Rimworld Monastics

Started by Skryabin, July 21, 2018, 05:35:28 PM

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Quote from: colotroco on September 05, 2018, 03:26:13 AM
Where is Poppy?  :'( :'( :'(

Sh-h-h... Quiet! She is sleeping in her cell:


Poppy's Journal
9th of Decembray 5504, Summer

For his uselessness Brother Aaron was appointed to lead a caravan delivering all that steel they got at the mining site. Every day he was going back and forth with our twenty-three mufallos and they had so much steel that he had made four trips already and there is still more left. Every time he showed up at the Convent he told us those stories about his exploits. This time it was about the raid they had yesterday. "My perfect sniper shot determined the outcome of the fight, - he was boasting. – They were approaching from the North and my bullet crushed the torso of the leading pirate. After he slumped on the ground they did not have any chances..." We were unloading his muffalos and I was surprised that being incapable of dumb labor he was unloading heavy chunks of steel. "What is the difference?" – I asked him. "A huge difference, - he replied. – Caravanning is different from just hauling: it is in my head, psychological stuff." I did not want to upset him, but in my opinion it's just a bullshit: if you can load and unload a muffalo, why can't you help your brothers with carrying stuff? Finally I accepted a judging thought that he is just a malingerer.

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Poppy's Journal
14th of Decembray 5504, Summer

Finally Rush and Larussa returned to the convent. Rush was coming to every sister asking forgiveness for her prideful attitude. She was saying that Emma's death will always be like a stone on her heart. At the same time the remains of Lidia were brought from the mining site and both bodies were buried on Sister's Cemetery. The final load of steel was delivered, and the mining site was finally closed. It took a year and a half to mine out and deliver everything from there. Now all the brothers are back at the Monastery. This was the first time Louise had to meet Abbot Ralph after that scandal with Ayana. Surprisingly, Abbot Ralph did not seem angry at the Brotherhood Meeting. He only announced the decision made at the Annual Meeting about one-year repentance period for Loise and about minimalizing contacts with sisters, and everyone thought that was it. But in a few days a tragedy happened. A new bionic hand made by me was delivered to the Monastery and it was going to be installed to Louise in replacement of the lost one. But nobody could say how it happened that Brother Susumu undertook to install it. At the mining site he was appointed as a doctor temporarily, but his doctoring skills were minimal. Long story short the operation failed catastrophically: they end up cutting off his whole arm. And evil tongs speak that it was done by the secret blessing of Abbot Ralph as a punishment for Louis' fall. But I do not believe it. Abbot is a tuff man, but to do something like that... Now I am going to make a bionic arm for Louis and install it myself this time.

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Poppy's Journal
6th of Aprimay 5505, Fall

I woke up in the Hospital with a terrible pain throughout all my body and gradually I started to remember what happened. We got a call from a chased refuge Alla and, as usually, Mother Estelle offered her our protection; with her the number of sisters at the Convent was raised to twenty. No one expected the scale of what happened right after that. Twenty-eight (!) tribal warriors screaming like crazy showed up approaching our East defenses. Soon though they were divided into two groups: only six people kept moving towards us and the rest of them went around the mountain to our North defenses. We've regrouped. And in a moment the sound of our firing turrets echoed through the Convent. I went to the northern door but there were so many of them that during all the massacre I did not dare to open the door. Only after I heard the sound of their retreat I opened it hoping to chase the escapees. This was my mistake. As soon as I opened the door, five of them attacked me, because apparently, instead of safely retreating north, they decided to flee through the Convent, towards their enemies! Who can understand those tribespeople? Anyway, they started kicking me with their feet and hands so that soon I was downed and lost my consciousness. Later I was told that all of them were killed. Out of all that crowd six were captured and seventeen were dead. Uh... I must be more careful, otherwise, this journal may end too soon!

