Your Best Screenshots

Started by Tynan, April 22, 2014, 02:33:22 PM

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My best screenshots are of when Cleopatra got sick of me within one month and three days. xD every time as well. I've been wanting to do a hard mode story but sadly I have no idea how to defeat this so early in the game. I may try a fourth time or maybe try to find a way to modify the Storyteller (If I could I'd love to make my own storyteller, but I got no idea how to do that.) Anyways, enjoy laughing at the inhumanity. I got a third picture but I get the file too large error. Basically to the north is a giant mass of red name UI all in an enormous blob of death, no I don't mean Rosie Odonnel either.

Edit: Just noticed a guy's name is "Priss Day" in the raider names, I thought it was Piss Day at first.. Lol what?

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A massive raider-group was almost ready to start their attack but fortunatly (for my colony atleast) a large group of an outlander-town decided to pass by... They will regret that decision.

After a day of non-stop fighting the raiders fleed but the outlander-group stayed and shortly after the remaining survivors went insane. Nobody left the colony walls for 15 days...


@AstronauticalFerret, wow, you really pissed off Cleopatra didn't you!  I've never seen that much red on a map!

Also, stupid question.  How do I take screenshots?  The print screen button only grabs the desktop, and pushing F11 doesn't seem to do anything.  Nothing shows up on the screen, and I haven't found any screen shots in the game folder or the save folder.  Help?


Oh, it's actually F10 to take a screenshot...


Quote from: Gabriel_Braun on July 04, 2014, 12:27:13 PM
This was one I took with my phone camera a couple of weeks ago to show my mate but still makes me giggle, where's operation yew-tree when you need it? :D
Runescape much?


Just played through my first story :)

Had some epic fights throughout the build and it got totally out of hand  towards the end as you may see

Luckily, they often got in the way of each other

We lost some brave souls but most made it out in the end


Wow! Some great shots there Nemeya.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Nemeya on July 31, 2014, 04:08:02 PM
Just played through my first story :)

Had some epic fights throughout the build and it got totally out of hand  towards the end as you may see

Luckily, they often got in the way of each other

We lost some brave souls but most made it out in the end

Well played!
my first space ship ending victory game didn't end up nearly as happily =P
I had constructed most of the ship but still lacking lot of the cryo pods for everyone
then I got overwhelming attack
tried to evacuate everyone to the ship when people started dying but only two of them made it =P

so which one of them was captain of the crew there, in the end?
clearly bonnie, yelling orders in the back row =P


Quote from: Shinzy on July 31, 2014, 04:17:11 PM

so which one of them was captain of the crew there, in the end?
clearly bonnie, yelling orders in the back row =P

Boonie was the very first slave I freed. That rebellious 16 year old girl never seemed to shut up xD

I would say Anna got to be the captain, she had a hand for handling social matters and keeping the tribes at bay

But MVP was certainly Vere, her mortar shots were legendary! She broke at least 10 sieges all on her own. A chain reaktion of 40 pirate mortars exploding is a beautiful sight.

and Frankie... (a 17 year old coma child-navy scientist)....  she aaalways tried to kill herself by walking into pirate armies and steal their metal. Just landet in a drop-pod in the middle of my colony one day, crying to be rescued

Lost Cause

They mostly come at night. Mostly.

Is it just me or are allies more dangerous than the raiders?
Raiders have to work to get into your base and you can chase them off. Allies on the other hand just walk in, eat every scrap of food, go nuts, shoot up the place and each other, put two of your colonists out of action, then feck off leave dead bodies strewn about your main corridor to drive your surviving colonists to despair and a few dozen aimlessly wandering nutters who will hang about your turrets waiting for the first Mechanoid raid to detonate the turret catching one of the gormless ditzes in the blast causing their entire faction to become hostile and immediately launch a siege before you have even finished dealing with the Mechanoid...
or maybe that is just my bad luck. >.>

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
It doesn't matter how many arms a colonist has as long as one of them is a Minigun!


Quote from: Lost Cause on August 11, 2014, 09:52:18 PM
They mostly come at night. Mostly.

Is it just me or are allies more dangerous than the raiders?
Raiders have to work to get into your base and you can chase them off. Allies on the other hand just walk in, eat every scrap of food, go nuts, shoot up the place and each other, put two of your colonists out of action, then feck off leave dead bodies strewn about your main corridor to drive your surviving colonists to despair and a few dozen aimlessly wandering nutters who will hang about your turrets waiting for the first Mechanoid raid to detonate the turret catching one of the gormless ditzes in the blast causing their entire faction to become hostile and immediately launch a siege before you have even finished dealing with the Mechanoid...
or maybe that is just my bad luck. >.>

No! It's not just you, I have to take nitroglycerin for my heart everytime I see
that blue notification pop up after a brief lagspike

They've been unable to reach my food stores so far in my current game (thank god) but them staying sane after treading through the piles of corpses and madmen wandering outside my compound is impossibility

some of the times they're polite enough to start their psychotic rage party outside
my area


Quote from: Lost Cause on August 11, 2014, 09:52:18 PM
They mostly come at night. Mostly.

Is it just me or are allies more dangerous than the raiders?
Raiders have to work to get into your base and you can chase them off. Allies on the other hand just walk in, eat every scrap of food, go nuts, shoot up the place and each other, put two of your colonists out of action, then feck off leave dead bodies strewn about your main corridor to drive your surviving colonists to despair and a few dozen aimlessly wandering nutters who will hang about your turrets waiting for the first Mechanoid raid to detonate the turret catching one of the gormless ditzes in the blast causing their entire faction to become hostile and immediately launch a siege before you have even finished dealing with the Mechanoid...
or maybe that is just my bad luck. >.>
I think the sheer value of the weapons they tend to leave scattered about more than pays for the food that they take.

Then you can sell the weapons for silver, then use the silver to get more allies and call them in when you're attacked, which gives you more weapons, rinse and repeat. ;D
Divergence of Civilization Lead Developer (in this case that's the fancy way of saying "Only Developer")

Project Armoury Developer (New huge 2.13 Release now live!)

Lost Cause

Quote from: Bog on August 12, 2014, 06:26:36 PM
I think the sheer value of the weapons they tend to leave scattered about more than pays for the food that they take.

Then you can sell the weapons for silver, then use the silver to get more allies and call them in when you're attacked, which gives you more weapons, rinse and repeat. ;D

My tiny little colony of 10 got invaded by dozens of them at once from each of my allies and they hung around long enough to start going crazy. The shear volume of stray fire as they killed off their own destroyed chunks of my walls, put 2 of my colonists out of action and left bodies clogging up the main tunnel in and out of my base meaning every one of my people had massive penalties not only going hungry, but also for seeing corpses, the hideous environment and being wounded and then the next raid happens...
My allies nearly drove my entire colony to breaking point in one visit ;.;
And they just keep coming X.x
Next time I want to pretend we're not home or put a lockable door on my mess hall >.>
It doesn't matter how many arms a colonist has as long as one of them is a Minigun!


Quote from: Bog on August 12, 2014, 06:26:36 PM
I think the sheer value of the weapons they tend to leave scattered about more than pays for the food that they take.
Wait, what?  I've routinely get dozens of them visiting my colony of 6 or 7, and they never once left behind any weapons.  How do you make that happen?  Or were you referring to the surplus after cleaning up the bodies?