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Messages - Fenocide

What if you borrowed code from Crytosleep caskets to have a "Load Patient on Lift" function to transfer people between levels for treatment?

edit: Ctrytosleep>Crytosleep
Patient on Life>Patient on Lift

I really like the idea, and I'm a big fan of every mod of yours I've used (probably most of them, all but omni gel). I did like the idea of not just a comms console, but maybe other triggers so it isn't just "oh you got a comms console hoping you could buy food to avoid starving this winter. Give me steel now or I die in a month."
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on March 06, 2018, 10:21:15 AM
I ended up using the file I found. I can't remember where, but I am about 99% sure it was a royalty free license or whatever. I went ahead and resized it, and everything looks like it should work fine.

Plus, this is all just for personal use, but if anyone else wants to use it, just put this file in the same folder as Emancipate.png, which is in the Simple Slavery mod folder. Here is my directory (where you will put this file), of course everyone's will be different:


Just wanted to say that this worked perfectly. Yes, the icon has a white background. That may matter to some but is fine with me.
Quote from: Canute on May 21, 2018, 03:40:25 AM
Yes you can take animals down, just create an animal zone at the mineshaft, anything get ported down/up at these space.
The yellow minion's from the Minion's mod are great miner, don't forget to feed them from time to time.

This is wonderful news. I'll probably use my first mine as a bunker with hydroponics and a Noah's Ark style setup to protect breeding pairs. I'm building my shaft as soon as I have electricity done (tribal start w/ GeneticRim hybrids, figure the tribals and the animals were all test subjects)
Does anyone know if it can take animals down? If not, is that a potential feature? Perhaps it could borrow from Caravan formation?
Does anyone have a reliable method for dealing with rocket launcher guys? Besides "just shoot them LOL." Grenade launchers are hard, but at least can be outranged. Losing a decent colony because Umbra had 8 RPGs to spare.
My current LO is
Core: (no assemblies)
HugsLib[4.1.1]: 0Harmony(, HugsLib(
JecsTools- (no assemblies)
Miscellaneous 'CORE': ColonistKeys(, CommonMisc(
ModSwitch: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, ModSwitch(
Infused: 0Harmony(, Infused(
Outfitter 0.18.0: 0Harmony(, 0KillfaceTools(, Outfitter(
Outfitter A18 - Infused: Outfitter_Infused(

And I get this error log:
I'm out of ideas, I've redownloaded RW and each of these mods already.
Releases / Re: [B18] Static Quality Plus B18
April 28, 2018, 02:55:43 AM
I've looked all over the first page and can't find a clickable link to take me to downloads. Any help?

Fun Fact: I made an account just for this!

Edit: It was there this time, maybe I just needed an account?