More scenario editor controls

Started by PsychoticSquid, July 15, 2017, 12:38:48 AM

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First off, let me say this is the first time I've posted here. I love this game and I've had a browse through this section and I love the passion this community shows for it. There are many really cool suggestions. I hope new content is added for a long time.

Secondly, I apologise if any of these have already been suggested. I've read the "Frequent Suggestions" sticky and didn't see them, but perhaps it hasn't been updated in a while.

All of these suggestions are related to the scenario editor, not normal gameplay. I would like to see the following controls added to the scenario editor:

Starts with STAT
Select stat, select stat range, select percentage of colonists, select starting colonists or all colonists.
Try to stay with me here. I know a large part of the flavour and enjoyment of this game comes with the randomness, and to that end I don't want to see a colonist creator that lets you give yourself the perfect colonist. This idea could be exploited to do this at the user's discretion, I guess, and shame on them if they do. They're only ruining the game for themselves. What I really want it for, though, is to be able to add flavour to my scenarios. For example, I have a scenario called "A Man And His Chickens", and the flavour text for the scenario states that the lone colonist is an ex-farmer who wanted to see if he could thrive by himself with nothing but his 14 chickens and his knowledge of growing plants. For this reason, I want to force him to have the knowledge of growing (and be reasonably competent in it) and the same with animal handling. It makes sense, and it's cleaner than asking players to keep rolling until they get it in the scenario description. Perhaps to balance this idea, you must also specify a skill that suffers a negative impact, or is unavailable entirely?

Expanded pet controls
Specify gender of pets, specify learned skills.
In the same scenario above, I wanted the farmer to start with three roosters and eleven hens. After all, since this is decided randomly there is a chance, however slim, that the game would begin with all roosters, or at the very least a small number of hens. What kind of farmer would bring such a poor ratio of egg layers to roosters with him? Again, for flavour. As for the learned skills, I think this could be cool also, although once again susceptible to exploitation if you started with a legion of wolves that are already fully trained to haul, follow, and defend. Actually, that sounds really cool. A Man And His Wolves. I'll make it, if they add this feature.

More colonist controls
Select gender ratio, force relationship.
If I wanted to take the above scenario and turn it into "A Man And His Wife (And Their Chickens)" for flavour, these controls would greatly help. I don't see there being much exploitation going on either, as the negative effects of losing a loved one balance quite well with the positive effects they give while alive. Or I might want to have a scenario about an all-female tribe of lesbian Amazonian cannibals that kill every man they see.

Start equipped with
Select gear, select percentage of colonists, select starting colonists or all colonists.
Only a minor nuance, as you can spawn the items you want and have your colonists equip them anyway. But it's better for flavour - I have the standard Bloodthirsty Cannibal Psychopath scenario but in my flavour text they are escapees of another larger colony that were dying to famine and my colonists killed and ate their former colony mates, making clothing from their skin. It's cooler flavour if they begin wearing that skin rather than synththread clothing that they immediately swap out. Also this could have important implications with the "all colonists" control. You could make a Wild West scenario where most people have guns, or a scenario where most people carry drugs, or more.

Raid controls
Select frequency, select number of pirates, select how often additional pirates added to raids and how many, select gear quality, select quality increase between raids, select weapon variety, set weapon quality increase and how often quality increases.
I want to make a scenario where I get frequently attacked by ever-growing hordes of melee-wielding tribesmen. These controls would make it possible, as well as a plethora of other interesting possibilities.

Select specific weapon, or entire weapon category.
Self explanatory, but this would prevent the specified weapons or categories (ie. melee, ranged, rifles, plasteel knife, wooden club) from spawning or from being available for construction.

Non-player colony options
Pirate camp frequency, pirate camp difficulty range, friendly colony frequency.
This could be used to make interesting scenarios where entire worlds are hostile, or even devoid of other life, depending on what desired flavour you want. For example, you could have zero other colonies or pirates but have permanent catastrophes or a countdown timer for a doomsday scenario.

I hope these suggestions evoke some other ideas and get some genuine discussion going. I understand many of these could disrupt the balance of the game, but it would only do so voluntarily, and I think this risk is far outweighed by the fact that it would provide legitimate players with more tools to create very compelling and flavourful scenarios. If you think something shouldn't work or wouldn't work, discuss why. If you like an idea or want to add to it, please post your thoughts.

Thanks for reading!


I'd like to add some more suggestions to this, if I may. Not sure what the etiquette is with this board but I assume commenting on the same post rather than generating a new one would be preferred.

