UI not scaling properly

Started by Justy, June 13, 2018, 06:19:38 PM

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I have a 1440p monitor and the text is tiny and hard to read at the default UI size.
But when I pick a different UI scale, the text isn't properly rendered, instead it's only zoomed in and really blurry and annoying.
Is there some kind of a workaround for this, or maybe a mod? It's basically unplayable scaled up, but at the default scale it gets very tiring to read the text after a couple of hours.



I suggest to use a 720p resolution while you are playing Rimworld.
You can either change the desktop resolution or look at


Making everything blurry instead of just the text, that's... not exactly a solution.  ???


Curious from 1440p to 720p shouldn't appear any bluring. Since your monitor got now 4 pixel for 1 desktop/game pixel.
Bluring mosttimes appear when the resulotion didn't match the monitor.


An ideal upscale is still just an upscale. 720p on a 27" screen will never look sharp.