Giving advantage to spaced out colony layouts

Started by Lightzy, January 12, 2017, 08:16:37 PM

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Or you could just build an inefficient sprawling mess that has no organization whatsoever...
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

             - Bernard of Clairvaux



mods, please erase this thread so I can post a new one without the troll.

Thank you.


No one is trolling you. Pointing out why your suggestions could hurt the game, or even just stating why someone dislikes your idea, is not trolling. In fact you did the same thing to the guy who wanted plasteel to be more common. . .


To be fair Light you're being overly dramatic. I've read the posts and they are suggestions and opinions, both of which are free to post on this board... Sorry brother, gotta learn to play nice.
Ugh... I have SO MANY MESSES TO CLEAN UP. Oh also I slap people around who work on mods <3

"Back off man, I'm a scientist."
- Egon Stetmann



Well I did repost it but with a heartfelt wish for commenters at the beginning of the post.
I'll always add that heartfelt wish from now on, because at least in my threads, I'd like to see people building ideas together to see how something can work, rather than a bunch of asses bitching at each other, which in my opinion is no way for a suggestions forum to work. Agreed that it isn't the 'standard' definition of trolling, but for me the worst troll is the kind that posts just words without having any idea there of how something could possibly work or just asking questions to see how to develop an idea etc.

Just the general mindset of "Ok, so this is what he suggests... I don't care if I agree or don't agree, first of all. That's not the issue. Now, let's see how his suggestion can be made to work or be expanded on", which is the mindset that I personally try to keep in the suggestions forum, given that it's the place for ideas and suggestions

I'm just trying to find the constructive ideas people. They are here, I know they are.

A Friend

There's an option to lock or remove threads you own which can be found on the bottom left.

I personally do like the smoke idea. Having smoke slowly killing your pawns should you fail to evacuate them on time. Instead of the room instantly becoming hotter than the sun and roasting everyone alive.

Quote from: Lightzy on January 13, 2017, 11:11:20 AM
My god why are everyone here so freaking dense and without ideas. got an idea? add it. Don't got one? go away. I wish I could close my threads to allow only posts from people who ADD IDEAS

How hypocritical...
"For you, the day Randy graced your colony with a game-ending raid was the most memorable part of your game. But for Cassandra, it was Tuesday"

Squiggly lines you call drawings aka "My Deviantart page"


In general you make a lot of decent suggestions lightzy but I have seen you be rude to people that you disagree with in the past as well so it strikes me as a bit hypocritical that you'd get so bent out of shape when people disagree with you.

Frankly I think debates liven things up around here, and an echo chamber isn't good for progress. Just as long as disagreements remain civil, I'm all for them. Hell I encourage them, they can open my eyes to things I hadn't considered before.

If this thread gets deleted I'm not gonna bother reposting any of my contributions because frankly I think starting a new thread is silly. It isn't going to prevent disagreement.



I deleted your other thread because it was technically spam at this point. Nobody here is trolling but you and you're on that fine line that is my patience for your behaviour. This will be your last warning to calm down.
Ugh... I have SO MANY MESSES TO CLEAN UP. Oh also I slap people around who work on mods <3

"Back off man, I'm a scientist."
- Egon Stetmann



Quote from: schizmo on January 13, 2017, 04:14:55 AM
Most of my layouts are sort of like what you're describing but I'm not sure if I am understanding what you're looking for. Mine are usually a grid-like set up of 13x13 building plots with 5 tile wide roads in between each building for fire breaks (2 paved concrete tiles with 3 slate tiles in the center to act as a sidewalk and road) Those building plots are typically isolated, but if the need arises for a larger space I can join two adjacent plots together to form a 13x31 size plot for things like a dining hall and kitchen and freezer, or a spacious chicken coop, or a large farm.

I used to have entire areas dedicated to solar farms and battery banks, but due to the explosive nature of large battery banks I tend to keep all of my solar panels attached directly to buildings these days, and build them into the layout as needed. This can sometimes lead to mis-shapen buildings that break the grid pattern, so I'm still experimenting with how to best achieve this because I have gotten very comfortable with 13x13 buildings and don't want to adjust all of my room planning.

Here's an example that I threw together with God Mode to simulate roughly what I'm talking about, with some items added to relevant areas like my fridge to give it a lived-in look (despite the complete lack of items in the warehouse) I don't have any real screenshots because I tend to delete all of my save games so I'm always starting fresh. I also didn't bother trying to remove the mud but in a real game that would be something I'd work toward. And the dining hall is backwards, I like to keep the main entrance near the grow zones, but again I threw it together so the careful planning isn't really there. It's more of an example of the basic building types I tend to stick to and the overall look and feel I go for.

That's an unusually ordered setup that looks like a proper town, mine tend up to look more like a fortified village.
Even more bunkers, sandbags and barbed wire in plans...
It did survive a massive wall of flashstorm induced fire from northeast before the wall was up, lost some barns, growing areas and residental buildings, but the streets did act as firebreaks to protect the important stuff.

Different, shorter game:
No bunkers, sandbags and barbed wire yet, but hey, at least some jerks brought me a free mortar...


Wood walls and floors? You nuts? Lol. I usually have 3-4 multi purpose buildings. But sometimes more, and rarely I'll play all dug I to a mountain.

Someone mentioned this, but the zzzrrt. Event is a big penalty for people running one big building.

As far as boosts I could only think of the one I already said- giving a bonus to pawns if their room doors lead to un roofed or outdoors zones, but that would lead to a condo style building being given most prevalent.


I like the idea of a steadily growing "fresh air" mood buff that accumulates the longer you're outside similar to toxic fallout, this encourages pawns to get out once in a while, either by walking between buildings or by not putting 100% of their lives inside of a mountain. I could see that being useful for both playstyles but it would be more useful for some than for others.


Quote from: Lightzy on January 13, 2017, 11:24:10 AM
Hey can any mod delete this thread so I can repost it without the troll?
I promise to add a section at the end or at the beginning that says "If you cannot develop an idea, don't post here"
wow. Are you a feminist? One person disagrees with you, and you call them a troll. Not only that, but you want to burn down everything just to hide the "troll's" existence.


Benefits to towns...

Okay here we go!

  • I had a peaceful night's sleep! +5. No adjacent sleeping quarters, or workshops.
  • Mine carts and mini trains! (for moving mats long distances)
  • Your fire idea is actually good... I always wondered why stone buildings were completely flame retardant especially when stone can heat fracture and mortar destabilizes.
  • +10 I have my own shop! I can keep it just the way I like! Crafters prefer to have their own workshops assigned to them (Like Beds).

There's a few benefits. Reduced disease spread might be good too.

Edit: My bases tend to end up fortified villages as well. Usually with varied building shapes and layouts. It looks a mess, but it's a pretty mess!
It is regular practice to install peg legs and dentures on anyone you don't like around here. Think about that.