[1.0] Psychology (2018-11-18)

Started by System.Linq, June 30, 2017, 02:39:52 AM

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I'd love it if someone could release an edition of this mod but without anxiety. I swear to God, but it seems like all my colonists would develop anxiety just after their first mental break, and it's a real bitch to deal with, especially early in the game when you cant spare any medicine at all. Besides, it doesn't make any sense to use medicine for a mental issue. I'd propose implementing Therapy mod (with proper blessing first ofc) into this one.


Hey! Great mod, i loved. I try to create translation (polish), but localistion dir miss one file PersonalityNodes.xml i think, most important.
You are able to put this file in Languages folder like other ones? Or i miss something?


Quote from: Seskil on November 03, 2018, 05:26:30 AM
Hey! Great mod, i loved. I try to create translation (polish), but localistion dir miss one file PersonalityNodes.xml i think, most important.
You are able to put this file in Languages folder like other ones? Or i miss something?

Yep, I think so.


Quote from: Linq on November 03, 2018, 06:28:55 AM

Yep, I think so.

Will be great, coz like i thing (correct me if I'm wrong) def file could by only one, while i translate this, anyone who want to play in my language must separately download my translate and replace this (changed) def*.xml? Sorry for trouble, i never before translate rimworld mods.  :D


No,  I will add the translation to the mod for everyone. You only have to give it to me.


Hi and thanks for your work, I love the depth that your mod adds.

Managing the various psychologies adds a new dimension to the game. I like choosing my pawns according to their personalities, however it is difficult to keep track of all the psyches because of the game UI (i.e. clicking on the psyche tab for each pawn, remembering each personality and comparing...). Maybe a main tab that lists the psychologies of each pawn with color-coded text would make it easier to identify compatibilities and incompatibilities between pawns ?

Also I would love to see a feedback of a conversation between two pawns directly in the logs (especially when using Interaction Bubbles). Something like "...discussed about conspiracy theories (-10)." instead of having to check the Social tab.

Just a suggestion! Thanks again.


Thank you for this mod, I always disliked the way the base game handles sexuality.

I found a small "bug" though, the log messages about someone complaining to the major don't seem to be working properly, they just display labels instead of names and topics.


I really love Psychology, but some of its aspects leave me buffled still. I mean look at this situation:

I mean OK, i don't have a mayoral office still, so i get a moodlet for it, fine, cause i am playing with climate cycle and life is hard. But my people generally have like 40-50% mood and don't get any mental breaks. And now i see -39 on mayor because people have talked his ears off. Can you tell me whats going on? It something just broken? I can't believe this stacking as high as an insanely high late game psychic drone!

Gustavo Vallim

Vocês poderiam embutir relações de bonecos bem humorados e piadistas que aumentam o humor dos outros bonecos se eles estão próximos. Ou que amigos ou casais fazendo funções perto também aumente o humor ou trabalhem mais rápido ou batalhem melhor juntos. Bonecos que dormem juntos aumenta algo também. Não sei se há isso no jogo e eu não sei, por favor me digam quem souber se há algumas dessas funções neste ou em algum outro MOD. Thanks


Hey so uh for some reason I keep getting this error when trying to load a character in edb prepare carefully
Exception filling window for EdB.PrepareCarefully.Dialog_LoadColonist: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<Psychology.PersonalityNodeDef, Psychology.PersonalityNode>.get_Item (Psychology.PersonalityNodeDef) <0x001c5>
at Psychology.Harmony.Optional.PresetLoaderPatch.AddPsyche (EdB.PrepareCarefully.CustomPawn&,EdB.PrepareCarefully.SaveRecordPawnV4) <0x001b2>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) EdB.PrepareCarefully.PresetLoaderVersion4.LoadPawn_Patch1 (object,EdB.PrepareCarefully.SaveRecordPawnV4) <0x032ef>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.ColonistLoaderVersion4.Load (EdB.PrepareCarefully.PrepareCarefully,string) <0x005c8>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.ColonistLoader.LoadFromFile (EdB.PrepareCarefully.PrepareCarefully,string) <0x0023b>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.ControllerPawns.LoadCharacter (string) <0x0007a>
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) EdB.PrepareCarefully.PanelLoadSave/LoadCharacterHandler.invoke_void__this___string (string) <0x00083>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.PanelLoadSave/<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<DrawPanelContent>b__0 (string) <0x0002b>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.Dialog_LoadColonist.DoMapEntryInteraction (string) <0x00027>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.Dialog_Colonist.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect) <0x00e52>
at Verse.Window/<WindowOnGUI>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 (int) <0x00882>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

and also this error immediately following it

Mouse position stack is not empty. There were more calls to BeginScrollView than EndScrollView. Fixing.
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

this is my mod order https://gyazo.com/9109a9a1e16fc6019ab6f9cba95fcc83
I don't know whats up I can load presets fine and for some reason I can load some characters fine just started randomly happening tried unsubscribing to it and edb prepare carefully and deleted my local mod files for edb prepare carefully and it still won't work



Also having the same errors as the above poster.


any way to stop break ups? I have had two colonists at 100 opinion of each other for over a year and it seems odd that theyd just break up without low opinion at least. Maybe a minimum threshold?


Quote from: vandal on November 17, 2018, 01:34:54 PM
any way to stop break ups? I have had two colonists at 100 opinion of each other for over a year and it seems odd that theyd just break up without low opinion at least. Maybe a minimum threshold?

How Romantic are they?

Quote from: Madman666 on November 09, 2018, 04:23:58 PM
I really love Psychology, but some of its aspects leave me buffled still. I mean look at this situation:

I mean OK, i don't have a mayoral office still, so i get a moodlet for it, fine, cause i am playing with climate cycle and life is hard. But my people generally have like 40-50% mood and don't get any mental breaks. And now i see -39 on mayor because people have talked his ears off. Can you tell me whats going on? It something just broken? I can't believe this stacking as high as an insanely high late game psychic drone!

Your mayor is probably extremely high-strung. How Laid-back are they? Also, 40-50% mood isn't very good. Your colonists may not be going literally insane, but they're still unhappy and have a lot to complain about.


Updated to 2018-11-18:
- The nature retreat break is now shorter and no longer needs to mark animals to be hunted in order for the breaking pawn to hunt them.
- Prisoners can no longer go on a nature retreat break.
- Fixed a translation error when colonists break up.
- Colonists hanging out should no longer throw "10 jobs in 1 tick" errors.
- Fixed the translation error in the log entries for visiting the mayor.
- Self-harming pawns will no longer target body parts with a coverage of 0 for damaging.
- Added some more checks to make sure the mod properly targets pawns that are humanlike but not androids or robots to give Psyche tabs to.
- Mayors performing any kind of surgery will no longer be called off to meetings.
- Added new German language translation by Chaos.