Introduce yourself!

Started by Tynan, September 16, 2013, 11:54:27 PM

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Hi, I'm Smokee! My IRL name is Leah, or Leafy.

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?

CGP Grey made a video, and it looked interesting. Watched a few other lets plays, then finally bought it when I got a paypal.

-What's your favorite other game?

Pokémon! Also portal 1 & 2.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?

Every time I try to make a competitive team in Pokémon. I suck at it.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?

I'm gonna be boring and say Honey Fibre 1. :)

And/or put up ridiculous pictures, as you see fit.

Might do that later!

Nice to meet all of you!


Hello, just wanted to pop in and share my excitement to play this game. This is me trying to support the developer a little and hope that this gets to steam and is well received.

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
I've enjoyed management and management/survival style game for a long time, I have played a few similar games and enjoyed the complexity and look of this game when I saw it on quill18's youtube channel.

-What's your favorite other game?
I currently have 1028 games on Steam and 584 on GoG, so take your pick. The game I've recently sunk the most time into would probably be World of Tanks, MMO arcade tank game, but i've been wanting to play more single player again.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
Just about every point and click game where i spend 30 minutes just clicking every pixel on the screen cause i can't figure out how to progress.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Pop-tarts, because it's better than cereal.


Hi, im Matthew IRL ( Slavs FTW ), im 30 years old ( saturday was my birthday hooray me  8) ).
Im a dedicated gamer with almost 22 years of experience and i even get laid sometimes. :>
Im a BIG fan of SF managment games, strategies, space 4x games, economic games etc.
20 years ago when i had my first computer ( Commodore 64 ) i remember that when all of my friends played some good looking platformers, action adventures etc, i was sitting and frantically playing things like Kolony ( obscure Polish text only colony managment game - do not confuse with Colony ), Sid Meiers Pirates, Oil Imperium, Vermeer and many many more :) And its still going with me playing games like Aurora 4x, Dwarf Fortress and other Rougelikes :>

-What introduced you to RimWorld?
It was either Youtube video or someone on Bay12 forums mentiong this game. I honestly forgot ;)

-What's your favorite other game?

AURORA fucking 4x, Dwarf Fortress, Cataclysm DDA, Kerbal Space Program, Supreme Rulers series, Final Fantasy series, MGS, GTA, Pro Evo Soccer, Distant Worlds and many many more.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?

I bought Final Fantasy 13 some 4 years ago and i still haven't finished it becasue that game is sooo fucking BAD.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?

I have no idea, im a sandwich guy.

Aaand as for pic - Our Lord and Saviour ;)

[attachment deleted due to age]
Phoneposter - typos will happen.


Hey my name is Pascal im 19 years old and im from Germany,

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
A friend of mine introduced me to Rimworld.

-What's your favorite other game?
Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain and Rimworld of course.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
I tend to Rage a little if a match doesn't go the way i wanted it to.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Sice i already work, i don't have time (i have to get up at 5 o'clock) to eat cereal as breakfast, only bread with cheese or with salami or something like that.


My name is Jupiter, I'm 28yrs old (29 in a few months) hailing from Southern Ontario, Canada.  I am mostly a huge forum lurker, so I can't imagine I'll do much posting...  this is only my third post and I registered at the beginning of July.  I live alone, with just my tiny sausage dog Cosmodius Maximus.  I've been a gamer since I was old enough to hold a controller (starting with super mario and duck hunt back when I was three).

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
Well, I've been a big fan of this style of games for a LONG time (sandbox/survival games), but I only heard about rimworld mid June 2015 via a youtuber (RyconRoleplays).  After watching several of his videos, I immediately knew I HAD to purchase Rimworld.  And I definitely do not regret my choice!

-What's your favorite other game?
I have LOTS of favorites, but I'll only put a list of the best of the best.  Project Zomboid is a big one (I have played about 150 hours since I bought it earlier in 2015), I also love Fallout (New Vegas is my favorite), Skyrim, The Sims (I play 4 now, but I have played them all), Banished, Half-Life 2, Mass Effect, Dawn of Discovery, Portal, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Rock Band 2, Alien Isolation...  Minecraft used to be a huge one for me, but after running into some issues hosting games, I haven't been able to play anymore (single player is just not the same for me now).  Oh, and Terraria!

