[1.0] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v7: Sunrise

Started by skyarkhangel, May 10, 2015, 11:40:32 PM

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How you relate for the full removing automatic turrets?

Positive. It's realistic. Fight with killboxes continues.
Negative. Make a button to kill all enemies in one click.


Quote from: Masquerine on December 23, 2015, 11:33:28 AM

That's actually what I'm going to be helping with as soon as I get the github/sourcetree thing sorted out for managing edits to the modpack. I'll be editing any of the text you read in game. So anything from item descriptions, bench recipes descriptions, extra information, research tech information, ect. The modpack is originally in Russian and translated to English. Russian to English translates okay. There are obvious errors and things that don't quite make sense to anyone who only knows English. I get the task of cleaning up the English translations to be more user friendly. I'll also add in or change descriptions that are not helpful. For example polymers: "polymers is used in many things" or crude oil's description is "crude oil" and that's it. Not helpful at all.

Sky only asked a couple days ago for someone to help with this stuff, so it'll take me some time. I'll clear up all of the English text. So no worries, it'll start to get done soon.

Cool, I think it'll be extremely helpful to us mere mortals, this modpack is truly complex in some parts and it's a pain to understand what unlocks what. It's been a lot of trial and error for me, I think I got the grasp of it now but I found the learning curve pretty steep when I started out, mainly because of the poor descriptions. Since I have since tested MVP too and found it much easier mostly because the descriptions are clearer, I thought it was my duty to inform you of it. :)

Once again, keep up the good work and thanks for replying!


Quote from: aenariel on December 23, 2015, 11:37:26 AM
Cool, I think it'll be extremely helpful to us mere mortals, this modpack is truly complex in some parts and it's a pain to understand what unlocks what. It's been a lot of trial and error for me, I think I got the grasp of it now but I found the learning curve pretty steep when I started out, mainly because of the poor descriptions. Since I have since tested MVP too and found it much easier mostly because the descriptions are clearer, I thought it was my duty to inform you of it. :)

Once again, keep up the good work and thanks for replying!

I feel the same way about it. When I first picked it up it was such a massive change from vanilla. I had started and restarted colonies slowly testing and figuring out what I needed and what lead to what. There's been several big changes since I started playing HSK that really improved the pack, like the removal of metal-parts (steel/copper/ect). It was overly complicated and way too craft demanding.

Someone mentioned earlier about the drill and extractor. I knew how it worked previously and checked the new way and it didn't work how I expected. So I turned on god mode and started playing around with it until I figured out exactly how it all works, then posted here to describe the process. Obviously it's not the official update release yet, but I still like to help out with understanding things if I can. I hate the feeling of not knowing how things work and I certainly don't want to leave anyone in the dark when I know what the problem is and how to fix it.

I know there's a Russian picture tech-tree to show what leads to what that someone was thinking about translating.  I can't read Russian. The best that I can do if it was in text form is google translate but alas, that tech tree is a picture and that doesn't help me there. Maybe a sort of user-guide to explain the expected progression of the modpack could be more helpful. It would give you a better understanding of what exactly you're supposed to be planning for. I could do that, I suppose. Could do it in the FAQ file.


I've been using the latest git version, and it's been great. One thing I am getting a little stuck on though is the requirements for mechanisms.  It asks for 'alpaca alloy', not sure if that is a typo or not.  Digging in that is actually 'CupronickelAlloy', and can be made from the electric smelter.  Mechanism are pretty essential for most things so this seems like it blocks progression pretty hard. Am I just missing something?

Ok, nevermind, it seems like the list expands as I mine more things, so can use copper etc.


I think I may have found a bug. The professional cook stove wont cook fine meals. Is this meant to be? I have all the ingredients, meat, potatos and tableware. If any one could help that be great :)


Quote from: gustavoghe on December 23, 2015, 05:58:24 PM
I think I may have found a bug. The professional cook stove wont cook fine meals. Is this meant to be? I have all the ingredients, meat, potatos and tableware. If any one could help that be great :)

already fixed in 2.4c.


Updated to 2.4с: Syndicate

New alloy craft system! No more parts  :)
in 2.4c you meet Beantek Blast doors and ThermoElectric generator from A10, which i rewrite for A12 for Hardcore SK.

Many changes and fixes. Need start new game with new map.

