[A15] Expanded Traits and Misc Mods

Started by TheFlameTouched, May 14, 2016, 03:06:03 AM

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Are the Trait rolls about right?

No, Higher tier traits barely ever roll for me.
5 (29.4%)
No, I have too many Higher tier traits.
0 (0%)
Yes, It's just right
7 (41.2%)
Yes, I have lots of higher tier traits
0 (0%)
Whole system needs redoing
5 (29.4%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: May 19, 2016, 02:51:04 PM


@TheFlameTouched you should give a look at BackstoriesCore
Seems your way to add backstories, maybe this is the tool you need
Do you want your colonists to look manlier?
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Teaching myself C# for this purpose :)


Quote from: macked901 on May 19, 2016, 08:40:13 PM
I've started several new colonies to see if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can your first three colonists have these trait? Will the traits show up if I spawn pawnsin development mode?

I had this problem when I extracted with winrar. Go into the mods file and click on the traits folder and open it. The folder is called something like "Traits.v2" and inside that is another folder called "Traits". You need to take "Traits" out of the "Traits.v2" folder and put it into the Mods folder. 

I'm not sure I've explained that very well, but it's worth looking at.


Here are a couple of trait suggestions. Some of them might not be possible to put ingame due to their mechanics not being present, but I'll post them anyways in case I am wrong.

Name: Barbarian
Description: NAME is afraid of no fight and will fight to the death is HE has to
Stats: +6 Melee, -0.05 MentalBreakThreshold
Other: The more damage he takes the higher his mood is

Name: Martial Arts
Description: Swift and deadly on unnarmed combat, NAME moves like the wind and goes by unnoticed until it's too late
Stats: +0.20 MoveSpeed, 1.20 MeleeHitChance
Other: Bonus damage when unnarmed (if possible, if not +4 Melee)

Name: Caveman
Description: NAME is a true caveman. Some people even say HE never leaves the safety of his shelter
Other: Not affected by "Cabin Feever"

Name: Snowman
Description: NAME loves the cold weather and HE acts as if it was HIS natural habitat
Stats: -20/-10 Comfy Temperature Min/Max
Other: +10 mood when in cold environment; Conflicts with "Sand Dweller"

Name: Sand Dweller
Description: NAME loves the desert and HE acts as if it was HIS natural habitat
Stats: +10/+20 Comfy Temperature Min/Max
Other: +10 mood when in hot environment; Conflicts with "Snowman"

Name: Fat Bastard
Description: HECAP likes to eat babies, weights a metric ton and smells horribly bad
Stats: -10 Social, -0.50 MoveSpeed, -0.50 WorkSpeed
Other: Accepts cannibalism and applies a mood debuff of -5 to who he/she speaks to, stacking up to -20; Rarest trait due to it's uniqueness (0.01 rate?)

Name: Anorexic
Description: NAME thinks HECAP is too fat and does not need any more food to survive (Short not entirely accurate description!! Just for game stats to be in agreement with the description)
Stats: -0.10 MoveSpeed and WorkSpeed
Other: Bonus mood when hunger is low, Mood penalty when too fed (opossite of what happens in vanilla)

Name: Duelist
Description: HECAP is a duel expert and anyone who faces HIM is in for a bad time
Stats: -0.40 AimingDelayFactor, +0.40 ShootingAccuracy, +5 Shooting
Other: Bonuses above only apply when wielding a pistol (if possible); Conflicts with "Brawler"?

Name: Drug Addict
Description: HECAP can't live without drugs anymore
Other: -1 mood when not using drugs; Effect increases by -1 every day up to -30 mood; Conflicts with "Teetotaler"

Name: War Trauma
Description: NAME faced horror in battle before, and is scarred for the rest of HIS life
Other: -30 mood when colony is under attack; Conflicts with "Berserker"

Name: Berserker
Description: NAME does not get scared in battle, HE strikes fear on HIS enemies
Other: -10 mood to enemies (does this even exist? xD), +30 mood when colony is under attack; Conflicts with "War Trauma"

Name: Marathonist
Description: NAME is used to run long distances (blank on this description...)
Stats: +0.10 MoveSpeed
Other: Hunger and rest decrease at a slower rate than other (Would say 25% slower); Conflicts with "Slowpoke"

Name: Bookworm
Description: Books are HIS passion and life. HE'd die to save his precious books
Stats: +6 Research, -6 Social

