
January 17, 2017, 08:00:29 PM
Okay...I figured it out. The soil was turning into dead soil when I moved the bag of soil from the cave to the hab.
Outdated / Re: [A16] MarsX v3.0.2 - Musky Edition
January 17, 2017, 01:09:09 PM
I made soil from the soil workstation and have a gas line from the cave my ship landed in to the outside hab. The hab has heat, light, pump and soil.

Does there need to be an air out in the hab as well as inside the cave?
Outdated / Re: [A16] MarsX v3.0.2 - Musky Edition
January 17, 2017, 10:30:35 AM
I can't seem to be able to farm. I setup the hab, water pump, soil inside, water attached to the waterpump from the ship but it still won't let me farm.
Quote from: Canute on October 05, 2016, 07:05:06 AM
Create a room with breathable atmosphaere.
Place a water generator.
Build around soil and wait.

When the room lost the breathable atmosphaere, the soil dies and need to be replaced with new soil.

It has been quoted a few time to double up on airlocks. This way the air is always protected from the outside.
Hey, I just wanted to say that a few of the issues I had last time were fixed and I felt like it was a much smoother experience. One issue that I had though is with the new air system. A solar flare happened which disabled the air outlet and since suits don't get refilled till 10% my guy died in a room with 20% air.

Honestly, I prefer the old system where if someone entered a room with air their tank auto filled. It was simple and worked and they won't stop what they are doing walk all the way back to the air station and refill randomly...
Quote from: shirlierox on September 15, 2016, 03:50:25 PM
Nice just saw this in time to choose my next series.   Hopefully I wont eat my own colonists this game haha.

Why do I get the feeling my base will explode and take all my delicious potatoes  :D

It is a fun mod but the start is a bit slow right now. Some suggestions for the current 2.0.1...

-Build in the side of a mountain
-Make the room small so it can be heated effectively
-After you get situated, mine some iron and if you can build anything out of iron instead of steel, do that
-Build two airlocks on the outside
-Research stone asap
-Research Electric smelter
-Put a sunlamp below or above the water generator

- to lower events
- Vegetable Garden mod : Snow peas are great to keep alive during cold spikes
- A temperature mod
- "Nomorelazypawns" makes it so everyone cleans and hauls.
I was wondering if someone could design a creeping danger such as the Creep from creeper world or the blight from Outpost 2. Creep / Blight would come into the map from a corner of the map and after an amount of time spread out across the map. Wall can slow it down and research can improve the protection of walls.