Won't it be interesting to have Alien colonists?

Started by AllenWL, February 11, 2016, 11:45:26 PM

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Just like title says, I just ended up with the idea of having aliens in your colony. Or having a alien colony. Whichever.
I mean, we have a few mods that add droids to your colony, but other than that, there aren't much that add new recruitable beings. So I thought, won't it be interesting to have recruitable aliens?
Not like animals, but like colonists, where you can make them work, draft them and all that.
Each alien race would have different abilities and stats, so it could be interesting to try and work that into a colony.

For example, there could be an alien race that can say, move through vents. You could have a network of vents that can allow these aliens to go through your base quickly without being seen, which could lead to tactics like purposefully luring raiders into your base, then ambushing them.
Or there could be an alien that has a low carry capacity, but can 'fly'(speed not effected by floor+slightly faster than average+doesn't trigger traps). They might not be of help in the battle, but they could be very useful in cleaning up after, as they won't be slowed by any defenses you might have, or other environmental things, and you can only carry one corpse or weapon at a time anyways.

I would like to see what other people thing of the idea.


Lore wise there are, and won't be, any aliens. All you could do is mod them in ;)


I know, but before I wrote this I was conflicted on where to put it.
I decided to go with what I figured was the safest bet.


But there are meant to be divergent human species, and products of bio engineering and such, so those ideas could just be repurposed


human animal hybrids could be a thing.  not just girls with cat ears mind you, but cobra people (Tynan just google the viper from xcom if you havent seen it yet) would be scary.  Id love a bionic warg person with power claws tearing through the natives.


Do Not Underestimate the Cat Ear Girls! One arrives seduces the entire male population and leads them off pied piper style!

(jk I really don't understand that japanese obsession.)
It is regular practice to install peg legs and dentures on anyone you don't like around here. Think about that.


i think its exotic without being foreign?

anyways i just meant hybrids that arnt just cosmetic in their appearance.  otherwise whats the point?


Quote from: JimmyAgnt007 on February 12, 2016, 09:03:25 AM
anyways i just meant hybrids that arnt just cosmetic in their appearance.  otherwise whats the point?

Careful, that's the mindset of glitterworld people when they start building mechanoids.

"It's a helper bot to do construction jobs, but without miniguns, what's the point?"
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

The dubious quotes list is now public. See it here


Quote from: StorymasterQ on February 14, 2016, 07:25:07 PM
Quote from: JimmyAgnt007 on February 12, 2016, 09:03:25 AM
anyways i just meant hybrids that arnt just cosmetic in their appearance.  otherwise whats the point?

Careful, that's the mindset of glitterworld people when they start building mechanoids.

"It's a helper bot to do construction jobs, but without miniguns, what's the point?"

"pshhh well we're at it we might as well add in armour capable of withstanding multiple gunshots. I mean, you ever know with these crazy kids and their inferno cannons"
Actual cannibal shia labeouf.


Somewhere in a glitterworld baby-product company.
'So, this is the new robot babysitter you made?'
"Yep, pretty neat, isn't it?"
'Why all the sharp pointy bits?'
"Well, you won't want your kid to be defenseless when a robber breaks in or something, now don't you?
'True, and the gun?'
"Oh, I just had a few nuclear energy cells lying around and I thought 'eh. why the hell not'. Kids love the flashy things the best anyhow"
'Hmm.... looks good, put them up for mass prodcution'
"Will do"
'Oh... and did you see where my aggression module for the automated bug zapper went? I need to work out a few bugs in the program, it keeps on trying to zap our employees.'


If I was going to have to choose my number one thing to wish for in a future update of RimWorld it would easily be characters that aren't baseline humans.

Even without aliens there's a virtually unlimited number of ways this could go.

Uplifted animals, divergent human subspecies from exotic environments, half-animal hybrids, cyborgs, so on and so forth.

Would be kick ass I think.
Hi everybody!


Quote from: RimWorld longsleep revival briefinggravity dwarfs


Quote from: DoctorNick on February 15, 2016, 05:07:14 AM
If I was going to have to choose my number one thing to wish for in a future update of RimWorld it would easily be characters that aren't baseline humans.

Even without aliens there's a virtually unlimited number of ways this could go.

Uplifted animals, divergent human subspecies from exotic environments, half-animal hybrids, cyborgs, so on and so forth.

Would be kick ass I think.

You could techinically say that any "aliens" that we see are actually just divergent humans. so BOOM loop hole discovered
Actual cannibal shia labeouf.


"Sir, that zergling isn't an alien, it's my brother who was captured by space pirates and used for illegal human experimentation! Honest!"