[A17/B18] Simple Slavery v0.5k (updated 2018/1/29)

Started by Thirite, June 15, 2017, 11:07:32 AM

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Quote from: Thirite on January 25, 2018, 12:02:05 AM
Updated to v0.5j
- Changed slave escaping alert sound to more be more noticeable
- Reverted slave collars' indestructibility

Nice. Looking forward to trying this mod out.


It's possible I'm just being an idiot but I cant seem to get the slaves to obey the uniforms. Usually after being set the pawn will drop whatever forbidden items I've selected and go around naked until proper clothing is found, but these don't seem to be doing that.

Any clue why would be appreciated because at the moment I'm having to manually tell ~20 pawns to go put specific armour and clothes on!


Ah, this is actually the result of a temporary patch-over to make sure slaves do not remove their collars by simply blocking them from performing the OptimizeApparel job. I will provide a better solution soon. Thanks for the reminder!

Update to v0.5k
- Prisoners' restraints (shackles) now are manually adjusted, no longer automatically applying on an escape attempt. When enslaved, shackles are affixed by default. Caution: Unshackled slaves will be very difficult to catch.
- Fixed issue regarding slaves never changing their outfits (see above)
- Minor bugfix with slave collar destructibility


Ah, perfect! Now I can give them some basic armour and they might actually survive being gun fodder. Don't my want my precious colonists losing limbs now do I?


Hi, I have a problem getting this to work. Anytime I try to enslave my prisoners and I click on them, I get this:
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at UI/Commands/Shackle in any active mod or in base resources.
Verse.ContentFinder`1:Get(String, Boolean)

What may be the problem?

EDIT: Just realized it happens ONLY when I select an enslaved prisoner. If I de-select it, the problem stops.


So I had a crafting spot set to keep my stock of tribal collars at 1, just in case. A half year later I'm checking up on some gear a pawn is wearing, and see right around 20 collars on him. Force drop all, check another to see if it was just one weirdo. Nope, whole colony. So uh, might wanna do somethin about that.


So I was investigating the defs for the slave collar after reading the comments about it. I have a question, and I promise I am not trying to be a smart ass about this, but I am genuinely curious. Is there a reason why ApparelBase and ArmorMakeableBase core defs are redefined inside of ThingDef_SlaveCollar? This has the possibility of causing issues for any mods loaded after this that might rely on those defs, no? Why are they redefined in your defs, can you not just inherit from the core? Couldn't you only have your specific bases and thingdefs with your modifications needed for the slave collar as the only entries in the xml, making it actually very small?

I'm going to go ahead and make the defs you are redefining in the xml at least have an SS tag on them, because I'm not sure if what you have copied from the core defs has any changes to it or not. Because I'm guessing if you do have changes, then you need those for the slave collar to function properly, whatever they may be.


Quote from: FoxXeL on February 09, 2018, 06:10:03 PM
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at UI/Commands/Shackle in any active mod or in base resources.

The same happen to me.


Looks like I'm just going to have to try to put in my own shackle texture and see if I can get this to work. Because I really want this mod to work. I think it will be better for me than the Prison Labor mod. I want to eventually use PL too, but I'm now down to 106 mods, and trying to start off lighter :)


For the missing texture error, as a simple fix...

Go into the mods folder, ie /RimWorld1772Win/Mods/SimpleSlavery-B18_unstable/Textures/UI/Commands

And make a copy of Emancipate.png and rename the copy to Shackle.png

That way the UI gets resolved and you no longer get the error spam in the console.  I'm sure it will be remidied with the next release.



I ended up using the file I found. I can't remember where, but I am about 99% sure it was a royalty free license or whatever. I went ahead and resized it, and everything looks like it should work fine.

Plus, this is all just for personal use, but if anyone else wants to use it, just put this file in the same folder as Emancipate.png, which is in the Simple Slavery mod folder. Here is my directory (where you will put this file), of course everyone's will be different:


Honestly, I think it's a bit weird how the latest version was released without having this texture included. Maybe the mod author had a little slip up, and this texture was located elsewhere in another mod and they didn't realize it? Who knows, but personally, I think it's a bit strange how it was released without having such a necessary texture. With dev mode on I get a non-stop ticking error for this until I click off of the slave (at least this is how I remember it), might be workable with dev mode off but I refuse to have to do this because of something broken in a mod.

Right now I am using around 120ish mods, with about 45 smaller mods or parts of mods all combined into one of my own. I simply have too much going on that I need to be able to monitor with dev mode enabled, so that I can see immediately if an error pops, so that I can see exactly what is happening and when, where, whatever. All of this information could be relevant towards me fixing something that I want to fix, which could slip past me if I have dev mode turned off, and then come back to bite me in the ass big time later on, which is a big fear of mine. Getting many years deep into a colony and having a great game, only for something in a mod to finally crop up for the first time and break a game. Of course I have tons of backups, but it's still something I would rather not have to deal with.

[attachment deleted due to age]



Not sure if anyone else is getting this issue, but I managed to capture some slaves, and one attempted to escape.

I captured it again...and it's impossible to control them anymore. They're not listed as a "Prisoner" and they don't appear at the top of the screen with the other members of the colony.


Quote from: Chimerat on April 08, 2018, 08:15:18 PM
Not sure if anyone else is getting this issue, but I managed to capture some slaves, and one attempted to escape.

I captured it again...and it's impossible to control them anymore. They're not listed as a "Prisoner" and they don't appear at the top of the screen with the other members of the colony.

Wait some time, they will go back to work automatically.
I'm super duper cereal!


Quote from: Saebbi on April 08, 2018, 09:38:46 PM
Quote from: Chimerat on April 08, 2018, 08:15:18 PM
Not sure if anyone else is getting this issue, but I managed to capture some slaves, and one attempted to escape.

I captured it again...and it's impossible to control them anymore. They're not listed as a "Prisoner" and they don't appear at the top of the screen with the other members of the colony.

Wait some time, they will go back to work automatically.
Do you know if I'm supposed to get their image back at the top of the screen once..."some time" passes? Currently I'm been falling back on manually saving once or twice a day just to reload if someone tries to escape, because I don't want to mess up my game by having someone go invisible forever. :-[