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
Not really embarrassing, more like funny.  I was playing Minecraft with a friend of mine who was new to the game, and she was lost down a ravine...  I heroically leaped into a ravine to save her from a spider attack...  only it was the wrong ravine.  :P  Then I got lost trying to get out and she had come rescue ME.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Frosted mini wheats :P  I like when they get soggy from the milk.

Here's a picture, not of me but of my weenie dog!

image hosting 12mb


I am UnityIron, 28 from England
I'm a stay at home dad for the minute as my son is high functioning autistic, but soon I hope to get my life started and get some training in either textiles or joinery.

-What introduced you to RimWorld?
Watching Blitzkriegsler's lets plays on youtube, when he started his second season I couldnt hold off any longer and had to have a go.

-What's your favorite other game?
Port Royale 2 and C&C Tiberian Sun Firestorm

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
I have a friend from when I was about 15 I met playing Garrys mod (before you had to buy it) and we made a story about a guy with sonic diarrhea, still steam friends to this day.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Raisin wheats

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My name is Josh, i'm 15, and I love rimworld.

What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?
My friend, known as Flashpoint1289 showed me the game in early alpha, but blitzkreigsler'so playthrough really got me interested.
-What's your favorite other game?
My favorite other game is probably space engineers or bf4.
-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?
Kindo of gaming related, when I was building my pc, Windows wouldn't install, and it took me hours to figure out I had forgotten to plug in the data to the hard drive :).
-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Definitely Lucky Charms

Have a nice day all :)


My internet handle is Nemo, after the captain rather than the fish but Cataphract works just as well! I'm a 20 year old guy and I live in the sweaty armpit of Southeast Asia, better known as the Philippines.

- What introduced you to RimWorld?
I cut my teeth on Dwarf Fortress and when I first heard about this game I was a bit skeptical but when I watched an LP of this game on YouTube (by that fellow Blitzkriegsler I think) I had to get this game. Now I'm totally hooked.

-What's your favorite other game?
The Witcher 3, the Mass Effect series, Fallout: New Vegas, Planescape: Torment (haven't finished it yet, shh!), Papers Please and Hearthstone.

-Most embarassing gaming-related story?
I get scared by games like Amnesia very, very easily. So much so that I can lose sleep over them! Needless to say I've never finished Amnesia.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?
Captain Crunch, the peanut butter kind.


Quote from: Tynan on September 16, 2013, 11:54:27 PM
-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?

Through a YouTube Video from

Quote from: Tynan on September 16, 2013, 11:54:27 PM
-What's your favorite other game?

Cultures-Series, Railroad Tycoon 2 + 3, Simutrans, Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Unknown Horizons and TVTower.

Quote from: Tynan on September 16, 2013, 11:54:27 PM
-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?

There is no Story.

Quote from: Tynan on September 16, 2013, 11:54:27 PM
-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?

I eat in the morning Bread with Meat, no Cereals.

My name is Ulf and I am 46 years old. I live in Germany and my favorite games are economic construction games like Sim City, The Movies and stuff.

Originally I'm carpenter, I can no longer work after a serious car accident (1998). Since 2012 I have been working as a security guard at the bodyguard and Porter.

My first game was Railroad Tycoon 2, because I found the soundtrack so horny.

Translated with Google


MindFruitNinja here! I'm 22yr old guy and I deal with video games since 9. I love planning and sometimes even developing them; ideas constantly come to my mind. Yeah, one day I'd like to read Tynan's book too.

I was introduced to Rimworld by a friend, almost solely by accident. When after some months, I gained enough "mood" to download it, I was fascinated, I didn't even do anything else but playing and playing for days consecutively! Tynan, you literally stole weeks from my life :P not that you wouldn't deserve, you bastard! :3

My lifetime favourite games are Doom (do you have an idea, how active and devoted modding community it has?!) and Deus Ex. Speaking of which:
Quote from: Tynan on September 17, 2013, 12:07:22 AM
-What's your favorite other game?
Deus Ex.
I really love you for this, Tynan!

I do creative and semi-creative things in my free time; I'm still looking for the best way to express my ideas, but writing and video games are the most likely choices. There'd be nice to become a full-time developer one day; that's my most important aim currently.

I rarely eat cereal, though I love it! My favourite is food is spaghetti, however :P I also love things like heavy metal, anime, sciene and occasionally, IT business world.

