Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Sugar creating plants

With brewery can be made into soda

Soda increases speed, blood pumping, and happiness but lowers manipulation.


Is there any chance you could release a version for chrome books, if not a reason or an explanation would be greatly welcomed :D


A Regenerative Serum that regrow body parts like spines and brains. Highly expensive, up there with bionic limbs. Requires surgery and skilled doctor to apply.


Provide a toggle for use ranged only, use melee as reaction,  use melee only.

These would allow gunners to shoot point blank easier,  and melee only could double as a "hold fire"  function
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Cheap idea #1: in-game lua scripting for work tasks/priorities. Cheap in the sense that it would cover A LOT related to work priorities, incl many of the following. Maybe do it in a one tab per script way: allow the script to define custom input controls and give it some output area (text) below the input controls for "debug"/simple user interaction.

Cheap idea #2: split doctoring into nursing, basic treatment and surgeries. Alternatively, let me check a box that says "only the best doc according to success chance is allowed to do the surgery".

Cheap idea #3: allow me to set minimum and maximum time spent on cleaning/work tasks etc. Allow me to set thresholds. Allow me to set cooldowns for work tasks. Maybe allow me to set a percentage of time spent on task types.

Cheap idea #4: make haulers prioritize harvested food based on deterioration/deterioration rate. Maybe include hauling harvested raw food with the grower task: harvest 100 items, haul those 100 items. Don't make the player use tricks like restriction areas to force his colonists to do proper work.

Cheap idea #5: doctors sleeping while patients are bleeding. WTF?!? Bed rest priority does not work very well. And in real life ppl can easily forego large amounts of sleep, ofc with increasing consciousness issues. Base gets assaulted and there is stuff to repair? Well, I'm tired, so let's go to sleep..... come on, don't give me this nonsense XD.

Cheap idea #6: sort the tabs!!!! Ever played the game with more than 10 colonists and tried to use the work tab? Most likely not.

Cheap idea #7: architect sub menu shortcuts. plz do it.

Cheap idea #8: UI font size: plz let me adjust it. I don't care if there are issues, but unreadable colonist names in the colonist bar is just a no-go.

Cheap idea #9: ambient noise volume. or just let me disable it. jungle ambient noise is just, well, a pain.

Cheap idea #10: right click -> "reserved by", wtf? Just let me click and force it. Every time I want my best doc to do an operation, I have to draft the entire colony just to prevent my "nurses" from trying to do it.

Cheap idea #11: Hauling. I use nearby high prioriuty storage areas for cooking. Every time the cook cooks a meal, a hauler tends to refill that storage. Give me a solution for that plz. Currently I restrict the cook to an area and set him/her on nightshift. Plz don't make me circumvent shortcomings of the game as often as we have to atm. There are many solutions to that problem: restrict hauling to a specific storage zone to specific pawns, or allow me to set threshold levels at which hauling to a specific storage area starts/stops. Genereally, thresholds, cooldowns etc. could be beneficial to many work aspects in the game, ie. cooking, growing, hunting (don't go on hunt when your rest level will be at zero shortly......).


My cheapest idea is a bonded whole game with the dlc's now you don't have to buy everything and when update you'll only have to update 1 the bonded together game not the core game then seperate update for the dlc's if the dlc's ever get an update


Fireproof suits and portable extinguishers. 

Man do we need them.  Think boomalope explosions, flash fires, and centipede inferno cannons.  Nothing worse than seeing your pawn on fire and not being able to put him out when you right click on him.  You could try and arrest him but you want to put the fire out.  And sometimes when you are able to, that pawn catches on fire.  Or worse, seeing great gear on the ground from enemy pawns going up in flames and you can't stamp the fire out. Or your crops and stockpile going up in flames.  Oh the pain, the pain.


Quicksave and quickload buttons.

I may have mentioned this before.  A way to right click on a particular mod in the mods menu so you can go to the folder where the mod is located.  Sometimes, the description of the mod in the mod screen differs from the name of the folder where the mod is actually located.   I know it's in the mods folder, but which folder is the mod in?  If we could do that, then it would make it easier to delete conflicting mods.

A way to preserve the load order of the mods when they all get disabled in the event of a conflict.  That way you know where you left off.

Being able to use your arrow keys to scroll up and down in the mod menu.


Stockpiles often get multiple small stacks of the same stuff for various reasons. Can't we have a button on stockpile intrerface that would issue hauling orders for such redundant piles to be sorted out properly and take less space as result? Doing it by hand is annoying.


Quote from: asquirrel on October 12, 2016, 08:53:04 AM
Fireproof suits and portable extinguishers. 

Man do we need them.  Think boomalope explosions, flash fires, and centipede inferno cannons.  Nothing worse than seeing your pawn on fire and not being able to put him out when you right click on him.  You could try and arrest him but you want to put the fire out.  And sometimes when you are able to, that pawn catches on fire.  Or worse, seeing great gear on the ground from enemy pawns going up in flames and you can't stamp the fire out. Or your crops and stockpile going up in flames.  Oh the pain, the pain.

you can already do that - but only in the home area. so you need to make the place where the thing you want to extinguish is your home area, extinguish it, and clear the home area again.
Quote from: Zobaken on September 02, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
1. Please make people unable to move through deep waters. I don't like raiders cosplaying Jesus.


A couple of simple ideas:
- Show in the work tab who is idle so I can assign easier a task to him. Also show there who is hurt and treated, but not incapacitated (to force them to rest until healed).
- Be able to sort the colonist bar by name or other things.
- Be able to make colonists change outfits easily. Something like when restricting zones, just click and drag instead of having to go to the drop down menu.
- Be able to set a default zone for new tamed/born/bought animals.
- Be able to set a default outfit for new recruits.
- Have an option to force "rest until healed" instead of having to microing it.
- An option to cap animal breeding. Let them bred until they have X males and Y females, then slaughter everything else (in my case I would want from most age males to less age (you know, male privilege -.-)).

- Add steam achievements.
- Check some great mods and try to implement them in vanilla game (animal tab, crafting hysteresis, allow tool, storage search, colonist bar, allow tool, medical tab, relations tab, work priorities) (ok, this is not so simple -.-)

But again, does Tynan read this? If I was a dev I would like to have a less messy system than a forum with endless suggestions and topics with endless pages... So I doubt he reads this all.


Allow sorting in the Work tab -- So I want to get my top 3 miners on the job immediately, let me click "Mining" and sort the colonists by mining skill.

Fluffy's Work Tab mod does in (A14, requires CCL). Its an incredible function.


Quote from: night777 on October 14, 2016, 09:56:52 AM
Allow sorting in the Work tab -- So I want to get my top 3 miners on the job immediately, let me click "Mining" and sort the colonists by mining skill.

Fluffy's Work Tab mod does in (A14, requires CCL). Its an incredible function.

I forgot to ask that in my post as well as other things. It really annoys me that I cant sort colonists in the bar or in the work tab. Its a huge mess, and specially since the higher skills start to have light colors in their squares so its more difficult to see the priorities with an overall sight.

A Friend

Graves showing the pawn's date of death. Like a simple "Died on the 2nd of summer, 5501" when you click on them.
"For you, the day Randy graced your colony with a game-ending raid was the most memorable part of your game. But for Cassandra, it was Tuesday"

Squiggly lines you call drawings aka "My Deviantart page"


Determination level for raiders to make them not always run when half of them are down. Sometimes they might run sooner and sometimes later.