[B19-B18] Spdskatr's mods | We Factorio now? (20 Jun)

Started by Spdskatr, February 25, 2017, 08:36:57 PM

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I finally completed the research to unlock the universal autoassembler! I love the recipe downloading.

In A17, back when SAL assemblers were attached to workbenches,  I often preprocessed food ingredients for Vegetable Garden recipes, making cheese, flour, and the like en masse night and day. That's why I was rather disappointed the self-cooker has such a limited repertoire. Obviously I could build an autoassembler in place of a self-cooker, but before I do that, is there a way to expand the functionality of the self-cooker, perhaps through XML tweaks?


Quote from: Ian_Suffix on March 01, 2018, 05:35:15 AM
I finally completed the research to unlock the universal autoassembler! I love the recipe downloading.

In A17, back when SAL assemblers were attached to workbenches,  I often preprocessed food ingredients for Vegetable Garden recipes, making cheese, flour, and the like en masse night and day. That's why I was rather disappointed the self-cooker has such a limited repertoire. Obviously I could build an autoassembler in place of a self-cooker, but before I do that, is there a way to expand the functionality of the self-cooker, perhaps through XML tweaks?

The recipe is actually defined through the <recipes> tag. You can actually add/remove any recipe you want.
My mods

If 666 is evil, does that make 25.8069758011 the root of all evil?



Do the products rot in these industrial storages? Or these work like fridge also?


Quote from: bullet on March 22, 2018, 06:06:44 PM
Do the products rot in these industrial storages? Or these work like fridge also?
The industrial storage unit does not function like a fridge.
My mods

If 666 is evil, does that make 25.8069758011 the root of all evil?


Will the bug for SS damage indicators be fixed where if you shoot a pawn (like say a mechanoid scyther with a sniper rifle) it will sometimes instead say the remaining HP left on a limb instead of the damage actually done by the shot? I'll snipe an undamaged scyther and it will pop up the number "2". I look at the scyther's body part HP and I'll see the number 2 on the remaining HP of a 30 total HP body part. It should have said 28. Is this a bug or a "feature"?


Quote from: ssateneth on June 09, 2018, 07:48:53 PM
Will the bug for SS damage indicators be fixed where if you shoot a pawn (like say a mechanoid scyther with a sniper rifle) it will sometimes instead say the remaining HP left on a limb instead of the damage actually done by the shot? I'll snipe an undamaged scyther and it will pop up the number "2". I look at the scyther's body part HP and I'll see the number 2 on the remaining HP of a 30 total HP body part. It should have said 28. Is this a bug or a "feature"?
Sadly, I have no idea how that would happen. I use this mod in a lot of my games and it has never appeared that way. Does it only happen sometimes or have you found a way to replicate the bug?
My mods

If 666 is evil, does that make 25.8069758011 the root of all evil?


vegetable garden baked recipies are made in the universal machine and not the cook machine :(


First off, love many of your mods.

Secondly, is there any way you can make the storage zones able to be renamed for the harvesters?

Thirdly, would it be possible to direct output (wool/milk) to a specific spot (preferably one spot outside the range of the harvester)?

I use Industrial Rollers and would love to be able to make the operations more automated.


Using 1.0 RimFactory and I can't find the option to build reinforced crates, despite having researched them. God mode shows the option.


Quote from: Inacio on July 29, 2018, 10:47:15 AM
Using 1.0 RimFactory and I can't find the option to build reinforced crates, despite having researched them. God mode shows the option.

Ah, good catch! It's been fixed now on both github and steam.
Quote from: Ikonic on July 14, 2018, 11:59:21 PM
First off, love many of your mods.

Secondly, is there any way you can make the storage zones able to be renamed for the harvesters?

Thirdly, would it be possible to direct output (wool/milk) to a specific spot (preferably one spot outside the range of the harvester)?

I use Industrial Rollers and would love to be able to make the operations more automated.
Please clarify "storage zone" crates and my other storage buildings are rename-able already, and so are stockpiles.
If I'm not mistaken, Industrial rollers has a growing zone puller device already, it should work with that.
My mods

If 666 is evil, does that make 25.8069758011 the root of all evil?


Quote from: Spdskatr on July 30, 2018, 04:59:29 AM
Please clarify "storage zone" crates and my other storage buildings are rename-able already, and so are stockpiles.
If I'm not mistaken, Industrial rollers has a growing zone puller device already, it should work with that.

The stockpile that I cannot rename is called 'wooden generic animal harvester'.  No matter how many harvesters I create they all have the same stockpile name.

Also, the harvester stockpile (defaults to only accept hay) will not accept items from industrial rollers like other stockpiles.

The growing zone puller does not work, but the puller does.  However, I would have to use two of them to pull from both the harvester stockpile and the ring directly surrounding the stockpile.  This works, but it would be lovely if the harvester would instead output the wool/milk to a spot instead of just dropping it.

Btw, I'm playing on B18.


What happened to Researchable Stat Upgrades on steam? It just disappeared.
I grabbed the most recent off github and it works but I'm just wondering why the removal.


Quote from: mathwizi2005 on August 14, 2018, 10:52:39 PM
What happened to Researchable Stat Upgrades on steam? It just disappeared.
I grabbed the most recent off github and it works but I'm just wondering why the removal.
Oops, my bad! It's back up now.
My mods

If 666 is evil, does that make 25.8069758011 the root of all evil?


Running current latest build, 0,19,1998.

Enabling this mod throws this error.

XML error: <backstoryCategory>Slave</backstoryCategory> doesn't correspond to any field in type PawnKindDef. Context: <PawnKindDef><defName>PRFSlavePawn</defName><label>slave</label><combatPower>30</combatPower><race>Human</race><baseRecruitDifficulty>0.60</baseRecruitDifficulty><backstoryCategory>Slave</backstoryCategory><defaultFactionType>OutlanderCivil</defaultFactionType><itemQuality>Shoddy</itemQuality><backstoryCryptosleepCommonality>0.2</backstoryCryptosleepCommonality><isFighter>false</isFighter><chemicalAddictionChance>0.05</chemicalAddictionChance><gearHealthRange><min>0.2</min><max>0.8</max></gearHealthRange><apparelTags><li>Outlander</li></apparelTags><apparelMoney><min>150</min><max>300</max></apparelMoney><apparelAllowHeadgearChance>0</apparelAllowHeadgearChance><techHediffsMoney><min>0</min><max>35</max></techHediffsMoney><techHediffsTags><li>Poor</li></techHediffsTags><techHediffsChance>0.01</techHediffsChance><apparelIgnoreSeasons>true</apparelIgnoreSeasons><invNutrition>1</invNutrition><invFoodDef>Pemmican</invFoodDef></PawnKindDef>
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:78)
Verse.DirectXmlToObject:ObjectFromXml(XmlNode, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\SaveLoad\DirectXml\DirectXmlToObject.cs:270)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke(Object, Object[], Exception&)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:222)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[]) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MethodBase.cs:115)
Verse.DirectXmlLoader:DefFromNode(XmlNode, LoadableXmlAsset) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\SaveLoad\DirectXml\DirectXmlLoader.cs:123)
Verse.LoadedModManager:ParseAndProcessXML(XmlDocument, Dictionary`2) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Mods\LoadedModManager.cs:235)
Verse.LoadedModManager:LoadAllActiveMods() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Mods\LoadedModManager.cs:51)
Verse.PlayDataLoader:DoPlayLoad() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Defs\Databases\PlayDataLoader.cs:92)
Verse.PlayDataLoader:LoadAllPlayData(Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Defs\Databases\PlayDataLoader.cs:32)
Verse.Root:<Start>m__1() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root.cs:58)
Verse.LongEventHandler:RunEventFromAnotherThread(Action) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:455)
Verse.LongEventHandler:<UpdateCurrentAsynchronousEvent>m__1() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:367)