I had some embarassig stories, but one of the most memorable was the nude cloudwatching blonde hottie, about who I even wrote a shorter story.
A mind in which hyperactivity and creativity fuses. Sucks at drawing, writes a lot instead. A lot. profile | On Reddit



My Name is Maciek (Maciej officially) i'm 17 and i come from Poland but live in Holland 7 years already.
I play games since my father bought a computer and big fat monitor and we've got then internet at home. Because my father was into gaming itself i always watched him playing games like Warcraft II or Starcraft 1 and then got into these games myself. I've played then games like Sims 1 and 2 too and by that time we've moved to Holland when i was nearly 10. My "game experience" comes more from older games like Spellforce The Order of Dawn and it's expansions. Silent Storm, Warcraft II - III, Original War (I love it!) and Actually all generations of Sims because i like simulation games pretty much and building houses. I've played all kinds of games even online FPS like Combat Arms for a year or RPG like Metin for 1 year and 6 months. I always sucked at games where the time was the most needed thing, like in Starcraft 1 and 2 because i always liked to build kind of nice bases, so i only played the campaing and tried a little bit of online but lost like 10 times in a row and said that it's just not for me.

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?

Looking for such game actually... i always looked for a game where you're supposed to build an colony or town of not that high number of poeple and make it bigger by the time and "support" them, that way i've played games like Banished but there were no fights which sucked a little and after having all the buildings and no "purpose" in the game i left it because there was no challenge. Some time later i've bought Project Zomboid which i still find nice as an survival game but i've got lucky and every little and first/second small "scratch" got me infected so after 30 times i said "F*** it" (I've played on the survival mode maybe that's why.. it is default thought..) and looked for something different. Prison Architect looked interesting but after playing it i've seen that i didn't get that much of control what my poeple did and sometimes the game was a little bit confusing so after that i couldn't find anything that looked good to me because i'm not one of the hardcore gamers who buy Battlefield and such.. (Since i suck at FPS games expect Combat Arms mentioned above) and the only good game was Don't starve that i've played for like 6 months or longer which didn't hid that many secrets from me after a while and became boring too, then i heard of Rimworld after looking for Simulation Colony games because i liked Space Colony so much i looked in that kind of genre and found it. I've looked at some Youtube gameplays of it before buying it and actually all the information went into my brain so after weeks of watching videos about it i decided to buy it and so started my history with it (Now i'm on my second Colony that still exists for 5 years and 7 months, yeah!)

-What's your favorite other game?

Hard one because i have many, my top 10 would be: Original War, Spellforce 1 (All expansions), Don't Starve, Warcraft III, Starcraft I and II (Only Campaign, plot is awesome), Silent Storm + Sentinels, The Elder Scrolls Oblivion + Skyrim (Oblivion first!) and Warhammer 40K the first one because the second one was way too boring and short. And a Nice place for Diablo 3 should be existing too!

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?

I don't know if i have one... well i just suck at online games maybe let's say that as a whole, i always was behind if we talked about gear and couldn't pvp with... all of the poeple? Yeah i was more chatting person tham a really player or someone who loves pvp and gear.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?

I love most kinds of Musli with Greek Yogurt and some honey, does that count?

Whooo what a long post...


Hello there.

My name's Raphaël. I live in France, well, more exactly on the Réunion Island, east of Madagascar. I'm 23 and I work in an Airline named Air Austral, making flight plans and stuff like that, to be short. As you can guess, I'm part aircraft nerd, part videogames nerd. Sci-fi games had always been the ones I loved the most, strategy being one of the genre (dunno if it's called like that) I'm the more familiar with so it was natural for me to begin to play Rimworld.

QuoteWhat introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?

First time I saw Rimworld was a friend of mine playing it. First impression was "It looks like prison architecht but what is happening right there?". Then I saw a fight, body being dragged, and I thought, this game is made for me. A lot of cannibalism (in game of course) later, I still think the same! Since then I introduced a lot of my friends to this game.

QuoteMost embarrassing gaming-related story?

My most embarassing story... Well, some times ago we were playing the Sims with some friends, like, with the same beginning character, to see who did the best with him. That's the day I discovered that, yes, you can have a total party wipe in the Sims. I remembered laughing hard because all of them died for stupid reasons besides one, then he got killed by a meteor falling on him. Now that I think of it, it's nothing compared to RimWorld.. That's why I love it so much!

