[MOD] (Alpha 3F) Muffalo Breeding v.1.0.2

Started by bleedo, April 27, 2014, 07:16:34 PM

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Would you consider combining this with the Alpha Muffalo plug?

Make the Alphas them males, the standards the females... bulls and cows baby! Bulls and cows!


@Psyckosama: The alpha muffalo plugin defines a race that is separate from the muffalos. I don't think cross-breeding fits my plans for now. :)
Not sure whether inheritance is possible with the defs. If so, spawning based on "muffalo" base def would pick form the inheritors (regular, alpha). That would make it possible if the configs are changed slightly.


Linus Torvalds: "But it clearly is the only right way. The fact that everybody else does it some other way only means that they are wrong"
Robert J. Hanlon: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Celthric Aysen

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"♫"Every people that i see i will never understand"♪"



Quote from: bleedo on April 28, 2014, 10:12:31 AM
@Psyckosama: The alpha muffalo plugin defines a race that is separate from the muffalos. I don't think cross-breeding fits my plans for now. :)
Not sure whether inheritance is possible with the defs. If so, spawning based on "muffalo" base def would pick form the inheritors (regular, alpha). That would make it possible if the configs are changed slightly.

Would be interesting if it was possible. Even better if you could make it so there were "Calves".

Combining a maturation time with a longer pregnancy time would do a lot to override the "Super sized herds" problem.


Linus Torvalds: "But it clearly is the only right way. The fact that everybody else does it some other way only means that they are wrong"
Robert J. Hanlon: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Yes, yes, I'm aware of the overcrowding. I upped a debug assembly instead of release. Update coming tonight. :)


make a totally random event with a super rare chance apon birth it spawns a evil mutant (buffed) muffalo that rages and goes killing spree


I think it'd be better to have a breeding area, rather than letting the population decide.  You can build a small fenced/walled in area that must have sky above it and some sort of plants growing inside for food source, then you can use a door/gate to keep the animals in.  Define the area with a zone marked breeding zone, this zone would work like home or no roof zones, not a growing or stock pile zone.  Otherwise it'd disable your ability to grow plants manually inside in case they eat it all.  Then again I suppose you can haul food in every so often but anyway.

I'd like the breeding zones because then you can send a guy out to herd some muffalo into the pin then lock it up and keep the population in check that way, maybe even automate a small bit of the hunting for food.

If you use zones like stockpile and growing zone, you can set it to muffalo and set the amount of muffalo before they are allowed to breed.  If less than 5 are in the zone, breed till there are 10.  For example.  Maybe even make it so like horses, they each have their own stable to go into and you can separate the males from the females till breeding is necessary.
Click to see my steam. I'm a lazy modder who takes long breaks and everyone seems to hate.


Nice ideas, @vas.
All of that's gonna be a helluva workload for a working dad, though. :)
I might get the spirit again.
Not sure how much further I'm gonna take it, but it was fun this far.
Stablish release now, so I'll let it rest for a while.
I'll have another look if @Ty does something fancy to the core for the next builds.

Thanks for the feedback so far, guys.

(And shout of if there's any more bugs..)


saying this without knowing anything about the code.

wouldent the pen idea be simple as adding a capture function to muffalos

and making a "room" with a "bed"

the room just being a sealed square and the bed being a new object like some hay

the muffalo then get dragged there - you having to put down enough "beds" and then just move the muffalos with appropriate genders and then just hope. ?


Quote from: Killaim on April 29, 2014, 12:41:56 AM
wouldent the pen idea be simple as adding a capture function to muffalos
and making a "room" with a "bed"
the room just being a sealed square and the bed being a new object like some hay
the muffalo then get dragged there - you having to put down enough "beds" and then just move the muffalos with appropriate genders and then just hope. ?

I love this idea and hope it gets some attention.

also great work on the mod so far and the fast updates, I can't wait to see what you have for us next.


Quote from: Killaim on April 29, 2014, 12:41:56 AM
wouldent the pen idea be simple as adding a capture function to muffalos

As simple as, yes, but neither are really really simple. :)
Mirabilis futurum!

Thanks again for the feedback guys!


Is there any way to change muffalo limit?
I have no idea how, but it works!!!