Full changes only in Russian:

1. Переделан крафт и установка всех протезов. Бионические протезы теперь намного дешевле. Все протезы теперь открываются постепенно.
2. Со стола патологоанатома убрана возможность "вскрывать" рыбу. А возможность потрошить рыбу на столе появляется теперь с агрикультуры 1.
3. Добавлено несколько новых головных уборов.
4. Добавлена новая ветка кибернетических протезов, которые производятся в хим. лаборатории.
5. Несколько видов дури были вне группы - добавлены на свое место.
6. Фикс получения каменных блоков на электрическом верстаке - теперь тоже выпадает песок и щебень.
7. Добавлено две новые электростанции будущего.
8. Расширено и изменено дерево исследований, в основном по ветке технологий связанных с манипуляцией материей.
9. Фикс турелей (14.5мм, Вулкан, .50 АМ) - перестали работать после апдейта на гильзы.
10. Добавлено 7 новых видов оружия. В основном винтовки, которых было меньшинство. Небольшой ребаланс в оружии.
11. Добавлена новая система крафта сплавов. Добавлены новые виды ресурсов, цепочки крафта, новые возможности. Детали убраны из-за ненадобности.
12. Добавлен новый вид улучшенных батарей и проводки.
13. Добавлена возможность производства в технологиях будущего: антивещества, биосинтетики супермагнитов, альфа и бета полимеров.
14. Большинство огнестрельного оружия переименовано на русском и английских языках.
15. Убран дебаф сырой пищи от консервов с овощами.
16. Электроплавильня будет требовать компоненты, а не интегральные схемы.
17. Крафт углеволокна (изменен крафт, теперь нет металлосодержащих составляющих) перекинут из электроплавильни в хим. лабораторию.
18. Фикс ИИ животных (поставлена блокировка на срабатывание скрипта на поиск пищи).
19. Изменены названия фракций.
20. Добавлен спавн подземных залежей ресурсов. Теперь ресурсы, такие как металлы, каменные осколки, итд, можно добывать только в определенных
местах. Для добычи полезных ископаемых достаточно построить шахту. Количество месторождений ограничено.
21. Бумалуп и бумкрыса теперь дают биодизель, но к сожалению мясо их стало несъедобно :)
22. Добавлен спавн месторождений нефти. Теперь необходимо бурить скважины, а следом устанавливать нефтекачалку. Количество месторождений нефти ограничено.
23. В шахте поправлена добыча каменных осколков - до этого сыпалось неадекватное кол-во.
24. Большинство строений теперь можно создавать из разных видов ресурсов.
25. Добавлен рецепт сжигания тканей, древесины, кожи, деревянный изделий.
26. Изменена текстура исикэта (ледяного кота).
27. Добавлено 3 вида насекомых, 2 из них будут появляться даже в холодном климате. Обновлен менхант-пак.
28. Скрытые залежи теперь не видны на карте, их можно обнаружить случайным образом, наткнувшись на них, или с помощью мобильного сканера. Сканер теперь открывается вместе с шахтами.
29. Нашли способ отучить животных пить и курить (баг римворлда).
30. Обновлен Infusion. Исправлен баг с некоторыми зачарованиями, из-за которых багалось оружие. +новшества.
31. Для лейт игры добавлена бомба направленного действия, способная образовывать геотермальную скважину.
32. На старте игры будет выпадать 3 комплекта первой помощи.
33. Фикс плиты шеф-повара.
34. Убрано задвоение рецептов карамели и ирисок.
35. Фунгопоника теперь имеет срок годности (отмена).
36. Большинство рецептов на приготовление пищи теперь требует навыка кулинарии.
37. Для всех рассказчиков увеличен кап на кол-во колонистов до 50.
38. Полностью переписана работа мобильного сонара. Теперь будет работать только при подключении электричества. При выключении все данные сбрасываются.
39. Добавлено несколько погодных условий: При -20 и ниже может начаться буран. При +25 и выше может начаться сильная гроза. А также правки в существующих погодных условиях, делая их более значимыми.
40. Уменьшили прирост скорости для всех покрытий.
41. Скорость прокачки навыка крафта значительно снижена.
42. Почти все производственные рецепты теперь требуют определенного навыка крафта.
43. С насекомых теперь можно получать хитин.
44. Поправлено множество рецептов крафта, которые использовали неправильные зависимости от эффективности работы.
45. Отключено случайное бешенство у животных.
46. Полный ребаланс кол-ва мяса и кожи у всех живых существ.
47. Поправлена разделка рыбы на разделочном столе.
48. На столе патологоанатома поставлен фильтр.
49. Полная переработка ксенон-ионного реактора. Ставится на скважину и генерирует электричество в зависимости от температуры в помещении. Начинает работать только от 100 градусов и выше. Чем выше температура, тем больше энергии генерируется. Действует система коэффициентов: при очень высокой температуре может выдавать больше 10-12к электроэнергии. Чем больше электричества генерируется, тем больше ксенон-ионный реактор поглощает тепла.
50. Добавлен новый термоэлектрический с генератор. Обновил с А10 + дописал. Термоэлектрич. генератор ставится на стенку. На разнице температур с двух помещений генерирует электричество. При разнице температур в 600-700 и выше выдает очень вкусные значения.
51. Добавлены мощные ворота - обновлено с А10.
52. Переделана работа тесла и реактора на антиматерии.
53. Обновлен Miscellanious до последней версии.
54. Добавлен Miscellanious Trainers. Взамен убрано поле для стрельбы и чучело.
55. Переделан рецепт мульчи, а также грядок. Теперь нету задвоения требований по ресурсам.
56. Новая выпечка (2.4b) теперь рассматривается колонистами в качестве хорошей пищи.
57. Ребаланс протезов и имплантантов.