QuoteWhat's your favorite other game?

Hmm, hard one. Well, I did play World of Warcraft when I was younger. Played it for years, actually. I remember that this game was pure gold, emphasis on "was". After Burning Crusade, it was just not the same anymore.
Besides that, my favorite is the Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic series. These games are just godlike and I get the chills everytime freaking time I start a new game, even if I know every line of it by heart. They are just that good to me.

QuoteWhat kind of breakfast cereal is the best?

Well, I don't eat cereals anymore, only coffee and orange juice. But there was this one brand with a mad scientist of it, the cereals themselves had little apple crisps on them. They were delicious but I can't seem to find any so whatever.

Anyway, I'm happy to register here. Last time I did that was like 7 years ago but I couldn't resist to come here after all of this anonymous lurking that I did. So hello everyone! :)
Squirrels, why did it have to be squirrels?



I am Edward from the UK aged 23.

P.S I've managed to break all 3 of my starter colonists and lost the game already, last night was going great.

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?

I spotted the game randomly on my Youtube suggested by the Let's Player "Arumba".

-What's your favorite other game?

Final Fantasy 14 and anything in the Total War series, even Rome 2 now they fixed it.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?

When I was a small child I use to play a lot of Age of Empires, during an intense battle my little legs would kick vigorously with uncontrollable excitement. And my dad still take the piss out of me for it eighteen years later.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?

Coco pops mofo.


I'm Limdood, 31, and gaming is one of my two main hobbies (the other being medieval recreation competitive armored combat.  Yes, for real.).

I found rimworld after looking for a good, challenging survival game and stumbled across 7 days to die.  While playing that i stumbled across a forum post for that game talking about ventilation of underground bases, and one of the replies mentioned he wished it were implemented like Rimworld.  So i checked out the game, and was hooked at the intro video (even considering most alpha, early access, or "lets see how this game is" games i buy are 15$ and this was 30$).  Been playing since, and still enjoy it.

Favorite other game:
I've played it all.
7 days to die, as i stated above, is a fun FPS survival builder
I play D&D with buddies once a week, so enjoy the RPG genre, though I haven't found anything to wow me lately.
I also play Blood Bowl (and now Blood Bowl 2) to satisfy my competitive itch.  Though i've HORRIBLY neglected that game since discovering Rimworld (curse you Tynan)
Lastly, i play Clash of Clans.

Embarrassing gaming stories?  Loads of them...Can't really recall one in particular that wouldn't take a huge story to explain, so I'll spare you all the novel.  Suffice to say i learn very well from mistakes...and i've learned a LOT.

Depending on mood, Raisin Nut Bran, Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch, or Honey Nut Chex are the best.


I'm Simon. I'm 34 and I'm french (So you can guess I'll soon suggest a surrender button). I'm a screenwriter for television. Before finding this joyfull career I studied physics, I got a  phd. I think about game design for a long time. I'd like to participate as much as I can, but my coding skills are not enough to become a game designer. I don't even know if I can learn to mod.

I found Rimworld looking for independent videogames. As I often do, I watched several gameplay videos, trying to resist the urge to buy the game... but this time I didn't succeed. And I can say I'm happy I yielded to temptation!
I find Rimworld astonishing. The amount of work is impressive and more important, it's really aimed in the good direction, straight to greatness. I love the mood system, the deep simulation of so many aspects. I think the storytelling IA is a great idea.

I can't say it's my other favorite game but I played "The fourth coming" for 3 years in spite of its lousy gameplay and graphics because it was true roleplaying. I was in character all the time, I think it helped me becoming a screenwriter. Never found a mmorpg with so much roleplay.
I also like to unwind on League of legend... it's good to do a little sports, you know :)

I'll name another game though, "This war of mine" it's not just a great game, I think Rimworld could really benefits from this inspiration to create strong and touching stories. In fact I'll try to make suggestion in this direction, more drama, more story.

Most embarrassing gaming story... My nieces and nephew (4, 8 and 10) wanted to play a videogame. I made them play Limbo, cause you knows, it's a plateform game. I didn't thought the giant spiders tearing little boys' head off was  terrifying at all. They loved it... each time they see me they want to play again. But I can't help to think  they're a little traumatized now.

The best kind of breakfast cereal? The one that stay in its box and I let me have a proper breakfast.