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Messages - schizmo

Ideas / Re: Storage Crates
November 14, 2016, 05:54:36 PM
Quote from: Andy_Dandy on November 14, 2016, 08:58:39 AM
Eventhough I like the idea of possibilities for more efficient storage it's important it doesent come to easely. It should be a big investment both production- and perhaps researchwise.

One of the beauties of Rimworld is all the hard priorities the game offers the player. One of them is the challenges with storage. Challenges like space, animals eating stored food, rottening, deterioration and most recently theft, are all well designed in to challenge the player.

More efficient ways of storage must not become too much of an easy fix!

Absolutely, that's my main argument for expensive shelves that require a somewhat finite resource like Steel, the player would have to weigh the cost of compact storage against the need for a very valuable resource. Similar to tool benches costing 200 steel, in the early game you would drain all your steel resources if you tried to build too many/any tool benches, so you would need to reach the mid to late game before you could build them safely
Ideas / Re: Butchering should return wool
November 14, 2016, 06:25:10 AM
I agree, but I also disagree. It makes sense considering wood and crops function much in the same way, but the wools in the game are valuable for protection against the elements and they are a reward for proper care of animals. Maybe the amount of wool obtained through butchering would be a reduced amount, to keep the incentive of animal care
Ideas / Re: Family Bedroom
November 14, 2016, 06:15:56 AM
The debuff from sharing a bedroom is based on privacy, not whether or not someone is family. Would you want to sleep in the same room as your parents?
Ideas / Re: Storage Crates
November 14, 2016, 12:52:14 AM
Quote from: jmababa on November 14, 2016, 12:34:54 AM
Quote from: xrumblingcdsx on November 10, 2016, 05:18:10 PM
My stockpiles always take up a minimum of half my bases space.

Other games, such as stonehearth, have faced the same problem. Is there any plan to address this problem in rimworld?

I would offer up the same solution that Stonehearth (and every other game in this genre) takes: build able crates that hold more items in one space than the stockpile does. You could treat them just like a stockpile in assigning what goes in them, and certain items that are too large could be omitted from being placed in a crate. You could also have refrigerated crates for food surplus, or hardened crates to protect your goodies. If a crate is destroyed you lose the items contained inside.

Install rimfridge and change xml to take everything now even without power your new stockpile aka rimfridge takes smaller space for more steel used

Edit: mostly use this for pet feeder, wort storage, body storage (so people walking into my main freezer won't get nega effect from seeing dead bodies of raiders), beer storage (has positive effect when grabbed from here). Solves your problem very easily

The problem isn't "I want a single item in a single space" that could easily be accomplished with existing stockpile mechanics. The problem is "throwing all the items on the floor is frustratingly inefficient and a better late-game solution for storage is necessary"

Not to mention this is the suggestions forum to suggest improvements to the base game, mods aren't inherently the answer especially since they break with every update.

(that mod is pretty great though)
Ideas / Re: Storage Crates
November 13, 2016, 11:18:45 PM
The key to something like this is of course the resource allocation. In my initial post I considered they could be made out of wood, but I think allowing them to be made out of wood makes them too accessible and essentially prevents any storage management difficulty in the early game. Good storage should be a reward for the mid to late game (when it really becomes an issue) not an easy ride in the start.

So for that reason they would likely need to be made exclusively out of steel, and by the time you research the mining drill (when steel becomes much more plentiful) the need for better storage would have prevented itself.

Nothing says you can't throw a few racks into a walk-in freezer to better manage food storage, but the ultimate goal for shelves is clearly for warehouses.
Ideas / Re: Storage Crates
November 12, 2016, 07:54:02 PM
I don't know if storage crates are exactly the answer for balance reasons because it's unreasonable to think that you could fit MORE items into a smaller space by cramming it inside of a box. I do think steel storage crates would be a nice option to keep high priority items safe from being burned, so that's a great idea

My suggestion would be shelves, to really turn a stockpile into a warehouse. Right now colonists just drop stuff on the floor, and because they're on the floor colonists are able to delicately climb over piles of stuff. A shelf (made of dangerously flammable wood or reliable but expensive steel) would allow a larger number of full stacks of a single item to be placed on a single tile (3 or 4) but the trade-off would be that the existence of a shelf prevents colonists from walking over that tile, and a shelf must be accessible from at least one side. In order for something like this to be an effective way of increasing storage they would need to at least triple the storage capacity of single items, otherwise the loss of tile space for walking undercuts their usefulness.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
November 12, 2016, 07:28:23 PM
I know this has been suggested to a certain extent, but I feel that animals should automatically be renamed based on their stage of life. Particularly it's a problem with chickens because the first chickens and roosters you buy are called "chicken 1" or "rooster 1" but all subsequent chickens and roosters that are born are called chick 1, chick 2, etc regardless of their gender or stage of life. You end up with a coop full of chickens and roosters that are named chick and it makes it somewhat frustrating to search through the animals list to find the ones you're looking for. Also it just doesn't make sense so changing it seems like a decent idea.

To be clear I don't think players should be allowed to rename them on their own because that's the job of a colonist who has bonded with an animal, I'm simply suggesting that puppies and chicks and other baby animals have appropriate name entries to keep things somewhat sensible and accurate.
Ideas / Re: Bills/storage micromanagement
November 12, 2016, 07:17:19 PM
I agree, having to manually reset all the bills when building a duplicate/moving an original workstation can be very time consuming, and the risk of missing something critical can be very detrimental to things like food production. I once built a second stove and forgot to disable Meat as a usable ingredient for simple meals, and suddenly I was burning up all my precious meat in simple meals and had nothing left for fine meals.

If stockpiles can have copy/paste settings, then I see no reason why bills cannot be copied and pasted.
Ideas / Re: Upper and Lower levels?
November 12, 2016, 07:09:20 PM
Shame that it's a dead horse, even the wild west had two story buildings and cellars. Maybe someday...