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Messages - Haplo

General Discussion / Re: Why did you back Rimworld?
October 13, 2013, 11:50:16 AM
I'm on the same mind as salt1219:
Normally I would only go with the lowest price on kickstarter to get the game, but here I liked it so much, that I wanted a bit of myself in it.
Even if I'm not that free on my money to go with PK or Designer, at least you'll find me in something small and insignificant.
Ho ho ho ho... and a bottle of rum.. 8)
Ideas / Re: The Module Poll, Which do you want most?
October 13, 2013, 06:45:57 AM
It's really hard to decide. Everything creates an interesting addition to the game.
- Archeology: It would be nice to find some old artifact that makes the life of the colonists easier (or harder *evil laugh*)
- Biomes: Definitely my must have. Today I want to play on Dune, but tomorrow..
- Deep Characterisation: The traits should have real influence on the behavior of the colonists. It should be really interesting to lead a bunch of pacifists through the rough new world :)
Support / Re: Calling all .BAT file magicians
October 11, 2013, 02:40:05 PM
I had the same problematic on work today, but unfortunately it was too late to spend much time searching for that.
(Strange coincidence that :) )

Most likely I'll use the 7za.exe from 7-zip (I think this should work for your purpose):
7z.exe a -tzip ".../RimWorldBuilds/" ".../RimWorldBuilds/RimWinDev226/"
7z.exe a -tzip ".../RimWorldBuilds/" ".../RimWorldBuilds/RimMacDev226/"
7z.exe a -tzip ".../RimWorldBuilds/" ".../RimWorldBuilds/RimWin226/"

For more, take a look here:
General Discussion / Re: Graphical style!
October 11, 2013, 02:24:30 PM
I'm also one of the people who thought at first it is from introversion as it has the PA look on first glance.
And I am also one of the guys who thinks that RimWorld doesn't need to change the look.

But on the other hand I have seen enough law suits in the news to be a bit wary of some firms that try to make a bit money by sueing others only because of a slightly similiar look.

If there isn't anything to fear from introversion, I'm all for it that the look stays as it is. I really like it like this  ;D
My opinion on this is that everything he gets, exceeding the target goal, is mostly to make it easier for the developer to do his job.
By going though Kickstarter or PayPal, he provided a specific goal thta he likes to reach and you're paying him to support his way there. (You're his bank, giving him a kredit for his proposal.)
Everything additional to the target goal will most likely do something to make it a bit easier, to reach his goal or maybe even go further onward. But there isn't a definite promise for this.
Even if he goes and buys himself a home from all the money he'll be swimming in, (before taxes, expenses and everything else that tries to bankrupt you,) even that will most likely, maybe even indirectly, help going further on his way.

But I think 'break' is (mostly) right: You shouldn't forget that you have no real legal claim to get anything (more) for your money.
I'm not sure if it is really advisable to get the money without delivering at least the promised part (here: the game in the alpha version).
That may end in court as it could be seen as a sales contract. But I'm no lawyer, I don't know this for sure..  :)
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
October 09, 2013, 05:38:33 PM
I've just seen the video of Das24680 and seen that you use kJ as the unit for the batteries, but W for power consumtion of turrets and lights.
Most people can't really guess how long the batteries will supply a turret when fully loaded.
To get a better comparabillity how about using Wh instead of kJ for the batteries? (3600kj = 1kWh = 1000Wh)
So... Batteries have 26000kJ => around 7222Wh => It can support 7222 W for the time of 1 hour...
(I know, I know,.. it's not really importent, but it is easier to guess the supply-time when the unit is similiar than to look up the conversion Joule <=> Watt and it's something that catched my eye :) )
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
October 09, 2013, 04:44:13 PM
I'd like position markers (like the home zone, only one square size per click) to be occupied if attacked.
So you build a sand barrier and mark three squares behind it like this.
If an enemy attacks, three fighters try automatically to man up these positions.

Additionally a retreat zone, where non fighters retreat to, while an attack is occuring.

With this you can build some tactical defenses before the fight and don't need to micromanage everything manually while the attack occures.

OK, I'm not sure if this really qualifies as a cheap idea... :)
General Discussion / Re: Rimworld pre-alpha soundtrack.
October 09, 2013, 04:25:06 PM
SciFi-Western music..
Nice :)
Off-Topic / Re: Where are you from?
October 09, 2013, 04:13:15 PM
Am I the only one from Germany here? Seems like it.. (Germany: 1)  8)
Soo.. Greetings from southern Germany (and no, I wasn't at the Oktober Fest, this year..)  ;D
Ideas / Re: Suggestion & Discussion: The Colonist
October 09, 2013, 02:28:39 PM
Mmm, I see your point.
If you go too far, it will become easily too complex and you loose all the fun in micromanagement.. ???

Ideas / Re: Suggestion & Discussion: The Colonist
October 09, 2013, 02:09:45 PM
I second that :)
Personally I think that it's a good idea for two slots of inventory. Maybe for later?
Because then you can do something more in regards to realism: Something like if you don't have the needed equipment in your inventory, you won't be able to do specific work types.
I myself find it sometimes a bit hard to dig a hole to live in into a mountain.. with nothing but my two hands.  ;D

Ideas / Re: Brainstorm: Buildable Future Content
October 09, 2013, 11:36:20 AM
I think that you should only be able to see and shoot through windows. If you can climb through windows it should,  if at all possible, slow the climber drastically down and he shouldn't be able to shoot while climbing through.
This way it should only be an emergency entry/exit. If possible, other ways should be prefered.
Ideas / Re: Brainstorm: Buildable Future Content
October 08, 2013, 02:42:27 PM
- A Rocket Turrent:
High destructive power, but after 1-2 shots it needs to be reloaded, (manually)  which uses up metal. Additionally it could destroy accidentally your own home.
- Windows:
The occupant of the room is a bit happier as he can watch the outside, and you can shoot out of it, defense as a sand barrier (pos. or neg.)
- Upgrades for Turrent:
Hardening - can absorb more enemy fire, but is much slower rotating
Targeting Computer - hits better, but is costly and get destroyed when get hit right

I found this nice little game named Pirates! on my steam accound and have been playing it for the last two days..
Attack ship with cannons, enter ship and fight with the enemy captain. Plunder and capture cities. Rinse and repeat..
Oh the good old days, where the games were so simple  ;D
Off-Topic / Re: RimWorld in 3D (or so it seems) !
October 06, 2013, 06:19:00 AM
OK, I took a look into the second video. There Maia looks a bit better.
In the first it looked more like a horror game or something like that. I don't really like horror games..
I admit that the second video looks a bit more interesting. But still I don't know.. is it worth to buy it?