[1.2] Sparkling Worlds - Glittertech on the Rim

Started by Albion, August 29, 2017, 10:09:24 AM

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It's Alive! I'm finally done with the new content.
It only took about 40-50 hours of work and 1000 lines of code but I did it. The spaceship crash event is now live and can happen on any colony using this mod.
I had hoped to be able to use some functions from the Recon & Discovery mod but ended up rewriting the entire thing.

However I quite like my final result and hope you do too. The event will happen slightly more often than other world opportunities and will create a spaceship crash site.
There you'll find one of three potential layouts filled with randomly generated loot and danger. You might also get ambushed since you're not the only one investigating the site (but only 25% of the time). Bring some firepower.

Please tell me what you think once you experienced it. I'm curious about your thoughts.

Additional updates:
- minor bug fix to the satellite pods
- farming traders now carry hay
- computing system, compact fission reactor and EMP grenade launcher had their textures replaced by an improved version provided by ChickenPlucker

Right now the update is only available for the Full version since I have to figure out how to best move the new features into a seperate mod before updating the Core version.


I had some positive feedback regarding the new shipcrash event but I'm always curious what you guys think, so keep it coming!
Additionally I just updated the mod with a new event: Thrumbo sighting. This spawns a site on the world map where a herd of thrumbos is gathering. Go try to tame or kill them.

The update also includes a fix to a bug which made the computing system unbuildable under certain conditions. It's fixed now though.

I also uploaded a seperate World Events Addon, so users of the Core Mod can now enjoy the new events too.


Oh, so it is from this mod the ship crash event is from :P .
It is a tad too frequent for my tastes. But on the other hand it is a superior incapacitated refugee event.

I feel like there could be a purely combat focused crashed ship event though. Where you have to fight through many rooms of mechanoids.


Well how do you like the crash event itself? Not enough threads?

The frequency was a concern of mine too but I think you're right. I just reduced the base chance of it occuring and increased the minimum days until it can happen again. Overall this will make it a less frequent occurance.

The current layouts you're presented with were difficult enough to code but since I got them working I might further expand on them. I already had the idea of a mechanoid ship crash which will not contain any humans at all. It might get added once I expand on the current feature.
There will also be an abandoned base or research lab in the future so you'll be able to fight through an installation instead of a shipwreck.


Awesome. So now the Core and other submods are updated as well?


Quote from: Harry_Dicks on January 24, 2018, 03:44:33 PM
Awesome. So now the Core and other submods are updated as well?

Yes I updated the Core mod and the others as well. You'll also find a new Addon to the Core mod which includes the newly released additional events.


I uploaded a patch to the Full mod and the Event Addon to fix a bug that could appear if the ship crashsite map de-spawns before the queued raid can trigger. It should be fixed now.

Due to a request on steam I also released a seperate Hardcore Patch mod for the Blue Moon Corporation faction. The extension works with either the Full mod or the Blue Moon Corp Addon.
The patch makes the BMC even deadlier by increasing the number of spawned raiders. The soldiers are also equipped with better weapons and armor, as well as bionic limbs.


I found a bug in which after you send a caravan to check a spaceship crash site, the caravan reaches the destination and the game generates the encounter map, you no longer get any events such as raids, trade ships, cargo pods, trading caravan visits, etc.

I was able to observe and replicate the bug every time I used the "bugged" save file. As long as I didn't investigate the crash site, everything was fine, so I am very sure it's coming from this mod, but then again I am using other couple mods so I am not sure if it's a bug inherent to this mod itself or due to conflict with other mods.


I'm unaware of any such problem.
When did this first happen?
What other mods are you using?
In the buggy savegame, did you visit any other encounter maps before visiting the shipcrashsite? I'm basically asking if it's specific to this encounter.
I never came across this problem in my own playthrough using this mod.

Can you upload your save file and/or get me a mod list? Although I personally think/hope it's not a problem originating from this mod.


Here is the list of mods I am using right now.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Here is the link to the save file:


The caravan is just about to reach the crash site.
If I choose to turn back, everything is fine.
If I choose to commit and generate the event map, then I no longer happen to get any events other than inspirations.


I did some tests yesterday with my own playthrough and all works fine. It might be some incompatibility or some other mod entirely.
Did you ever send a caravan somewhere else in that savegame? Item stash, Bandit camp or something?
I'll do some tests tonight but I don't believe it's due to my mod. Maybe post in the help subforum. Someone else might have encountered that general problem before and might know the reason/solution.


So I loaded up your savegame today and I was unable to reproduce the bug. Events continued to happen regardless if I visited the crashsite or not.
However I used the steam version of all the mods which might have been newer releases so you could try and download the latest version of all your mods.
You can also post in the help subforum since I can't really help you further and I'm 99% sure the issue is not rooted in my mod but only exposed it once you visited the site.


So I have started using just the Core Mod. Love the added content and items, its really great to have access to some Glittertech.

My only thoughts in regards to the mod is the cost of items. Everything feels very cheep cost wise. The research times are really short and the cost to produce the items are really negligible.

If you look at RSBE where you are looking at excess of 150 steel, 150 plasteel plus 10+ components to build 1 bionic limb. I know there are players that love a bargain but to make things more "Vanilla" I would suggest doubling the material costs and the research.

Maybe release a hardcore edition.
Mods I would recommend:
Mending, Fertile Fields, Smokeleaf Industries and the Giddy Up series.

The Mod you must have:


First up: Thank you for using my mod. Since you're using the Core mod I also recommend the Events Add-on. It adds some interesting new events and I'm currently working on expanding it.

Regarding the pricing of crafting I would disagree with you. The costs might feel cheap compared to some other mods but during development I went in with the following premise: 1. Make it accessable to players. 2. Make it about as expensive as vanilla recipes.
As a baseline I always used the real market value given for an item. Using this you can extract the following costs for the following example vanilla recipes: (I will use the $-sign in the following but mean silver)

Refining chemfuel: 35 units of chemfuel cost 105$. If you produce it from 70 wood that wood costs 98$. 70 organic stuff costs between 105$ and 140$ depending on the item.

Produce Medicine: One unit of medicine costs 18$. Producing it costs 1x herbal med (10$), 1x neutroamine (6$) and 3x cloth (3x1,9$) = 22$ production costs.

Make Shieldbelt: A "standard" shieldbelt costs 1050$. Producing it costs 6x component (21$), 50x plasteel (14$) and 50$ uranium (6$) = 1126$

Make Assault rifle: A "standard" assault rifle costs 395$. Producing it costs 7x component (21$) and 60x steel (1,9$) = 261$

As you can see, vanilla recipes cost about the market value of the final product to make. Costs are lower than the final product for quality related items, especially guns. I therefore settled on having the ingredients of an item cost about as much as the final product. My glitterworld medicine (100$) recipe costs about 120$ to produce.
Example for bionic printing:
Cost to produce a bionic arm (1500$): 12x components (21$), 30x plasteel (14$) and 7x luciferium (120$) = 1512$
Same goes for the production of Synthread and Hyperweave:
Cost to produce 10x synthread (7$) is 70$: 8x devilstrand (10$) and 10x cloth (1,9$) = ~100$
Cost to produce 10x hyperweave (16$) is 160$: 14x devilstrand (10$) and 7x plasteel (14$) = 238$

As you can see I even increased the costs for recipes that produce stuff that is usually not that easily attainable (Synthread and Hyperweave) but kept it on market value for stuff that can be decently easily tradeable like bionics. Additionally ingredients like luciferium, devilstrand and uranium are not super easily attainable but are features quite a lot in my recipes.

In conclusion: Yes my recipes are cheap compared to other mods but I feel like they are expensive enough and it is actually the other way around and other mods are overpriced. Since I now presented hard data how do you feel about it? Should I increase recipe costs? Are you okay with the way they are currently implemented?

Regarding the research costs: You got me there... the required research is on the cheap side. I plan to increase research costs but at least right now I'm hoping Rimworld version 1.0 will be released soon-ish and I'll adjust research costs during the transition from B18 to v1.0.