Dialogue controls on events
Controls already exist to trigger events on a custom cycle such as pirate raids or psychic drones, etc. It would be cool if you could add custom dialogue, either as a dialogue box similar to the one you can have appear at the start of the scenario, or to take place of the tooltip that appears when you mouse over the notification for the event. Perhaps even have a standalone dialogue event not tied to other events for the purposes of storytelling. This could potentially be an annoyance if abused but if used in conjunction with some of the controls I suggested for raids and non-player colonies above, it could be a nice way to add flavour to events.

Disable research
Select research to disable
Self explanatory, could be used for flavour (which you can probably tell by now is a recurring theme for my suggestions). I suggest including the research that you normally begin the game with just to make things interesting (and more difficult).

Set victory condition
Acquire X resource, reach X population, survive X days/months/years, defeat X raiders, define X, set victory dialogue
Self explanatory as well, but combined with some of my other suggestions and some of the existing scenario editor architecture, could lead to some very interesting and unique scenarios.

As always, discussion about any of these ideas is welcome.


And because this thread has the best looking first post I start collecting stuff here :-D

Quote from: Houkime on December 19, 2016, 09:35:30 AM
Recently tried to recreate a massive massacre scene as a starting condition for a new colony.
So that people have huge debuffs and can eat human meat if neccessary (far North).
But I couldn't do it because scenario editor doesn't have corpses in Scattered across the map menu.

Instead I scattered it with human meat and leather (and also graves, evil snowmen and permanent lightning storm).

So I thought it would be great if we could scatter map with blood and gore.
So that people can have their moral debuffs and meat and have to clean their place from this (and use as a moral weapon against raiders).

And just some dead people to add to an atmosphere to some scenarios.

Thanks for reading.

Rimworld is not a nice place :D

Quote from: Topper on May 08, 2017, 12:14:37 AM
Could we please have filters for items in the scenario editor? That huge black screen with tiny little boxes depicting every choosable thing in the game is extremely hard to read for your older players.

A thousand times that, considering the DevMode Menu allready has this feature ..

Quote from: keylocke on December 08, 2016, 02:56:43 PM
here's a quick wishlist of stuff i hope gets added in scenario editor : these are mostly options that tweaks world generation

-choose number of factions and faction types : like choosing to have 5 or more factions and choosing to have min-max value per faction type. ie : pirate faction min (1) max (5) <--- something like this, so i can have a scenario where all are tribal faction (no guns)

-choose stone types available : i wanna be able to toggle what rocks are available for my scenario.

-choose biome types available : yea, i wanna recreate arrakis from dune if want to.

-choose max-min temperatures : global average temperature. which affects the temps modified by altitude.

-change ratio of landmass to ocean : because arrakis.

-be able to allow to add incompatible forced traits : like add 100% brawler, 100% careful shooter, 100% triggerhappy : and then the game will remove any incompatible traits one at a time until incompatibilities are gone. so at the above scenario, characters can randomly have either a brawler, or careful shooter, or triggerhappy. but not all of the above.

-etc.. some stuff i might have forgotten.

Now I ...

==== EDIT ====

forgot to link ..

and while we're ED IT ..

what are the Permanent Effects Climate Cycle and Toxic Spores about ?
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


You probably already know about it, but the Prepare Carefully mod can help you with some of your modifications to colonists and starting animals/gear. I agree that it would be great to see all of your suggestions implemented into the game.

Also, it sounds like you have made a lot of scenarios. If you don't mind, could you link some for me to try? I want to try something different for my next colony ;)


Quote from: PsychoticSquid on July 15, 2017, 12:38:48 AM
Secondly, I apologise if any of these have already been suggested. I've read the "Frequent Suggestions" sticky and didn't see them, but perhaps it hasn't been updated in a while.

Im so glad a new poster actually read it!  Thank you.  I do try to keep it updated, if you spot anything not on the list, feel free to post it.  Or suggest I add it to the list if you see it often. 

As for your suggestions, the mod mentioned does a good job of it, its what I would use.


Now I know of Toxic Spores ..

is climate cycle just the standard seasons ?

Quote from: Slimy_Slider on October 10, 2017, 09:08:01 PM
Also, it sounds like you have made a lot of scenarios. If you don't mind, could you link some for me to try? I want to try something different for my next colony ;)

I don't know who you were adressing with your question, but I'll answer ..

My current Scenario is Six Soldiers lost in the wilds, with nothing more than the stuff they are carrying.

I attached the scenario, the Prepare Carefully config.
The upper modlist is my current one, the starting modlist is the one I used to generate the planet.
( I stopped adding stuff, because worldgen kept on exploding. .. )

For additional fun, I sent them to a flat poison forest ..

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker