[1.0] Children and Pregnancy - v0.5b (2019/Feb/25)

Started by Thirite, December 27, 2016, 09:06:22 PM

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Sniper Pilot

Awesome, I'm glad it's not just me and something I did. I can't play without this mod :)


New version available - v0.2B
- Fixed error on Lovin'
- Fixed bug resulting in Pawns never dying
- Fixed oversight of deaf Pawns being able to hear crying babies

Sniper Pilot

You're the real MVP Thirite! Much appreciated :)



Is it just me, or is it way too hard to get pregnant now? Had a married couple for an entire rim-year who seem to be lovin' everyday and no pregnancy...

Thanks for your hard work!!  :)

Sniper Pilot

Damn my pawns still cant die with 0.2B :( oh well must be my setup.


Huh, that's not right. I tested a pawn getting shot in the head and he died immediately for me. If it's still happening then something must still be wrong. I'll have test when I get home I suppose.


Does it require a new game to enable pregnancy? I've gone for two rim years with two couples (age 39ish) and no pregnancy. I enabled the mod for an already active save though, so perhaps that has an affect?

Sniper Pilot

Quote from: Thirite on May 31, 2017, 06:12:08 PM
Huh, that's not right. I tested a pawn getting shot in the head and he died immediately for me. If it's still happening then something must still be wrong. I'll have test when I get home I suppose.

Maybe insta-kills still work but drawn out either starving to death or blood loss deaths are impossible im still testing my self.

Edit: Yeah insta-death still works but anything else thats like a count down (bloodloss, disease etc) does not kill the pawn. (Only mods im running along it is , Hugslib, Mod Menu Enhanced and Extra Widgets)


It should work perfectly fine with an existing save. I suspect something must be silently broken though; someone else was saying they couldn't seem to have a colonist get pregnant either.

@Sniper Pilot
Yeah, I'm going to have to do more thorough testing when I get home.

Edit: Confirmed pawns not dying except from "instant death" causes. Also confirmed women not getting pregnant even when impregnation should be happening. Working on fixing both now.


Quote from: Thirite on May 30, 2017, 11:20:28 PM
New version available - v0.2B
- Fixed error on Lovin'
- Fixed bug resulting in Pawns never dying
- Fixed oversight of deaf Pawns being able to hear crying babies

Damn! Thats why one Prisoner and one Colonist not died through Bloodloss and Infection...

€dit: I think its still not fixed. I had a Dog at 100% Infection and he did not die. Then I disabled the Mod and he died instantly the second I loaded in. Too bad I can't save with the Mod removed. :x


I've since fixed the bug, pretty simple and stupid mistake. But now I'm running into a problem where babies will not update their graphics at all (toddlers, walling toddlers) until they get to the Child stage. Have no idea what's causing it yet; the code looks fine. Need more time to investigate and fix it before I push v0.2C.


Quote from: Thirite on June 01, 2017, 01:29:49 PM
I've since fixed the bug, pretty simple and stupid mistake. But now I'm running into a problem where babies will not update their graphics at all (toddlers, walling toddlers) until they get to the Child stage. Have no idea what's causing it yet; the code looks fine. Need more time to investigate and fix it before I push v0.2C.

Thank you for your hard work! :D . . . I'll wait till you finish to continue my stream haha . .


Quote from: Thirite on May 29, 2017, 09:50:21 PM
New version available - v0.2A
- Updated to A17
- Pregnancy is half as likely as it was before; still up for balancing
- Added new features: Child discipline, crying babies, breast-feeding, playing with babies
- Fixed some bugs

Not implemented:
- Harmony integration
- Kid's social games

As usual, check the OP for the download link.

Is this compatible with aliens framework yet? =P