Quote from: Andy_Dandy on November 14, 2016, 08:58:39 AM
Eventhough I like the idea of possibilities for more efficient storage it's important it doesent come to easely. It should be a big investment both production- and perhaps researchwise.
One of the beauties of Rimworld is all the hard priorities the game offers the player. One of them is the challenges with storage. Challenges like space, animals eating stored food, rottening, deterioration and most recently theft, are all well designed in to challenge the player.
More efficient ways of storage must not become too much of an easy fix!
Absolutely, that's my main argument for expensive shelves that require a somewhat finite resource like Steel, the player would have to weigh the cost of compact storage against the need for a very valuable resource. Similar to tool benches costing 200 steel, in the early game you would drain all your steel resources if you tried to build too many/any tool benches, so you would need to reach the mid to late game before you could build them safely