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Poppy's Journal
8th of Aprimay 5505, Fall

After the last Infestation we decided to place an incendiary trap in every cave at the Cryptosleep Hall mountain. Behold yesterday, after one year sharp, we got another Infestation (as if those insectoids stick to some kind of yearly schedule). The Hives spawned at 8:00 and almost immediately the small caves were full of them. Soon we heard the explosion; this was a trap installed in the cave where only one Hive spawned. Another cave with three Hives remained untouched all day until 20:00! The insectoids were able to get out into Cryptosleep Hall and started to ruin outside walls and doors. All that time they were coming back for food, walking over the trap, which did not want to trigger for twelve (!) hours. Finally, it did trigger, and the remaining Hives went on fire. The temperature went very high and insectoids little by little were downed by heatstroke. In the morning, when it started to cool down, Kate sneaked inside and threw a bottle of Molotov in the downed pile of them. This way we had to only repair outside walls and doors: the traps did their work very well. Now Larussa is working on even better plan of mixing incendiary traps with piles of wood for more fire and even higher temperatures. The only one piece of news overshadowed this victory: at the same time there was a raid at the Monastery and Brother Victor was killed. Aaron said he was outside collecting the marble chunks when pirates suddenly showed up nearby. The bionic arm for Louis is ready and tomorrow I am going with Aaron to the Monastery for its installation.

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Poppy's Journal
11th of Aprimay 5505, Fall (6:00)

I came with Brother Aaron to the Monastery a couple days ago and the bionic arm installation for Louis went well. Now he is the fastest man in our community both in movement and manipulation. And today we have a "gift": Poison Ship Part landed inside the Monastery walls in a narrow passage fitting very tightly in there. It felt down from the sky like ten feet from Brother Bill, who was cloud watching. What is funny, it did not disturb him, he kept watching the clouds until we punched him in the side. I wish I would have such a nerve! We decided to build a little wall blocking the entrance to the Monastery yard and then hit it with Molotov. Will see if this will work...

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Poppy's Journal
11th of Aprimay 5505, Fall (13:00)

Last time when a Ship Part landed near the Monastery, brothers were trying to install an EMP trap right next to it and as soon as they started the installation, mechanoids came out of the Ship. This time Brother Troy started to build granite wall a step away from it and the same thing happened. It is difficult to say what exactly disturbs them, the noise or the vibrations, but now we know that not only direct attack of a Ship Part or any activity at the closest proximity makes them to come out but building even one step away disturbs them. Next time we should try two steps away to find out the safe distance. Anyway, two Scythers showed up and melee attacked Troy, who was able to sneak away from them in panic and hide in a hear by cell. The third mechanoid came out on opposite side and was trapped in the tiny space between Ship and Monastery wall. It was a Centipede. To get to it we had to destroy the Scythers first (which we did in seconds) and then to destroy the Ship Part itself. After that was done, Brother Orin was able to stun it with EMP grenade and soon it was down. Some of the brothers got minor wounds mostly from friendly fire in that turmoil. Besides that, everything went very well. After lunch I am going to return to the Convent with Kit (a tribeswoman prisoner) and with Aaron, who will deliver to us another load of Mabel Blocks for our sidewalks. It was nice to see all the brothers and Monastery growing.

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Poppy's Journal
13th of Aprimay 5505, Fall

I am back at the Convent returning to my main obedience – building the Space Ship. The Starport is ready and we finished four main Structural Beams and the Sensor Cluster. All research is finished, it took much less time than we expected. Now we are waiting for Advanced Components which are being done by Ayana. Fifteen were used for Sensor and now she is almost done with twenty for Ship Reactor. And then we will need one hundred and ten more for the rest of the Ship. We don't even have enough of simple Components, so it will take some time. Brother Victor can't get out of my head. I attended his funerals at the Monastery and I keep thinking about his desire and excitement about getting a bionic leg. I remember how he came up with that idea about getting an AI Persona Core and how those wild Labradors bit him. He was very positive and enthusiastic guy and I kind of miss him. He never got his bionic part: very often we make our own plans, but providence has its own plan for all of us. I am curious about what its plan regarding me sometimes. And I am afraid of casting lots when the Ship is done. I find it frightening to leave this Rimworld, which became our home, and go to the unknown and unpredictable Glitterworld. What if I will be one of the chosen twelve? I am horrified even by thinking about it...

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