Dante Montana


Would the update work with a game started with the github version from few days ago?
Guess I'll find out.

EDIT:No. :(  Well it was getting to the point of failure !fun! anyway...


2.4с: Syndicate English changelog
Full changes for English. I used google translate and then went through it manually to try to reword it to be more understandable.

1. Changed all crafting and installation of prostheses. Bionic implants are now much cheaper. All dentures implants now open gradually.
2. The opportunity to gut fish now appears on the table with the agriculture (aquaculture?) one.
3. Added a few new headgear.
4. A new branch of cybernetic prostheses can be manufactured in the chemical laboratory.
5. Several types of dope (weed) have been correctly grouped for stockpiling.
6. Fixed obtaining stone blocks on the electrical workbench. Also fixed falling sand and rubble.
7. Added two new power plants of the future.
8. Expanding and changing the tech tree research, mainly in the branch of technology related to the manipulation of matter.
9. Fixed turrets (14.5mm, Volcano, .50 AM) that had stopped working after the update.
10. Added 7 new weapons. Mostly rifles that were in the minority. Not a big re-adjustment in arms.
11. Added new crafting system alloys. Added new types of resources and crafting opportunities. Details removed because of uselessness.
12. A new type of improved batteries and wiring.
13. Added the ability to produce in the technologies of the future: antimatter bio-synthetic super magnets, alpha and beta polymers.
14. The majority of firearms renamed in Russian and English languages.
15. Removed the debuff of raw food from consuming canned vegetables.
16. Electrofusion components will not require integrated circuits.
17. Carbon crafting now has no metal components. It now in the electric smelting chemical lab.
18. Fix the AI of hungry ​​animals (lock set to trigger a script to search for food).
19. Changed the names of the factions.
20. Added spawns of underground deposits of resources. Now resources such as metals, stone chips, etc., may be produced only in certain places. For mining it is sufficient to construct the mine. The number of possible fields is limited.
21. Boomalopes and Boomrats now give biodiesel, but unfortunately their meat is not edible.
22. Added oil spawn locations. Now you need to drill oil wells, and should be installed neftekachalku (unknown translation). The amount of oil is limited.
23. Fixed mining stone fragments that were in inadequate number.
24. Most of the buildings can now be created from the different kinds of resources.
25. Added a recipe for burning fabrics, wood, leather and wood products. Produces ash.
26. Changed the texture of the Icicat animal.
27. Added 3 kinds of insects. Two of them can appear even in cold climates. Updated manhunting pack.
28. Hidden reservoir is no longer visible on the map, they are found randomly stumbling on them or by using a mobile sonar scanner. The scanner is now open along with the mines.
29. Found a way to wean the animals that try to drink and smoke (Rimworld bug).
30. Updated Infusion mod. Fixed a bug with some of the enchantments with Bagan weapons and innovation.
31. Leith games added a directional bomb capable of forming a geothermal well.
32. At the start of the game you will automatically get 3 first aid kits.
33. Fix the plate chef.
34. Removed zadvoenie (unknown) recipe of caramel and toffee.
35. Fungiponics now has a shelf life.
36. Most of the recipes for cooking now requires cooking skill levels.
37. For all storytellers increased cap on the number of colonists to 50.
38. Completely rewritten mobile sonar work. Now it will only work when connected to electricity. If you turn off all the data will be cleared.
39. Added some weather conditions: At -20 or lower it can begin to storm. At 25 and above can develop a strong thunderstorm. As well as changes in the existing weather conditions by making them more relevant.
40. Reduce the growth rate for all coats on animals.
41. The rate of skill leveling on crafting significantly reduced.
42. Almost all production recipes now require a certain crafting skill level.
43. On insects it is now possible to obtain chitin.
44. Fixed many recipes for crafting.
45. Disabled random rabies in animals.
46. ​​Full re-balance count of meat and skin on all living beings.
47. Fixed cutting of fish on a cutting table.
48. On the table pathologist put the filter.
49. Full processing of xenon ion reactor. A xenon ion is placed on a well and generates electricity based on the room temperature. It needs a very high temperature. It starts to work only at 100 degrees or higher. The higher the temperature, the more energy that is generated. The system of coefficients at very high temperatures can produce more than 10-12k of power. The more that electricity is generated the more that the xenon ion absorbs the heat of the reactor.
50. Added new thermoelectric generator. Updated with the finished A10 thermoelectric generator that is placed on walls. Then it checks the temperature difference with two rooms and generates electricity. A temperature difference of 600-700 and above gives a lot of electricity.
51. Added a powerful gate, updated with the A10.
52. Reworked the tesla and antimatter reactor.
53. Miscellaneous updated to the latest version.
54. Added miscellaneous trainers instead of using buildings like the shooting range.
55. Changed the recipe for mulch as well as beds. Now there is now no double demand on resources.
56. New pastries (2.4b) is now regarded by the colonists as good food.
57. Rebalancing of implanted prostheses.

Quote from: karloss99 on December 24, 2015, 07:34:19 AM
Would the update work with a game started with the github version from few days ago?
Guess I'll find out.

EDIT:No. :(  Well it was getting to the point of failure !fun! anyway...

Github versions are the ones that get changed and modified often. So some things may be one way today and then changed differently tomorrow. It was only suggested before for people to use the current github version due to the hungry animal bug completely breaking animals, which a lot of people enjoy using. It's a sort of "use at your own risk" when testing out the current github build. It's not a bad thing in a way, as you can report newly created bugs long before an official update is released like 2.4c Syndicate.

Der Failer

New release, new bugs. :)
I'm not quite sure what this "Plasma Sponge" is or what it is good for, but it was spawned by mixed cargo container (CrashLanding).
Tried to SetForbidden on non-Forbiddable Thing PlasmaSponge63932
Also there seems to be a problem with the "No Cleaning Please!" mod. If there is no Cleaning Area but a homezone, cleaners seem to bug out throw this error:
Bear started 10 jobs in one tick. thinkResult=(job=Clean A=RockRubble65273 sourceNode=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work


love the mod but i have one question if i spawn on a dessert or arid environment i am unable to place a growing zone on marginal or dusty soil. is it  a bug or am i missing something?


was EPOE removed in 2.4c or merged with another mod because i can't see in the zip file and will i need to start another colony and delete my 2.4b one?


Its time to start over again :) !!!
Thanks Sky for the great xmas gift.
Im going Tundra again, with less crap on loadout. But still gonna take some good weapons with the team of 6 im taking.


Quote from: Masquerine on December 24, 2015, 10:19:32 AM

Quote from: karloss99 on December 24, 2015, 07:34:19 AM
Would the update work with a game started with the github version from few days ago?
Guess I'll find out.

EDIT:No. :(  Well it was getting to the point of failure !fun! anyway...

Github versions are the ones that get changed and modified often. So some things may be one way today and then changed differently tomorrow. It was only suggested before for people to use the current github version due to the hungry animal bug completely breaking animals, which a lot of people enjoy using. It's a sort of "use at your own risk" when testing out the current github build. It's not a bad thing in a way, as you can report newly created bugs long before an official update is released like 2.4c Syndicate.

I figured it wouldn't work anyway, just thought to give it a shot. The colony I was running was just about dead anyway (whole bunch of mechtoids coming over and only 3 combatants)... A (hopefully) bug free-ish main release just means getting to try new approaches.

Also, the walls of my new cave-settlement are lined in uranium. How am I supposed to do anything when everybody is sick from radiation!
My new living site happened to get parked in a spot flanked by two uranium veins. And an oil deposit. And a mineral one... now to not die (yea, yea I just walled it off). Gave me a scare to discover that my temporary barracks have all-natural green-lit wall. Or that my permanent-bedroom wing plan is blocked by another one. Can we make nukes yet?


Quote from: karloss99 on December 24, 2015, 03:20:10 PM

Also, the walls of my new cave-settlement are lined in uranium. How am I supposed to do anything when everybody is sick from radiation!
My new living site happened to get parked in a spot flanked by two uranium veins. And an oil deposit. And a mineral one... now to not die (yea, yea I just walled it off). Gave me a scare to discover that my temporary barracks have all-natural green-lit wall. Or that my permanent-bedroom wing plan is blocked by another one. Can we make nukes yet?

While fixing typos I did see a recipe for a nuclear warhead, so that is probably a yes to that question. You can't really do anything with uranium initially except try to stay away from it. A chemical protection suit (2 pieces - head and body) had a description that mentioned it being able to protect the user from hazards such as radiation and chemicals. You would have to be careful about storing it too (the uranium, that is should/when you mine it). Chemical protection suits for everyone!