Unstable build feedback thread

Started by Tynan, June 16, 2018, 11:10:34 PM

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Quote from: Ser Kitteh on July 01, 2018, 12:46:36 PM
1. Capable doctors.
2. Medicine, the good kind. Glittermeds if you're properly paranoid.
3. Penocidiline.
4. Drop pods for emergency doctors, medicine, and food.
5. A well defended base.

Do note, that all aforementioned conditions assume you're more or less mid to late in the game. We're however encouraged to take on quests and travel even early game, rely on refugees instead of capturing raiders and et cetera. And early game its a suicide mission unless you get a lucky roll.

Not to mention that "well defended base" without half its inhabitants (those that gone traveling) is a questionable concept now that we have crazy raids that don't flee at all and sappers that get replaced once you kill a couple.


Tynan in case you didn't know, "claustrophilia" means "desire for confinement in an enclosed space." So "claustrophiliac" might be the trait name you're looking for.


In hindsight, letting in 20 polar bears wasn't "free food"

Incidentally yet another autocannon death  ::)  These babies really are a double edged sword outside of a killbox.

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1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


Quote from: Madman666 on July 01, 2018, 01:07:21 PM
Quote from: Ser Kitteh on July 01, 2018, 12:46:36 PM
1. Capable doctors.
2. Medicine, the good kind. Glittermeds if you're properly paranoid.
3. Penocidiline.
4. Drop pods for emergency doctors, medicine, and food.
5. A well defended base.

Do note, that all aforementioned conditions assume you're more or less mid to late in the game. We're however encouraged to take on quests and travel even early game, rely on refugees instead of capturing raiders and et cetera. And early game its a suicide mission unless you get a lucky roll.

Not to mention that "well defended base" without half its inhabitants (those that gone traveling) is a questionable concept now that we have crazy raids that don't flee at all and sappers that get replaced once you kill a couple.

Yeah, refugees still don't feel worth in in the early game especially. Item stashes and other things can be, and it's nice to know what you're going to get and have a decent idea of what will be there. Refugee events is still risking decent colonists for one that might be terrible.


Why do the traders INSIST on wandering around my IEDs? Already killed one of their own there!

Picture of idiot traders.

Edit: They finally detonated one of the IEDs causing a chain reaction killing them. Now they hate me :D .


Well, we do need trader spot. Also, all rescued or allied people should move like our pawns, moving around traps when possible.


Quote from: Tynan on July 01, 2018, 05:52:37 AM
New build.

Rename trait Tunneler -> Indoorsman.

Just a note: Loading my 1.0 Savegame from the old version to the new one caused my colonist with Tunneler trait to lose this trait. (Also a prisoner that had the trait also lost it.)


Ah, that rich temperate forest... Just look how much trees and grass it has!

No, it is not right after a toxic fallout. It is summer without extreme weather. I'm not cutting down trees above necessary. There are no herds of alpha beavers. It has average 30/60 growing season. And yet there are only a few trees and sparse patches of grass.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Quote from: Greep on July 01, 2018, 02:08:28 PM
In hindsight, letting in 20 polar bears wasn't "free food"

Incidentally yet another autocannon death  ::)  These babies really are a double edged sword outside of a killbox.

Hahaha, best quote taken out of context.
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." - Oscar Wilde


I'm finding that the restriction to gaining new pawns in early game is too much.  There's no way that I can afford to send out a party to rescue anyone or do any caravans at all.  And that lasts for a LONG time.  I'm getting very few surviving raiders (much less ones that are worth converting) and the escape pods are not coming enough.  Please increase the occurrence at least a little bit.


Quote from: Oblitus on July 01, 2018, 03:09:18 PM
Ah, that rich temperate forest... Just look how much trees and grass it has!

No, it is not right after a toxic fallout. It is summer without extreme weather. I'm not cutting down trees above necessary. There are no herds of alpha beavers. It has average 30/60 growing season. And yet there are only a few trees and sparse patches of grass.

I like how there is like 1 grass tile for 5x5 square XD But the promise is fullfilled - it does look like year 1 even after couple years with some extreme events.  ::)


Quote from: Oblitus on July 01, 2018, 12:36:27 PM
Sure, good hospital will help you a lot when pawns in a caravan is sick, and you always have a level 9 doctor to send with a caravan while having another to stay on your base, and sure nothing bad can happen with either of them.

With decent amount of herbal meds and a few prisoners a whole colony can learn 10 doctoring in 10-15 days, even pawns without any passion in it. Double fires hit 10 lvl with like 10 herbal meds, single fire with ~20. So, then you start colony, big field of healroots is a thing right after building basic shelter and a small rice field. No one push you to go caravans unprepared. Im personally ignore all travels until second spring and like 7-8 pawns in colony so i can afford to send at least 3(1 melee, 2 ranged) well equipped(like 30 meds, helmets/flak sets) to travel.


Is "sand kick" move supposed to stun one who used it? Because it ultimately does. It has a half an hour cooldown during which pawn is incapable of doing anything.

Quote from: Awe on July 01, 2018, 03:56:24 PM
With decent amount of herbal meds and a few prisoners a whole colony can learn 10 doctoring in 10-15 days, even pawns without any passion in it. Double fires hit 10 lvl with like 10 herbal meds, single fire with ~20. So, then you start colony, big field of healroots is a thing right after building basic shelter and a small rice field. No one push you to go caravans unprepared. Im personally ignore all travels until second spring and like 7-8 pawns in colony so i can afford to send at least 3(1 melee, 2 ranged) well equipped(like 30 meds, helmets/flak sets) to travel.
Prisoners? Barely ever get them. Healroot requires level 8 grower, by the way.


The armour formula suffers from superlinear scaling at high values. Let x be the fractional armour (so that 100% is 1), then EHP is 1 / (1 - 3x/4), only considering armour up to 100%. If plotted it's obvious that later percentages provide more EHP than earlier ones. This can be illustrated by example. If a shot is affected by armour the damage multiplier is 1/4 (half deflected, half reduced to half damage blunt). So for 50% armour, half of shots do full damage, and half do 1/4 damage, so the overall damage multiplier is 0.625, and the EHP is 1.6. For 100% armour, the damage multiplier is just 0.25, and the EHP is 4. The higher percentages of armour are not particularly more difficult to obtain than the lower ones, so this is a big problem with the system.


Prisoners? Barely ever get them. Healroot requires level 8 grower, by the way.

1 prisoner is enough, and its not an issue, but then training takes more time because you need to wait for full recovery after surgery failures.

8 in plants can be an issue if you play fully random games or NB/RE scenarios, but then peoples choose such difficulty i bet they must know that they do.  ::)