Name: Cold Hearted
Description: Death means nothing to HIM, not even the fall of HIS loved ones make him react
Other: No mood loss from loosing loved ones and watching corpses

Name: Lionheart
Description: A leader loved and followed by all. He strikes fear on his enemies and raises the morale of his troops
Stats: +3 Melee, +3 Shooting, +8 Social
Other: -20 mood on enemies, +10 permanent mood to all colonists, +20 mood on colonists when colony is under attack (stacks with the permanent bonus); RAREST TRAIT

Name: Persuasive
Description: HE knows how to persuade someone by using very subtle but yet effective moves and techniques
Stats: +3 Social
Other: Higher recruiting chance

Name: Ranger
Description: This person has learned to use the terrain to HIS advantage
Other: No MoveSpeed loss in any terrain type (Rare)

Name: Womanizer
Description: All women feel attracted to HIM for some reason
Other: Women get +10 mood from speaking with ths person, +20 opinion of women (opposite of "Dislikes Women"); MEN ONLY trait, if possible

Name: Night Vision
Description: HECAP can see during the night as well as HE does during the day. HIS eyes must be special
Other: No sight/accuracy loss during the night

Name: Nord blood
Description: The strenght of HIS viking ancesters is in HIS blood
Stats: -15/-5 Comfy Temperature Min/Max, +5 Melee

Name: Demeter's Blessing
Description: NAME follows the teachings of the goddess Demeter
Stats: +8 Growing
Other: +20 mood when it's raining (because rain is good for growing :P)

Name: Claustrophobic (isn't this already somewhere?)
Description: HECAP can't handle tight or closed spaces. HE needs space to breathe comfortably
Other: Mood loss from "Crowded" and "Cramped" DOUBLES!!

NOTE: ALL values can, should and probably will be changed, they are not final nor balanced. I tried to give "balancedish" values for you to have something to work from.
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Quote from: lilymortis on May 20, 2016, 04:12:37 AM
Quote from: macked901 on May 19, 2016, 08:40:13 PM
I've started several new colonies to see if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can your first three colonists have these trait? Will the traits show up if I spawn pawnsin development mode?

I had this problem when I extracted with winrar. Go into the mods file and click on the traits folder and open it. The folder is called something like "Traits.v2" and inside that is another folder called "Traits". You need to take "Traits" out of the "Traits.v2" folder and put it into the Mods folder. 

I'm not sure I've explained that very well, but it's worth looking at.
Yep that fixed it. Thanks!


Quote from: Peppsen on May 19, 2016, 09:16:53 AM
I've actually just finished the Wiki page for this mod
More Traits

You're a saint, ta!


What you guys think about these:

The goths have a different way to see the death. The mood not affected by watching someone die, corpses. Etc. And the penalty for having friends and pets killed is reduced.

The artist have good skill for art creation... but not much skills for anything else.

Somewhat hard to deal, this guy want to live in luxury, the penalty for eating nutrient paste/raw food and living in a ugly place is higher.

They aren't affected by dirty places.

The mind of this dude lives in another world. They don't act like adults and loves fun a lot. The social skill is totally degraded.


Sweet suggestions everyone. I'll be working on them today and tomorrow and seeing where my limitations lie. I'm rather enjoying doing this and you can expect an update on Monday or Tuesday :D hopefully with "special" traits working.




I updated the wiki page so you can check out the new traits over here
Let me know if there's any mistakes or you could edit yourself ;D


Quote from: Peppsen on May 24, 2016, 01:46:40 PM
I updated the wiki page so you can check out the new traits over here
Let me know if there's any mistakes or you could edit yourself ;D

Wow. You work incredibly fast :/ I'm in awe.


installed the mod, started a new game but no new traits appear when I'm randomizing colonists. do they appear only on new people in-game?


Quote from: Galvenox on May 24, 2016, 01:58:02 PM
installed the mod, started a new game but no new traits appear when I'm randomizing colonists. do they appear only on new people in-game?

They should appear at all times as soon as you install the mod
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Quote from: Galvenox on May 24, 2016, 01:58:02 PM
installed the mod, started a new game but no new traits appear when I'm randomizing colonists. do they appear only on new people in-game?

They should be appearing on all colonists, including starting ones. Check that you've installed it correctly, with it being Mods>Trait Pack>About and Defs.

Aside from that, I don't want to insult you by suggesting you forgot to activate it c: