CCL v0.14.2 - Get your outfits ready!

Started by RWCCLTeam, August 10, 2016, 06:56:27 AM

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v0.14.2 - Get your outfits ready!

This release adds OutfitDefs including a new "Nothing" default outfit so nudists can set to be propery naked.  Also adds a new French translation as well as an automatic remote version checker against the github master branch.  Further improvements include detours to the Pawn_RelationsTracker so that all humanlike pawns of the same flesh type (Normal) can have interactions with each other.

The commit log contains all the details.


w00t. That's nice.

Now i have more manual to read ^^


Quote from: RWCCLTeam on August 10, 2016, 06:56:27 AM
v0.14.2 - Get your outfits ready!

This release adds OutfitDefs including a new "Nothing" default outfit so nudists can set to be propery naked.

The commit log contains all the details.



Quote from: ithikari on August 10, 2016, 09:49:21 PM
Quote from: RWCCLTeam on August 10, 2016, 06:56:27 AM
v0.14.2 - Get your outfits ready!

This release adds OutfitDefs including a new "Nothing" default outfit so nudists can set to be propery naked.

The commit log contains all the details.


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